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Monroe, Melody S. - Chelsea's Pleasure [Pleasure, Montana 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Melody Snow Monroe

  Pleasure, Montana 1

  Chelsea’s Pleasure

  Sous-chef Chelsea Mansfield has always loved Preston and Luke Caulfield, two brothers who own a bar and grill in Pleasure, Montana. When she returns home after a six-year absence, they treat her like the little girl they used to babysit.

  Preston has promised her two brothers, who are serving in Iraq, that he will watch over her like a sister. Nothing she does convinces him to break his vow. Luke is a different matter. Because he loves good food, she's able to get him to do a blindfolded taste test and ends up smearing chocolate on his body before licking it off. As they are about to have sex, Preston walks in on them and is furious.

  What will it take to make peace between the brothers, and how can she convince them she's all grown-up and ready for love?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 41,900 words


  Pleasure, Montana 1

  Melody S. Monroe


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2011 by Melody S. Monroe

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-076-X

  First E-book Publication: November 2011

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  This is Melody S. Monroe’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Monroe’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To Linda H. for helping me plot all those sexy scenes.


  Pleasure, Montana 1


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  “You are amazing!” Standing in the Mountain View Bar & Grill’s kitchen, Luke Caulfield closed his eyes and sucked the chocolate icing off his finger.

  What she wouldn’t give for him to mean that she was amazing instead of her frosting. Chelsea Mansfield inwardly groaned at the intimate act then blinked, forcing the image from her mind of him sticking his finger in her mouth instead.

  “Try this.” She lifted a spoon to his lips. “It’s a new lemon meringue I created to go over a cream cheese filled Bundt cake.” This recipe was one that earned her a first-place ribbon in a cooking contest in St. Louis. She’d come up with the combinations of tastes specifically for Luke. He’d been her inspiration during her years at the culinary institute.

  He chewed, swallowed, then licked his lips in an exaggerated fashion. “Oh, Chelsea.”

  She melted at his sensual tone. My God, if only she could get him to respond to her that way, it would have made the move back home totally worthwhile.

  “You like it?” She grinned.

  “Seach, Pleasure, Montana, won’t know what hit them when they taste something this good. If Preston and I had known you were so exceptional, we might have insisted you stay in Missouri so we could brag about one of our own making it big.”

  No one had called her Seach since high school when some computer snafu put the second part of her name with part of the first. “Thanks.” But she hadn’t come back to her hometown for the people’s appreciation, just Luke and Preston’s.

  “Hey, Luke.” The call came from inside the bar. Leave it to his older brother, Preston, to pull him away from her.

  “Thanks for the taste, darlin’, but work calls.” He winked and walked toward the exit.

  She pulled the peeled potato she’d been working on toward her and began to dice it. When she looked up to follow his path out the door, the knife slipped, cutting her. She hissed and held her breath until the ache receded. The swinging door between the kitchen and the bar-restaurant slapped close. “Damn.” Blood dripped down her index finger, sending a wicked sting up her arm.

  Some sous-chef she turned out to be.

  “You okay?”

  She jerked in the direction of the low, gravelly voice. She’d been so focused on Luke that she hadn’t seen the morning’s short-order cook come into the kitchen. “I’m good.”

  He sidled over next to her, waving a spatula. “Gotta be careful, girl. You want me to get Luke back to help?”

  Both her new bosses had been overly protective ever since she arrived two weeks ago. Now, she was too embarrassed to have him see she’d cut herself. “No.”

  Six years ago, she’d left Pleasure to get her culinary degree. During that time, the two brothers had turned into delicious-looking men with broad shoulders packed with muscles. Her heart hadn’t stopped sputtering since seeing them again. Being careless wouldn’t put her on any of their lists of potential dates.

  She mentally shook her head. Both men had grown way too sexy for their own good, and from the way Luke acted, he knew it. Why else would he go around wearing a tight-fitting T-shirt that showed off his bulging biceps and ripped abs when it was close to freezing outside? Was he trying to tempt her, or was he only interested in tasting her gourmet meals?

  “What are you waiting for?” the old m
an grumbled. “Go get a Band-Aid in the back bathroom.”

