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(Watch Me) Body You (Run This Town Book 2)

Page 22

by Avril Ashton

  X followed his line of vision as he stood next to Is. “Heard what happened with his folks. Fucked-up, man.”

  Is grunted. “Yeah.”

  “How is he doing?”

  “Acts like it doesn’t matter.” Is shrugged. “But it does, and I don’t know how to fix it.”

  “You can’t. This isn’t something you can fix.” X patted his back. “Just be there. Let him know you got him. You doing okay?”

  “I’m good.” He was, so Is changed the subject. “How are you after seeing Quinn again?”

  X sighed. “Won’t lie, it was a shock for sure.” He narrowed his gaze. “You should’ve told me you were in contact with him this entire time.”

  “You and he divorced,” Is said. “I didn’t divorce him. Quinn will always be family.”

  “I know. He looked good, Is. Really good.” X’s voice turned wistful. “Like the Quinn I first met, you know? But then he really saw me and that dead look came into his eyes.”

  “He can’t see you and not see…everything else.”

  “Right. I will always love him. I mean, I married him. He’s always with me, got a space in my heart all set aside for just Quinn and what we had.”

  “But you love the Russian,” Is supplied when X paused.

  “But I’m fucking crazy over the Russian.”

  Is chuckled. “You know, I didn’t know what to expect when Dima saw Quinn. It was obvious he recognized him right off the bat.”

  X nodded. “Yeah. I told him all about it. I shared Quinn with him so he knew and I wasn’t surprised at the way he acted.” X’s tone was full of sappy pride when he said, “Rush has a sensitive side.”

  “That’s buried deep, deep under all those tattoos, yeah?”

  “I’m the only one allowed to see that side, Is. Any one else gets fucked-up.”

  “Yeah.” Is looked over at Reggie. “I know what you mean.”

  “There are certain things we only show to the person we love, who share our bed.” X looked across the room and grinned at Dar. “Look at that fool,” he pointed at Dar who was staring at Anton’s woman.

  “He ’bout to get his ass beat if he doesn’t stop staring at Anton’s wife.”

  “Anton and Sylvie aren’t married,” X said. “But they have been together since high school or some shit like that.” They watched in silence as Dar started walking over to Sylvie, only to stop in his tracks when her man appeared at her back and wrapped his arms around her.

  Dar’s face fell as Sylvie leaned back against Anton’s chest and he nuzzled her nape.

  “Damn,” Is muttered.

  “Yeah. Sucks.”

  But right as Dar made as if to turn away Anton lifted his head and stared at him. Their gazes met, Dar looking all guilty for ogling Sylvie and Anton all smug and knowing.

  “Ooh.” Is brought a fist to his mouth with a laugh. “What was that?” Anton didn’t look pissed or angry at all.

  “Those two have some kinda poly shit happening. They like sharing,” X explained when Is lifted an eyebrow.

  “Huh.” Yeah, Is had nothing against threesomes, obviously, but with Reggie, that shit was not happening.

  X’s phone rang in his hand and he checked the caller ID before yelling out, “Okay people. Quiet.” The room fell silent and he answered, “Rush. Okay, I’ll see you when I get there tomorrow. Bye.” He grinned. “Oh, my bad. Luh you, Rush.” He barked a laugh. “I welcome that punishment.” Then he hung up. “He’s a minute away. He thinks I’m still in Brooklyn with a client.” He walked over to the front door. “Let’s do this.”

  He pressed a button and the house was plunged into darkness.

  Someone sidled up to Is, a hand slid into his, and he smiled as he leaned into Reggie. “You good?” he murmured.

  Reggie’s lips brushed Is’ temple. “I’m better. You?”

  “I’m good as long as you’re good.” Is squeezed his hand as headlights flashed in the darkness.

  Dima had arrived. The room held its collective breath as a car door slammed and footsteps raced up the stairs. They listened as Dima keyed in the code to unlock the doors. The locks disengaged with an audible click then Dima was there, in the shadows stepping inside.


  The Russian’s movements were a blur as the lights flicked on.

