The Queen's Curse

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The Queen's Curse Page 24

by Hellenthal, Natasja

  ‘Let’s follow this brook here,’ she suggested.

  Tirsa felt odd and shaky after their shared intimacy, but was ready to put her personal feelings aside for the greater good; whatever that was … She doubted that at the moment, for whatever could be more important than to have some happiness for herself again as well? She was always fighting for others. But she could never be like Artride; just claiming what she wanted because she could.

  Silently they followed the water and examined the walls around them. It was cold and moist, but breathing did not cause any problem. In the distance they heard the familiar drip-drip from water and followed the sound and the stream. Slowly it got a little brighter as they came closer to the source of the sound and the light; a big natural chamber illuminating an enchanting magical blue from the walls. Light brown stalactites were hanging from the ceiling and water was dripping from them into a dark misty lake. Thirst came over them and Artride walked thoughtlessly over to the water. Tirsa did not realize she would be that foolish to drink and paralyze herself and their task.

  She took small careful sips, with Tirsa coming up behind her, sighing.

  ‘Cold, but clear. It wouldn’t be poisoned, otherwise I would have tasted it by now or had some sort of reaction,’ she said dully, and stood again, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, avoiding her eyes. ‘Your turn.’

  Before Tirsa could respond she noticed in the corner of her eye, a small wrinkle in the water. Artride followed her gaze and saw what she saw; a head appearing in the middle of the lake.

  It took her only a heartbeat to recognize the face; the wet long blonde hair, the familiar face, it belonged to Tirsa Lathabris, her own commander, bodyguard and travel partner.

  Confused she raised her brows and glanced from the real Tirsa to her twin, rising lusciously out of the water with nothing on her nude slender form. Water dripping from her hair, her tanned round shoulders and hips, her small firm breasts and toned arms and long legs. Shiny wet, however not shivering. Tirsa herself, stood open mouthed, speechless from what she saw. It took her some time to recognize her own figure.

  Well, without the scars I guess …

  ‘This is not possible!’ she gasped, staring at the twin with the closed eyes; as if this Tirsa was asleep. Artride was overwhelmed, looking totally enchanted and frozen at the spot by the familiar, but mysterious sight of her companion, who clearly had to be some illusion. However, Tirsa was not buying it and started laughing nervously. It was like looking in the mirror and she felt a little embarrassed to see herself naked and exposed, especially in front of the queen. True, she was impressed by the magic to create such a powerful illusion, and glanced at Artride to see her totally absorbing the creature with big eyes. ‘Artride, please … stop looking at … me like that.’

  For a moment, hearing her voice, she had her attention, but looked confused from her to the woman in the water as though she could not figure it out. ‘An illusion, that’s all,’ Tirsa exclaimed dryly. And they both waited for the creature to open her eyes or say something.

  She did.

  Her eyes even had the same colour and depth as Tirsa’s. Not even Tirsa could see the difference when she had stared at herself in the looking glass.

  The ‘twin Tirsa’ stretched an arm towards the queen, beckoning her to come, extending a hand, smiling sweetly and innocently; even in the same way as her partner could do.

  ‘You drank my water, Artride. And now you are mine.’

  Even the same voice …

  Confused, she remembered their shared kiss and thinking she meant that, returned her smile.

  ‘I … have been waiting … to hear you say that,’ she said with a thick tongue.

  ‘Oh, no. She is bewitched. Gods protect us.’ Tirsa muttered rolling her eyes. She touched Artride’s arm in warning, ‘Don’t listen to her, Artride. It’s the water from the lake you drank that must have been enchanted. Fight it.’

  ‘No, don’t fight me, Artride.’ The ‘twin Tirsa’ spoke sweetly, quoting her own words from moments before, coming closer, wading through the water. It did not seem deep.

  ‘I don’t know what she wants, but please don’t listen to her,’ Tirsa pleaded, and to her unknown double, ‘Are you the sorceress … Sempervirens?’ but she got no reaction, for the ‘twin Tirsa’ had her seductive eyes locked onto Artride, who had stepped even closer, drawn to her.

