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Tony and the Buccaneers: Tony Johnson Novel 01

Page 10

by D. R. Rosier

  I ground into her, while she arched her back and her eyes widened in blissful passion, her tight sex now felt like a silken vice as it milked my cock and demanded my seed. I felt the familiar feeling of my balls boil, but so much more intensely than ever before. My legs went numb, and I grunted as my balls tightened and started to pump my seed.

  My mind and body froze as rapturous bliss overcame my body. All that existed in that moment for me was blissful pleasure, her beautiful vivid wide blue eyes, and the scent of our joining. It was the most intense orgasm of my life.

  That wasn’t all, I sensed more with my magic, a binding formed between us. I could sense it, see it, but it was also ephemeral. It was the most intense moment in my life, when I filled her up, and literally made her mine, as I became hers.

  We just stared at each other for a short time, in amazement, perhaps a little bit in worship. I couldn’t quite believe the beautiful young nubile woman beneath me was mine, forever, and by the look on her face she was as equally besotted with me.

  Sharon said softly, “That was… so much more than I’d dreamed.”

  I smiled, “For me too, and I’ve imagined it quite a bit over the last month.”

  She giggled, which made her core tighten around me.

  “Maybe we should do that again then, just to make sure.”

  I moved my body against hers and wasn’t all the surprised when my body responded, and I started to grow within her again.

  Her eyes widened as I stretched her out once more.

  It was going to be a long night, a very long pleasure filled night.

  It was a perfect night. We didn’t do anything all that adventuresome that first night together. We didn’t need to, it was perfect, and hands down the best sex I’d ever had in my life. I took her again missionary style, this time a little harder, and then for a third round she tried it up on top. Which… was amazing, for both of us.

  We had the rest of our lives for me to teach her about oral sex, and other positions. I’d never been happier before, or so sated, as I held her closely against me, our naked bodies entwined together as we finally fell asleep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  We woke up to an alarm horn, and only spared the time for a quick good morning kiss before jumping up and getting dressed.

  She had to respond of course, being an officer, but I was curious as to what was going on. I pulled on my pants and shirt, and then helped her with the last few straps, and we left the cabin and moved quickly to the top deck.

  We both smiled at Lia, and it was almost a shock to realize I’d be getting married by the rules of this world once again tonight. It felt almost wrong, but I knew it really wasn’t by the rules of this society. Lia was clearly happy to see us, and not jealous at all of the night we’d just had. Wistful perhaps that she had to wait for tonight, but not truly upset.

  Lia’s acceptance, approval, and obvious happiness for us, more than anything else made me feel good about the idea. They would both be mine, and Sharon already was. Of course, I’d be theirs, both of theirs, which sounded like it could get complicated at times. But worth it, definitely worth it.

  Lia broke my internal thoughts, “Three ships to starboard. They’ve seen us, and they shouldn’t be here.”

  “What’s the issue? Three ships shouldn’t challenge us,” I said.

  Lia sighed, “Secrecy, if one of them escapes to report our position we’ll have to scuttle the plan. Where we are, and the course we were on make it obvious we’re heading for Pheles, and from a direction that isn’t often used.”

  I looked starboard, and saw them. They were quite a ways distant.

  “Is it likely they’ll run?”

  She shrugged, “I don’t think they’ve identified us yet. The Sea Scorned is a feared ship, and it depends on if their commander decides if it’s more important to deliver the information.”

  “Why haven’t we turned toward them yet?”

  Sharon answered, “There are hidden reefs around this area, that’s why it’s usually avoided as a route. It’s not a problem with a water and earth wielder navigating, but it’s enough of a pain in the ass that most just take the easier established shipping lanes. We won’t be able to turn until we find the edge of this reef.”

  I felt Sharon’s magic reach out, as if it were tracing the sea floor. Or in her case as a water wielder, tracing the edge of the water against the reef near to us. Now that I was paying attention, I felt others doing it as well.

