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Breaking Hearts [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 9

by Grae McTavish

  “Just try and keep me away. Now get up and come here. If I have to come and get you, I’m going to put you over my knee.”

  “How can you joke at a time like this?” she cried but he saw her lips twitch. That was the response he was hoping for. Her fighting nature would overcome her fear.

  “Who says I’m joking? Now move that gorgeous ass!”

  She was shaking but she complied. Moving like she was walking through mud, she stood and slowly walked around her desk. He almost choked though when she paused and took several seconds to brush the powder from her. “I’m not getting any more of this near you than I have to.”

  “I’m so going to paddle your ass.” He shook his head, watching in vain as the powder swirled around her.

  “Paddle it all you want if we live through this. In fact, I look forward to it.”

  He couldn’t help but grin, despite the awful circumstances. She was his dirty little girl! It was at that moment that he made himself the promise that, if they survived this, he was going to marry that girl like he should have a long time ago.

  When she got to the door, he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the studio. Romeo was waiting outside the door. “What’s up, PB?”

  “Get hazmat in there. I’m not sure what it is. It’s a white powder of some kind though and I’m taking her to the hospital. You guys figure out what it is and call me ASAP!”

  Thunder loped after them as they raced toward his motorcycle. “Sorry boy, you have to stay here,” she whispered hoarsely. Turning to Romeo, “Please take care of him, don’t let him near me.” Bo’s gut twisted as he saw tears well up in her eyes.

  Romeo nodded and caught the big beast’s collar. Thunder would have dragged him across the parking lot if he had been a smaller man. When he realized he wasn’t going anywhere, the poor dog sat and began to whimper. Bo wished he could do the same thing. This psycho kept getting closer and closer to Layla, and nothing he’d done had been able to stop it.

  Forcing the doubts aside, he slid onto his bike and helped Layla on behind him. He handed her the pink helmet he’d bought her just the day before. It said Bo’s Lady in silver script down the side. Now, he needed to get his lady to the hospital. He pulled back on the throttle and roared out of the parking lot, sending a spray of gravel into the air.

  Aurora Heights Community Hospital was small but offered excellent care, and thankfully it was close to Layla’s studio. Within five minutes, Bo was pulling into the parking lot. He drove his bike right up onto the door of the emergency room, skidding to a halt. He was off the bike before the engine had even stopped turning. He scooped her up and carried her into the hospital, rushing right up to the desk.

  “Need to get a doctor right now,” he bellowed.

  “Sir, please calm down,” the poor girl sitting there squeaked, shrinking back.

  “I am calm!” he shouted, only to feel Layla’s hand cover his mouth.

  “Bo, chill, and for God’s sake, put me down and stop scaring the poor girl.”

  “Layla this is serious!”

  “And I’m serious. You need to calm down. You’re no good to me freaking out.”

  Bo froze, because he knew she was right. He wanted to smack himself. He was a combat veteran, he knew better. Hell, he shouldn’t have even moved her, he realized. If the powder had been a biological attack, he’d managed to spread it all over the city. Damn it! What had he been thinking?

  Forcing himself to calm down, he carefully set Layla onto her feet. He pushed his panic down and let his training take over. “We have possible biological contaminate. She received an envelope containing an unknown white substance. We need an immediate decon shower and quarantine.”

  The nurse paled and swallowed, before nodding. She scooted as far back as her chair would allow, and reached for the phone on her desk. She mumbled into the phone and put it down with shaking hands. Within a few minutes, two men came out looking like spacemen in their biological suits. Seeing them seemed to make it real to Layla. She started to shake as they escorted them both into a private room.

  The hazmat suits made it hard to understand the pair, but Bo knew the drill. He’d been through extensive training and run through innumerable drills. He told them Layla’s address so they could send a hazmat team out to secure the property, and gave them a quick rundown of what happened. They had a decontamination shower waiting, and she was put in clothes and all. Bo wasn’t surprised to find himself shoved in with her.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’m sure they are just being overly cautious.” He said, trying to reassure her.