  ‘If you are, please stop this game–’

  ‘Come to me, Artride and we will be one, finely.’

  ‘Gladly.’ And she stepped into the water, reaching for the stretched hand.

  Tirsa had to do something and stood abruptly in between the two, facing Artride.

  ‘I am right here. Don’t let yourself be fooled!’ But it was no use; Artride was indeed bewitched and could not stop looking at her enchantress.

  Tirsa even tried holding on to her, wrapping her arms around her tightly. All failed, the spell was too strong even for the soldier, ignoring her fatigue.

  The queen was already standing in the water up to her waist now, hand in hand with the ‘twin Tirsa’, who gently pulled her towards her. Tirsa even tried to unlock their hands which seemed to fit so perfectly, but could not untangle them.

  ‘Let go!’ Tirsa cried, tears building up in her eyes, despairing truly for the first time. She slapped her in the face, but the twin did not respond. Even slapping Artride gently in the face did not help. She only blinked her eyes a couple of times, but that was all. I have to knock her down, it’s the only way! But before she could do so, as if the ‘twin Tirsa’ had read her mind, both women disappeared immediately beneath the surface.

  ‘No!’ and she held her breath in distress, pulling at her hair. Then, she dived after them.

  Underwater she saw how Artride was being dragged down without objection; deeper, further than she imagined this lake was. Swimming after them, getting closer, she managed to grab an arm and pulled, trying to swim back whilst pulling. But the twin was too strong for her. But Tirsa did not let go, never in her life. I have to think of something and fast! And then suddenly an idea came to her; she swam closer towards Artride, who still would not look at her, but only the other creature as if she meant the world to her. Once face to face, she locked her mouth onto hers, her lips closing on hers. With her tongue she tried to reach for hers and give her some of her own water …

  The twin looked distressed, infuriated and swam closer to come between them. After that she saw Artride swallow … a reaction; a sudden look made her aware that it was working, for her double was backing away and Artride was locking her eyes on the real Tirsa.

  Her mouth water had done the trick and had removed the spell successfully.

  Still holding on to their kiss, trying to remain locked on to her mouth, so that no water of the lake could mix, she felt the pull of the creature growing less and weakening. And finally, when Artride was weakening as well from loss of oxygen, Tirsa pulled her away all together and swam back to the surface, holding the limp body close to hers.

  Gently, she pulled her out of the lake and lay her down on the cold brown stone, her face pale, but luckily she was breathing.

  ‘Artride, can you hear me?’ she panted.

  Artride jammed open her eyes and inhaled the damp air, staring at Tirsa.

  ‘Tirsa, is that you?’

  ‘The one and only,’ she smiled, relieved, her eyes filling.

  ‘You wouldn’t believe the dream I had about you. It was the most –’

  A dream? ‘We have to get you out of these clothes.’ Artride’s eyes glistened at that and Tirsa wondered if the spell had truly faded or if she just had replaced it.

  ‘I would have told you it was a bad idea to drink from that water.’

  Artride’s expression changed as if she just remembered, and looked remorseful; pretty wrinkles of worry painted her forehead. ‘I am so sorry,’ she shivered.

  Tirsa stood, wet and cold to the bone herself. ‘If we just had some dry clothes,’ ignoring h
er, rubbing her arms, trying to get warm.

  Artride also got up and started jumping up and down to warm herself.

  ‘We’d better hurry to find the sorceress. Maybe if we started running?’ Artride suggested.

  ‘Well, the best way is to get out of our clothes. I am sorry.’ It’s not as if she hasn’t seen me naked already!

  Artride pulled at her wet tunic and saw sense in that. ‘But naked we would surely freeze. It is not exactly warm in here!’

  ‘No, but I have learned that we can catch a serious cold if we stay walking with these on. I will wrap our clothes in a bundle and try to dry it later on.’ I hadn’t thought of her as a prude!

  Thoughtfully Artride glanced at herself and Tirsa. I have already put myself to shame, so I guess what harm can it be if I strip myself?

  Tirsa tried to dry her hair as well as possible and started to step out of her clothes first, wrapping her tunic around her waist as a skirt, but her breasts were bare now. They tried to avoid eye contact, but obviously felt a little uncomfortable.

