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Breaking Hearts [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 11

by Grae McTavish

  “Yeah, but what about you? There’s still a bounty on your head,” Jake pointed out.

  Reb shook his head. “You people have done so much for me. There’s no way I could live with myself if something happened to your woman. I may not know your lady, Bo, but I know Mrs. Gloria, and she’s one of the sweetest, classiest ladies ever.”

  Smokey nodded. “That she is. You play it safe, but yes, your help is appreciated.”

  “I can help too,” said the tiny man who stepped out from behind Reb.

  Bo almost felt his jaw drop to the floor. It was Professor Snodgrass. He was a longtime guest at Jake and Willa’s bed-and-breakfast. His heart squeezed at the people coming out of the woodwork to help them.

  “Snoddy, what are you doing here?” Jake asked and Bo almost laughed as Willa smacked her husband in the arm. She hated the nickname the guys had given the professor, but the professor seemed to like it. Bo thought it made him feel like part of the gang.

  “I know I’m not much help in a fight or anything, but I figure I can stay here and help man the phones or something.” He shrugged. A bachelor nearing retirement, he’d adopted them all as the family he’d never had. “And it’s been a few years, but I still remember how to use a gun.”

  “That’s good. I’ve been teaching Willa too.” Jake nodded.

  “She’s actually pretty damn scary,” Bo added. “Has a hell of an eye.”

  “That sounds like a good plan. We can leave Snoddy and Willa here to man base camp while we take care of business.” Doc nodded. He turned to Ghost. “You got a location for us yet?”

  “He doesn’t have a registered address. His paychecks from the hospital went to a P.O. Box.”

  “Could you look him up by a phone number?” Reb asked. He pulled a small, worn book from the inside pocket of his leather jacket.

  “You still have his number?” Jake asked in disbelief.

  “This little book is my life insurance,” Reb explained with a snort. “You didn’t think I was turning everything over to the feds did you?” He flipped through the book until he found the right entry. He rattled off the number to Ghost, who was busy hacking into a system he shouldn’t be able to get into.

  “Got it. It’s a cell, still active and moving,” Ghost said, and within seconds he had a map of the area pulled up and a marker tracking across it.

  Smokey stepped up, studying it for several seconds before nodding. “I know where they are. There’s an old hippie compound near there. My daddy told me about how the hippies moved in there, built walls all around and tried to live self-contained. They managed to last for a few years before moving on. It’s had several owners, but none have stayed. Been empty for the last decade, or so I thought. That’s where they’d go.”

  “Can you zoom in, give us a better look?” Bo asked.

  “Yeah, hang on.” Within a few seconds, Ghost brought up a picture of the compound.

  “How old is this? I know Google Earth is usually a few years old,” Reb pointed out and everyone turned to him in surprise. The man shrugged. “What, I’m not just another pretty face.”

  Ghost laughed. “You’re right, but this didn’t come from Google Earth.”

  “Where’d it come from?” Doc asked suspiciously.

  Ghost just grinned. “Better not ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to.”

  They all rolled their eyes and turned back to the screen.

  Smokey studied the screen for several seconds, before pointing to the back side of the compound. “There’s an old logging trail that runs along here, almost parallel to the rear. If we came around the back of the mountain, left the bikes here, we could hike up the trail and come at them from the rear.”

  Bo nodded. Smokey might not be trained like the rest of them, but he knew the mountain like no one else.

  “Good, let’s head out,” Bo said, pulling out his Ruger and checking the clip. He wasn’t a fool. He turned to Reb. “You armed?” He didn’t need to ask the rest. They might not advertise it, but he knew they rarely went anywhere without a piece.

  The man laughed harshly and drew aside his jacket to reveal the Glock tucked into a shoulder holster. “I’m not that reformed.”

  Jake pulled Willa into a fierce embrace. “Anyone comes through that door, you blow them to hell, baby!” he ordered before kissing her fiercely.

  “I’ll keep her safe, you don’t worry,” Snodgrass vowed, and Bo knew despite the man’s age and diminutive size, he could be counted on.