  She nodded and he could see her pull her strength up as she straightened her shoulders. “I know you’re right, and at this point, it is what it is. I don’t understand, why are you in here though?”

  He chuckled before ducking his head under the lukewarm spray. “You think I’m letting you out of my sight? Besides I had you in my arms. Whatever was on you is on me too. Face it darling, you’re stuck with me.”

  He was relieved to see her chuckle. “Like you’re getting rid of me,” she told him and he was pleased to see her crack a wry smile.

  “No worries there, sweetheart.”

  She started to scrub enthusiastically but he stopped her.


  “Don’t scrub too hard. You don’t want to break the skin. Just lots of soap and water. Start at the top and work your way down, removing your clothes as you do. Try not to let the water run into your eyes, mouth, or nose.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t even want to know how you know all of this.”

  They loaded their clothes into containment bags. Once they were as clean as they could get, they slipped on the hospital’s softly worn gowns.

  A new man was waiting in the room when they exited the shower. Through the clear face shield of the protective suit, Bo was relieved to recognize him as a friend of his from high school. Gideon had always wanted to be a doctor, and at that moment, Bo was very relieved to see his friend had succeeded.

  Gideon smiled in recognition. “Well, hell, why am I not surprised? Nothing’s changed in the last ten years, has it? You two have created quite a stir in our little hospital. While we’re waiting for results from the team we sent to your studio, we want to run a few test.”

  Layla must have recognized their old classmate as well, because she seemed to sag with relief. “Gideon, it’s good to see you. Run whatever tests you want, but I’m sure it’s nothing. So far this asshole has been fairly harmless. He’s probably just trying to scare me.”

  “I agree.” The doctor nodded. “Even if it was something dangerous, you got here quick enough for us to treat you. Though really you should have stayed where you were.” He added the last with a sharp look to Bo, and Bo knew he was right.

  “I know. I panicked,” Bo grumbled, and fought the urge to kick his own ass. If his actions had put Layla in even greater danger, he’d never forgive himself. So far, he was doing a crappy job protecting her.

  “I figured. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re not thinking like a soldier, you’re thinking like a man in love,” the doctor replied and Bo saw Layla’s eyes widen at his words.

  He couldn’t help smiling at her as he nodded. He reached out and caught her hand. “You’re probably right.”

  * * * *

  Hours later, Layla was beginning to feel like a pincushion. A troop of vampires couldn’t have taken any more blood. They had swabbed nearly every orifice they had, and were now waiting for the results. The doctors had the lab working overtime trying to figure what the mysterious powder was. She’d sincerely hoped it was something simple like unscented talcum powder or maybe something even more wicked like cocaine. Those two had been ruled out pretty quickly.

  It seemed harmless, but until they knew for sure what it was, they weren’t taking any chances. She felt a bit like one of the animals at the zoo. She and Bo had been quarantined since they had arrived. Their friends had shown up within hours, and now stood outsid
e the glass room peering in. Danny and Gloria had brought a notepad and pen, and had slipped it through the same slot that had allowed them to eat. With the notepad pressed to the window, they were at least able to communicate.

  “Willa and Jake took Thunder home with them, so don’t worry,” Danny wrote.

  “THANKS!” Layla wrote back. “He’s going to be so worried.”

  “We’ll take care of him.”

  “I know it’s silly. I haven’t even had him that long, but I love the big dummy!”

  “He is a sweet dog.”

  “Also please tell my customers that I’ll resume classes as soon as I escape from here.”

  Danny shook her head and spent several seconds scribbling. When she held up the pad again, Layla nearly cried. “They will all understand. After your guard, most of them know something’s going on. I spoke with Tiffany and Mariah. They said that all the students from the college are behind you and can’t wait to get back to class.”

  “Thank you! Tell them all thank you.”

  “I will.” Danny smiled, though Layla saw it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Looking closer, Layla saw little lines had formed at the corners.

  “You okay?”