  Artride pulled off her boots and began to take off her tight leggings, which dropped to the floor. She shook her own tunic a couple of times and wrapped it around her waist.

  Gathering their remaining wet clothes, Tirsa realized with horror that the sorceress must have seen them kiss and knew about their infatuation. She truly must have had her eyes and ears open and followed the two women throughout their journey, and this was yet another trick or game from her side. On a positive note, that meant they were getting closer. Tirsa suggested with her eyes lowered, ‘Now, I think there is only one way further into the cave and it’s that way.’ And she pointed, walking along the lake, trying to ignore the previous feelings. Artride, looking at her bare back, replied, ‘I will follow you.’ And realised with a sudden pain in her stomach she had said something similar just moments ago; to that lady of the lake or whoever she had been.



  Do not confuse realization with insight;

  Do not confuse insight with liberation

  Tibetan proverb

  ‘It is believed that every source of water has a spirit,’ Tirsa indicated in a shivering voice, walking fast to raise her body temperature. The cave walls were illuminated with the same blue shimmer and there was only one tunnel, which made it easy for them. It was no more than a faint glow on the rocks, but it was enough to be able to see. They could see each other only dimly. Magic sang from every stone of the thick walls.

  ‘Such as a Windchild, but then in the water?’ Artride’s teeth were clattering.

  ‘Well … although I’ve never actually seen a water-spirit, but always respected them nevertheless, I had no idea that they could take human forms. Windchildren are neither human nor ghost, you see.’

  ‘Hmm. Who knows what that creature really was; water-spirit or the sorceress in disguise? Speaking of creatures,’ Artride suggested, glad that at least Tirsa still talked to her after all that had happened, ‘is it not common for animals to live in caves; like bats and such?’

  ‘In a normal cave they would, but in here? I’m sure they can sense wicked magic more than we can and stay as far away from it. A pity though.’ Tirsa suddenly held her side with a troubled look, and doubled over with a muffled cry.

  ‘What ails you?’

  Tirsa was breathing heavily; her face screwed up with pain.

  ‘I am … not sure.’

  ‘Hunger is nagging you, isn’t it? I feel my stomach as well. Just try to ignore it.’

  She squeezed her eyes shut and this time grabbed at her own throat.

  ‘I can’t … breath.’ A look of fright distorted her face.

  ‘Try to, Tirsa … easy now.’

  She had to sit down for a moment, and Artride kneeled with her, looking concerned.

  Her face had turned red and her eyes grew wide; she was still grabbing at her throat with both hands, sucking in air with fast sips through her nose. Next she closed her eyes and laid her hands in her lap, breathing slower and relaxing.

  ‘You scared me! What was it?’

  Avoiding her eyes she shrugged.

  ‘Perhaps the air in here is a little different. Walking normal is a better idea, no running. I am getting used to the cold,’ Artride said rubbing her shoulders, raising herself again.

  ‘I do hope we’ll find this mysterious person soon before we both wither away.’ She put a helping hand out to Tirsa who stood up, a little off-balanced. She couldn’t help notice that her bodyguard’s eyes explored her body from top to toe, shamelessly.

  Feeling most uncomfortable Artride just chuckled and walked away, closely followed by her companion who still kept her silence.

  Walking ahead, she once in a while faced backwards, and even without looking she felt the eyes of the other woman burning into her back. There is something wrong here. However she did not bring it up.

  They headed deeper into the cave, illuminated still by the blue walls.

  ‘I wonder if this is a natural cave or man-made,’ Artride pondered aloud. ‘What do you think?’

  ‘Definitely of a natural beauty,’ she responded in a low voice which made Artride’s hair in her neck stand up. There is something both exciting and creepy about her.

  ‘What makes you say that?’

  She came walking beside her, which only barely was possible, for the passageway was just broad enough, so that they brushed shoulders. She stared at her in a very rude way; very intense and shameless. ‘I can just tell when I see a natural beauty.’

  Now it was the queen who avoided eye contact and ignored her odd remark, and her staring.

