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(Watch Me) Body You (Run This Town Book 2)

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by Avril Ashton

  Is sat up. “I tend to fuck up. It’s my thing, but aye, sorry if I did.” He didn’t remember, but he couldn’t be sure. “And thank you for bringing me here.” He looked around. “Even though you kept here a secret from me.” He winked and Reggie chuckled.

  “There was nothing to tell.” He walked over slowly. “My grandfather built his place then passed it on to my dad. He used to bring me here every summer.” His smile went away. “We haven’t been back since I turned sixteen and started running the streets, but it’s been here.”

  Is nodded. He knew Reggie and his pops had a very tumultuous relationship. Still, that always made him jealous. At least Reggie had a dad around. He cleared his throat. “And the other thing?” He lifted an eyebrow and waited.

  “What thing?” Reggie looked away.

  “At the hospital. You were…mad when Tawnya showed up. I know why.”

  Reggie jerked as though he’d been hit by a cattle prod. “What?” Something flashed in his eyes. Fear? Maybe. Trepidation? Could be.

  “Yeah. I mean, Ilana fucked me over so I guess you feel I should watch myself with the others.”

  Reggie pursed his lips and shook his head. “You’re a grown man, Is.” His voice changed. Went huskier? “Who you fuck is—” He broke off and rubbed both hands on his jean-clad thighs. “Who you fuck is not my problem.”

  “But it is when we share them.” Like it always did when he thought about it, Is’ body stirred. “Ilana had both of us duped.”

  “No. Actually, she didn’t.” Reggie’s jaw ticked. “Listen, can we do this another time? I’m wiped out.”

  “Not after you say something like that.” Is frowned. “You knew Ilana was up to something?”

  “I didn’t know anything,” Reggie snapped. “I just had a feeling about her. I couldn’t come to you with that, could I? Not when you were so blinded by the thought of fucking her. You didn’t act the way you should. You should know better.”

  “What?” Is rose from the couch slowly. “You saying I should have known she was a plant, I should have seen it?”

  Reggie laughed. “You had blinders on when it came to that woman, Is. You took her at face value when you should know better.” He shook his head. “You, of all fucking people, should know better.”

  “That has nothing to do with it.” For the first time he regretted sharing his childhood with Reggie.

  “No? What have you learned, Is?” Reggie got in his face. “Ilana set you up to get killed. You almost died, Is. Died. You have no idea what that felt like, watching my best friend lie in that hospital bed. But the instant you wake up, there’s another woman next to you. As if it’s nothing. What the fuck have you learned?”

  Is stared at him, at the surprising emotion in Reggie’s eyes. “You think I should have seen through Ilana’s lies?”

  “You should have, but you didn’t.” Reggie’s rant echoed throughout the cabin. “You didn’t, Is. You’re fucking blind, man.”

  Wow. Is reared back at the intensity in those words. “Yeah. Aight.” He nodded. “Now I know how you feel.”

  “No.” Reggie’s chest rose and fell. “No. You still don’t know how I feel.” He balled his fists, and Is’ gaze dropped.

  He stared at Reggie’s hands, trying to place the sudden tension that permeated the air. Violence, yes, but something…other. It swirled around them in the quiet. Thick, lifting the hairs on his forearms and nape. He yanked his gaze up to meet Reggie’s. His friend’s eyes were wide and shining, and they pierced Is. He almost stumbled backward. What—

  “You don’t know how I feel, Is.” Reggie’s words rumbled, grated. “Because you’ll never look deep enough.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “It means go to bed, Is. I’m tired.” Reggie walked past him.

  “Reg, what the fuck, man? Talk to me.”

  “Go to fucking bed, Is!” Reggie’s roar stunned Is. “I’m done talking to you. It doesn’t matter anymore. Let’s just get these few days done and go back to Queens.”

  Something churned in Is’ gut. “And then what?” he asked. “What happens when we get back to Queens?”

  Reggie picked up the blanket off the back of the couch and shook it out. “I don’t know, Is.” He sounded tired, weary. “I just…I need you to go to bed so I can go to bed.” He didn’t look at Is when he asked, “Can you do that please? I want to be alone.”

