College Omega's Secret Baby (MPreg College Book 1)

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College Omega's Secret Baby (MPreg College Book 1) Page 4

by Dex Bass

  Archer shook his head. He folded his hands and looked into them. “We got carried away yesterday.”

  “We? Didn’t you tell me? Didn’t I ask you first?” The memories rushed over Os’s mind and came out as a jumble of words. Archer had known exactly what he was doing, hadn’t he? He’d told Os that he loved him, hadn’t he? That they’d be fathers together?

  “Biology.” Archer shook his head wearily. “I mean, biology took over.”

  “So that’s an excuse?” Os was almost shouting. He didn’t like to raise his voice. But he’d never encountered anything like this. Archer was supposed to be an adult, wasn’t he? A 39-year-old grown man, supposedly a strong, reliable alpha, wasn’t supposed to have moods that turned on a dime, was he?

  “Biology took over so you’re not responsible for your actions?” Os asked Archer. Os’s indignation showed in his voice, or at least he hoped it did. “Like biology is some ghost taking over your body, so you no longer have responsibility for what you did?” Os was impressed with his own ability to give Archer a verbal smackdown.

  The verbal smackdown did nothing to solve the situation, but it still felt good. It reminded Os of how confident and skilled he’d been in giving Archer a smackdown back in the classroom.

  “Os. Oswald. I want to keep my job.” Archer shook his head.

  “So let’s step back in history, ok?” Now Os was sounding like a professor, and Archer looked more like a defensive student.

  “Os, I know the history—” Archer exhaled and shook his head. He cast his eyes down. Maybe he felt shame. Or maybe he was just avoiding facing Os.

  “No. I don’t think you know the history, Professor Archer, Alan.” Os pointed his finger at Archer. He didn’t care about politeness. “I think you’re the one here who doesn’t know the history. Let’s see. You willingly had sex with me. You told me you love me. You told me we’re parents together. Were you not aware of your employment when you said these things? Did it momentarily slip your mind that you’re a professor at Springville State?”

  “I don’t want to—” Archer said slowly, then paused as if to think of what to say next.

  “You don’t want to what?” Os didn’t wait for Archer’s answer. His stomach was queasy and he had a pounding headache. “I feel like shit. I’ll be going now.”

  He turned around and walked out of Archer’s office. He didn’t slip this time; he’d been extra-careful on his feet in the five hours he’d known he was pregnant.

  He felt like shit because of Archer’s attitude, Archer’s rejection. And he also felt like shit because of the pregnancy. Men’s bodies hadn’t evolved to handle pregnancy the way that women’s bodies had evolved. It was a lot harder for omegas than it was for women, and Os was well aware of it.

  The pregnancy pains and nausea were in full swing. That encounter with Archer only made things worse.


  Say what you will about Springville State, but the omega dorms at Springville State were a lot nicer than those musky roach-infested student barracks Alan remembered back at Harvard. Twenty years can change a lot: maybe the dorms at Harvard were spiffed up now too. Or maybe Springville State was just extra-nice to its omegas. It made Alan almost want to be a young omega. Almost. But that’s not what his life was. In real life, Alan was unquestionably an alpha. The whole university knew about that, and they knew that he wasn’t mated. Alan Archer, famously single, eternally a romantic free agent, not in any relationships as far as anybody at the university knew.

  Still, he was Alan Archer, so he was able to walk into the omega dorm, his alpha pheromones fully blazing, without too many looks askance from the security officers or student residents. He was just that famous professor, certainly visiting a student. Otherwise, there would’ve been raised eyebrows about a horny, pheromone-emitting alpha going around the omega students’ dorm.

  For almost the entire campus population, Professor Alan Archer was invincible, perpetually immune from guilt and free of sin. But it wasn’t so with the only person on campus who mattered to Alan: Oswald. The dorm’s security guards and other residents didn’t look at Alan with suspicion. But he knew that Oswald would.

  Knock hard. I may be daydreaming about having a baby. read the placard on Oswald’s dorm room door. Alan was at least glad to see he’d influenced Os’s dorm room door scribbles. Alan knocked hard, as instructed. The sound of his own fist on the door, the rhythm, reminded him of— but he was still confused about what all that meant.