  They filed out, each taking to their bikes. The roar as they headed down the road was deafening, and Bo hoped it would stand as a warning to anyone. You messed with one of their women and there would be hell to pay!

  Chapter Fifteen

  Layla strained to see in the darkened room she and Gloria had been shoved into. They’d managed to get their hands loose, but hadn’t ventured far into their prison. It was damp and musty smelling, and she did not want to think about the scurrying and squeaking she heard in the shadows.

  “How long do you think they’ll leave us here?” Gloria asked, huddling close.

  “I don’t know. Hopefully for a while. I figure the longer we are stuck down here, the more time the guys have to find us.”

  “Good point.”

  “Listen, if you get a chance to get away, you take it and run.”

  “I told you, I’m not leaving you.”

  “I know. That’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is, you get away and bring back help.”

  She felt Gloria nod. “Okay, I can do that, but you have to promise me you’ll do the same.”

  “I will, don’t worry.” Though she knew the chances were slim. They would come for her. She felt it in her gut. Gloria was just collateral damage. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small pocket knife. It wasn’t much as far as weapons went, but it might be good for something. “Here, take this,” she said, pressing it into Gloria’s hand. “They will be watching me too close. After they come for me, you might be able to use it to pick the lock and sneak out. Go get help. Tell Bo he better come get me, ’cause I’m staying alive for him.”

  Gloria was silent for several minutes and Layla knew she was struggling with her natural instinct to watch over her friends. Finally she felt the woman nod. “Okay, but you have to promise me you won’t do anything to piss them off.”

  “Who, me?”

  “Yes, you! You promise me you’ll be sweet and obedient, and if they…” She paused and Layla felt her shudder before she continued. “If they rape you, you lay there and take it. Bo won’t care. You survive!”

  Layla swallowed, knowing that would be the hardest thing to take. It wasn’t in her nature not to fight. She’d been a fighter all her life. When her dad had abandoned them, she and her mom had put together a new life. When she’d thought Bo had cheated on her, she’d forced herself to stay strong even as her heart was breaking. When the arrogant pencil pusher had laid her off, his voice filled with so much insincere sympathy, she’d refused to just lay down and die.

  Gloria shook her. “You promise me!” For such a sweet women, she sure could be bossy.

  Taking a deep breath she nodded. “I promise.”

  They continued to whisper softly, losing track of time, finally dozing. She had no clue how long they slept, but suddenly the door to their cell was thrown open and the little creep from the hospital stood there.

  “Come along, whore. Your time’s come.” His voice sounded shaky, and Layla began to tremble. When she didn’t move fast enough, the man let loose a shot that landed in the rock wall behind where they huddled, raining a cloud of dust and debris down on them. “I said move!”

  She felt Gloria squeeze her hand before she let her go. Layla stood on shaking legs. “I’m coming. Just don’t hurt us.”

  “Oh, we won’t hurt her if she’s obedient. The Community can always use another to serve the cause.”

  “Of course. Just don’t hurt my friend,” Gloria immediately replied.<
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  “She’s brought this on herself,” he stated sanctimoniously.

  “But she can change, can’t you, Layla? You can be obedient too.”

  The words were like acid in her mouth, but she forced them out. “Yes, yes, I…I’ve learned my lesson. I promise, I’ll be good.”

  “No, the devil has his claws sunk too deeply in your soul. He must be purged from you.”

  Layla swallowed hard. She didn’t like the sound of that. She’d done a paper on the Spanish Inquisition in college, and all sorts of images were flooding her mind. She took an involuntary step back as fear gripped her.

  The man moved fast, grabbing her hair and dragging her behind him. She screamed as pain shot through her scalp. She scrambled after him, and he finally let her go, flinging her in front of him. “Walk!”

  Layla hurried to obey, not wanting to make him any madder. She was pretty sure the hair pulling was nothing compared to what was yet to come. Looking around, she took in the walls, which were a dull gray and reminded her of old prison movies. Doors lined either side of the hallway like cells, and she could just make out the faint gleam of light from under a few of them. He had said “The Community” which implied that there were more people there. Perhaps someone would help them?

