College Omega's Secret Baby (MPreg College Book 1)

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College Omega's Secret Baby (MPreg College Book 1) Page 5

by Dex Bass

  The sound of Os’s pleasure was music to Alan’s ears. He could’ve recorded that sound of Os’s guttural moans and listened to it every day. But as Os’s mate and future husband, he’d be hearing Os’s moans every day anyway.

  Alan lifted Os up slightly, then started at Os’s taint: first a few light licks to warm him up, then firm probing with his tongue, getting at Os’s prostate from the outside. Os whimpered in pleasure and randomly grabbed at Alan’s body while Alan serviced him.

  Then the main event: Alan lifted Os up again, puckered his own lips in the shape of a tight asshole, licked them to lubricate, then lowered Os’s shaft into his puckered lips. He held his lips tight. He wanted to make Os’s dick work at getting inside. He pushed Os’s cockhead firmly against his wet lips until it pried them apart and the entire cockshaft slid into Alan’s mouth.

  Alan sucked hard. Os’s cock tasted like fresh omega precum and the musk of a pregnant man. Alan flicked his tongue on Os’s dickhead and Os howled in pleasure, then immediately covered his mouth. Os remembered that they were in the dorm better than Alan did.

  Os started gyrating atop Alan’s face, face-fucking Alan’s mouth, pumping into hm. Os looked down at Alan below him and smiled. “Can I fuck your throat?” Alan said “mmm hmm” and nodded as best he could with Os’s dick filling his mouth.

  Omegas were famous for bottoming, but this omega freshman could fuck Alan’s mouth like the nastiest top. He got the right angle and was ramming his dick into Alan, past his lips, right over his tongue, and all the way to his throat. His professor’s throat. Alan didn’t even want to gag. He only enjoyed the feeling of that omega dickhead on the back of his throat. My student’s dick is down my throat, Alan kept reminding himself. The idea of it — and the reality of it — was incredibly scary and incredibly hot.

  Os glanced down at Alan and grinned mischievously. “Professor Archer, I’d like to ask a question.” Alan only hummed and nodded in response. “Professor Archer, may I cum in your mouth?” Alan hummed and nodded again and sucked harder. He wanted Os’s cum not only in his mouth but deep down his throat, deep inside him.

  Os drew his dick out slightly, while still looking into Alan’s eyes and smiling. Then Os shoved his dick in as it throbbed in orgasm. Alan embraced his lover’s dick tighter in his mouth. A gob of cum shot into Alan’s mouth. Creamy warm ooze. It was sweeter than cum usually was. Maybe Os’s youth made his cum sweeter. Alan swallowed. Another gob of cum splattered into the back of Alan’s mouth. Alan swallowed again. Delicious. Alan moaned tos how his appreciation. Os smiled mischievously again, slowly throat-fucking Alan while releasing his last squirts of nectar deep into his beloved professor.

  Alan pulled his head away from Os’s dick, making sure to slurp all the cum off of it. He held Os’s deflating dick in his fingers as he pulled it out of his mouth and sucked all the cum off of it. No drop was unaccounted for. All of Os’s cum went into Alan’s mouth and down his throat.

  Alan looked up at Os again, plaintively. “Do you believe my devotion to you?”

  “Maybe.” Os sighed. “Right now, I’m just exhausted. Mind if I lie down?”

  “It’s your dorm room, Oswald.” Alan laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. He slid over to the edge of the bed, and Os lay down next to him.

  Alan reached out with his right hand and patted Os’s pregnant belly. He imagined a baby kicking inside: their baby. It was much too early, but he liked to imagine. He sat up, leaned down, and kissed Os’s abdomen through his shirt.

  “That’s our baby in there,” Alan said, smiling.

  “Only an embryo so far, Professor Archer, but yeah.” Os leaned his head in toward Alan and planted a kiss on Alan’s nose.

  “Always the smartass start student correcting the professor. Even in bed.” Alan looked at his beautiful, pregnant boyfriend. Oswald’s gray eyes signaled not only love but maturity. Os seemed to have already taken on a fatherly sort of gravity since finding out he was pregnant.