  The dorm room door opened. Oswald peeked through the crack. The door closed again.

  Alan cupped his hands into the door. It was like yelling out to a ship. Except he was yelling into a plywood door. “Oswald. I’m sorry. I hope we can talk.”

  No answer. No sound from inside the room.

  “Oswald, please, can you just give me a minute? I came to apologize.”

  The door swung open. Os peeked out through the crack again. His gorgeous gray eyes were beautiful as ever, even if slightly puffy and bloodshot from the pregnancy. “Ok, apologize,” Os said, without opening the door any further, without stepping out, without inviting Alan inside.

  “Can I step in for a second?” Alan whispered through the door crack.

  “So you can have your way with me again?” Os sneered. His omega hormones were at full blast, even if he didn’t know it.

  “So I can apologize.” Alan whispered again. He realized his quiet whispering might actually look more suspicious to onlookers than if he just talked in a normal voice. He was in a panic about the whole mess he’d gotten himself into.

  “I’m admitting you purely for humanitarian reasons.” Os opened his dorm room door with an exasperated sigh. Alan stepped in. Os shut the door.

  Breathing the air Os’s room was like soaking in omega pheromones. But Alan tried hard not to let it overwhelm him.

  “Os. I’m sorry. I was just — I was just dumbfounded this morning.” Alan was still whispering, inside Os’s room. He wasn’t sure why. But a university dorm, especially an omega dorm, didn’t seem like a place that could hold any kind of secret.

  “Like, as a professor of human reproduction, you were dumbfounded that I became pregnant from your sperm?” Os shook his head.

  “It just became too real.” That was the best excuse Alan could think of. He’d spent his professional life talking about pregnancy, insemination, and embryos. But he was entirely unprepared for it actually happening. “Oswald, Os, did you ever take an astronomy class?”

  “Yeah, in high school. Why?”

  “Well, imagine if you suddenly found out that you were booked on a space flight. And you were expected to be ready for it because you knew about astronomy. That’s how it feels now for me.”

  Os shook his head and sighed. “False analogy, Professor Archer. Astronomy is the study of celestial objects, not the study of space travel. Meanwhile, human reproduction is the study of human reproduction. So, you got anything better?”

  The kid was good. Really good.

  “Os. I’m sorry. It’s a bad analogy. Ok. Really. I want to be with you. I want to be a father. I wanted to be a father with you.”

  “Is this like a race how many times you can change your mind in one day?” Os held his abdomen, groaned in pain, and sat down on his bed.

  “Os, are you having pregnancy pain?”

  “Disappointingly for you, Professor Archer, yes, I’m pregnant. And yes, I’m having pregnancy pain. Because I have a baby inside me. A baby you fathered. A baby I guess you no longer want.” Os held his abdomen and leaned over while sitting on his bed. “Or maybe you do want today, until tomorrow you change your mind again.”

  “Os, I’m so sorry.” Alan was going to comfort him and love him and do everything he could. “I want to convince you. I know I haven’t been good to you today, recently, ever. But I want to vow to you.”

  Os laughed wryly, while rocking back and forth on his bed, holding his abdomen. “Your vows are worthless,” Os muttered, holding his abdo
men tightly.

  “Os. I know I don’t look in the right and I don’t look trustworthy. But I’m vowing to you right now. I’m going to do everything I can. I want to father this baby with you. I want to be your partner and your mated alpha and your husband and your lover.”

  “I know you want to. But the next thing you say is going to be that you want to but you can’t, because you also want to keep your job. Right?”

  “You’re remarkably intelligent, Os.”

  “Ah yes, trying to win an argument by flattering your adversary.”

  “Os. You’re not my adversary. And you’re really remarkably intelligent. And well-spoken. And I love you and I want to father this baby with you. I just have one request.”

  “Oh, this will be good. I’m waiting to hear this request.” Os smirked cynically.

  “I’m just asking, Os. That for the remainder of the school year, for the next eight months, until May, we keep your pregnancy a secret. We keep all this a secret. Just until May.”

  “And in May, what? The baby inside me turns into a pumpkin?”