  She must have slowed because he was suddenly behind her, shoving her forward. She stumbled, just managing to stay on her feet. She didn’t want to think about what he’d do if she went down. He had on wicked-looking work boots, and she had little doubt that they could easily break a rib if he decided to use her for kicking practice. Forcing herself to move faster, she looked ahead and almost stopped again. At the end of the corridor was an intimidating-looking steel door. Nothing good ever happened behind a door like that. As if on cue, the door swung open. The man shoved her through the door, and this time she did go to her knees.

  Steeling herself, she waited for the blow but was surprised when it never came. Sheriff Thompson was there, and when the man would have kicked her, the sheriff stepped in, backhanding him harshly.

  “Ukaria! This lady is our guest. You behave yourself, boy.”

  She watched, not sure what to make of the Sheriff as the man he’d called Ukaria wiped the blood from his busted lip.

  “But you said all women were evil, Pa. You said the devil sent them to corrupt us.” As if by magic, the man went from fierce captor to sniveling underling.

  “Now, now, we don’t know that the devil sent her. First we have to check her for the devil’s mark. You remember what I told you about that, right, boy?”

  The man nodded. “Yes sir, you said it was where the devil sent his minions to suckle upon the harlot.”

  The sheriff gave her a nasty leer, and she had a nasty feeling she knew what he had in mind. Before she could react, she felt Ukaria at her back. Unable to help herself, instinct took over. She spun, intending to run, but he caught her hair again. Screeching, she would have fought, but suddenly the sheriff was there, his meaty hands around her neck, lifting her into the air. She struggled, kicking wildly as the lights began to dance before her eyes from lack of air. Darkness started to creep in around the edge of her vision, and dimly she was aware of her hands being bound in front of her and being lifted.

  Suddenly the hands were gone, and she was able to drag in large gulps of air. As her vision cleared, she realized she was hanging from a hook in the ceiling. Her toes barely touched the floor, and her arms were already beginning to protest.

  The sheriff moved in front of her and snarled before smacking her hard. “Now you listen here, missy. I don’t cotton to no disobedience.”

  Tasting blood, she managed to nod. “I’m sorry. He just scared me, that’s all. Really this isn’t necessary,” she pleaded.

  “I’m afraid it is.” He turned to his lackey. “Strip her!”

  Her eyes fell on the foul Ukaria and she couldn’t miss the leer that crossed his face. The little bastard could act all self-righteous, but he was just a little pervert. She was prepared to fight, drawing back her foot to kick at him, but then she saw the hunting knife he pulled from his boot. It was long and wickedly sharp looking. She froze. “Oh God please,” she whimpered as he came toward her.

  “It’s too late to plead for God’s forgiveness now,” he hissed as he moved toward her. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to ready herself for the pain, but instead, she felt the sharp steel slide over her skin as he split the T-shirt she was wearing up the front.

  Her eyes popped open, and she realized he was going to use the knife to cut her clothes from her. Some twisted part of her brain actually cursed. Damn, that was one of her favorite T-shirts, and she had to wonder if she wasn’t losing it, to be worried about a T-shirt.

  “I’d be real still now. This knife is pretty sharp.” Ukaria snickered as he slid it under the center front of her bra. She held her breath, too afraid to move even that little. The bra popped open, and he plucked it to the sides revealing her breasts to his lecherous gaze. “Pa, look here,” he said, using the knife to point to her pierced nipples.

  The sheriff stepped up, studying them for several seconds. “Such vanity is sinful!” he finally pronounced, before reaching out to give each a painful twist. Tears welled in her eyes from the pain, and for a minute, she was afraid he’d rip them out. Instead he stepped back and gave each breast a hard smack. “You use these beauties to seduce men, don’t you, woman?”

  She felt tears running down her cheeks as she shook her head no.