  She shut off her wandering mind and looked down at her bloody finger. “I’m on it.” With her good hand, she slipped the apron knots free in back and pulled the material over her head, not wanting to get blood on her prized smock. She eyed the old man. “Please don’t mention this mishap to Luke or Preston. They’ll hover if they think I’m wounded.” Not that she minded their attention. After all, she’d left a lucrative chef’s job in St. Louis just to be near them, but she hated when they treated her like a little sister who wasn’t capable of doing anything on her own. This latest incident would further solidify their opinion.

  “You got it, but be careful next time, or I’ll be forced to work overtime.” He laughed, but his tone had a serious edge to it.

  She hurried down the dark hall, past the pantry toward the bathroom, holding close the slice that didn’t seem to be too deep, thank goodness.

  A noise near the back staircase made her stop. Preston and Luke’s place was on the second floor, but they rarely came through the kitchen to get there. There was an outside entrance, so one of them could have darted upstairs to retrieve something and was coming down the back way.

  Not wanting either brother to learn of her injury, she backtracked and ducked into the warm but rather stuffy pantry, closing the door behind her. Should one of them happen to come in, she turned her back to the door, pretending to be searching for an item. The door opened a few seconds later, bringing with it cool, fresh hallway air. Shit. Being confined in the small space with either one would send her heat meter zooming.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t little Chelsea Mansfield.”

  Her heart jerked, and her stomach churned from the disgust that roiled inside her. She whipped around to find the one person she wanted to avoid. He was the reason she’d stayed away so long from Pleasure. Ross Scanlon might look suave with his curly black hair and chiseled jaw, but he was meaner than a pit bull and just as strong. Once he got his teeth into you, he wouldn’t let go.

  “Ross. What are you doing here?” She tilted her chin up and straightened her shoulders. She hoped he bought her bravado, despite the fact the pulse at her temple was beating fiercely.

  He moved closer and she backed up toward the metal shelves. “If you didn’t know, I used to own this place. I have every right to be here.”

  “Not anymore you don’t.” What an arrogant SOB.

  The short-order cook had told her that because Ross had put the moves on everything in a skirt, the bar didn’t do well until Preston bought him out and changed it into a combination bar and grill.

  “You got your facts wrong, sweetie.” He waved a hand. “Doesn’t matter. I came by to see you, not that no-good partner of mine. There’s no law against looking up the woman of my dreams.”

  She refrained from rolling her eyes. Her finger throbbed, but she hid her hand behind her back so he wouldn’t see she was injured. “Now you’ve seen me, so go.” Her stupid voice wobbled.

  Ross reached out to touch her face, but she jerked back, hitting her head against the shelf in the process. “Ouch.”

  He grinned. “Serves you right.”

  In a flash, he had his chest pressed against hers, and his stale breath wafted over her face, causing her to gag. When he pushed his hard cock against her stomach, she nearly vomited.

  With her good hand, she shoved against his chest, but he didn’t budge. “Get away from me!”

  “Now is that any way to greet your old beau?” When he cupped her cheek, she debated biting his hand but feared she’d get some disease if she did.

  Old beau, indeed. “We never dated.” If she thought anyone would hear her this far back in the building, she’d have screamed for help.

  “You always were the one to turn me down, you bitch.” A bit of his spit landed on her cheek, but she didn’t dare wipe it away.

  His face darkened and his eyelids turned into thin slits. He grabbed the front of her shirt and ripped it open. Buttons pinged on the floor.

  Now she screamed as loud as she could.

  A second later he clamped a damp hand over her mouth and nose. “Yell once more and you’ll be sorry.” His brows pinched.

  Air. She needed air. Fear swirled inside her chest and spiraled downward. She nodded she’d obey, and he let go. She gasped and wiped his scent from around her mouth with the back of her hand. “What do you want?”

  He reached into his back pocket, dragged out a knife, and flicked open the blade. “You.”

  Her chest caved, trapping her heart, squeezing the air from her lungs. His older brother might be in jail for murder, but she believed Ross wouldn’t go that far. Or had he changed, too? “Why?” Her heart beat so fast, she was surprised she had enough air to speak. “You don’t even know me anymore.”

