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Enticement (Master Class Book 2)

Page 16

by Sierra Cartwright

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You made your position clear. I want you. I will do whatever it takes to deserve you. It will take some compromise from you, because it will be a while until I get my official discharge. I’m transferring to Fort Carson. That’s the closest I can get to you. And I’ve made post-retirement plans to work with Logan Powell in his detective agency. So we have a lot of decisions to make. About where to live, how to manage your doubts. Things won’t be perfect for a long time. I shouldn’t have to deploy, but if I do, we’ll get through it together.” He took a breath, but not long enough for her to respond before he continued. “No doubt you’ll have issues with me working with Logan, but we’ll deal with that, too. Together. This is everything I have to offer you, Ella. Please tell me it’s enough, that you’re willing to try as hard as I am. Freaking yield a little. I’m begging you.”

  Words failed her and emotion flooded her.

  “I love you, Ella. It took me some time to wake up to that fact. And I was frustrated that you wouldn’t give in or compromise. Being away from you, knowing I couldn’t talk to you and that you wouldn’t respond to any of my texts, made me a madman.”

  One of the ladies fanned herself.

  “Okay. Now say something. Anything.”

  “I…” She wished she could. But all of her dreams—of being with a fantastic person, a caring Dominant, someone who would support her and push her—were right there. It thrilled and overwhelmed her.

  “Put me out of my misery, Ella, please. This is my new version of the Holden Holy Hell position.”

  Tears spilled from her eyes, and she laughed through them.

  “Is that a yes?”


  He pulled the ring from the box, and the two ladies clapped.

  Her future husband slid the ring on her finger.

  It looked like hope and promise rolled into one.

  “You’re mine.” Then he stood and raised her hand and kissed it. “I’d planned to come to your house tonight, but I couldn’t wait.”

  “I’m glad.”

  The ladies and the receptionist came over to shake hands, give hugs and share their best wishes.

  Then he backed her into a portico. “We can’t,” she protested when the wall prevented her from moving any farther.

  “The fuck we can’t. I braved IEDs and the entire might of the US military to get to you, red tape, bureaucratic bullshit, then airplane reservations, rental cars. If you don’t think I’m kissing my future bride—”

  “You’ll get me fired!”

  “Good. That will give you the opportunity to practice being my sex slave. I’ll teach you a few more of my favorite positions.”

  She giggled. “When you put it that way…” She tried to glance around, but he captured her chin and imprisoned her.

  “Open your mouth.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered. Ella breathed him in, the scent of determination and sexual charisma. Her body vibrated with recognition that he was the man she’d been waiting for her whole life. He cared enough about her to make big changes to his career and future to accommodate her. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but it was better than she’d dared hope for.

  Thrilled, nervous at the idea of being caught, she leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his neck so that she could look at him and her engagement ring.

  He claimed her mouth, took what was his, everything she had to offer.

  His mouth was hot and he telegraphed sensual need. “I’ve got to get you home.”

  Everything he wanted, she did, too. “I can leave in about an hour.”

  He glowered.

  She might have laughed at his expression if she weren’t afraid he’d toss her over his shoulder and carry her out of the front door. “I’ll see if someone will cover for me.”

  “I’ll meet you at your place?”


  Ella’s boss allowed her to go home early to celebrate, and within half an hour, she was pulling into the driveway at her townhouse, heart pounding, anticipating what was ahead.

  He was lazing against the hood of his rental car, somehow managing to look badass even though he was dressed for the country club.

  He pushed away, strode over to her, opened her door then helped her out.

  “You’re more beautiful every time I see you.”

  He always took her breath away.

  “Let’s start this relationship the right way.” His voice was edged with dominance, and corresponding pleasure rushed through her, making her clit throb.


  He held out his hand for her keys, and she tossed them to him.

  Before she knew what he was about, he had her off the ground and over his shoulder. Breath whooshed out of her.

  “Carrying you across the threshold.”

  “That’s not how it works,” she protested, kicking.

  “It does in this relationship.” With a flick of his hand, he closed the car door.

  “Pierce! Put me down!”

  Instead, he brushed her skirt up a little and gave her ass a hard spank.

  She melted. He understood her so completely, perfectly.

  He was worth the wait.

  His steps were long and confident as he walked to the house, unlocked and opened the door. After he carried her inside, he kicked it closed behind them.

  “It’s time for you to learn the Holden-Gibson Forever pose,” he said, lowering her to the floor. “Shall we get started?”

  “Oh, Sir. I thought you’d never ask.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Put down your purse and come here, Ella. You’re not quite ready to leave.”

  At the implacable tone in Pierce’s voice, her heart leaped then settled into a wild gallop. She turned to look at Pierce, her Dom, her fiancé, her world. He was holding a butt plug unlike any she’d ever seen. Her tummy plunged. The thing was gorgeous. A work of art. It was crafted from glass with a stunning spiral of deep blue sneaking up the interior. It was also gigantic. At its thickest, it had to be twice the size of the biggest one they’d ever used. And even the stem was much thicker than she was accustomed to. There was no way her sphincter would adjust to that monster, no matter how long she was forced to wear it.