  Danny looked surprised, but shook her head. “Baby’s kicking a lot today.”

  Layla nodded, but she couldn’t imagine. She’d only had herself to take care of for so long. What would it be like to have another little human depending on you like that? A thought struck her. What would it be like to have a little Bo? It brought her up short! Where the hell had that come from? She shook her head. It had to be the craziest day she’d had.

  She glanced over where Bo was having a similar written conversation with Gabe and his father, Gloria’s husband Smokey. He’d told her earlier that Doc, Ghost and Romeo had stayed behind to make sure things were handled at her dance studio. She didn’t know how she’d ever thank everyone for all they’d done from her. If she lived through all of this, she was going to have to do something special to let them all know how much she appreciated it.

  Just when it seemed like they were going to be stuck forever, the doctor came back in the room. She wanted to hug her old classmate when she saw he was no longer wearing his space suit.

  “Does this mean we’re okay?” Bo asked before she could even get the words out of her mouth.

  Gideon laughed and nodded. “Yes. The lab was able to determine the substance. It is a food extract knows at carrageenan. It’s derived from seaweed, but works in much the same way as corn starch. Whoever did this is trying to scare you.”

  Layla sagged with relief but also frustration. “Why? Why does he keep doing this?” Her voice caught and it took all her willpower not to cry. She just wanted her life back.

  Bo was there in an instant, his arms sliding around her as he pulled her into a strong embrace. “I promise we’re going to find this asshole!” Just the sound of his voice was like a soothing balm on her weary soul.

  “I trust you,” she whispered, returning his hug. Just having him by her side made it bearable.

  “Come on, let’s get dressed.” He looked over to the doctor. “We can leave, can’t we?”

  “Yes, though the sheriff is here. He wants to talk to you both.”

  Layla could feel Bo tense in her arms, and she figured he was thinking the same thing she was. Sheriff Thompson had been blowing her off since this had begun. It was really too little too late as far as she was concerned.

  Bo gave her a squeeze, before turning to the doctor. “I’ll talk to the sheriff. Layla’s been through enough.”

  Gideon nodded. “I’ll tell him. He’s down in the family waiting room. You can take care of him there.” Layla would have laughed if the situation wasn’t so crappy. It was pretty obvious what the good doctor thought of their sheriff.

  Bo shook his friend’s hand and Layla hugged him good-bye. They ducked into the bathroom to change. When they were dressed, Bo pulled her close and gave her a gentle kiss. “You stay here, sweetheart. I’ll go take care of our useless sheriff.”

  As Bo headed out, their friends filed in. Layla noticed that Danny’s face still looked strained.

  “Danny, are you sure you’re okay?” she asked again. She was used to reading subtle changes on a person’s face. She watched her students, especially the seniors, for signs of pain or distress.

  Gabe shook his head. “She said the baby was kicking really hard today. I tried to get her to stay home, but she’s hardheaded.”

  Gloria cleared her throat. “Ahm…Danny, have you noticed that your kicks are coming at regular intervals?”

  “What?” Gabe thundered.

  Danny had the good grace to blush. “Yeah I actually noticed that several hours ago, but they are still thirty minutes apart. Plus, I’m still not due for two more weeks. I’m sure it’s nothing.”

  Gabe looked like he was ready to explode. The smooth talking lawyer was gone and the hardnosed biker was in full force. “So help me, woman, when you’re well, I’m going to paddle that cute little ass!”

  “You go ahead and try, you big dummy!” Danny snapped, and Layla knew the little fireball would have gone toe-to-toe with her larger-than-life husband if her big belly wasn’t in the way.

  “Danika Cavanaugh, you will be the death of me yet!” he shouted back. “You are going to check in at labor and delivery right now if I have to carry you!”

  “You just try!” she shouted back only to stop and double over with a groan. Layla watched in horror as a large gush of fluid spilled onto the floor from between Danny’s legs.

  “Oh shit!” Gabe and Smokey cried at the same time.