  “What was that?” he said, smacking them again. Pain sliced through her. This wasn’t the fun playful smacks like Bo would have given her. This was intended to punish and humiliate.

  “N–no, sir. Please, sir.” She sobbed as he smacked her several more times. Then to her pure disgust, he stepped closer and caught a breast in each palm, almost caressing them.

  “Your obedience is noted, now let’s see if we can find the devils mark upon you.” He slid his hands over her, and she felt her skin crawl. He moved behind her, sliding a hand down her back over the angel wing tattoos. “Did you know that Lucifer was a fallen angel? He had black wings just like this.” Then he pressed himself into her back, his hands coming around to palm her tits once more. Bile rose in her throat as she felt his erection press into the crack of her ass. His mouth was at her ear. “It’s women like you that were sent to corrupt and control men. Look at poor Ukaria there. The little turd’s practically drooling. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t cream his pants.”

  Her eyes found the face of her other tormentor, and she saw he was right. Ukaria was watching avidly. His beady little eyes were trained on her breasts and he was sporting a tent in his scrubs. She bit her lip and swallowed hard as nausea swept over her.

  She twisted, trying to get away from his grip, but his big, club-like fingers found her nipples again, viciously twisting them. She stilled, whimpering.

  “There’s no need to fight. We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” the sheriff told her mildly, as if he was merely trying to decide what to have for lunch. “Now, I know you want to have your fun, Ukaria, but we have our duty to do. I’ll hold her while you get those sinful britches off her.”

  “A real God-fearing lady don’t wear britches, right, Pa?” Ukaria said as he came forward, his knife bared once more. Again she was forced to remain utterly still as he began to work the sharp knife up each leg, cutting through the stiff fabric like butter. Her eyes widened as her jeans quickly fell away, leaving her in nothing but the little thong she’d put on that morning. She wondered at the difference just a few hours could make. When she’d put on the little pink thong, she’d imagined how hot it would be when Bo peeled it off of her. Now some perverted psycho was sliding a wicked looking knife under it and with just the slightest tug, she felt it flutter to the floor. Utter humiliation flooded her as she was bared to his sleazy gaze.

  “Search her legs,” the elder Thompson ordered, giving each nipple a vicious squeeze to remind her of who was in charge. She closed her e
yes, trying to block it all out as the other man began to run his hands up each leg in turn, taking far longer than necessary.

  “I don’t see nothing,” he finally told his father.

  “You need to check between her thighs, make sure it’s not in her little coochie hole.”

  They couldn’t mean it? She silently screamed, but she felt the little creep’s sweaty hands on her knees, trying to pull them apart. “No!” she screamed, unable to help it. She locked her knees together and used the upper body strength she’d built from years of pole dancing to twist and writhe. She couldn’t just let them have their way, despite what she’d told Gloria. She managed to kick Ukaria in the chin, sending him sprawling. She kicked back, catching the sheriff in the knee, drawing a curse from him. He bellowed and the breath was knocked from her as he slammed into her. She had only a moment to squeak a protest before his hands were around her neck again, squeezing.

  “Bitch!” he cursed. Fighting to breathe, she twisted, but he just tightened his grip. The world dimmed but just as the welcomed darkness began to swallow her, he eased back. Sputtering and coughing, she hung limply. Dazed, she felt the sheriff behind her, pressing himself into her ass, thrusting her pelvis forward. “Now I think she’ll be a little more obedient. Go ahead and check her, son.” Numbly she felt the man in front of her pull her legs apart. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the lecherous image of the man as he stared at her pussy.

  “Nothing on her thighs, Pa.”

  “You have to pull the lips apart and check inside.”

  She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t let him touch her. She’d promised she’d stay alive, but she couldn’t bear it. The thought of having Bo touch her after this little ass had violated her was too much. She was a fighter, damn it, and she wasn’t going down without a fight. Where the strength came from she didn’t know, but she drew back and kicked him square in the face. Years of pole dancing gave her the upper body strength to support herself and make the kick count. She felt the bone crunch under her foot with satisfaction.


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