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Best Friends Forever

Page 13

by Dawn Pendleton


  On Monday morning, I find myself face to face with Nolan, who looks like he hasn’t slept in days.

  “You look like shit,” I say to him as we walk to an early class, one we share.

  “Thanks, Miranda. It’s not like I was in the hospital over the weekend or anything. And Coach made me practice yesterday, too.” His eyes were void of all emotion.

  “That’s messed up. Shouldn’t you have some time off?”

  “Yeah. Try telling Coach that,” he jeers.

  I make a noncommittal sound. “And you’re already back to class, too? I figured you would take a few days off.”

  He sighs. “Coach made it crystal clear that the school’s policy is that if I miss a day, I don’t get to practice, and if I missed practice, I would be off the team.”

  “That’s harsh.”

  “Tell me about it. How are things with you? In between the hospital stay and practice, I managed to hear about the rumors. I’m sorry,” he says, his eyes full of concern.

  “It’s no big deal. That’s not who I am now.” I have to stay hardened and not fall prey to his gorgeous eyes. I need to be strong. I change the subject. “So did the doctors figure out what’s wrong with you?”

  “Not yet. They’re still waiting on test results.”

  “You probably shouldn’t be playing until those come back, huh? I mean, what if something is wrong?”

  “I doubt it. I’m in great shape, physically and mentally,” he says with a smirk. His arrogance is annoying, but I can’t help but feel truly happy that he’s going to be okay.

  “Maybe your ego deserves a virus. You know, to calm you down a little,” I say.

  “You’re just jealous.”

  “Of what?”

  “Des. She gets all this and you’ve got no one.” His words hit their target and I gasp.

  “Screw you, Nolan! I can’t believe I almost felt sorry for you.” I turn to walk away, but he grabs my arm.

  “Miranda, you don’t have to hide who you are anymore. Obviously, you like dick. I’ll be happy to oblige you,” he offers.

  “Get your hands off me,” I seethe through my teeth. I yank my arm away and turn toward the building of my first class. I know Nolan is going there too, but his body is still weak and I beat him there in seconds.

  I jerk open the door and make my way to the lecture hall. It’s one of the largest on campus; sociology is my favorite class so far, but it’s also got the highest number of students, which means I can get lost in the crowd. Not that I mind. After the rumors over the weekend, all I want to do is get lost.

  I take a seat in the back, desperate to be unnoticed. No such luck.

  “Hey, Miranda, get any lately?” A guy I don’t recognize makes a lewd gesture to me and his buddies laugh.

  I swallow but don’t comment. I learned a long time ago that fighting back only fuels their fire. I remain silent and pull out my books and flip open a notebook to doodle. I’ve loved art since I was little, and it creates a fantasy realm for me to go to when my real life crumbles. Like now.

  I draw for several minutes, until I feel someone slide into the seat next to me. I look up, expecting Nolan, but it’s Roman. He’s smiling down at me like he’s happy to see me and I feel the shame rise to heat my cheeks.

  “Hey, Miranda,” he says with a grin.

  “Hi.” I’m not in the mood to talk.

  “I have a proposition for you.”

  I turn to look at him as he sits and tosses his bag over the chair. He raises a brow at me. “What?”

  “Well, considering how good we were yesterday…”

  “No. Absolutely not.” I’m firm. Sure. Decisive.

  He leans close and his voice drops to a seductive level. “But you didn’t even come. I can make you come so hard you scream.”

  I close my eyes at the visual his words create in my mind. Roman over me, thrusting into me with his delicious dick and my thighs grasping his hips. Or, even better, his behind me, his hips slapping my ass as he takes me.

  A low moan escapes my throat and my eyes fly open. Roman is smirking at me.

  “You want it as much as I do,” he says, sure of himself.

  “It’s not going to happen. You’re with Hazel.” There. I said no.

  “We aren’t exclusive. Hell, she’s sleeping with Andre, if the rumors are to be believed. What’s the harm in us having a little fun, too?”

  “Like, friends with benefits?” I ask, a little excited at having Roman in my bed.