  Layla met Gloria’s gaze and she knew her face was a mirror of the other woman’s horror. “Oh my God!” Layla managed, fighting back a wave of nausea. She’d never had a strong stomach, but Danny was a good friend. Forcing the bile down, Layla ran to the room phone and hit zero. “We have a lady in labor,” she shouted into the receiver. So much for calm!

  Chaos ensued and the room filled with hospital staff. Layla and Gloria found themselves pushed to the back of the room as everyone focused on Danny.

  Gabe shouted at his father over the din. “Dad, can you go to the house and get Danny’s birthing bag? It’s right by the front door.”

  “Will do.” The older biker turned to his wife. “Glory, can you stay here with Layla?”

  She nodded and gave her husband a quick kiss good-bye.

  Within moments the room emptied, leaving Gloria and Layla in their wake.

  “Guess we just wait now,” Gloria said with a shrug.

  Layla plopped down on the bed with a sigh. “Yup.”

  He had only been waiting ten minutes when a nurse showed up. He was carrying a clipboard, and Layla figured he was there to ask a question about Danny. She was surprised when he addressed her instead. “Miss Ross, I need you to come with me. We need to draw some additional blood.”

  “I thought I was cleared?” she asked in confusion.

  “No, we…ahm…just need to run one more test.”

  “What test?” Gloria questioned suspiciously. Layla had realized Gloria was a natural born mother-hen.

  The man sighed and reached into the large pockets of his scrubs and pulled out a gun. “I guess we’re going to do this the hard way.”

  Layla’s eyes widened and her stomach knotted as she realized she’d just come face to face with her stalker.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Bo walked back into the hospital room he and Layla had shared only to find an orderly mopping up a puddle of what looked suspiciously like amniotic fluid. Talking with the sheriff had been useless. The man had actually insinuated that Layla had brought this all on herself. It was all Bo could do to restrain himself and not slam the nasty old fart into the wall. He’d taken a few minutes to calm himself back down. Layla didn’t need the added stress, and Bo didn’t need the sheriff’s help. He had his friends and they would catch this S.O.B.

  He pasted a smile on his face as he
turned to the orderly. “Excuse me, do you know where everyone went?”

  The man shrugged and continued to swirl the mop around the white tiled floor. “I think they said the lady was having a baby.”

  What? That didn’t make sense, then a lightbulb went on. It had to be Danny. He wasn’t thrilled with Layla running about the hospital unguarded, but he supposed it was safe enough. There were security cameras all over the place.

  Strolling back into the hallway, he paused, scratching his head. He didn’t have a clue where the labor and delivery section was. It couldn’t be that hard to find, right? It wasn’t exactly a large hospital. He’d just listen for the sound of crying babies. Twenty minutes later his temper was back up and he was itching to put his fist into the face of whoever designed the place. Who put the labor and delivery wing on the far side of the hospital, as far from the emergency room as you could get? Didn’t pregnant ladies need to be close to the emergency room? Hell, what did he know?

  When he finally found the correct section of the hospital, Bo was surprised to find the waiting room deserted. He had expected to find chaos. Layla and Smokey should be pacing. He figured Gloria would insist on being with her best friend, but surely they wouldn’t let everyone in the delivery room. He couldn’t imagine Layla wanting to be there anyway. She thought the world of Danny, but didn’t exactly have the strongest stomach. Yep, Layla would definitely opt for the waiting room.

  He tried to catch a nurse as she scurried by, but she just kept going, mumbling about ill-tempered patients. Finally at a loss, he approached the nurse at the main desk. “Excuse me,” he said cautiously and he realized he’d just as soon face a whole squad of insurgents. Charm wasn’t his strong suit lately. “I think my friends may be up here. One of the ladies was having a baby.”

  Much to his relief, the nurse chuckled and smiled widely. “Well this would be the place to be if she is.” She reached out and patted his hand thoughtfully, as if sensing his unease. “What’s her name? We only have a few mothers here tonight.”

  “Danny…uhm…I mean Danika Cavanaugh.”


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