  All three ships seemed to be on an intercept course for us but one was behind the other two by a couple of hundred feet.

  “Well, all plans have snags, hopefully this means the rest of it will work as planned.”

  They both looked at me strangely, as if they’d never heard such a thing before, and then looked back at the ships. Did they not know about Murphy here? Murphy’s law I mean. Things were a bit tense, and we all stayed quiet as we watched the kingdom ships which were currently moving parallel to us, apparently also constrained by the hidden reefs.

  Evidently, the enemy ships ran out of reef first, because two of the ships turned toward us, and one of them turned away.

  I heard Captain Melinda say something very unladylike from across the deck. It was about fifteen seconds later when we cleared our obstruction and turned toward the two ships.

  Melinda said, “Get some air in the sails, we aren’t stopping, I want those two taken on the run.”

  I nodded, if we slowed we’d never catch that third ship. As we approached, and before we got in range I decided to give my pyroclastic idea a shot. If I took them by surprise, they wouldn’t see it coming. Well, they might. I enhanced and channeled magic from Jenna, Marie, and Lia. I chose those three, simply because they were the team going later, and the more I connected with them, the easier it would get.

  Sharon too, but I didn’t need water magic right now, and I’d already channeled her and Lia’s magic a great number of times.

  Lia gave me a questioning look, and I said, “Going to try something.”

  I grabbed three of the iron balls and turned them into fist sized chunks, and held them in place as I greatly compressed the air around them, maybe in a twenty-foot sphere about a hundred yards out in front of us. It was fairly easy to move it forward, and keep it a constant distance from the bow of the ship. At the same time, I pumped fire and heat into it.

  The air was so thick it was visible to the naked eye, and the iron started to turn red. It was in no danger of melting, a thousand degrees was what I was going for, and that was less than halfway toward the melting point. I heard a few mutters of concern, as we started to feel the heat from it back on the ship.

  When the enemy ships were maybe five hundred yards away, I released it, or at least, the side facing them. If I’d released the magic on our side, I’d have destroyed our ship.

  That would be bad.

  It didn’t work, or at least, not how I’d intended. Apparently a pyroclastic wave worked differently over water. I wasn’t sure why, and there was no google on this world so I might never know.

  A pressure wave was sent out at several hundred miles an hour as I’d expected, carrying hot gases and elements of Earth, but the red hot iron almost immediately fell into the water, we could hear the hiss of metal as it contact boiled a small section of the ocean, which seemed to make the wave pick up speed.

  The hot gas wave continued, and went even faster than I’d expected, a billow of steam rising from the ocean behind it. I knew these things were known to go for twenty to fifty miles, and all it needed to do was go fifteen hundred feet. Granted, it wasn’t nearly as powerful as one a volcano would put out, but then a volcano could wipe out a city, all mine had to do was take out three wooden ships which were within a mile of me.

  It all happened fast, but I saw a wall of ice rise up in front of the ship on the right, I wasn’t sure what the ship on the left attempted, perhaps nothing. The ice shattered into small pieces, which flash boiled from the thousand degree g
ases that blew through at many hundreds of miles per hour at a guess, and then it hit the ship, or both ships.

  The ice wall had some effect protecting its ship. The deck was stripped, the sails tore and then went up in flames. The people… burned and flew off the ship like bullets shot from a gun. The ship on the right started to burn merrily at that point.

  The left ship, which hadn’t done much of anything, was blown apart like a house of match sticks in a hurricane. When the steam cleared, there was nothing left but wreckage and a few floating fires.

  The ship that had run, had more time, and after seeing the fate of the other ships they raised extra barriers. Walls of ice, fierce counter winds, and walls of compressed air. Still, there was damage. People were tossed about, burned horribly from the hot gases, and the sails were torn away from the masts and burned.

  I heard one of the ladies say, “My goddess,” in a tone of horror.

