The Dead Alone (Empires Lost Book 3)
Page 126
Ultimately, all the characters mentioned in this and the other books are of course fictional and, as the legal disclaimer goes, they should be accorded no similarity to any real individual, living or dead. Even those based on historical figures are merely creations of my own, moulded and shaped in word and deed to compliment (hopefully) the needs of the plot and the main protagonists.
So here we are. Five years (and a bit) after England Expects first uploaded to Amazon, Book Three is now about to take centre stage. No doubt there will be detractors the same as there will undoubtedly be others who love every page – along with an entire spectrum of other opinions in between that will comprise the majority. For those of you who’ve been following this story from the beginning, and for those who’ve come in since, I hope I’ve honoured your interest and your graciousness in parting with your own hard-earned cash in return for my flights of fancy. As I’ve sat sit at this computer and hammered away every night, Thorne, Donelson, Kransky and all the others have lived large in my mind, their words and their actions filling that elusive, alternate ‘reality’ inside my head that’s become the world of Empires Lost. Be it only for a week, a day or the occasional hour, here or there, I hope that for a little while, at least, they also live large in yours…
Thank you all.
Charles S. Jackson
Sydney, Australia
February, 2017