  “What the fuck?” Dima had two guns out, the one in his left hand pointed at X’s forehead, the other at the room. “Goddamn it, Mr. Storm. I almost shot you. That would have pissed me off.”

  X grinned. “Almost doesn’t count.”

  Dima cocked his head.

  “You wanna put down the guns or…”

  “Depends.” Dima lifted his gaze to finally glance around the room. “Why are so many people in our house?”

  “Happy Birthday, Rush.”

  Dima dropped his hands, sticking the guns in his waistband. “That’s still three days away.”

  “Hence the surprise,” Teo yelled.

  Dima touched X’s face. “Thank you.”

  X hauled him into his arms and kissed him. Devoured him, really. Is grinned as Dima hopped up and wrapped his legs around X’s waist while everyone cheered. Dima cupped the back of X’s head and broke the kiss.

  “Careful, Mr. Storm, otherwise all our friends are gonna watch us get naked.”

  X chuckled and released Dima so he could slide to his feet. Then X cleared his throat and with Dima at his side he faced the room.

  “Thank you, everyone, for coming. I wanted to surprise Rush and ask him something. Again.” He cleared his throat and turned to Dima. “I’ve asked this question three times before and each time he’s said no. I’m hoping with you guys here he’ll change his tune.”

  X dropped to his knees.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “You knew about this?” Reggie asked at Is’ ear.

  He shook his head. “Had no idea.”

  “Rush.” X gazed up at Dima while Is tightened his hold on Reggie. “I love you. I don’t have to tell you how much, you already know. And I also know how you feel about me.”

  Dima’s eyes were large, his mouth agape as he stared down at X. It wasn’t a bad look on him, the speechless look.

  “Marry me,” X said softly. It was as if he’d forgotten they had an audience and he was just talking to Dima. “I want to call you my husband. I want to be yours. Say yes.” He had a black ring box, but Is couldn’t see what the ring looked like.

  Dima covered his eyes with a shaking hand. “If you make me cry in front of all these people, I will make you very sorry,” he told X. He took a deep breath then held up a finger. “One, you are already mine. A ring or piece of paper has no say in that. And two, my answer would be the same whether or not we had an audience.”

  Everyone froze.


  The entire room erupted. X and Dima fell into each others arms and Is turned away before he was witness to his cousin having sex right there. Reggie grinned at him.


  “I know.” Is kissed him then tugged Reggie along as he walked out the room and away from the noise. They went out into the backyard and over to the far side of the pool where it was much quieter. There, he took Reggie’s face in his hands and kissed him properly.

  Reggie moaned for him, tongue twisting around Is’. Is drank him down, groaning at Reggie’s taste. So fucking good. He’d almost lost out on all this with his reticence and denials. Thank God he’d wised up in time.

  He bucked against Reggie, pushing a knee between his legs, rocking his erection against Reggie’s. He loved how Reggie’s breath caught and his nails dug into Is’ back through his clothes. He loved the way Reggie did a full body shudder when Is bit his bottom lip, holding him right there, with his eyes wide open. Reggie reached down and grabbed Is’ ass, kneading him, pulling him tighter into his body.

  They’d never gotten the chance to discuss their relationship and after seeing X and Dima solidify their future
, the time had come for Is and Reggie to do the same. He released Reggie’s bottom lip with a pop. Reggie panted.

  “I want the cabin,” Is said.

  Reggie blinked at him. “Huh?”

  “The cabin. I want to make it ours, our place.”

  “You want to live at the cabin?” Reggie licked his lips.

  Is nodded. “I know your pops owns it. We could buy it from him, fix it up. Make it ours. Our home away from the city. Ours.”

  Reggie just stared at him.


  “Why can’t we just buy our own place?” Reggie’s lips twisted. “I don’t know if my dad will do this.”

  Is shrugged. “Then we buy one in that area. I want what we had in that cabin. Without the arguing and shit.” Reggie grinned. “Tell me what you want,” Is urged him.

  “I don’t care where we live although I wouldn’t say no to the cabin thing.” Reggie’s fingers tap-tapped across Is’ nape. “I want to know we have a future. I want to know this is for real, this what we have. I want to know that you won’t wake up one day and decide pussy is what you want.” His face went serious when he said, “Because I don’t have one and I’m not bringing one into our bed.”

