Book Read Free

Love's Joy

Page 8

by Emil Toth

  “This is a new test for me.”

  “One you should have been acquainted with long ago. Are you ready?”

  “I am.”

  They took their stances. “Fire,” announced Sharika.

  Her first arrow hit the target before his. He kept losing ground to her with each arrow. She had fired all ten of her arrows as he was drawing his ninth. He hit the target center with it and the last. Both of them buried all their arrows in the target. She had three in the center and he had three.

  “Very impressive,” he admitted.

  “Thank you. You did better than any man I have ever challenged.”

  “Well, I had the luxury of taking my time with my last two arrows.”

  They collected their arrows and went back to the original shooting line.

  Jacob waved at the targets. “Do you want to shoot first?”

  She fit an arrow on the bow, took aim and fired. It hit the target on the top right corner. He positioned himself, aimed and fired his arrow. It penetrated the top left corner. They shot ten arrows each and each one hit the target. Seven were in the center circle, four of his and three of hers. They stepped back ten paces and shot another ten arrows. One of her arrows missed the target, two hit the center circle. Jacob had three in the center circle. They stepped back another ten paces and fired ten more arrows each. The difference in bows came into play. Jacob had two misses and one in the center circle. Sharika had no misses and four in the circle.

  They collected their arrows and came back to the last firing spot. “Your bow is very impressive. You get better with distance. It goes against the norm.”

  “I have not practiced recently and I was a little rusty. I should have done better. The more I shoot the more I improve, which is typical for me.”

  “You still did excellent. May I try your bow now?”

  “If I can try yours.”

  “Of course.”

  She handed him her bow and arrows. He took the bow and pulled back on the bowstring to test it and liked what he felt. He extracted an arrow from the quiver and set it in place, took aim and fired. The arrow struck slightly off center. He acclimated to the weapon and his next nine shots he placed three in the circle and two on the line. She tested his bow and found the bow too large for her comfort and did not do as well with it as with her own bow, hitting the center circle once.

  “Your bow is a masterpiece,” admitted Jacob. “It is surprising; it provides more accuracy at greater distances without having to strain to hold the string.”

  “I could never figure it out.”

  “Would you be willing to show our men how to construct your bow?”

  “I can, if you have all the material.”

  “If we do not have it, we can find it. Thank you, Sharika.”

  “You are welcome.”

  They walked back to the village. He took the opportunity to ask, “Has Kaathi talked to you about making the journey next year to Homar and Nubilon?”

  “She has.”

  “Are you inclined to go?”

  “I am. She said she wants me to meet someone.”

  “Did she tell you who?”

  “No. She is mysterious about it.”

  He smiled. “It does not surprise me. The thing I learned about Kaathi is if she asks you on an adventure there is a definite reason.”


  The heavy rains cooled the air, drenching and renewing the parched land. The grasses grew quickly on the plains and the roaming herds grazed contentedly and put on weight. With the onset of the sunny season, the foals would be scampering excitedly alongside of their mothers. For now the rains kept villagers with minor problems from coming to the Talker Healer’s hut giving the apprentices ample time to question Kaathi.

  Inside the healer’ hut, Mara quizzed the mystic, “Why can Kacy see colors associated with numbers and words and I cannot?”

  “My sense is her gift has something to do with her brain. It may be physically different from yours and it accounts for her extraordinary abilities.”

  “I recall the stories you have shared about meeting Leah and Isaac and how you communicated mentally before using your voices. Is this similar to Kacy’s gift?”

  “I do not believe so. I think we are all capable of mental communication. In order to accentuate it, we must use it, practice it and become accustomed to it.”

  “Why were the Searcher’s good at mental communication and the Wanderer’s not?”

  “If I have to give you an answer, I would say it was a strong, latent ability of the Searchers. The ability attracted other mutants together with the same gift. I have said this before, to be proficient at something, you have to practice. I believe the Searchers practiced a great deal.”