  “Exactly like that. And no one needs to know,” he explains.

  “Of course. I won’t tell a soul.” Of course, I can’t tell anyone, if I’m going to start dating Audric. In the public eye, I have to maintain my status as someone who has given up her dirty ways.

  He puts a hand out to shake and I take it, squeezing his fingers with my own. I notice immediately how warm he is, how big his hands are. He’s perfect. With a smile, I turn back to my book, ready to get on with class.

  Professor James begins class and I admire his fine features. He looks too young to be a professor, but I don’t mind. His suit hugs his muscled body perfectly. From what he’s told us, he also teaches a Calculus class on Mondays, and I know Nolan and Hazel are in that class. I wish I signed up for Calculus. Then I could stare at him for two classes. Talk about a perfect Monday.

  A note appears in front of me.

  You’re making me jealous, making gaga eyes at the professor. I want you on my cock tonight.

  Roman’s vulgarity makes me hot, I confess, and I’m so turned on by him. I write back.

  My roommate has a night class. Come over between seven and eight.

  I watch him as he reads my words and his eyes go wide in pleasure. He gives me a short nod and passes the paper back to me. I shove it into my notebook and try to pay attention.


  “Miss Keith? Can I see you after class, please?” Professor James asks as class ends. A few students around me laugh, thinking I’m in trouble, and I wonder what I’ve done.

  I go to his desk to wait, and once all the other students have left the room, he looks at me.

  “Is there something you need to tell me?”

  “Uhh, what?” I ask, uncertain what he means.

  He reaches over and plucks a piece of paper out of the notebook I’m holding. I realize it’s the note Roman and I passed earlier.

  He holds it up. “What’s this?”

  “Mr. James, I can explain,” I start, not really sure how I can explain anything.

  “Let’s just see what you and Mr. Callahan were discussing that couldn’t wait.” He unfolds the note and I stare at my notebook. More shame to add to my day.

  “Well, well, well, it looks like you’re a busy girl,” he says.

  I glance up at him with tears in my eyes, unable to stop them as they streak down my cheeks. Another person to bear witness to my humiliation.

  “I suggest you not pass notes in my class again, Miranda,” he says. He hands me the note and then dismisses me.

  “Is that it?” I ask, wondering what kind of game he’s playing.

  “Do you want to be punished?”

  “Well, no, but I kind of expected it.”

  He laughs softly. “You aren’t ready for my punishments, Miranda. Have a nice day.”

  What the hell was that? I think to myself as I exit the hall. Roman is waiting for me outside the building.

  “What did he say?”

  “He read our note. And then he gave it back to me and let me go. He asked me not to write notes in his class anymore.”

  “That’s it? Damn, he’s easy. I bet you could do whatever you wanted in his class,” Roman says as we walk toward the Science Center.

  “Yeah,” I agree, though I’m not really sure. The whole encounter was weird and frightening.

  “I’ve got to get to my next class, but we’ll talk later, okay? I’ll text you,” he promises as he walks away.

  Intro to Lit is m
y next class, one I dread attending because of Hazel. Especially today. I mean, I just agreed to sleep with her boyfriend. I’m not much of a friend, I guess. But Hazel is a bitch. She has an attitude problem and a dysfunctional personality. As much as I want to rub it in her face that Roman wants me, I know I’ll keep quiet about it. Maybe whoever is running rumors about our group will find out. That would be interesting.

  “Hey, Hazel,” I say as I sit next to her. We aren’t friends, per se, but each of us is the only person either of us knows in the class.

  “What’s up?” she asks without looking up from her drawing.

  She’s doodling in a notebook, but as I sit, I notice it’s much more than a doodle. Her drawing is of Roman, and it’s really good. She’s got a near perfect ink stroke for his hair and eyes, and the strong, stubborn line of his jaw, are phenomenal.

  “That’s really good,” I say.

  She looks up, surprised. “Thanks. He and I just got back together, so I’ve been drawing all morning.”