  Speeding up they happened to enter a slightly larger kind of chamber. The floor was wetter and scattered about lay rough rocks, and it appeared that the water came from a big dripping stalagmite hanging over them. ‘If you are thirsty, Tirsa, I would try this. It seems to come from outside the cave above us. But I let you decide this time.’

  ‘Oh, I am thirsty alright,’ she said in that same flirtatious voice, with one eyebrow raised, smiling seductively at her. Artride wasn’t used to this behaviour from her and sternly remarked, ‘Tirsa, you are hardly yourself. Maybe you should try to put your mind on the mission now and stop teasing me! I said I was sorry.’ Surely she is paying me back! She is being cruel now!

  She didn’t get a reaction at first, just that odd cool stare, then Tirsa said, ‘I was a fool to reject you. How can anyone not go for you?’

  ‘Go for me?’ Those are hardly Tirsa’s words. Something is seriously wrong here!

  Tirsa caressed her arm gently and came closer, trying to kiss her neck. Artride stepped back, but that made Tirsa smile. Shaking her head, Tirsa pushed her suddenly against the wall and kissed her mouth; hard and demanding.

  And she was strong. Much stronger than Artride thought her to be.

  Struggling Artride came away and jumped rapidly away from Tirsa.

  ‘What is wrong with you?’ Artride shouted at her with wild eyes. ‘This is not the time, nor the place!’

  ‘Oh, come on, you started it. Why not finish it here and now?’

  And again Tirsa came for her and seized her breasts roughly, biting her neck, breathing heavily.

  ‘Stop that! You’re hurting me!’ and Artride pushed her away with effort.

  ‘We both want it, so stop fighting.’

  Artride’s mouth fell open, and then she suspiciously narrowed her eyes when she saw a reddish glint in Tirsa’s eyes. The eyes she had come to know so well. This was not anything she had noticed before and the eyes grew redder in seconds.

  ‘Tirsa never would have talked to me like that; so whoever you are stop your act and leave her body!’

  Tirsa started laughing aloud.

  ‘You cannot reverse something of your own doing. Maybe if we make a deal, have some fun that is, I will think about your request. Now, shall we continue?’

  Her face became tighter and it was Artride who began to breathe s
everely now. What can I do?

  Running away seemed the only option, but Tirsa soon caught her by the waist and pushed her to the floor. Tirsa was beating her on the back, digging her nails into her, Artride kept trying to fight her, but that seemed almost impossible with the force of the other; pushing her back each time. I must hurt this creature, but that means hurting Tirsa’s body!

  Without thinking further she smacked Tirsa in the face. Tirsa shook her head and grinned at Artride.

  ‘Now, that hurt me!’ she said cynically, her cheek turning red. She got hold of Artride’s hands, placing them above her head.

  ‘Are you some spirit guard?’ Artride said through clenched teeth, but got no reaction. Artride still tried to wrestle away from the stranger who had taken possession of her companion and slipped one hand out, coiling her fingers into a fist, punching Tirsa harder in the face. The stranger just licked her cracked lips and brought her body down onto Artride, taking hold of her hands, with more force this time.

  ‘I demand that you take me to Sempervirens!’ Artride yelled. ‘Does she know about her guards raping guests?’

  Never in her life had Artride been treated with so little respect.

  Punching and kicking she fought back as best as she could and her eyes caught one of the rocks on the wet cave floor. Stretching and crawling she tried to get closer to it, but the guard got a hold of her legs, scratching them, leaving bloody wounds. Quickly she seized the rock, about the size of her hand and cracked Tirsa on the back of the head, hard enough to loosen the grip and for Artride to break free. On her knees Tirsa stared a little off balance at Artride, but before she could get to her again, the queen gathered all her strength and punched her full in the face again; much harder than her first blow.

  That did it and she fell back lifeless on the floor. Terrified, she watched her breathing shallowly, but remaining unconscious. Artride crawled to one of the walls, shaken and upset and started crying. Where was Tirsa?

  Pulling up her legs beneath her she rocked herself for comfort and repeated her name franticly. She pressed a shaking hand to her thigh where her muscles were jumping uncontrollably.


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