  “I already gave you some of my wisdom, deep down my throat.” Os looked at Alan and bit his lower lip. Alan could only think of the amazing musky, salty taste of his student’s cum. “The Romans thought a man’s wisdom is transmitted in his semen. Did you know that?”

  “I did know that, Os. It’s impressive that you know that, though.”

  “So you think I’m good enough, smart enough, for you, a full-fledged genius professor of human reproduction, to stay with as a husband?” Os’s face signaled a tinge of sarcasm, but only a tinge. This was a serious question for the most part, Alan could tell.

  “Os. I never even questioned whether you’re good enough. Even if you didn’t know that the word seminar is related to the word semen, you would still be good enough. I would want to be your mate, your husband, your co-father.”

  “And I should trust that?” Os sighed slightly.

  “I know I killed my credibility with you.” Alan didn’t want to endure another verbal lashing about it. It was better to just jump in and attempt to clear the air. “I know. Time is the only way I can prove it to you. Stick with me and let me prove it to you.”

  “We’re fathers together,” Os said. “So I guess I have no choice. We’ve gotta stick together.”

  Alan turned to his side and put his arms out to make a cradle for Os. Os slid into it. Alan wrapped his arms around Os’s back. Then he did the same with his legs, wrapping them around Os’s legs. “I love you,” he whispered into Os’s ear. “Because I want to love you, because I feel love for you, not because we have no choice.”

  Os brought his lips to Alan’s lips again. He gave Alan a small chaste kiss. “I love you too. Can you put your hands on our baby again?” Os lay back on his back and stretched out.

  Alan moved both his palms down and laid them flat on Os’s abdomen. “I love our baby,” he told Os.

  “As soon as I hit puberty,” Os said, “I was constantly thinking about becoming a father. I knew I was an omega, and I kind of didn’t like how that was supposed to make me a bimbo, but I badly wanted to have a baby, like a real omega. That was really why I signed up for your class: to learn more about how it all works, omega pregnancy.” Os put his own hands on top of Alan’s hands, then put his fingers through Alan’s fingers. Their hands were interlocked, together with the pregnant belly that held their baby.

  “We’re going to be fathers together, Os. It’s what I’ve always wanted. And you can trust me.”

  “I hope so. I hope I can trust you,” Os said, slowly patting his pregnant belly in circles.


  Os woke up suddenly. It felt like the middle of the night. He was entirely exhausted, not at all rested. His shirt was soaked through with sweat. When his feet hit the floor, he realized how pained and swollen his feet were. His ankles were swollen and felt like arthritis. He waddled more than walked. University-logo-emblazoned soft bunny slippers were part of the care packs given to pregnant omegas, but of course Os couldn’t come out and announce that he was pregnant. No free bunny slippers for Os.

  Os’s most pressing need: his stomach was coming up slowly through his throat. Ever since he’d become pregnant, it was like his stomach didn’t agree with any other part of his body. The morning vomiting felt like rejecting a foreign body, often the same foreign body that had tasted like a delicious dinner the previous night. Just as he did on many a morning, that morning Os badly needed to throw up.

  He jogged-waddled-walked to the toilet and threw up. Tons. It wasn’t the first time he’d thrown up in the morning when pregnant, but that morning was especially bad. He was emptying out his stomach over and over into the toilet. He ran the tap water rinsed off his face and rinsed out his mouth. His head pounded in pain and he wanted to go back to sleep.

  Back in bed, he was still sick, but he could try to sleep for a few more hours and try to feel better. The midterm exam in Archer’s class was at 9 A.M. It must have been around 4 A.M. at that point. Four more hours of sleep would help. He glanced at his phone. It
was already 8:30 A.M. In thirty minutes he was supposed to be at his desk in Archer’s class, wearing a big hoodie or zipped-up windbreaker to cover his pregnant belly, writing midterm exam essays about embryos and cell division. He couldn’t rest for even a minute more if he was going to make it to that midterm on time.

  But his ankles would have none of it. His nausea would have one of it. His pounding head especially objected.

  The same phone that bore the bad news about the time would also let Os contact Alan to try to remedy the situation. Os lay on his back and pressed the speed-dial icon with Alan’s beautiful face.