  “When there is an offspring between mutants and Normals, like Durga, is the best of both races received by the half-breed?”

  “I am not certain. There appears to be a combination or collection of qualities and features from each species taking place. Some can be considered good and others detrimental. Behind everything there are reasons for them being present. Anytime a blending of races occurs there is an amalgamation of their physical features. There can be a softening in the features, a change in eye color, muscle density and bone structure and it can also affect the voice. The loss of some qualities can also take place. In most cases the dominant features will take precedence except in the case of strength, where the half-breed has less than a mutant. It is similar to what has taken place with us Kahalis. We are now a mixture of all the colors of the races. A beautiful blend in my estimation. The Story Teller has a tale telling how all races came out of one land and migrated because of lack of food, drought, curiousness and other reasons and all sorts of changes occurred to those people.”

  Ashlee and Scarlet were alone in their home. Ashlee was going back over what Kaathi had told her days ago about contemplating a trip to Ashlee’s home village. The mystic had asked her if she would like to be part of the group making the journey. She was thrilled at being asked. The more she thought over the trip the more she realized she could be jeopardizing her relationship with Scarlet and Keri, who had accepted her as a sister and as Jacob’s third wife. She wanted to make the trip and also did not want to mess things up between the women.

  Prior to her marriage she had been rescued from death by Kaathi and Jacob outside of Sumati. She recuperated and spent the sunny season in Sumati with them. She had fallen in love with Jacob, gotten married in Kahali and was happily living with his wives, son and daughter.

  Kaathi had told Ashlee, Jacob would not be making the trip. She was worried about leaving her new family behind. More than once Jacob had told her the decision was hers to make. Even so she was torn between going and staying home. The terrible memory of her return to her home village weighed heavily on her. She was losing sleep worrying about how to resolve the dilemma. She made up her mind to unburden herself to Scarlet, Jacob’s second wife, from Homar. The family had eaten the sunrise meal and she asked Scarlet if they could talk somewhere other than in their home.

  Scarlet hooked her elbow around Ashlee’s, and they walked off. They headed toward the river and sat on its bank.

  Ashlee explained her position, “Kaathi is planning a trip to Homar and Nubilon and asked if I wanted to go. I talked to Jacob about it, and he said the decision is mine to make.”

  “Is there a problem?”

  “We have been married less than a year, and it does not seem right to leave him and the rest of you. I think he is hiding the fact he would like me to stay, and I am beginning to feel comfortable you and Keri have accepted me. I do not want to disturb things and jeopardize our friendship.”

  “It is true we feel like you are our sister and are no longer jealous of you.”

  Ashlee’s voice was filled with conviction. “I knew it. I do not want to ruin things.”

  Scarlet looked at her quizzically. “So, what do you want from me?”

  “I need your advice. I a
m torn between visiting my relatives and staying here. What would you do?”

  “Honestly, I do not know. I am fortunate I am not in your predicament. I know the chance to go back to your home is a huge reason to go, and I also know you have found a home with us you did not have as a child. Even if you talked Kaathi into postponing the trip, you may be with child or already have one. I know you would not make the trip, if it was the case.”

  “You are right. I would not leave my child.”

  “It seems you have a lot of questions you need to ask Kaathi. I can give you advice, but it will never be as good as what Kaathi would give you. You need to talk to her.”

  “What if she tells me she insists I go? How can I refuse? I owe my life to her. I would have to go and chance everything with my family.”

  “Ashlee, you are not risking everything with us. Furthermore I do not think Kaathi would insist you go. You will have to depend on Kaathi giving you the best advice possible. You have seen her do it dozens and dozens of times in the past.”

  “You are right. Will you come with me?”

  “Of course.”



  “Now. I cannot wait another moment. There are far too many questions I want answered.”

