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Rock Me Baby

Page 46

by Jesse Jordan

  “Fuck!” Ian says in a mix of anger and frustration that reassures me. He understands, I don’t know how, but he understands. “You shitting me?”

  “Not according to what my friend says. Ian, what do you think I should do? I mean, I know the police are a play, but if I do that, I hurt a lot of people. Some folks go down for a third strike that way, and they don't need that on them, not for being addicts.”

  Ian's silent on the other end and I wonder if he's going to reply, but then he hums, and I know he's thinking. “You're sure on that, no cops?”

  “I'm sure. I know at least two people who are two strikers, and my friend can't go down for another use bust. The cops and DA aren't going to give a fuck that she was almost forced to do it, she's going to do at least a two to five stretch, that'd break her. That's if they don't go for life, they could try for a three strikes rule. I can't do that to her,” I say, knowing that Brenda can hear me but I need to be honest. “So, what can you think of, Ian?”

  “Well first, you both get out of that support group. If this guy is exploiting her, keep her and you away from him. Would you like my help? Narcotics Anonymous is one of those groups I know a few people in, not just in Canoga Park.”

  “No, I know the website, I can find somewhere. You're right, of course,” I reply, shaking my head. Dumbass, I should have thought of that myself. “Anything else?”

  “She has support right away?” Ian asks, and I realize, he does have a background in addiction support, I wonder what it is. “Someplace she can go through the kick?”

  “She's got work tonight, it's pretty low key and it's relatively safe I think,” I reply. “She's at least insisting on going, so that's a good thing, right?”

  “Right. Okay. I know this is probably the worst segue in history, so that means you're free tonight, right?” Ian asks. “I mean, we can talk about your friend some more, but mostly... well, I'd like to make sure you're okay.”

  “I'm touched and flattered,” I reply, smiling despite myself. “Sure. Pick me up in two hours? I'll text you my address.”

  “That works,” Ian says. “Thanks. And... dress casually.”

  After our phone call, I go into the kitchen area, my apartment is way too fucking small to say I have an actual kitchen, just an area separated by a half wall and some cooking equipment, where Brenda is happily noshing her way through my ice cream.

  “I swear, these guys are the cheapest fucking ice cream in the world... but fuck it's good,” she says, a smear of melted vanilla on her left cheek. “I'm going to need about three hours of cardio for this one.”

  “Yeah well... Ian had a good idea,” I tell her, taking the spoon away with only a little bit of tugging. “First thing is, we get the two of our happy little asses out of that particular group. Find one closer to my side of town, there's gotta be someone or something around CSU Northridge, they're close.”

  Brenda thinks, then nods. “Okay, it's a start. And... well, I don't know how I'm going to, but maybe my parents will let me crash a little? Or you?”

  “If you need it, and you're trying to stay clean, my couch is your couch,” I reassure her. “You know that. One last time, are you sure about going to work tonight?”

  Brenda nods, giving me a tentative smile. “Yeah, it's okay. And besides, if I overheard you right, you somehow scored a date tonight with a guy named Ian. Is he cute?”

  “I wouldn't call him cute,” I admit, not quite willing to tell Brenda who exactly I'm having a date with yet, “I mean, you can't call a man who's six foot six or seven cute. But handsome? Oh yeah.”

  “Six-seven? Whew.... a date with a basketball player or something? Impressive.”

  “Something like that. If it goes well, I'll tell you about it. I don't want to jinx it, you know?”

  Ian's three minutes late, which means he knocks on my door just as I'm trying to figure out what I should wear, my black Chucks or my cut-rate black wannabe motorcycle boots. In the end, I decide on the boots simply because I don't have to tie them. I open the door to see Ian wearing something similar to last night, a tank top and jeans. Better shoes though, I guess the dime store things from last night bit the dust.

  “Hey,” he says, looking me over. I figured he'd be wearing the tank, so I went sleeveless as well. I mean, his arms are practically crawling with ink, my twisted vines look tame compared to that. His arms are rippling with muscle, and I can’t help it, I’m getting turned on just looking at him. He’s strong, and the way his eyes are taking me in, I feel like a real woman for the first time in a very long time. “Wow, I thought you had good ink yesterday, that's pretty sweet actually. I mean...”