  “Hey Os,” Alan answered. His voice was casual and relaxed. But Alan wasn’t the one who was pregnant, and Alan wasn’t the one who’d have to be taking a midterm in half an hour. “How are you doing?”

  “Throwing up. Barely standing. Ankles in pain. Other than that, nothing new.”

  “I’m really sorry,” Alan said

  “Two months pregnant. It’s normal. You probably already know that, Professor Archer.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m still sorry to hear when it’s happening to my mate.”

  “So I need to ask you actually, as your student, not as your mate: I need to postpone this exam. I need to take a pregnancy exam deferral.” As one of its famous omega-friendly policies, Springville State allowed any pregnant student to defer any exam until a later day within the following two weeks.

  “We can’t let the administration know you’re pregnant.” Alan didn’t even consider or hesitate before barking out that decision. It was as if he’d been waiting for that point all along, and had his directive ready.

  “But I am pregnant. And I need to postpone the exam. I really don’t care about your secret games with the administration. The fact is I’m pregnant, Alan, Professor Archer.” Did he really have to explain this? To someone who was not only his professor, not only a professor of human reproduction, but also the actual father of the actual baby?

  “So you don’t care about me keeping my job?” Alan snapped back. It was a meaningless retort, a cheap shot, but it still stung.

  “Of course I care about you. I’m just trying to use the exam deferral available to every pregnant student at Springville State. Every student except me, it seems.”

  “Os.” Alan was now clearly standing somewhere and whispering into his phone. “We can’t let anyone know you’re pregnant. Especially when people see you hanging around with me. Especially since you’re not publicly mated. Os, I don’t want to be disgraced as a professor.”

  “Ok, so I should be disgraced as a student, fail the midterm, because I can’t use the pregnancy deferral that I am explicitly permitted to use?” It was easier for Os to talk down to Alan when he could just close his eyes and talk, instead of having to see Alan’s simultaneously beautiful and terrifying face staring at him.

  “Let me figure something out.” Alan sounded exasperated.

  “No. Alan. Professor Archer. I don’t want any kind of faking or forging or fudging my exam. I don’t believe in that, and I don’t want my face in the newspaper for academic fraud.”

  “And I don’t want my face in the newspaper for impregnating my student!” Alan’s voice was genuinely angry now.

  “Then maybe you shouldn’t have impregnated your student, Mister PhD? Did they ever teach you that skill at Harvard, of keeping your dick in your pants if you couldn’t live with the consequences?” Os didn’t even know where the words were coming from within him, but those strong words were flying out with such force that he was singularly impressed with himself. He was no powerless squeaky omega bimbo.

  “Ok. Os.” Alan was pausing. He’d obviously been pushed into a corner by Os. That was a triumph. “Os. How about this. How about I grant you a medical extension. No reason stated, just medical. It’s not the automatic pregnancy extension done by the university, but a professor can give a medical extension based on professorial discretion. Ok?”

  It would have to do. It was a little bit shady. It wasn’t as nice and automatic as the pregnancy extension. But it would have to serve as a compromise, in a situation where Os was sure he had really no reason to compromise. He was just trying to use a university benefit that he was entitled to, and that Alan was trying to prevent him from using. Anyway, Os just wanted to get back to sleep, not argue the fine points.

  “Ok, Alan. Professor Archer. Please grant me the medical extension. For unspecified medical reasons. Thanks. I’ll contact you later to schedule a make-up appointment to take the exam.”

  “Can you send me an email to that effect, please? To my university email address.”

  “Yes, Professor.” Os could play along. And Alan did have a job and a reputation to protect. It wasn’t entirely unreasonable of him to expect some discretion from Os — as Os knew just as well as Alan did, their relationship was highly inappropriate in the eyes of the University, at least while Os was still his student.

  “I’ll come see you after class, ok?”

  “Here? In my dorm?”

  “Yeah. Unless you have some other location in mind.”

  “I just think — I mean maybe I’m the paranoid one here, Professor Archer — but I just think maybe it’s not good that you’re seen visiting your student’s room on the regular. Once was ok but when people see you constantly coming here, it’s weird.” Weird was an understatement. Even one visit was beyond weird if people started asking too many questions. Archer must’ve been to Alan’s dorm room a good ten times already, always sneaking in and out late at night or midday when everybody was away in class.