  “That’s what you think. I’ve been thinking about this moment for a long time.” He pressed the knife against her waistband. “Don’t like it when a woman is too uppity to give me a chance or a little taste.”

  “I was seventeen when you asked me out. You were like twenty-five.”

  “So? You acted like I was scum when I had so much I wanted to teach you.” He sneered as he twirled the knife, moving it up and down her chest as if he was deciding if he wanted to slice her to pieces. “My daddy had more money than your whoring mom.”

  Anger nearly ripped her in two at the false accusation. Without thinking of the consequences, she hauled off and elbowed him in the jaw then shoved her other hand into his face. His knife sliced across her abdomen. Her finger cut reopened and splattered blood on his face.

  “You cunt.”

  The sting from the cut finally registered, and she gasped. Distracted, she never saw his fist, but she sure as hell felt it slamming against her cheek and nose. Her knees buckled from the intense ache pounding inside her head. “Oh, God.” She’d never been hit before. Tears leaked out despite her resolve not to show he’d hurt her.

  Before her knees hit the ground, he latched onto the waistband of her jeans and hauled her up. Too stunned to stop him, he ripped open her pants and dragged them down her legs.

  Blood from the gash on her stomach dribbled between her legs. Ross had changed. He seemed certifiably crazy.

  If he raped her, he’d probably then kill her. Adrenaline sped to every part of her body, and bile raced up her throat. She opened her mouth to call for help again.

  “You scream and I’ll fuck you so hard I’ll break you wide open.” His lips curled and she nearly passed out.

  Light-headed, her eyes couldn’t focus. “No. Don’t. What do you want?”

  He continued to leer. “Don’t know why you keep asking me that. I want you, honey, and that glorious pussy you kept away from me all those years.” He pressed her arms down by her side, the knife nudging her back. He leaned over and bit her nipple through her bra. He spit. “Damn thing.”

  She flinched as the pain radiated down the sides of her breast. Flicking the knife blade upward, he cut the two cups apart and grinned when her breasts popped out. She attempted to shove him with her free hand, but all she got was a push backward for her effort.

  She glanced to the shelves, trying to find something to use as a weapon, but the only things nearby were heavy bags of flour, sugar, and coffee. All were useless against a man this powerful.

  He held down her arms again, leaned over, and bit her breast, bruising the skin. Blood pooled from two of the teeth marks. An intense ache ignited every nerve ending, and she head butted him at the same time she drew up her knee to his groin. He blocked the leg thrust and shoved her backward. Pain slammed through her head and shoulder at the impact from the metal.

  Before she could regroup, he whipped out his cock. The hard, ugly mass was dark purple.

  No way would she let him touch her, but a second later, he ripped off her panties, exposing her.

  “Well, well. You shaved that sweet pussy just for me?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “No, honey. I
’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before. When I get done with you, neither Preston nor Luke will want you. You’re goin’ to be mine.”

  He took off his kerchief from around his neck and body slammed her against the shelves again. Pressing her tight, he secured her hands behind her back. She got in a few quick kicks on his shins and even managed to slam her heel on his foot, but he didn’t even seem to notice.

  She switched tactics. “Please, Ross. Don’t do this. No good can come of it.”

  “Shut up.” He leaned back and slapped her hard enough to split her lip.

  “Chelsea?” The lilting voice calling her name came from the barmaid, Lydia. Thank you, God.

  Ross pressed a hand over her mouth.

  Please come in here.

  He grabbed his cock and dragged it down her stomach. He tried to stick it into her, but she held her legs together as tight as she could. Tears flowed as she gasped for breath through her nose. He dropped his hand long enough to replace the hold with his slimy lips. She tried to turn her head, but he held her face. At that moment, she wanted to die.

  The knob twisted and Lydia opened the door and screamed.

  Next thing Chelsea remembered was hitting her head on the floor.

  * * * *

  Preston nearly dropped the glass he’d been filling when Lydia’s scream reached him. Luke was at a table in the middle of the restaurant speaking with the reverend when the scream reached him. He whipped around, his gaze on the kitchen door. Luke’s body tensed for a moment, and then he took off into the back faster than a rabbit could catch a mouse, but Preston barreled through the swinging doors first.


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