  “Yeah, I got it done to cover some of my scars, you know the type I'm talking about,” I admit, turning around and showing him the rest, how my roses are actually on the long vine that goes from wrist to wrist across my upper back. “I like it, what do you think?”

  “I think it's amazing,” Ian says, and I can hear something in his voice that adds to the warmth in my belly. He likes what he sees, although I have no damn clue why. But I’m not going to question it. “So.... about our date. I couldn't quite figure out what to do. You see, we really didn't get too deep into your addiction, and like, I know some addicts need to avoid alcohol too.”

  I smile, touched again. “Don't worry, that's not too much of a problem for me. I do tend to get drunk easily, but that's more because I'm skinny. Hard to knock them back when you're all of a hundred and fifteen pounds.”

  “That's fine, I'm not much of a drinker either,” Ian admits. “At least, not right before bed. The alcohol can screw with my sleep pattern, so no booze within two hours of bed.”

  “Well then... I like movies,” I admit. “Uh, we can go to a club but I'm not exactly dressed for it, or whatever you want, really.”

  “I know a place we can go,” Ian says after a moment. “Come on, let's have some fun.”

  I'm surprised and feel a thrill go through me when Ian takes me by the hand and leads me to his car, opening the door again like a gentleman. We drive for about a half hour to Koreatown, where I'm surprised to find a club that is playing good rock music when we park. As I'd expected when we parked, almost all the patrons are Asian, but the doorman greets Ian with a smile and a handshake. “Hey, Mr. Ian! Long time no see!”

  “You know how it is, Han,” Ian says, leading me inside. When I give Ian a glance, he shrugs. “We played this club a few times when we were making our way in the Los Angeles scene. The owner's a decent enough guy who follows the rules.”

  “Rules?” I ask, and Ian nods. Before he can say anything though, there's a pair of excited squeals from our left, and two bar sluts come rushing over, already trying to grab Ian's free arm.

  “Ohmygawd, it's really you! Oh, like I'm so your biggest...”

  “Go away,” Ian says, and in his voice, I hear steel in his tone, an iciness that I'd never heard from him before. It stops the two girls in their tracks, his eyes glaring. “I'm here with a friend, leave me the fuck alone.”

  The girls turn, slumping off while I look up at Ian in surprise. He sees my face, giving me a little smile. “I apologize, I don't like it sometimes when people seem to think that my work makes me subject to groping in a bar. Like I said, Rules. I hope that doesn't mess things up?”

  I shake my head, touched and pleased because deep down inside, it makes me feel special. I’m nowhere near as curvy as those two girls were, but he sent them away to spend time with me? Awesomeness. “No, it's okay. Uh... so what would you like to do first? Dance? Chill? Grab a drink?”

  “Let's grab a drink first, that'll give me plenty of time to let it get out of my system to drive later,” Ian says, and we head over to the bar where he waves the bartender over. “An Arrogant Bastard, and for the lady?”

  “Ah...” I say, looking at the quick menu on the back mirror, “Soju, whatever the house brand is?”

  The bartender grins, nodding. “Good choice. Just a second.”

  Ian gives
me a raised eyebrow and an appraising look. “Soju? You don't look the type.”

  “I worked in this part of town for a while, before my last... well, before I got things turned around. Got my ass grabbed a lot slinging bottles of soju around, but the drink itself is pretty good. So, what's an Arrogant Bastard?”

  “Super hoppy pale ale,” Ian says as the bartender brings over two bottles, a green glass soju for me and a dead black bottle with a devil holding up a beer for Ian. “Wanna taste?”

  I try it, and Ian wasn't lying, the beer kicks me in the throat and leaves me gasping it's so bitter. I nearly drop the bottle but force myself to swallow my sip, Ian chuckling the whole time. “Told you.”

  “Yeah well, next time I'm getting you some yak ju, that'll put some more hair on your chest,” I tease, sipping my soju. It's weaker than what I used to drink which is helpful, I haven't had alcohol in two weeks and I know I'm in no condition to get wasted. We find a table and sit, listening as the house band plays. They're okay, nowhere near as good as the man I'm with right now, and I find myself drawn to watching him as he sips his beer. “Hey, Ian?”