  “No. In May the school year is over and if the university doesn’t like our relationship, I can resign quietly, without disgrace. I have a standing job offer from OmegaCheck, the pregnancy test company.”

  “It’s pretty ironic—” Os laughed.

  “Yeah, it is. Anyway, I have a standing job offer from OmegaCheck. I can just not come back to teach at Springville State next year. That’s fine. But if we’re discovered during the school year — I just don’t want the huge mess, the disgrace.”

  “You’d give up teaching here to go work at OmegaCheck?” Os was still rocking back and forth on his bed. “I thought teaching is pretty much your life.”

  “It was my life. Now fatherhood is going to be my life.” Alan had always wanted a baby. He just hadn’t expected it to happen so suddenly. Or to happen with a student. “And if the university doesn’t want an alpha professor who’s raising a baby with an omega student, it’s their loss.”

  “You’d give it up for our baby and family? Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure. It’s my duty. I love you. And it’s also — remember the term you used, what you said to me? It’s my biological imperative. So it’s also my biological imperative to be a husband and father together with you.”

  “Really? And with all the horny omegas and betas who want your dick, are you sure you want to stay with me? A scrawny little freshman who’s nothing special?” Os’s sad eyes proved he wasn’t joking or looking for compliments.

  “Os. Don’t put yourself down.”

  “I’m not putting myself down. I’m just realistic.”

  “Os. Think about it. In all my time at Springville State, I’ve never gotten involved with anybody. Think about all the opportunities I’ve been given. And I never took them. Until I met you.”

  “It’s like a fantasy. I mean it makes me feel special. It makes me kind of loopy.”

  “Maybe you’re just loopy from the pregnancy.” Alan smiled at Os. Then he took the initiative to sit down on the bed next to Os and put his arm around him.

  “I want to tell you that I don’t want you.” Os looked down into his lap and shook his head as he talked. “But I do want you. I want everything you talked about. Being together. Being fathers together. I just want it to be real.”

  “Os.” Alan hugged Os with both arms. Now Os felt substantial in Alan’s arms, full of brains and muscle and adult sexuality, no longer a mousy freshman. Having seen Os hold his own must’ve also made him somehow seem physically more imposing. Alan planted a soft, wet, kiss on Os’s jawbone, below his ear. Os opened his mouth wide and reciprocated, first kissing Alan’s jaw, then up to his mouth.

  Os straddled Alan’s lap on the bed and gently nudged him to lie back. Then he sat on Alan’s crotch, smiled triumphantly, and leaned down to kiss Alan, with his tongue out. Alan stuck his erect tongue out in response. Their tongues met in the air like a joust. Alan sucked on Os’s tongue, then kissed Os deeply, his tongue exploring Os’s mouth again, and wanting him more than ever.

  “I really want this to be real, Professor Archer, Alan.” Os sat back up and surveyed his own dorm room from atop Alan.

  “It’s real. I’m sorry that I just want a bit of help from you saving my job, for the rest of the school year just keep everything under wraps —” Alan patted Os’s stomach just on top of his own stomach “— I mean I guess literally under wraps.”

  “I can do that. For us. For our family. For our baby.” Os sighed slightly. He was entitled to sigh. Being pregnant was difficult enough; hiding it would be even more difficult. Alan knew full well. But he just needed a few months.

  “I appreciate it. Our baby will appreciate it. It’s for us. For our family. And it’s real, Os. It’s really for real. I promise.”

  “I hope.” Os shrugged slightly and rested his hands on Alan’s pecs, gently fondling Alan’s nipples through his plaid flannel shirt. “I hope.”

  “It is.” It was all Alan could say. Because there was nothing more to say about his commitment to Os, and because he couldn’t talk quite well with his nipples being driven to ecstasy.

  “Will you marry me to make me more secure?” Os discontinued the nipple-tweaking when asking that elephant of a question.

  “Oooh.” Alan groaned. It was a difficult question, one he’d already considered. “No. Not until May, when we go public. In May, of course we should get married. Before then, you know, marriage records are public information, there’s the newspapers, and anyway, marriage clerks gossip like hell.”

  “So I just have to trust you, purely on your word, until May? Trust you after your stunning series of 180-degree reversals in the past 24 hours?”