  Some part of her should have expected his order. Pierce often stunned her with the unexpected, keeping their relationship fresh.

  The past two months had been difficult. She’d flown to North Carolina to spend some time with him and help him pack his belongings. He’d shipped most of his personal items to her townhome since he would be living temporarily in barracks at Fort Carson. Their time together while they waited for his discharge to be processed was limited. Every reunion, though, deepened her love for him. And she was becoming addicted to his dominance. Or had been. Until this moment. “Uhm…”

  “Do I need to tell you twice?”

  “No, Sir. But…” She trailed off. “The size of that thing. And, aren’t we pressed for time? I mean, with traffic, we might be late. I hate to keep Morgan waiting.”

  “We’ll be later with each second that you stall.”


  He didn’t say anything. Instead, he remained where he was, watching her squirm. And damn him, he looked so handsome in an athletic-fitting T-shirt that showed his lean runner’s physique. She had a rush of sexual hunger every time she saw him.

  “Ella? You’re stalling. That won’t go well for you.”

  “Maybe we should put it in after we get home.” And she had a chance to distract him and make him forget the enormous thing existed.

  “We could do that.”

  She smiled. Then she exhaled a breath she hadn’t known she was holding.

  “But we’re not going to.”

  Ella glanced back toward the door, making certain he understood her preference to leave. But the frustrating man didn’t budge or acknowledge her wishes. “That thing is bigger than your cock.” It wasn’t. But it intimidated her neverthe

  “I could stretch you out with my dick first, if that puts your mind at ease?”

  “No!” They hadn’t done that yet, and she was in no hurry to do so. Small plugs were enough for her.

  He grinned. “Then get your ass over here, sub.”

  After releasing her grip on her purse, she walked to him.

  Pierce placed the plug on the coffee table next to a bottle of lube before removing the bottom cushion from the couch so that the fabric-covered frame was exposed. “Squat on the edge here.”

  “Have you lost your mind? What if I go through that material?”

  “Your weight will be on the edge, on the steel frame. You won’t be anywhere near the middle. The couch and your hot little body will both be safe.”

  In true Dom style, he said no more. He’d responded to her objections, but he didn’t argue or cajole or invite questions. Instead, he waited for her compliance.

  She stood there, contemplating. But she knew he wouldn’t relent.

  With a sigh, she kicked off her shoes then wriggled out of her panties. “Shall I take off my dress?”


  Out of reasons to stall, she climbed onto the couch then lowered herself into the awkward position he’d said.

  “Come my direction a bit more.”

  “I will fall off.”

  “You won’t. Spread your knees to shoulder-width, then put your weight on the balls of your feet on the edge to help. You can hold onto the back for balance.”

  “Is this another version of the Holden Reverse Half Squat?” She realized there was nothing half about it.

  “There are a number of modifications I’ve been thinking of. Keeps me awake at night. But I will tell you this, I like having your pussy and ass available for my use like this. You’re vulnerable.”

  “Because my life is at risk.”

  “I’ve heard enough.” He snatched her panties from the floor, wadded them. “Open.”


  Pierce seized the opportunity to shove the lacy material deep into her mouth. Then he took hold of her chin and turned her to face him.

  God, how she had missed him when he’d been gone. His gaze bored into hers, his deep blue eyes compelling her not to look away.

  “This is going up your ass and you’re going to be a good girl and take the whole thing without complaint. And at dinner, I’m going to find the hardest chair in the restaurant and force you to sit flat so that it’s driven high inside you. Every time you move or breathe, you will remember I’m your Dom.”

  Even though the plug was nowhere near her, her ass cheeks clenched.

  “I will enjoy watching you suffer. And if you’re lucky, I’ll let you go into the ladies’ room and masturbate.”

  “Let me?” Since her mouth was stuffed full of lace, the words were garbled.

  “If you’re lucky.”

  He lifted her dress and rolled it up to tuck the hem inside her fitted waistband. She wasn’t sure how he accomplished it, but the material stayed in place.

  A soft pop told her he’d opened the lid on the lube bottle. She imagined him smearing the smooth surface with the viscous liquid, and before she was ready, Pierce cupped a hand on her left shoulder to hold her in place while pressing the rounded tip against the entrance of her rear.


  “I haven’t started yet. I will put it in the freezer for a few seconds if you continue to misbehave.”

  She shook her head frantically.

  “In that case, shall we?”

  Even though she hated to, she nodded.

  “Bear down.”

  Ella sucked in a breath, and when she exhaled, he started forward with inexorable force. “It…” The word, even to her, was incomprehensible.

  The pressure became too much, and she rocked forward, frantic to escape.

  “Get back in place, if you please.”

  Now she just wanted to get it over with. The less time she was in agony, the better. Resolved, she deepened her squat, offering him greater access to her body.

  “Such an amazing sub, princess.” He began the slow, relentless torment again.