  His head was bowed, and Is wanted to go to him. To touch him, put his palm at Reggie’s neck. Maybe hug him, tell him they would be fine. He’d had no problems touching Reggie before. None. But suddenly there was a tug of war going on inside his head.

  Go to him.

  Don’t. That voice was louder, for some reason, but he chose to ignore it. With one step forward, he did it. Put his palm there, at Reggie’s nape. Felt his hot skin.

  Reggie stiffened then jerked away. “Don’t.”

  Is gaped at him. “What the fuck is happening, Reggie?” They’d never been this combative with each other. On more than one occasion, he’d done just that, touch Reggie’s nape and that had helped to calm Reggie down from whatever mood he’d be in. What was different today? What had been different since he woke up in the hospital?

  “Here, now?” Reggie answered him. “Nothing’s happening, Is. Not a damn thing.”

  “Your attitude says different.”

  “Yeah?” Reggie spun to face him, eyes flashing fire. “My attitude? Step back, Is.”

  Is didn’t move.

  “Step back or I will drop you, Is.”

  “You threatening me, bruh?” Is narrowed his eyes.

  “I’m telling you to step back, otherwise you’ll be on the floor.”

  “You’ll be down there with me.” Is couldn’t grasp what was happening, but whatever it was it made his spine vibrate. “Reggie—”

  Reggie’s nostrils flared. “It’s late. I’m tired. And this conversation is over. Go away, Is.”


  “Go the fuck away, Is.”

  Is stood there and watched Reggie stretch out on the couch. There wasn’t much to say, at least anything that wouldn’t turn into another senseless argument, so he walked away.

  Chapter Two

  “Higher.” Reggie tightened his hand around Is’ waist as he struggled with his drunk wobbling. “Lift your foot higher, Is. One step to go.”

  Is sagged into him, face in Reggie’s neck, hot breath tickling his skin. Reggie didn’t bother trying to push Is off, he’d come right back, nose pressing into his skin. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen his best friend drunk. This was definitely the first he’d seen Is this faded.

  “Is.” He lifted his voice, made it stern, and the sound carried through the empty halls of The Pink Houses. The housing projects he called home. “Come on, man. Help me get you inside.” His apartment was only a few steps from where they were, but it felt further away with a heavy and uncooperative Is clinging to him.

  Is made a low sound in his throat and burrowed his face deeper into Reggie’s neck. Reggie scowled. Damn it. He twisted his body. Is faltered, tripped, and Reggie grabbed him before he crashed to his knees.

  “I don’t even know why you drank so fucking much,” he muttered as he dragged Is by his shoulders. “You’re heavy as fuck, Is. Damn.”

  “You’re heavy.” Is chuckled, the sound low and deep and echoing in the stillness. He moved one foot, lifting it higher than necessary then dropped it. His massive body wobbled, but at least he crossed the last stair.

  “You so owe me for this.” Reggie pushed Is away by the chin when his friend tried to lay his head on Reggie’s chest. “Wish I could take out my phone right now,” he murmured with a grin. “I’d definitely tape this.”

  Is was usually very much in control, of himself, his environment. Tonight he’d been in control of the threesome they’d had with one of his women, Ilana. Reggie grunted as he fought to fish his keys out of his pocket while Is held him. Something about Ilana rubbed him wr
ong. Which didn’t stop him from fucking her tonight. New pussy was good pussy, especially when it was tight pussy. But his hackles rose whenever Ilana was around.

  He managed to open his door while Is murmured in his incoherent Jamaican dialect, his lips at Reggie’s ear.

  “Come on.” Reggie flipped on the light and yanked Is inside. “Get your ass in here and sleep that liquor off.”

  Is walked fully into the place on his own, even though he bobbed and weaved like crazy and kept bumping into the walls. He made his way to the bedroom, and Reggie locked up then kicked off his boots and followed. He found Is face down on the bed, legs—hell, his entire lower half—hanging over the side.

  Idiot was a useless drunk.

  Reggie yanked off Is’ sneakers then the socks. He straightened and eyed the still figure. Okay. No way he’d be taking off Is’ jeans. He’d never live that down.

  “Is.” Reggie smacked him on the shoulder. “Go on up on the bed, dude.”

  Is grunted. Reggie rolled his eyes. It was like dealing with a two year old.

