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Raising Allies

Page 27

by Sarah Lin

  "Is there a chance Raigar will strike at that event as well?" Meara asked. They all glanced at one another, but there was no real way to answer that question. Eventually Bloodwraith was forced to state the obvious.

  "We will need to move extremely cautiously and gain what intelligence we can before striking. Given the number of people who will be in the arena, and the number likely to be looking for us, an attack during events is obviously impossible. If he travels via magic, intercepting him traveling to or from the Arena is also unlikely to work. That leaves confronting him in between events."

  "I agree." Gharavi stood up and gestured with the gloves. "I think that's all that can be decided for now, so I'll get to work. Do you want to join me, Danniah?"

  As the two of them left, Bloodwraith considered the timeline. Sixteen days until they needed to make an attempt that could easily turn deadly, or even lead to another confrontation with Raigar. That wasn't enough time, but he was beginning to worry that even ten times that many days would not be enough.

  He had improved his Undead Companion skill several more levels, past 10, and not received the large bonus he wanted. Izilthor had received a bonus of 5 NP, which was not much, and he'd gained the capability to maintain a second full Undead Companion. That was worth even less, in his opinion, because the second would only take potential NP away from Izilthor.

  Even though he had gone through every necromantic ritual contained within the case, he had yet to manifest a second ability. Critically, he had not found a way to gain control of hostile undead. As much power as he had gained, that had been his ultimate purpose.

  The one thing he had learned how to do was too simple to even be designated a skill by the boxes: he'd regained his own necromantic signature, a pattern woven into his magic. It was nearly the same as it had been before, and the slight changes would not stop anyone from recognizing him. That could be what he needed to use, though he didn't like the risks of taking that route...

  Gradually he realized that Meara hadn't left the room, instead lingering nearby. There was a strange expression on her face that he couldn't read, but it vanished when she looked fully at him. "Done thinking?"

  "Never. But did you want to talk about something?"

  "I feel as though I'm not contributing enough - and don't say anything trite about my contributions being unique. All of you can fundamentally develop in a way that I can't."

  She seemed frustrated, so he didn't insult her by dismissing her frustration. "I'll help if I can, but do you have something in mind?"

  "Bring up my box." Meara sat forward, folding her hands and focusing into an empty point in the air. "I've been concentrating and trying to figure out something, and I have a theory. But I can't see the system as clearly without your help."

  "Of course, though the last time it had no useful information..."

  [Name: Meara

  Race: Human

  Class: Peasant

  Alignment: N/A

  Level: 0

  EXP: 0/0

  Affection: NaN


  Might: 0

  Vitality: 10

  Quickness: 10

  Intellect: 0

  Charisma: 10

  Willpower: 10

  Wisdom: 10

  Luck: 0

  Piety: 0

  Skills: Herbalism (-1), Inspect (-1), Sewing (5), Repair (2), Steal (2)]

  Though he considered reading it to her, as soon as the box appeared, Meara's gaze shifted to focus on it. After staring at it in silence, she spoke quietly. "Weren't two of my skill numbers higher before?"

  "That's correct, though I'm not sure that means anything."

  "I'm starting to think that it does. The two things I can do that truly manipulate the box gods are analyzing the world - or Inspecting it - and creating potions - that is, Herbalism. I don't think the -1 value is meaningless. Instead, it represents a broken skill."

  Bloodwraith considered that for a long moment. "You may be correct, but we cannot be certain that the numerical portrayal follows the laws of mathematics. If, as I suspect, you have managed to lower your skill levels, you do not know if lowering them beneath 1 will actually produce the result you want."

  "That's true. I might hit level 1 and simply stop. Or reaching 0 might have some sort of catastrophic effect." Meara gave a weak shrug. "But I don't see what else I can do."

  "Your attempt to steal during the battle was interesting, regardless of the consequences. I think that is worth pursuing."

  "I appreciate that, but I don't feel up for making another attempt. Not after..." Meara trailed off, then shifted in her seat to lean against him and closed her eyes. "Let me just stay here for a bit. Everything feels more stable near you."

  "Is there something you want to talk about?"

  "No." With that answer, she settled against his armor. Bloodwraith put his arm around her and simply let her rest.

  Over the next several days, Bloodwraith devoted himself to his work and planned for another push deeper into the crypts. He only had slightly over 52,000 of the nearly 130,000 EXP required for the next Level, so it was only on the edge of possibility to gain a Level if they ran into multiple difficult battles. But using his skills in combat would improve them faster than training, and he needed to regain his edge after so much research.

  Some of his time was still spent with Gharavi, working on multiple different tasks. She picked up the basics of necromancy quickly, but couldn't help with his central problem there. They improved the defensive wards on their part of the crypt so they could sleep soundly. And at some point throughout it all, both of them received a bonus of +1 Intellect. It was a good confirmation of an enjoyable working relationship.

  Meanwhile, Meara and Gharavi were spending a great deal of time together. He didn't inquire about the details, but Meara seemed to be enjoying herself more and he suspected that she was making progress. In truth, any unnatural abilities she could gain might be more useful than any power that used the same system that had been built for Raigar.

