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Longing for Love

Page 9

by Vicki Green

  “I think I can do that.”

  She turns and I release her hand, then she walks over and removes her phone from her purse. She walks back over to me and to her surprise, I take her phone from her and program in my number. “There.” I grin at her and watch the beautiful flush spread across her cheeks. Leaning in, I take her face in my hands, warm to my touch, and press my lips against hers. I feel her arms slide around my waist and kiss her harder. She opens her mouth, readily, and our tongues tangle. Damn, she tastes heavenly. Finally, us both needing air, I stop but give her a couple of quick pecks and pull back enough to look into her eyes. “Until later.” She nods and unsteadily steps back. I’m glad I can make her feel that way. Feeling a bit proud and a little of a mess myself, I leave the trailer and get into my truck, driving over to the bar to get a quick bite to eat, feeling lighter than air.

  “So, the wedding has been moved up to this weekend. Brock said he doesn’t want to wait and between Mom and Mimi, everything’s done and ready anyway. It’s easy when it’s just family and friends. Bria even called and got people to set up the tent for the backyard and got a caterer for the whole thing. Everything is all set up.”

  I walk up to the counter and hear Taren as she sits on the stool Brock normally inhabits when he’s here. I sit down on the stool always reserved for me and see Irish standing in front of Taren behind the counter.

  “Sounds great! You know I’ll do anything I can.” She turns her head at me. “Oh. Hi, Kane. Usual?” I give her a nod and watch her walk over to get me a beer. I look at Taren and smile.

  “So, you and Brock getting hitched this weekend?” She smiles and I notice her hand caressing her stomach.

  “Yeah. Brock doesn’t want to wait anymore and really, neither do I.” She looks down, lovingly. “I mean, we should be married when Jenae gets here.” My niece. I’m not sure how I feel about a baby coming into our lives. I mean, yeah, I guess I like kids alright, I just never thought about having a little one around.

  Stinky diapers.


  “But mainly, we want to be husband and wife.” I come out of my haze and look at her still looking down and rubbing across her stomach. She looks up at me with happiness filling her eyes. “She won’t care either way but with everything we’ve been through to have her, we want to make it official.” I can understand that and I know that she and Brock will be great parents.

  “Here you go.”

  I look up and see Irish set a plate of Mimi’s spaghetti in front of me. Damn, didn’t realize just how starved I was. “Thank you,” I say as I pick up the fork and dig in. I look up at Irish and see she’s staring at me. What did I do now?

  “Well, I need to go. Brock is cooking me dinner. Candlelight and some bubbly. Well, sparkling grape juice but still. Romantic.” Taren sighs and smiles dreamily. I give her a grin and watch her and Irish say their goodbyes then go back to eating. Irish walks off to help other customers and I’m content.

  Another beer later and a full stomach, I feel a hand on my back and turn my head. A lavish brunette is standing behind me, giving me a sexy smile. “Hey, honey. Want some company?”

  Do I? Well, yeah, but not her company. What? When have I ever turned down a sexy woman wanting to be with me? Something foreign fills me inside. I turn and give her a grin.

  “Sorry. I’m just getting ready to leave.”

  I stand and turn around, she takes a step back. “We could go together,” she says playfully. Damn.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out, smiling when I see a text. I pull it up and my smile grows. I put it back in my pocket and look at the woman, her eyes hopeful. “Sorry. I gotta go. Have a great night.” Her brows raise, shock spreads across her face.

  “Your loss,” she replies, stepping back and shrugging her shoulders.

  I smile at her as I walk past and head for my truck. My night has suddenly gotten better. After getting into my truck, I pull out my phone, smiling as I read the text again.

  Bria: All done. My place?

  Setting my phone down on the console, I start up my truck and look over my shoulder as I pull out. As I drive over to her place, all I can think about is what a lucky son of a bitch I am. Maybe there is something to this whole thing about being with one woman. Excitement overtakes me as I pull into her driveway. Dusk is overshadowing, various lights are on in her house.