  “Yeah?” he asks, but before I can ask what's on my mind a guy comes up his face set in a tense scowl. Behind him, I see one of the two bar sluts that Ian dismissed earlier, and I can sense trouble coming even before Ian sets his beer down. He glances at the guy, reading the situation quickly. “Fuck off, dude. She ain't worth it.”

  “You think you're special, just cuz you got you a couple of records?” the guy asks. “My sister just wanted to say hi to her favorite celeb.”

  “Fine. Hi. Now, I'd like my privacy, I'm on a date, so would you please fuck off?” Ian asks, and I see under the table him adjust his body just a little, he's ready for whatever happens.

  “He thinks you're a bitch, Tommy!” the girl who I guess is his sister says, and Ian stands up, ready for what comes next.

  “Grab your stuff, let's go,” Ian says without taking his eyes off Tommy, who's being egged on by his sister. Tommy goes to shove Ian, a stupid idea since Ian's easily six inches and sixty pounds heavier at least, but his hands never make contact. Instead, in a move that I'm not sure I see correctly, Ian twists, grabbing one of Tommy's arms and heaving him up and over, crashing into the table where Tommy lands in a heap. The bouncers are there the next moment, with Tommy's sister screaming that Ian killed her brother, that she was calling the cops for assault.

  “Bullshit!” I yell, cutting her off. “You egged your fucking brother on, he went to shove Ian, and he got thrown for it. Take your fucking medicine and fuck off!”

  The bouncers exchange looks, then nod. “Go on, get out of here. We got video all over this place, we'll see what happened.”

  Ian and I leave, going to his car and getting in, where Ian sighs. “Great start to a date. So where would you like to go now?”

  “How about we just go find someplace to chill? Maybe pick up a six pack and watch the stars?” I ask, my heart beating hard. I'll admit it, watching Ian handle Tommy like that was a major turn on. To know he’s so strong, but with me he’s been a total gentleman, restraining himself… god I can feel my pussy getting wet. “You know, privately?”

  Ian gives me an evaluating look, then nods. “Okay, but this one's very personal to me.”

  He starts up his Caddy and we get on the 101 for a few miles before he gets off, pulling off into a convenience store before coming back with a six-pack of beer that he hands over to me. “Not soju, but it's smoother than Arrogant Bastard.”

  I chuckle as we continue, and I'm surprised when we turn off and head up into the hills, and I see the familiar outline of the Griffith Observatory up ahead. “You like watching the stars?”

  “No... I like watching the city. From up here, you can see almost all of it,” Ian admits. “Here, like this.”

  We pull around a curve and I can look down, amazed at the twinkle of the city spread out beneath me. It's not pristine, there's a certain orange glow to it all that says that Los Angeles isn't a clean city, but it's still beautiful. “Wow.”

  Ian nods. “During some of my more... well, I've had some darker days too, this was my favorite place to try and get away from it all. Come on, up by the actual observatory it's pretty good too.”

  We park close, Ian carrying the beer as we go to a railing that looks out over the valley. “It's pretty up here,” I comment, taking an offered beer and sipping. “So, you've had dark times too?”

  “Not as bad as yours, but yeah. Enough to not take things for granted, ever,” Ian says, searching for a way to change the subject. “So.... what kind of movies do you like?”

  I laugh, and we spend the next hour talking movies and about my likes and dislikes. At no point does the conversation ever go to my addiction or Ian's work, but instead I get a view into his personality. I finish my most recent bottle. “Ian, I think I'll stop at three. I don't want to get too drunk.”

  “One's my limit. Too bad they don't sell four packs,” Ian says with a chuckle, and I laugh more than I should, maybe I drank more of the soju than I thought I did, or maybe I really don't handle my booze very well. We go back to his car, where he pops the trunk to put the remaining beers inside, no need to get pulled over for an open container. Closing the trunk, his eyes are gleaming in the parking lights, and I feel silly, happy.

  “Ian... we never did dance at the club,” I say. “Does that Caddy have a good sound system?”

  “Sure does,” Ian says, taking out his keys and turning on the electricity. He glances over his shoulder and grins. “So... you like Miley Cyrus?”