  Belatedly, he realized that he could have told her that. She might know that he believed it, but given her recent mood, it might have done her good to hear it. Since it felt too awkward to bring up for no reason, Bloodwraith simply set the matter aside for later consideration.

  One day, after he and Gharavi finished their most recent work, she glanced at her bracelet. "It's been recharged. Ready to try it again?"

  "Go ahead." The anti-box spell was routine now, so when the box appeared he barely glanced at it.

  [Gharavi Affection: 43/75]

  Bloodwraith idly noted that the value had been reduced to 75 and wondered what would happen when the numerator and the denominator met, then he dismissed the box from his mind. He'd already forgotten about it a moment later when another box appeared, bright red and expanding to fill his vision.


  There are signs of non-trivial manipulation of AdventureCorp systems from a native inhabitant of this world. Though this could be a coincidence or accident, it could also be a matter of critical security importance.

  Please recall that AdventureCorp cannot actively monitor your journey. Though we strive to offer the highest quality of guidance at all times, if the system is compromised, you would no longer be able to trust official notifications.

  Attempting to scan for potential sources...


  Source of disruption found. Do you wish to engage?]

  Though Bloodwraith tried to hide his reaction, Gharavi knew him too well by now. She stepped closer, waving her hand in the air where he was looking.

  "What did that one say? I don't think I've ever seen one of the boxes surprise you like that before."

  "Because I've never seen something like this before. Wait, I need to inquire further." Bloodwraith focused his attention on the box and then decided to answer aloud for Gharavi's benefit. "Yes, give me more information."

  [AdventureCorp Quest: Eliminate Local Threat
  Find and eliminate a native inhabitant who is attempting to tamper with the core AdventureCorp system. Do not attempt to interact with them under any circumstances - kill them as quickly as possible. A character-based reward will be granted immediately, and upon accessing a Return Point, there may be an additional benefit once staff can investigate the system.

  Reward: 3 Stat Points

  NOTE: As this is an official quest, you will be granted a tracking system. Proceed and eliminate the target as quickly as possible.]

  The "tracking system" appeared almost immediately after the box vanished. It presented a box that he took a moment to interpret before he realized that it was some sort of overhead map. A skull and crossbones lit up in red on the map, and at first he thought it might represent him before he thought better of it.

  No, the map was of the nearby crypt. And the target was Gharavi.

  Whatever was in his gaze, it made her raise her eyebrows. "Bloodwraith? Talk to me."

  "The box gods are attempting to convince me to kill you. Your manipulations have triggered some kind of automatic safeguard."

  "Is that... catastrophic? If you don't attack me, will they be coming after us?"

  "No, I don't think they're capable of that. The request is self-contained within me." Bloodwraith glanced at his list of quests and saw that the new one was listed in red. He tried to clear it away, but the most he could accomplish was making the map box disappear. "I suppose that is an affirmation of the work we have been doing. Whatever the decreasing number means, it represents an impact on the system."

  "And just what reward are they offering?"

  "3 Stat Points."

  "Raw power, then." Gharavi tilted her head to the side and watched him, black hair falling over her shoulder. "You're not thinking of killing me for it, are you?"

  "No. The reward is only 3 Stat Points, and according to the boxes you are worth over 200. That would be simply foolish."

  Gharavi chuckled, though he'd hoped for a laugh, and then gave him another strange look. "That was a joke, right?"

  He stared at her. "Of course it was."

  "Just checking. You can be a difficult man to read, Bloodwraith. If you're not careful, you could cause yourself a lot of problems without intending to."

  Though part of him bridled at the lecture, he managed to accept that she was right. As Gharavi left to continue her own work and Bloodwraith settled into his, he considered her words. It was true that he was used to dealing directly with undead, who had no emotions and simply followed orders. Life had been much easier that way.

  But that was no longer his life. Though he disliked the idea of getting involved with melodrama, he realized that it was much more melodramatic to brood and scowl than to simply communicate clearly with his allies.

  As Bloodwraith tried to work, he found his focus slipping. Eventually he threw down his equipment and got to his feet, stalking through the crypt until he found Izilthor. She was chewing on a leftover bone and looked up at him cautiously.

  "I'm sorry for yelling, Izilthor." He sat down nearby so that his eyes were level with hers. "I became so focused on my own plans for necromancy that I forgot the reason I chose you in the first place: the independent creativity you bring to the table. If you think your skills can best be developed along the lines you've begun, we can explore that."

  "Da!" Izilthor leapt to embrace him, so Bloodwraith patted her on the back awkwardly. If she'd begun crying or wanted to talk about her feelings, he would have regretted it, but instead she spun around to sit in his lap and waved her hands in front of them. "Boxes!"

  "You do have more points, and we'll be engaging in battle before too long. Let's see if I can't find some relevant traits..."

  [Healing Saliva

  Cost: 6 NP

  The Undead Companion's saliva will gain regenerative properties. The skill "Consume Injuries" will be enhanced and heal a broader variety of damage.