  “Whatever. Stay there.” He pulled off his t-shirt as he walked to the bathroom. By the time he washed his face, peed, and came back into the bedroom, Is was positioned properly on the bed, hugging the pillows to himself.

  Figured he’d take all the pillows. Reggie shook his head and turned off the lights before getting into the bed on the opposite side. On his back, he stared up at the dark ceiling. He’d never seen Is drink as much as he’d drank tonight. After being with Ilana they’d stopped by a backyard party one of Is’ friends threw in Brownsville. From the time they arrived to the time they left, Is was gurgling brown liquor. Reggie had put down his own beer once he noticed Is wasn’t stopping. One of them had to be the designated driver.

  But why had Is been so determined to lose himself tonight?

  Reggie shifted, smelling the liquor wafting from Is. He frowned. He didn’t like that at all. Is was always on point, always focused. Tonight was a first. Reggie needed to know. A man like Is, the leader of a gang as powerful as The Rude Boys, had enemies. If Reggie was going to hang with Is, he needed his friend to at least be able to defend himself if anything were to pop off.


  Reggie squinted into the darkness when Is spoke. “Huh?” He couldn’t make heads or tails of whatever it was Is just said.

  “You and Ilana.” Is’ words were slow and slurred by his inebriation, but Reggie eased closer and was able to make them out. “I got jealous when she touched you.”

  Reggie nodded and pursed his lips. So Is had feelings for Ilana. He was…disappointed. He’d expected Is to hold out for someone better than whatever Ilana was portraying herself to be, but he had no say in it. “We don’t have to do it again,” he said quietly. “If you have real feelings for her and you don’t want us to do the three-way thing again, it’s cool. I’m cool.”

  He remembered now that after Ilana had gone down on him, Is had fucked her and it had been…rough. Like a punishment, as if he’d wanted to prove something. Maybe prove she was his alone? That was fine by Reggie.

  “No. I— I just…” Is’ words trailed off then a sharp snore rumbled.

  Reggie grinned and let the sound lull him to sleep.

  When he opened his eyes, the room was gray, and Is was still beside him snoring. Reggie grunted and flopped onto his stomach. His neck hurt. He turned his head to Is and cracked an eye open. His friend was facing toward Reggie on the pillow, eyes closed as he slept, lips parted as he snored.

  Reggie watched him. Is’ skin was darker than his, the color of dark chocolate. His eyes were dark too, but Reggie had a hard time figuring out if they were dark brown or really black. He’d have to stare deep into Is’ eyes to decipher that puzzle and he didn’t think his friend would allow it. He had high cheekbones, sharp, his nose flat at the bridge then flared. His angular jaw wasn’t clean-shaven, but he didn’t have a full beard either. More like a thick shadow. Is’ lips were full and dark and Reggie never got a chance to study them until now, so he took it.

  Just stared. At Is’ lips. They looked soft. His hand appeared in his vision and he froze. Was he about to touch Is’ lips to test their texture?


  He’d watched Is last night with Ilana. He probably shouldn’t have, but he had. He couldn’t help himself. The way Is moved, the way his muscles flexed was…

  Reggie’s cock stirred, hardened and he jerked upright, mouth agape.

  He stared at Is. At his mouth. Which he wanted to feel so fucking bad.

  Oh God.

  He scrambled off the bed and ran to the bathroom then bolted the door behind him. Reggie stood at the door, a hand squeezing the doorknob, the other flat against the door as he tried to breathe. He was hard, and he couldn’t attribute it to his usual morning wood. He was hard for Is.

  What the fuck?

  * * * *

  Chirping woke Reggie and he came back to awareness with a groan. Fuck. He’d forgotten just how hard the couch in the cabin could be on his back and neck. Thinking about the cabin reminded him of why he was there and with whom, and he muffled a groan.

  This had to be the stupidest thing he’d ever done, and he’d done same pretty shitty things. This one took the cake. He’d confined himself to close quarters with Israel Storm for God knew how long. Which really meant however long it took Is to figure that Reggie had a thing for him. That he got hard at the sight of him.