  By the time I reach her front door, I’m anxious to see her. Taste her again. She doesn’t keep me waiting long and once she opens the door, seeing her beautiful face, I take it in my hands and cover her mouth with mine, walking inside. She moves back, our tongues tangling. “God, I’ve wanted to do that all day,” I murmur against her lips. I move my hands, wrapping my arms around her slim waist, pulling her against me. A guttural moan leaves her, spurring me on more. Her arm moves up and around my neck and I pull her flush against me. My cock has hardened to aching proportions, straining against my jeans. “Fuck! I want you so bad.” I don’t know how long we stand here, making out like teenagers. Finally, I pull back, both of us panting so hard that we need air. I raise my hand and cup her face, the flush on her cheeks beautiful. “How was your dinner?” I need to do something to deflate my cock. Trying to take this slow might just kill me. She smiles as I take her hand and lead her into her family room and sit down on her couch.




  That did it. My cock is already softening. Thank fuck. I turn to her and smile. She moves closer, turning to face me as well, smiling back. Her lips part and we start leaning towards each other. I move my hand to cup her face again when Smoky jumps up on my lap, startling us both. We move back a bit and laugh as I stroke Smoky’s soft fur. “Well, hello.” I chuckle. I look up at Bria with a grin.

  “Well, that’s odd. She normally doesn’t like men.”

  Smoky purrs as I continue to stroke her. “Hmm, she seems to like me.” I give Bria a grin and she smiles. I’ve never really been around animals much. We never had pets growing up although I always wanted a dog but I guess cats are okay.

  “I mean, she’s only been around Charles and Daddy. She loves Charles, only because he pays attention to her and is nice. Daddy? Well, he…. He doesn’t really come here much, only a few times, but he hates her. I guess she can sense that.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me, really. Does your dad like anyone or anything?” I didn’t mean to sound so cruel but he strikes me as a man who doesn’t much care about anything except money and his business, much like how Taren’s dad was. He didn’t learn until it was too late and he had lost his daughter that greed overpowered his feelings for her and her mom. In the end, he paid for his mistakes with his life. Sad, really. Bria lets out a sigh, her eyes sadden. I reach over and touch her face, Smoky snuggling in between us on my lap. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t very nice.” Her eyes search mine, changing from their normal brown to a darker shade. She leans closer, her lips so close all I’d have to do if move but an inch and I’d be able to taste them again.

  Suddenly, Smoky leaps off my lap as Bria reaches out, grasping the back of my neck, pulling me closer. Her mouth covers mine and before I can ask entrance into her luscious mouth, her lips part and her tongue dives into mine. I guess someone was equally anxious to kiss again too. Thank fuck! I move my hand and cover her breast, her mouth pressing harder as I feel the weight in my hand. Perfect. I capture her moan in my mouth, her fingernails digging into the flesh of my neck, making my already hardened aching cock strain even more. With my free hand, I grab her upper arm, pushing her down onto the couch, my body moving on top of hers. She spreads her legs, invitingly, so I happily settle in between them. I begin kissing over her face and nibble on her earlobe as her head tilts back. “God, Kitten. I want you so badly,” I whisper in her ear then start making my way down her neck, kissing and sucking.

  My hand leaves her breast, sliding down her shirt until I find the hem then I push underneath and
feel the softness of her creamy skin as I rub up over her flat stomach and push my way underneath the bottom of her bra. “Is this okay?” I ask before I go any further, not wanting her to do anything she isn’t ready for. She nods repeatedly as her fingers move up through the short strands of my hair, holding on tightly. Visions of being inside her overtake me as I rub my thumb over her tight peaked nipple, eliciting another moan from deep within her. My own sounds leave my mouth as I rub against her. I’d stop in a heartbeat for her, but she’s following my motions. “You feel so good,” I moan against her neck. I pinch her nipple causing her to buck her hips, making me want her even more. My hand glides down her silky flesh, pushing under the waistband of her shorts but before I venture under her panties, which I imagine are lacy and sexy as hell, I move up and whisper in her ear again, “Tell me to stop.” Her head shakes quickly, her hands moving to my shoulders. After getting her green light, I push my hand under her panties and find her skin smooth and bare. “Fuck,” I groan loudly. She’s making me crazy. “You’re killing me here, Kitten.” Her head turns and her mouth finds mine as I push a finger inside her, finding her already wet. “Is that for me?” I whisper against her lips. She answers by moving her hands to hold onto my arms, her fingernails digging into me. I insert another finger, moving them around, curling them to find the spot that will drive her insane.