  “Are you going to add color?” I ask, genuinely curious about her work. She’s done the whole thing in black pen, but color could really add a distinctive layer to it.

  “I thought about,” she answers, regarding her work. “I’m not sure I have the right media.”

  “What options do you have?”

  “Well, I have watercolors, but I feel like they will just ruin the ink. You won’t be able to see all the lines. Markers are out for the same reason.” She sighs.

  “What about colored pencils? They won’t detract from the ink or cover it, and the color will be light and airy, to give it a fresh look.”

  She considers my suggestion for a moment. “That’s not a bad idea. I’ll have to see what I can get at the art store downtown this afternoon.”

  “I can go with you, if you want, to help you pick out colors,” I offer, not certain if it’s a good idea. If we have this in common, though, maybe we can become friends.

  “Sounds good. We’ll have to take the bus, though. I don’t have a car.”

  “I bet I can borrow Cheyanne’s car. Let me text her,” I say, pulling out my phone.

  Minutes later, Cheyanne has agreed to let me use her car and class starts. I try to pay attention, but there’s only so many times you can go over the themes of The Canterbury Tales. Zoning out, I think about Roman and how much fun we’re going to have. Even if Hazel and I become good friends, I don’t consider this a betrayal. Roman said they aren’t exclusive, and the whole school knows Hazel slept with Andre.

  I set aside my guilt as the class goes on, occasionally admiring Hazel’s drawing. Roman really is a good-looking guy, and she’s captured him perfectly. When we’re finally dismissed, we walk together to her next class.

  “I’ll go grab Cheyanne’s keys, so you can just come to my dorm after your class and we’ll run to the art store.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Now I have to deal with Nolan,” she complains.

  “He’s not all bad, I don’t think. He’s just a player,” I tell her.

  “I know. I just like giving him a hard time.” She smirks and gives me a wink. “I’ll see you later.” She disappears through the door into the class and I turn around to go see Cheyanne.

  Minutes later, I knock on her door, nervous about what I’m going to walk in on. To my relief, she answers the door fully clothed and alone.

  “Hey, girl. So what do you need the car for?” she asks as I walk in.

  “Hazel and I are going to that art store downtown. It’s huge and she needs some pencils. I might get some stuff, too,” I explain.

  “Hazel, huh? I’m not sure how I feel about that,” she says, sitting on her bed.

  “Cheyanne, you really ought to give her a chance. She’s not as bad as you think,” I say. “She’s just like you and me.”

  “She is not like me. That rich bitch has never had to give up anything in her life. You should hear the way she talks about all the money her daddy has in Atlanta. It’s disgusting. And yet she doesn’t have a car. What’s up with that?”

  I’m surprised by Cheyanne’s outburst. “You should really think about what she’s gone through in her life before you judge her.”

  “She judges me. She asked for it.” Cheyanne folds her arms over her chest in a defiant manner.

  I sigh. “You’re stronger than she is, Chey. Cut her some slack,” I suggest.

  “Fuck that. She’s a royal bitch who thinks her shit doesn’t stink. I’m not giving her any slack. And if you were smart, you would stay the hell away from her. She’s no good to anyone.”

  I open my mouth to reply but quickly shut it. Cheyanne is too worked up to listen to anything I have to say. And she’s the one acting like a bitch. I like Cheyanne, but the way she treats Hazel isn’t right.

  “I’ll just go. I don’t think you’re in the mood to talk to anyone,” I say, moving toward the door.

  “She’s going to screw you over, Miranda. Just wait,” Cheyanne mutters.

  I turn back to her for a moment. “I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.”

  I leave her room utterly pissed off that she passes judgment like she’s a queen or something. Her behavior makes me wonder why I’m even friends with her.

  Roman is at the end of the hall. I take a deep breath, not sure how to deal with him right now.

  “Miranda! Good to see you. I’ve got some free time right now,” he offers, tilting his head toward his dorm.

  “I think I’ll pass for right now. I need to find a ride downtown in an hour,” I tell him.

  “Where you going?”

  “Hazel and I are going to raid the art store.”