  Every time they spoke nowadays it ended in an argument. Reggie didn’t know how not to go onto the defensive. He didn’t know how else to hide this thing inside him that kept getting bigger and bigger, and deeper and deeper. And it seemed the only person who didn’t see it was Is. Some days Reggie wanted him to see, to know, and others…others he prayed fervently that Is never knew. If he did—

  Reggie took a deep breath. If Is knew it would mean the end of them completely. Friends. Brothers. It would mean the end and Reggie didn’t want that. He would never want that.

  He rolled off the couch with a pained grunt and struggled onto his feet. His back cracked and he swiveled his head from side to side to work the kinks out. Every time he came up to the cabin he swore he’d get rid of the old couch. Still hadn’t happened.

  The place was quiet which meant Is likely wasn’t up yet. Reggie blew out a breath and grabbed his hoodie off the floor where he’d dropped it the night before. He crept out the cabin, grimacing when the wood floors creaked and the door groaned loudly when he shut it. Damn thing was going to give him away. Outside on the porch he inhaled the chilly air then walked the few feet to the wooden jetty that had seen better days. Another thing that needed fixing, but he’d been so busy he barely found time to come up to the Adirondacks anymore. He looked down as he stepped over broken slats and those spaces where the slats had fallen out, showing the water below. The air was fresh here, definitely better than in Brooklyn.

  The quiet was…loud. Birds echoing, breeze rustling the trees overhead. He smiled as he sat on the edge and stared out onto the calm water of the private lake. He had nothing but good memories of this place. His father began bringing Reggie up here every summer since he was six. It was their time, fishing, relaxing. Just the boys. It stopped when his parents got divorced when Reggie was fourteen. That first summer without their father-son time away, he found himself searching for something else. He found it in the streets, with the guys at the corner. By the time his father made his way back into Reggie’s life, reconciling with his mother, Reggie was already fully entrenched in the gang life.

  He didn’t need a father then. His life was already filled with father figures who didn’t judge, didn’t walk away when things got rough. They were no longer the same, he and his father No longer close. Still, he kept going to the cabin, trying to recapture what he’d had way back when. He’d never brought another human being along, but here he was. With Is.

  His brother. For the longest time he’d considered Is a surrogate broth
er. The sibling he’d never had. They’d hit it off so well from the jump. Over a couple dead bodies of all things. Is had executed two men who’d tried to hurt Reggie’s former boss Mateo Oliveros and Mateo’s husband, Tommy. Mateo had asked Reggie to help Is take care of the bodies and that was it. They’d been inseparable ever since. They referred to each other as brothers. They’d gotten so close so fast. Kindred spirits. Everything just clicked.

  They shared women, shared their secrets. And it was all good. Until that night Is got drunk. Reggie didn’t know why he awoke suddenly wanting to touch Is’ lips, to feel them. Why he’d gotten hard at the thought. It didn’t go away, that want to touch Is’ mouth. The hard-on. They remained. And Reggie had to hide this thing that made no sense.

  He was surrounded by men who loved men. Not once did he judge, not once did he condemn. To each his own. That wasn’t his thing. Never his thing. Except every time Is spoke, it suddenly was. Every time he touched Reggie in that carefree way of his, it suddenly was. Every time he walked into a room and Reggie had to turn away to hide the bulge in his groin, it suddenly was.

  The fucked-up thing was, sometimes he thought he could see that recognition in Is’ eyes. In his touch. Then it would disappear and Reggie would curse himself for trying to wish that shit into being. He’d never met a man who loved women as much as Is. His friend kept a stable at the ready. At the beginning, Reggie had been in awe of that. Women didn’t last long in his world. He fucked then left. He wasn’t interested in a relationship or kids so he kept it moving. With Is, he got the chance to engage some pretty crazy sexual experiences. At first it had been an awkward yet exhilarating trip sharing a woman with his best friend.

  But whenever they played with Ilana, Reggie hated it. Maybe it was the way she looked at him as if she knew something he didn’t. And after that drunken night, he could swear when she looked at him she saw how he felt, and her expression mocked him every time. He wanted to hurt her. He couldn’t lie. Wanted to just slit her throat and watch her bleed out with that smirk on her face. But Is had confided in him in his drunken state about being jealous when Ilana touched Reggie, so Reggie had to quell his murderous desires where Ilana was concerned.


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