  “I love you,” Is said. Funny how that phrase just seemed to roll off his tongue so fucking smoothly when it came to Reggie. “I’m not about to fuck this up so you can quit worrying.” He nosed Reggie’s throat. “I’m not stupid.” He met Reggie’s gaze. “Besides, I know you’ll gut me.”

  Reggie’s teeth flashed. “Hold that thought.” He took his phone from his pocket and dialed as he watched Is. “Hey, Pop.”

  Is tensed.

  “I’m okay. Yes, he’s good, too.” Surprise widened his eyes and he nodded before removing the phone from his ear and putting it on speaker. “Okay, we’re both here.”

  Reggie’s father cleared his throat. “I just wanted you boys to know that I don’t feel the same way as your mother, Reggie.”

  Reggie inhaled loudly. Pressed together as they were, Is felt his tremors. His lover lifted helpless eyes to Is who spoke.

  “Thank you, sir. We really appreciate that.”

  “You’re my son, Reggie,” his father said. “I’ve failed you once before. That’s not about to happen again. So you can love who you want and I will love you no matter what.”

  Reggie’s eyes glimmered. Is’ own vision blurred there for a second and he had to blink.

  “Pop. Th-Thank you.”

  “I want you happy,” his father said gruffly. “So if Israel makes you happy, I’m good with that.”

  “He does. Pop,” Reggie sniffed. “He does.”

  “Good. Then that’s settled.” Mr. Turner cleared his throat. “Did you call for something in particular?”

  “Yeah. Uh.” Reggie grabbed Is’ hand as he said, “We want to buy the cabin. I know Grandpa gave it to you, but we would like to buy it and fix it.”

  “You want to live there?” his father asked.

  “Yes,” Is answered. “We’d like to make it our home. Whatever price you want—”

  “It’s yours.”

  Is gaped at the phone. “Just like that?”

  “No, not just like that,” Mr. Turner said. “Reggie, you there, son?”

  “Yes, I’m here.”

  “The cabin is yours, I’ll sign over the paperwork as soon as I can, but I want something in return.”

  Is stiffened and opened his mouth to refuse, but Reggie shook his head.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want my son,” his father said. “I want your forgiveness for me abandoning you all those years ago. Do you think that’s doable?”

  “I—” Reggie’s throat worked. “Yes,” he said softly. “It’s doable.”

  “Good.” Is heard the smile in Mr. Turner’s voice when he said, “You boys have a good night.”

  The call ended, and Is and Reggie stared at each other like— “What the fuck just happened?” Reggie asked.

  Is barked a laugh and hugged him close.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The barbershop was loud. Clippers buzzing, barbers and customers talking, and the TV mounted high on the wall all going at the same time. Is sat in the chair getting shaped up, next to him Tek was doing the same. He was waiting for Reggie who’d gone to spend some time with his father before they went up to the cabin.

  “What are you going to do about your situation?” Is asked Tek. His friend was facing lots of pressure from his family to come back into the fold. Is didn’t envy him having to make the decision. No matter what Tek chose there would be serious consequences.

  Tek lifted a hand in helpless gesture. “No idea yet.”

  “Heard you’ve been getting close to Tawnya.” Is would never tell Tek who to be with, but he thought he had a clue as to why Tek was losing himself in the safety of Tawnya.

  “It is what it is.” Tek bent as the barber worked on the back of his head.

  “What about—”

  “No.” Tek slashed a hand through the air. “Not going to happen.”

  “Why not?”

  “Is.” Tek sighed. “You know why.”

  “That’s a stupid excuse.” Is’ barber tapped him on the shoulder then flung away the dark smock covering him, indicating he was done. Is hopped off the stool and went to Tek. “You haven’t told him so he can’t be expected to make a decision without knowing all the facts.”

  Finished with his haircut, Tek got up and scowled at Is. “You need to stay out of it.”


  “I can’t.” Tek lifted his chin. “And it’s none of your business. Just like you shouldn’t have told Reggie about me.”