  “Take my car,” he says casually.

  “What? No way. That thing is like brand new.”

  “Yeah, so? You know how to drive, right?” I nod. “Just take good care of it. My birthday is coming up and they said I’m getting a new vehicle, so I’ll have two.”

  “Is that allowed?” I wonder aloud.

  “I’m not sure. But Nolan said it shouldn’t be a problem. And he would know.”

  “Awesome. Well, thank you. I really appreciate it. What do I tell Hazel?” I ask, nervous again.

  “Just say you ran into me and mentioned you needed a ride and I offered it up to you for her. Then she’ll feel special and you and I will know the truth.” He winks.

  “Thanks,” I say.

  “Can I show you something?”

  “Sure,” I answer.

  He leads me into his dorm and I wonder if this is just a ploy to get me into his room.


  “This is Deacon,” Roman says, picking up a picture of a toddler off his desk. He holds it out to me.

  I take the photo and stare at the little boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. “He’s adorable.”

  “He’s my life. Cheyanne doesn’t understand how much I love and care about my son. She thinks I’m in cohorts with my parents to get sole custody.”

  “That sucks. Why are they doing this?”

  “I’m not sure. They are the ones who encouraged Cheyanne and me to go to Coastal. They thought up the plan, so that we would both have some of the normal college experiences. We were both going to a local community college in Columbia. We were happy, but they didn’t have the programs either of us wanted, so we were each going to just get an Associates. But then my mom and dad came up with the idea of Coastal. They argued that it was close enough to visit home as often as we wanted and far enough away that we could actually live before we settled into a family life.

  “Deacon is so smart. He’s leaps and bounds ahead of other kids his age. I love that boy more than anything in this world. And when my parents dropped the news that they were going for sole guardianship, I fought them. They claimed it was for his own good, and that when we go to court, they are going to suggest supervised visits for Cheyanne, but I’ll be able to see him as often as I want. I don’t know what to do about them.”

  Roman is not what I expected. He c
ares about more than just himself. His concern for Deacon, and even for Cheyanne, surprises me, but also tugs on my heart. He’s hurting more than he lets anyone see.

  “I wish I had good advice for you. Can you talk your parents into backing off?” I ask, ignoring the sudden rush of butterflies to my stomach.

  “They are set in their ways. I don’t know how I could convince them.” He looks down at the photo in my hands and takes it from me, his eyes staying on his son.

  “What if you turn the tables on them?” The idea is a long shot, but I’m anxious to help him in whatever way I can.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, maybe you convince them to pay for a lawyer for you. I’m sure you can convince them to give you some money. I mean, if they buy you a new car and you sell the one you have, I’m sure you could afford to pay for one yourself, even. Then you could get a good lawyer for you and Cheyanne. If you two create a joined front, a judge is going to have a hard time not giving you custody. It’s just an idea,” I add when he looks doubtful.

  When he smiles, though, I realize he likes the idea. “That’s perfect! No one will take a child away from us if we’re united! You’re a genius.”

  I blush under his compliment. He looks at me like I’m smarter than anyone he’s ever known; I smile back at him.


  “I’ve got to go call a lawyer, but I’ll swing by later tonight, just like we planned, okay?” He hands me his car keys and all but pushes me out the door; just before it clicks close, I see him open up his laptop.

  Feeling like I’ve helped him out, I walk smugly back to my building. My room is empty, which is great. I don’t really want to be around anyone, despite my good mood. I’m more afraid someone will rain on my happiness parade, so I pull out my phone and do a quick search on the art store downtown. There are a few things I need to buy, so I want to price them out first.

  I make a list of the things I want and add up how much it’s going to cost. Once I’m done, I tuck the list into my pocket and check my bank account. Mom gives me an allowance every week, and I’ve hardly spent any of it since I started. I’ve been too busy to do any shopping, so the only money I’ve even spent was when we all went to the amusement park a few weeks ago. My balance is more than enough to cover my art supplies, so I sit down to do some homework until Hazel arrives.


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