  NOTE: This trait was produced through an idiosyncratic blend of traits and is poorly suited to Undead Companions. Taking this trait is not recommended.]

  [Consume Magical Damage

  Cost: 11 NP

  The skill "Consume Injuries" will gain the ability to heal magical damage in addition to physical damage. Base healing rate will not improve, and magical consumption will not earn any Necromancy Points, unlike consumption of magical materials in dead bodies.

  NOTE: This trait was produced through an idiosyncratic blend of traits and is poorly suited to Undead Companions. Taking this trait is not recommended.]

  [Ranged Bite

  Cost: 97 NP

  The Undead Companion will gain the ability to cast the skill "Consume Injuries" at range, healing damage without the need for physical contact. This ability cannot be used on targets that have not been bitten or healed with this skill in the past. Costs to use the skill will double when used remotely.

  NOTE: This trait was produced through an idiosyncratic blend of traits and is poorly suited to Undead Companions. Taking this trait is not recommended.]

  "Ooh!" Izilthor perked up as soon as he read that one. "Good, good!"

  "That is far too expensive." Bloodwraith saw her face fall and coughed. "But I suppose we can discuss a new plan for your future traits..."

  Chapter 22

  It had been a long time since he emerged from a crypt like this. Bloodwraith found himself wincing from the glare of the sun against the sand, but they needed to set out in broad daylight in order to arrive in Manascas on time. Though he had been battling undead on the lower levels and conversing with the others, he still felt as disrupted as he had been in the old days, when anything disturbed his research.

  In the end, he hadn't been able to obtain Level 13: his EXP sat at a frustrating 126,703/129,600. Even one more day and he could have changed that, but there was no more time to hunt for undead. He would gain the next level soon enough, though given how EXP was deferred during combat, it might not do him any good.

  But that was tolerable, because their overall capacity had increased. The others took time to reflect on the battles, Izilthor had consumed all the bodies, and everyone was prepared. Hopefully today would not become a long battle, but if it did, they would be ready.

  To be cautious, they entered the city from the southern gate, which required extra time but would avoid the lookouts that Baratak would undoubtedly have hired. Bloodwraith expected them to be spotted at any moment as they went in separately, but no one troubled them. Meara had acquired completely new clothes for herself, Danniah, and Gharavi, since they either didn't need armor or could summon it.

  That left him and Izilthor more suspicious, because he refused to go without his full armor. Yet properly cloaked, he attracted no more attention than the many other suspicious figures moving about Manascas. These were desperate times.

  They all gathered together a short way into the city, since he had judged the risk of being recognized together was less than the risk of being ambushed while they were still separate. Since they had barely been seen together anyway and always traveled in small groups, going together might actually make them fit the description less. Still, they stayed off the main streets until they reached the Red Sands Arena.

  "This is undignified." Gharavi pulled at the floppy hat covering her face and rearranged the robes around her again. "I look like a costume of a desert tribeswoman."

  "I think you look pretty!" Danniah said. "Shall we go inside and start looking around?"

  Meara raised a hand. Her eyes were closed and Bloodwraith could feel that she was unfocused, but abruptly she returned to them. "Now. We advance into the main building and then go left."

  Trusting her guidance, they made their way without attracting any major attention. To Bloodwraith's surprise, they actually moved to a position directly to the side of the leftmost raised chamber. While that made it impossible to see into the chamber, the wall of the raised area shielded them from much of the rest of the arena. A good precaution.

p; They acted like normal spectators to avoid attention until the events began. It was easier than expected, because Gharavi could hide in his shadow, while Danniah and Izilthor were actually quite excited by events. Danniah purchased some kebabs of meat from a vendor and passed them around while they waited.

  "He's here." Gharavi spoke quietly, mainly to him, but the others all turned to look as well. The half-orc woman had one hand set against the stone beside them, one touching her necklace. "I didn't feel him enter, either."

  "Right now he's visible to everyone," Meara said. "Do we wait until after the first event?"

  "We can't be certain that he'll leave. I believe there's an area behind the visible chambers for the special guests to relax, however. That would be the best place to target him."

  "We'll wait for our chance, then."

  Though that was reasonable, Bloodwraith barely heard. His eyes were locked on the sands below, where the contestants for the first event emerged. It was supposed to be some sort of brawl, which had no interest for him. But he couldn't take his eyes away.

  Because Raigar was walking in among them.

  "Uh, hello?" Danniah edged closer to him. "Something wrong down there?"

  "That's Raigar." He knew he shouldn't say the name, but he couldn't help it. "The third figure with the large hood. I recognize the enchantment on that cloak - it's cast by Herskeh to hide undead in settings that would normally prevent them."

  Gharavi blinked. "Then the rumors are true? I thought he might be looking for us, but why would he participate himself?"

  "That is an excellent question." Bloodwraith found himself getting to his feet even before his mind had fully developed his plan. "Staying here would be a mistake. Even if it isn't a trap planned for us, he'll have others watching. We need to move to a safer location."


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