  She prayed the thing was at its widest because she was certain her ass couldn’t be stretched any farther.

  “Almost there. Damn, I love watching it go in you. I’m not sure I’ll ever use anything other than glass on you.” Without warning, he let go of her shoulder to grab her hair and tug her head back. He kissed her forehead, distracting her enough that she didn’t move when he pressed the plug all the way in.

  She gasped. And the thing seemed to settle in. Ella sighed with relief as her muscles clamped around the post.

  “Perfect. Stay there for a second.” He kissed her again, and she knew she’d endure anything as long as he rewarded her with that smile and expression of pride in his eyes.

  He grabbed a damp cloth that she hadn’t noticed before and wiped the excess lube from her skin. “Knowing that’s inside you will torture me all evening.”

  He helped her to stand before turning her to face him. After smoothing her dress into place, he plucked the panties from her mouth.

  “Torture you, Sir?” She placed her hands on her hips.

  “Yeah. I’m going to have a hard-on all night.”

  “So sorry for your anguish, Sir.” She bent to slip into her panties.

  Pierce grinned and offered his arm. “Shall we?”

  Outside, he helped her into the car before sliding behind the wheel.

  He watched her squirm as she tried to get comfortable. She tightened her ass cheeks. When that didn’t help, she relaxed them. That was every bit as unsuccessful. “The plug is too big.”

  “Uh-huh.” After checking the surroundings, he pulled from the parking spot.

  “Can I have any sympathy? A single drop of kindness?”

  “Nope. That will only lead to more and a request for me to allow you to take it out.”

  Relaxing wasn’t easy.

  He talked about his day and asked about hers. When his phone rang, Logan Powell’s name appeared on the screen in front of them.

  “Sorry. I’ve got to take this call.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Holden. You’re on speaker phone.”

  “Want me to call back later?” Logan asked.

  She pulled out her phone to play with while he spoke.


  “There’s something here. Want us to move forward? Or should we drop it?”

  Ella glanced up from her screen.

  A tiny muscle ticked in Pierce’s jaw. “I want to see it first.”

  “Tonight? Tomorrow?”


  “My office.” Logan ended the call.

  Pierce gripped the steering wheel so hard that muscles in his forearms jumped. He drove with complete competence even though he was silent.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” She slipped her phone back into her bag and focused on Pierce.

  “When I was home for my parents’ anniversary, my dad was acting a little…” He shook his head. “I can’t describe it. I had a hunch he wanted to talk about something, but he didn’t. And the way his CFO behaved at the party…”

  “Maybe he was trying to tell you something?” Among the stupid jokes about pushing paper and needing an army to help them.

  “So I asked Logan for his opinion. I don’t know what it means. Not going to guess. But I’m going to deal with it.”

  “We don’t have to go out tonight. I can call Morgan and cancel.”

  He relaxed his grip. “In the army, I learned to eat when I can. Sleep at every opportunity. From you, I’m learning to enjoy life. As you said, it’s important to spend time with friends as well as family. And think about fucking you and the way your ass even now is wide open because I want it to be.”

  She leaned to one side. “This thing with your dad is important.”

  “And I’ll know more details tomorrow. Then I’ll consult with others and de
cide on a course of action if necessary. Everything in due time. Nothing hurried. This could take days. Weeks. Months.”

  Calculated, like everything else he did.

  “Please, not a word about Dad in front of Morgan. I don’t want her worried. If she needs to know something, I’ll inform her.”

  Ella nodded.

  They arrived at the restaurant before Morgan.

  Once they were seated at a table near the window with margaritas in front of them, he looked across at her.

  “Take off your panties.”

  Startled, Ella glanced around the restaurant to see if anyone had overheard Pierce’s outrageous order. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  “I did, Sir.” His command caught her off guard, stunning her and shooting an illicit thrill through her body, straight to her pussy, making her tighten her grip on the plug.


  “In the bathroom?”

  “Right here. Right now.”

  His blue eyes blazed with uncompromising demand. She had no doubt he meant it.

  Thanking the stars for the white linen tablecloth, she reached her hands beneath her dress and worked her thong over her hips and down her thighs. When she reached her knees, she hazarded a glance to be certain no one could see her then pretended to look on the floor for something as she pulled her feet from her sandals and worked the panties the rest of the way off.

  When she sat up, he was smiling.

  “Hand them over.”

  With a sigh, she wadded the material into a ball and offered them to him.

  “You may be excused to the ladies’ room to masturbate. I don’t care whether you orgasm or not.”

  She knew his words were more than a suggestion. “Yes, Sir.”

  With his free hand, he snagged her wrist as she walked past him, forcing her to stop. “I love you, Ella.”

  “I love you, Sir.”

  He kissed her hand before releasing her.

  The stalls in the ladies’ room were luxurious, with floor-to-ceiling wooden louvered doors, giving her plenty of privacy. She hadn’t thought she could come, but the moment she touched her clit, she groaned.

  Everything he’d done—from his tone, to the gentleness of his touch, to his commands, to the oversized plug that split her apart—turned her on.


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