  “I’ve been thinking about the same thing. I think I’ve got a solution. Let me tell you about it when I come over around noon, ok?”

  “Does it involve an invisibility cloak? Mustache and glasses? Santa beard?” Os laughed to himself. With every laugh, his abdomen hurt more, so he tried to restrain his laughs. That wasn’t quite effective either.

  “I’ll explain when I get there. Get some sleep for three hours, ok? Set an alarm for noon when I come over.”

  “Your word is my command, alpha Professor Alan Archer!”

  “Whatever. See you at noon. Go sleep now. I gotta go administer the exam.” There was a sound of class building hallways and student chatter. Alan clicked off the phone.

  Os lay in bed on his left side. He’d trained himself to always get into that sleeping position. He did sometimes allow himself a cheat night sleeping on his back. Either way, he slept alone, other than the times he and Alan fell asleep for a few minutes when cuddling in Os’s dorm bed.

  Os drifted to sleep. He dreamed he was in his dorm room, doing a problem set at his desk, and a beautiful newborn baby sat next to him. The baby’s hair was light blond like Archer’s, eyes bright blue like Archer’s. And the baby cooed quietly every few seconds while Os peacefully worked on his homework.

  Even in the dream, Os knew that real babies weren’t like that. Real babies pee and poo and scream and keep their fathers up all night. But it was a nice relaxing dream. That baby was to real babies what teddy bears were to real bears.

  Suddenly there were two babies on his desk. One on the right, one on the left. They cooed in unison. They were the cutest babies ever. Except Os wasn’t sure if both were his. He tried to remember whether he’d been pregnant a second time, whether he’d delivered that second baby. He couldn’t even remember delivering the first baby. Confusing.

  Then an alarm rang. A loud alarm. Os woke up. There were no babies in his room. It must’ve been his roommate’s phone, because it didn’t sound like Os’s phone alarm. But it was too loud for that. And it was coming from everywhere. And a light was flashing on the side of the building. The alarm was coming from outside more than from next door.

  Os managed the few steps to the window, puffy ankles and sore feet and all. He looked outside. It was the whole dorm building that was sounding an alarm. The dorm building’s security lights were all flashing and security sirens were ringing everywhere.

  And the
re he saw Alan. His own Alan. Professor Archer. Alan was crouch-scurrying around the side of the building, to the front door. Guessing on Alan’s path of travel, Os could only deduce that Alan had tried to climb up the fire escape.

  Every year, some unlucky freshman who hadn’t been listening at dorm orientation found out that the dorm fire escapes were indeed alarmed. If someone used them when the fire alarm wasn’t sounding, the building-wide security alarm would sound. It was usually a drunken freshman trying to be clever trying to get back to his room surreptitiously.

  This time, seemingly, it was the esteemed Professor Archer, trying to get to Os’s room undetected. Os could only hope that no one saw Archer, or he wasn’t recorded on security camera. The cops would probably show up soon. Luckily, a professor would be the last person they’d suspect of such shenanigans, even if in fact that professor was the first person they should suspect.

  Os unlocked his dorm room door and calmly waited for Alan to arrive. He peeked outside to the hallway, and there he saw Alan — still crouch-walking, resembling a cat burglar. Os shook his head, opened his door for Alan, then closed the door and locked it.

  “Is that your new plan for being discreet, Professor Archer? Sneaking up the fire escape?”

  “How did you know that was me?”

  “Um, because I saw you?” Os shook his head again and laughed, then gripped his swollen belly again.

  “That’s actually not my plan on how to be discreet.” Alan shook his head. He was covered in sweat and smelled like the musky alpha that he was. “But I did it because I was thinking about how often I’ve been seen going up to your room. Way too many times. So I thought I’d use the fire escape this time. More discreet. Your room window is right over the fire escape, you know.”

  “I’m well aware of the location of my room window.” Os said it mock-seriously, with a wide-open smile. He waited for Alan’s lips to meet his smile with a kiss. Alan leaned in toward him and did exactly that. This gorgeous chiseled, muscular man was kissing Os right in his dorm room, and he loved it.


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