  They rose and made their way to the Talker Healer’s hut. They stopped a short distance from the hut and sat on a public bench in the village square. Ashlee looked at Scarlet. “What if she thinks I should have been able to answer the questions myself?”

  “Stop doubting yourself. Center yourself and go in and ask your questions and explain your fears. You know she will tell you the right thing to do.”

  Ashlee took a few deep breaths to calm herself. Scarlet sat beside her and sent her love. A short while later Ashlee opened her eyes. “I felt wrapped in your love, Scarlet. Thank you.”

  “You would do the same for me. I will keep sending love to you, while you are with Kaathi.”

  Ashlee wrapped her arms around Scarlet, released her and walked to the hut. Scarlet saw her stop, heard her call Kaathi’s name and go inside. After what seemed like a reasonable time for a question and answer conversation, Ashlee emerged. She drew near and Scarlet saw her face was wet with tears and her eyes had a dreamy look.

  Ashlee sat down without speaking.

  Scarlet waited a reasonable time before throwing her question out, “Well, what did she tell you?”

  Ashlee looked dumbfounded and took a long time to answer. “Tell me? Tell me what?”

  Scarlet peered at her curiously, wondering what was wrong with her.

  “You had all these questions you wanted to ask Kaathi. What advice did she give you?”

  “Advice?…Honestly the questions never entered my mind.”

  “What? It is why you came here. It is why I encouraged you, now you get back in there and ask your questions,” insisted Scarlet.

  Ashlee rose looking confused. Scarlet waved her hand to move her along and watched her walk back to the hut. Scarlet saw her enter the hut, without calling Kaathi’s name. She sent Ashlee love once again to help keep her centered and ask her questions. A while later she saw Ashlee push back the entrance cloth and walk slowly to her. Scarlet saw Ashlee’s face was wet with tears again. She wondered what all the tears were about. Ashlee sat down and it appeared to Scarlet as if her friend was barely aware of her presence.

  “Well, what did she tell you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What advice did she give you?”

  “Oh goodness the questions. I forgot all about them.”

  “What. This is ridiculous. You get back in there and ask those questions.”

  Scarlet watched Ashlee wipe the tears from her face. She was concerned about Ashlee. What in the world is happening to her? I have never seen her like this. I wonder if I should go in with her and help her with her questions?…No. She has to do this on her own. “You have to go back and ask your questions, Ashlee. If you do not, you will be upset with yourself.”

  Scarlet’s words seem to prod Ashlee to move off the bench. She shuffled slowly toward the Talker Healer’s hut. She went in the hut unannounced. She remained in the hut for a long time. When Ashlee finally appeared for the third time, Scarlet knew from the look on her face she did not ask her questions. Ashlee sat down beside her.

  “What is going on?

  Ashlee did not answer for a long while, when she did, her voice was soft and filled with mystery and awe.

  “I felt your love as I walked to her hut, and every time I went in my intention was to ask my questions. Each time I sat down and looked into Kaathi’s eyes the questions and fears vanished. I sobbed uncontrollably every time I looked into her eyes. When I did manage to speak, the only thing to come out of my mouth was, ‘Mother I love you, mother I love you.’ I repeated it over and over and wept and sobbed. I could do nothing else… I looked into her eyes and her love overwhelmed me… My mind stopped working. I could not control myself. All the questions I had in my mind were swallowed up in her love. I lost all thoughts except to say ‘Mother I love you.’ When I stopped babbling and sobbing, I felt Kaathi rest her hands on my head and bless me. At some point I must have gotten up and left… She is much younger than me. I do not know why I called her mother… I do know why… I felt compelled to call her mother.”

  Ashlee looked to Scarlet pleading for help. “What happened to me?”

  Scarlet remembered a story Kaathi had told her about an experience she had, and it sounded similar to what happened to Ashlee. She embraced her. “You have had a huge spiritual experience. I think you also received the answers to your questions. How could you ever stay here with us after being so deeply blessed?”