  I wasn’t offended, it was horrible. But no more horrible than being torn apart slower by a tornado, it was just the scale of it I knew, the destructive power. I didn’t feel very guilty though, they were part of the system of suppression. They were the enemy.

  It wasn’t easy for me to take lives, but I’d do it every time to protect the ladies I was with, especially Lia, Sharon, and those I called friends. I don’t know, perhaps I’d feel guiltier when the adrenaline wore off, right now my body was screaming with the fight or flight instinct, and it was kill or be killed. The survival instinct was strong.

  At least I wasn’t proud of it, and outside of a sense of satisfaction we were safe, I didn’t enjoy it.

  We started to gain ground, or should it be gain water when on ships at sea? Regardless, we started to close the distance on the ship that ran, without sails it wouldn’t be going anywhere very fast. It was still moving though, I imagined the water wielders could build some speed that way. Kind of create an artificial current to push the ship.

  But they wouldn’t outrun a fully rigged ship with its own air and water wielders.

  Sharon took my hand, and squeezed it, and I looked at her.

  I felt relief, when I didn’t see horror or accusation in her eyes, just a kind of compassion, she wanted to know if I was alright.

  I nodded, and said, “I’m good. I think.”

  Maybe it had affected me, because I didn’t have the stomach to do it again to finish off the ship we chased. It took us maybe ten minutes, to get within magical range. They didn’t put up much of a fight, all I did was subvert their wards, and watched out for any attacks that might get through. I reasoned I could subvert their attacks if I needed to, and even send them back.

  It wasn’t necessary though, the women I professed to protect, had teeth of their own. We wound up taking on ten survivors, who were put in the brig. None of them were wielders. So I supposed I’d made the right decision, ten people lived who otherwise might not have. I knew they’d be questioned, to determine what their mission out here had been.

  We also looted their supplies and valuables. It made me feel like a pirate…

  Melinda asked, “What exactly did you do?”

  I was in the ready room a few hours after the battle, and looting, with Lia and Sharon, who were both at my side. The captain, Jenna, and Marie was there as well. I couldn’t really blame the captain for being curious.

  “You know about air pressure and density? Shock waves?”

  She shrugged, “We work with air pressure, but usually to create water spouts, or tornados, or gusts of wind. Why don’t you explain it?”

  I drew magic from Lia, and created a small ball of compressed air, so it was visible. It was also very small. I let it go, and it caused a small explosion of air. Just enough to hit everyone in the room with a twenty mile an hour wind.

  “When you compress air, and then release it, it explodes outward. If you compress it enough, you get a high pressure shock wave. At high enough speeds, it can not only throw people, but hit hard enough to crush them internally. The second part was heating the air to about a thousand degrees. If you’ve been burned by steam, imagine gases many times hotter than steam. Then I added iron, which didn’t seem effective, but I’m not completely sure on that.

  “Regardless, when I dropped the magic containing it, I did so only on the side facing the enemy ships, so we wouldn’t get hit by the blast. It’s not something that requires me or someone like me. Any fire, air, and earth wielder working together could do it.

  “So in the end, you get a huge shockwave of air moving at about four or five times the speed of a tornado, with gases about five times hotter than steam from boiling water. Things tend to blow apart and burn at that point.”

  Melinda snorted. “You don’t say?”

  I frowned thoughtfully, while Lia and Sharon smiled.

  “I didn’t mean to be flip. I think we caught them by surprise, obviously the magic that forms it is gone once the pressure is released. An air wielder should be able to catch it directly, instead of trying to block it.”

  Lia snorted, “Maybe, how much air that can be controlled depends on the power of the wielder. I could have caught it, because it was created at my power.”

  I nodded, “So… they could still mitigate it, like the third ship did. The wave is still fairly wide as it spreads out in the direction it was released, so a smart air wielder could catch just what’s in front of the ship, after it was slowed by obstacles, and let the rest of the shockwave simply pass to the sides. Regardless, it’s something that works to at least soften a target before closing to magic range.”