  Okay, so he's sarcastic too. It's sexy as he starts up a song. I don't know the tune, but I suspect that Ian's got an encyclopedia of rock running around in his brain, and it's in the second verse as we dance slowly that I recognize the singer. “Clapton?”

  “Mm-hmmm,” he says, smiling. “And for bonus points, the title?”

  “Sorry, no clue. Does that mean I have to walk home?” I ask, and Ian laughs, pulling me closer. He bends down, and it's a reach for him, but I don't care, it feels good kissing him, his powerful hands on my waist as he literally picks me up in the air like I weigh nothing. My body's turned on, and I want him to take it further, but I'm disappointed when he sets me down. “Why'd you stop?”

  “Because we've both had a little bit, and I don't take advantage of women,” he says, his eyes flashing dark again. “That's not my style.”

  I'm touched, and the whole drive back to my place I ponder about inviting him up. I'm not really all that drunk, just a little buzzed, and I'm reminded that for me, I should watch my alcohol closely. Pulling up in front of my place, I look over, smiling. “Ian... thanks. Uhm.... would you walk me to the door?”

  “Of course,” Ian says, coming around and opening my door. I still can barely believe just how big he is as he walks me to my door and I turn, trying to put my arms around his neck but finding it impossible, and settle for just putting my hands on his shoulders. “So, would you like to do this again sometime?”

  “For sure. Uh, without the bar fight,” I laugh, standing on my tiptoes. I'm just tall enough in my boots on tiptoe to reach his lips when he bends down, and his kiss is strong, powerful. I moan as he cups my ass, feeling a growing bulge against my tummy that I realize his his cock in his jeans. I truly regret the separation when he pulls away, and wish that I’d only had two beers, or maybe one. “You won't come in?”

  “I want to, but I won't,” Ian reassures me. “But another time, when we haven't had anything... yes, I would like to. Goodnight, Mary. You were... you are very beautiful tonight.”

  I watch from my doorway, a smile on my face at his last compliment, and I go to bed my mind relieved, my problems at least temporarily forgotten.

  Chapter 4


  “Yo, Ian, you going to stand around sniffing the poppies or are you gonna help?” Rocky asks with a laugh as I find myself considering some flowers next to the rear wheel of the pickup we're transp
orting all the stuff we need for our little renovation project. Rocky's house is the perfect location, it's on a big lot with enough space, and the mobile mini trailer, while looking a little out of place, is perfect for us.

  I don't know why Rocky insisted on us doing it old school and putting the final touches ourselves, but that's Rocky. Then again, considering the playset that I ordered and helped him and Joey put together in the backyard for his daughter Bella, I guess I can't say I'm all that much different.

  “I'll give you something to sniff!” I shoot back, and Rocky laughs. We both know we've got to tone down our language, what with a seven-year-old and a baby in the house, but still, it's hard. I grab the roll of foam that we bought and carry it into the trailer, where Joey's already putting the next tube of industrial adhesive in the dispenser gun. “Where you want it, Joey?”

  “We're gonna need to cut that one, there are some electrical outlets along the wall here,” Joey says. He's our resident handyman. “What were you doing, anyway?”

  “Big man was looking at flowers,” Rocky says with a snicker, using the tape measure to get the numbers on what we need next. “Seriously Ian, you looked almost peaceful and all. You okay? Problems with the BiPAP?”

  “No, actually that's going really well. I just...” I reply, then shake my head. “I had a date last night.”

  “No shit?” Joey asks, setting the glue dispenser down. He grins, going for the door. “Wait a minute.”

  Joey runs out of the trailer before I can stop him, and I look over at Rocky, who shrugs. “You knew he was going to do that. Face it.”

  I sigh, nodding as I help Rocky get the rest of the measurements for the next panel of foam before Joey comes back with Andrea and Cora. Cora's looking great, almost all her baby weight gone and Andrea's finally starting to look at peace with her new position. Since her father's indictment and the Coates Media Group going into a tailspin, she's been thrust into a lot of stuff she doesn't like to do. She’s grinning when she comes into the trailer. “Ian, are you hiding a secret from us?”


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