  Tears trickled down Ashlee’s cheeks. “I cannot. Maybe it will do me good to see my uncle and aunt and my home village. Hopefully they are alive.”

  Scarlet smiled and hugged Ashlee saying, “Thank goodness you have your questions answered and you are clear on what to do.”

  “I am clear. I know I was in the presence of someone holy and I will never leave her.”


  Kaathi collected the plants, oils and salves she thought were necessary for the upcoming trip to Homar and Nubilon and placed them in the jars and leather sacks. She turned to her apprentices saying, “The two of you should replenish what I have taken before I leave. Ask Jacob to go with you into the jungle to make sure you are safe, while you collect the medicinal plants and flowers. Between the two of you, you should have no problem finding them.”

  “Do not worry about us,” Marie reassured her. “We have been to the sites often enough with you, we should have no problems.”

  “My sentiments as well,” Mara chimed in. “We can handle it. You just enjoy your adventure.”

  “Thank you. I was not worried. I was simply reassuring the two of you of your capabilities.”

  “We will miss you,” announced Marie.

  “Both of you will be in my prayers and heart until I arrive back home. I love you.”

  Kaathi opened her arms and Mara snuck in before Marie and got her loving embrace from her mentor. She always loved her embraces. Back home, the Uchakwas were not known for their show of affection. Her mother displayed affection to her as a child only to have it dry up in her teens. Reluctantly, she released Kaathi.

  Marie embraced Kaathi. She was smaller than her teacher when she first became an apprentice. In just these few short years she had grown taller and had filled out as a women. She owed Kaathi a great deal. She had an honored skill, the villagers respected her and she got to be near the mystic every day. She owed it all to her mentor. She took a deep breath and relaxed in Kaathi’s arms. She held onto her as long as she could without it making Mara jealous.

  “I have to visit with my parents for a while,” Kaathi informed her apprentices. “I will not see you until we leave. If you need me you can find me there.”

  Kaathi walked out of the healing hut and the ladies felt the energy d
rop. It did not take long for her to reach her parents’ home. She greeted and embraced them and informed them, “I wanted to have some time alone with you before I left.”

  Millie, Kaathi’s mother responded, “I am happy you did, dear. I do not know where you get the courage to go to these faraway places. This will not be easy on you and Ashlee.”

  “You know very little about these people,” advised her father. “Please be careful.”

  “I will be Father.”

  Her mother spoke in her defense. “You know she would never go if her life was in danger, dear,”

  “Promise me you will return.”

  “I shall, Father.”

  “It is all I need to know.”

  Her mother sighed. “Good we can talk of pleasant things. How are Leah’s twins doing.”

  “They are fine. Getting bigger every day.”

  “Are they larger than non-mutant children?”

  “A little.”

  “Tell her I asked about her the next time you see her.”

  “I will.”

  “And how are you doing? Has everyone you wanted to go with you accepted your invitation?”

  “They have.”

  “Do be careful dear.”

  “I will Mother.”

  Pauli and Sandor had been selected by Kaathi to accompany her and they were conferring with Jacob about their responsibilities on the adventure to Nubilon and Homar for the last time.

  Jacob took a deep breath. “I cannot stress enough your main responsibility above anything and anyone is to keep Kaathi safe from harm. In my estimation she is the most important person in Kahali, so keep it in mind.”

  “You can count on us,” Pauli assured him. “She will be our main concern.”

  Sandor nodded his head in confirmation.

  Jacob helped Pauli, Sandor and Logan’s apprentices stock the large dugout with as much supplies as it could safely hold. Kaathi and Sharika placed various medicines and spices for the trip in the canoe.

  The morning meals were eaten and most of the villagers were gathered at the river’s edge to send them off. Scarlet, the apprentice High Priest, was not going so she prayed for the safety of the adventurers. Many in the throng wished to embrace them one more time before they departed. The last to send them off were the families of the travelers.


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