  Sharon asked, “What would happen if we added water?”

  I frowned, at that temperature it would burn off into gasses. I wasn’t sure if it would help, hurt, or do nothing. Once again I mourned the loss of Google.

  “Honestly, I have no idea. We can try it and see. This is also something that should never be used on land. It could take out a city, which would be very bad.”

  I was fine with killing ships full of enemy soldiers on the sea, I wasn’t quite ready to become a butcher of innocent bystanders. In fact, I felt guilty now that it was over. A diviner was supposed to be peerless, and instead of trying to disable I’d come up with magical mass destruction. Still, I wasn’t sure what to do, or if I could even do anything to mitigate that.

  Battles before me ended in death every time as well, so in that way I suppose I saved the few lives of those that might have died on our side. I wasn’t sure if that was valid, or just my own internal spin on things to salve my conscience.

  Sharon snorted, “Understatement.”

  “Although, if you experiment between the four of you, maybe a more controlled and smaller shockwave could come in handy. The process could be scaled down, it isn’t all or nothing. Sorry, that was probably too obvious. But I hadn’t really considered it until just now.”

  The captain waved that away, “Where did you get the idea?”

  “Volcanos do it on my old world. Same way you got the idea of using water spouts I suppose, nature provided the example. Do you even have volcanos here?”

  They obviously had no idea what I was talking about.

  “Never mind, it’s a natural thing on my world, but doesn’t happen very often. It’s one of the most highly destructive natural disasters on my world.”

  I didn’t bother to tell them what I did was already a smaller version of it. It also begged the question, how did the islands form without volcanos? As far as I knew this place didn’t even have encyclopedias, so I’d probably never know.

  I changed the subject, “Have we learned what they were doing out here?”

  Melinda shook her head, “They talked. All they were told about their mission is that it was supposed to be a standard patrol. They didn’t believe that, but if there was more to it that knowledge died with the three captains.”

  She looked concerned, and Lia asked, “What are you thinking captain?”

  Melinda shrugged, “Not sure, but it concerns me. It’s a mystery, and I
don’t like mysteries. Especially when our plan relies on secrecy. I don’t see how they could have known about us coming, but I also can’t think of a valid reason for them to have been out here. We’re going forward though, whatever they were really doing out here, they didn’t get a chance to report back. We should still make the cove by tomorrow evening before dark, we’ll just keep our eyes open and be ready for anything.”

  We all nodded in agreement.

  Lia asked, “Lunch?”

  There was general agreement, and the six of us went down to the dining area to get some food…

  Chapter Seventeen

  Marie didn’t join us, she had to get back to the kitchen.

  Jenna stayed though, which gave me the opportunity to get to know the fire wielder coming along with us a little better before the mission. She had light blonde hair, and brown eyes. Her face looked perpetually amused, or perhaps mischievous would be a better word. She was just five foot four, two inches taller than the pixie sized Lia.

  She was gorgeous, but I wasn’t really attracted in that way, and as time went on in this world I was more and more convinced that magic was intrinsic to that. Somehow mixed in with human instinct. I began to believe it might be part of the married bond, because none of the beautiful ladies that were bonded interested me in that way, at all really.

  There were holes in that theory though. For one, I still found Lia incredibly attractive after I myself was bonded, and I couldn’t wait until tonight when she would be mine as Sharon was. Second, Jenna wasn’t bonded yet. So whatever it was, it was much more complicated than just the bond. Although I was almost sure that was part of it.

  Yes, they were very nice to look at, but being with anyone except Lia and Sharon held no interest for me. The exception for that, was safely back on the island, disguised as an old lady on the council. This might put me in a bad light, but another partial exception to that was Sharon’s mother, Melinda. She was stunning. I’d never consider pursuing that, it was morally questionable, and possibly a little creepy, but the attraction was there.


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