  “He needed to know.” Is cursed Tek’s stubbornness. “Go where you want to be, Tek,” he said softly. “Not where you think you have to be.” He held up both hands in surrender when Tek threw him a glare. “Alright. I’m done.”

  And not a moment too soon. The bell over the barbershop entrance chimed when the door opened. Is turned and had to bite back his smile when Reggie walked in. His Yankees cap was perched haphazardly on his head. His black t-shirt had the word “Crook” on it in white block letters and his dark jeans sagged into his tan Timbos despite the belt, showing his black boxers with the red stars all over it.

  Is remembered watching him get dressed it in that morning.

  “Reg.” He waved Reggie over. “Fellas, this here’s my partner,” he paused. Only three people in that room knew just what he meant by partner—he, Reggie and Tek—but that was enough. “Remember his face, yeah? This is Reggie. Treat him as you would treat me otherwise I’m gonna get ugly.”

  “Waddup, Reggie?” The entire shop greeted him with daps and waves.

  “All right, damn. Quit hogging the man.” He grabbed Reggie by the shoulder. “Reggie is my ride, so I’m out.” He threw up deuces. “One.”

  The three of them walked out the shop and got into Reggie’s SUV. The one with the blacked-out windows, allowing Is to grab Reggie by the front of his t-shirt and yank him down into a kiss.

  Tek took the driver’s seat and pulled off.

  “How did it go?” he asked when they came up for air.

  Reggie sat up, eyes bright, lips wet. “Went aight.”

  His father had long given them the cabin. Is didn’t think Mrs. Turner knew, but he didn’t care. Reggie’s mother was still refusing to see her son and though it hurt Reggie, Is knew that the new relationship he was forging with his father went a long way in helping Reggie heal.

  The two men met every weekend to spend time together. Is had joined them on a few occasions. Mr. Turner was cool peeps. And Reggie was happy.

  That made all the difference.

  He hugged Reggie to him as Tek drove them to catch their plane up to the cabin. Most of their time was spent up there now. Is considered Reggie his partner in business, but he’d also pulled back from the day to day running of things. He allowed the men he actually trusted to do their thing without being
up underneath them. That freed him up to do whatever he wanted, which at the moment was building up the cabin. They’d expanded on the building and completely fixed up the jetty and the porch.

  For now, Is was happy with their progress.

  He was happy, period.

  At the airstrip, they snapped Tek a goodbye salute and climbed onto the small plane. Is sat with Reggie snuggled up to his side, nuzzling his neck every now and again. The tiny plane was no place for what he wanted to do to Reggie. He’d just have to wait.

  The sun had gone down by the time the taxi drove up the nearly hidden path to the cabin. Is made a mental note to have the path fixed. On the porch they dropped their bags and sank into the two wooden chairs they’d placed there for times like now when they just wanted to sit and enjoy the tranquil lake.

  The taxi’s taillights disappeared and Reggie removed his cap and hooked his thumb in Is’ belt loop. “Come.”

  Oh hell. That shit was Pavlovian to Is. He went to his knees between Reggie’s spread thighs and watched, eyes hooded as Reggie unzipped his jeans and pulled his hard cock out.


  Is did. He hadn’t mastered the act yet, but he liked it, relished tasting Reggie. Lots of saliva, no teeth and he sucked Reggie down with a groan, shuddering when Reggie held the back of his head, keeping him on the dick. Is licked the head, licked up all the pre-cum.

  There was a sense of freedom being here at the cabin brought. They had no neighbors for miles. They could fuck wherever, whenever, and they did.

  Reggie disrobed as Is sucked him and cupped his balls, teasing his hole with an index. Is had to release him to pull off his own t-shirt and jeans, and he did so with a sound of mourning.

  “Lube.” Reggie motioned to his duffle, and Is rifled through the side pockets until he found the near empty tube.

  They used a lot of that shit.

  Reggie got up, pulled his jeans down to his ankles then sat back down and patted his thighs. Is grinned. He tossed Reggie the lube and straddled him, bringing their cocks together.

  Reggie hissed. Is rubbed up against him, holding their erections in his palm as he rocked.

  “Fuck.” Reggie squeezed the lube onto his fingers and pressed a finger into Is. “This is gonna be quick.”


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