  “Yeah. You’ll just have to trust me. I’m sorry. Do it for our family.” Alan rest his hands on Os’s hips.

  “I think I can do that.” Os leaned down and kissed Alan’s cheek again. “And can I ask you to do something for me?” Os asked.

  “Yeah? Your grade in my class? You’re getting an A+ without any special favors from me.”

  “Nope. Not that.” Os smiled, then patted his crotch, that was sitting on Alan’s own crotch. “Pregnant guys get very horny from day one. Very horny. I’m sure you can smell the pheromones in this room.”

  “I’ve been trying not to notice the pheromones, but yes, I can definitely smell the pheromones. It’s like a Bloomingdale’s perfume counter on Valentine’s Day.”

  “I don’t quite get the analogy, but—”

  “On Valentine’s Day, at Bloomingdale’s they’re selling a lot of perfume, a lot of samples being sprayed in the air.” Alan nodded helpfully.

  “I get the analogy, Alan. You don’t need to explain to me what Valentine’s Day is.” Os shook his head again, assuming again the position of an annoyed professor talking to his intransigent charge. “Anyway. I was saying. I want you to do something for me. Related to my erection.”

  “You want to—”

  “I’m too exhausted from the first day of my pregnancy. I don’t want to do actual buttfucking.” Os held his abdomen again.

  Without saying anything in response, Alan reached to Os’s pants zipper and slid it down. That was his response. Then he unbuttoned and partly pulled down Os’s pants.

  “Take off your jeans so you can sit on my face. I wanna suck your dick.”

  “Ohmygod. Ohmygod. Getting my dick sucked is going to be a regular thing now?” Os grinned.

  “I think so. I’m your alpha mate, right? It has to be a regular thing for my precious omega.” Alan sat up slightly and smelled Os’s neck and his face. The more Alan smelled Os the more he wanted him. The more he looked at him the more he wanted him. The more he touched him the more he wanted him. “I’m always happy to make oral love to your cock. Especially if you’re pregnant and not up for me making love to your ass.”

  “I never expected this from my professor.” Os grinned. There was that cheeky omega naughtiness again. “And make
oral love to your cock, so polite!” Os wiggled on top of Alan slightly, then raised himself up on his knees and pulled down his jeans and briefs just enough for his dick to pop out. The precum smell from Os’s dickhead filled the room on top of the omega pheromones that were already driving Alan wild.

  “No, I want your pants completely off.” Alan was whispering slightly. He was fooling around with his pregnant male student in a dorm room. He wasn’t exactly being discreet about anything. But he still insisted on whispering, just in case. “I wanna suck your balls and deepthroat your cock. Same as you did for me.”

  Os faux-gasped and covered his mouth as if he were shocked. “Such language!” Then he giggled and pulled off his pants and underwear completely.

  Os’s thick cock was definitely impressively sized, especially for an omega. Even an alpha would’ve been proud of that dick. And the way it stood in erect in the middle of Os’s sparse, closely trimmed light brown pubes was adorable. The sparse pubes emphasized Os’s freshness and virginity, but the size of the dick was a reminder that Os was all mature.

  Os was the perfect fresh college omega: nineteen years young, but old enough to be able to sexually please even his horny professor. Alan couldn’t deny having fantasized about hot college omegas — but even Alan himself had never expected that any portion of those fantasies would become real.

  Alan cupped Os’s ass cheeks and pulled Os toward his own face, sitting Os on top of his face. Alan opened his mouth wide and Os’s balls popped in. Firm and meaty, they were like squishy meatballs, with just a bit of bounce, and a thin coat of fuzz like a kiwi fruit. That and the musk — the musk from them was unbelievable. It was pheromones mixed with a bit of crotch sweat and it made Alan unbelievably horny. Alan could feast on those balls all day. He was in Os’s dorm room, on a cramped dorm bed, and with a graduate seminar to teach later that afternoon, he didn’t exactly have all day. But Os’s balls were delicious.

  Alan reached out and held Os’s hands in his own hands while he serviced Os from underneath. Alan sucked and slurped and lightly chewed on the balls while listening to Os’s pleased nineteen-year-old-omega moans. Os was grinding himself deeper into Alan’s mouth.


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