  “Kane! God!” she moans, her head thrashing back and forth. Found it.

  I continue my torture only I think I’m the one being put through hell. As I move my fingers, her wetness now dripping and coating them, I rub my thumb over her clit, pressing down, and begin rubbing harder, faster. “Go on, Kitten. Let go,” I whisper as I keep going, faster, circling. I keep watching her until she finally comes undone, closing her eyes as her head pushes back and down into the cushion, her legs shaking around me.

  “Ugh! Kane!” she screams.

  I start kissing all over her face, letting her catch her breath. I continue my movements but slow them as she rides out her orgasm. That was the most beautiful thing I think I’ve ever witnessed. And to think I caused it and the way she reacted to me is leaving me speechless. A light flush covers her skin. She opens her eyes, a light that wasn’t there before appears. Her lips turn up into a smile and she looks completely sated.

  “Welcome back, Kitten.” I smile.

  I get up and she moves onto her side then I lie down beside her and run my fingers through her long matted hair. “Why do you call me that?”

  I grin and continue my strokes, my free hand cupping the side of her face as I lean up on my forearm. “Long dark hair. Brown eyes.” I look deep into them. “You’re soft, fragile yet strong. So innocent. But you’re confident when needed and your sharp nails come out.”

  She takes a deep shaky breath, her smile not faltering. “I should….” She looks down and then back up. “I could….” She looks nervous, shy, and I’m getting the feeling this is all new for her. It’s new to me too, well, the whole only being with one woman thing but something tells me everything about this is new for her.

  I lift her head a bit with my hand and move a little closer. “Bria. Was this the first time you’ve ever….” How in the hell do I put this without sounding like an insensitive cad? “Kitten. Are you a virgin? Have you never….” Shit. I seriously can’t say it. This has never happened to me before. Her eyes widen but then lower.

  She can’t look at me.

  She’s embarrassed.

  I’m an asshole.

  I lean forward and gently kiss her forehead. “It’s okay, you know.” Her head nods, moving my mouth. Closing my eyes, so many emotions overtake me. “Thank you for letting me be your first.” We stay like this for several moments. Finally, I move back just far enough to see the wetness under her eyes. I rub my thumb across her cheek, removing some of her tears. “Why are you crying? I’m sorry. Did I hurt…?”

  Her eyes snap up to mine, her hand presses against my face. “No! It was beautiful, more than I could have ever dreamt.” She rubs across my cheek with her thumb and I close my eyes to her tenderness. When I open them I see such a sweet serene look on her beautiful face. “I’m glad it was you too.” I lean in and gently kiss her lips.

  A knock sounds on her front door and I look at her confused. She tilts her head and shrugs. I get up and take her hand, helping her, and watch as she walks out of the room. “Whose truck is out front? Is it that construction worker?”

  “Shhhh.” I hear her giggle. “Will you keep your voice down?”

  “If he’s anything like how big his truck is….”

  I bow my head, not able to stop my chuckle. When I look up, Bria is standing with her arm linked through a man’s arm. Anxiety rises, my blood starts to boil until she speaks. “Kane? This is Charles, my brother.” My entire body relaxes down to the fists my hands clenched into. Now that I’m calmer, I do see a resemblance. Funny how emotions cloud your mind and judgement comes so fast. Especially mine. His hair is dark like hers, cut short. He has brown eyes as well although lighter. “Charles just stopped by to….” She turns and looks at him and smiles. “Why did you stop by?”

  He laughs and pulls his arm from hers then walks over to the chair sitting beside the couch and sits down. “Can’t I just stop by unannounced to see you?” He looks at me then back at her. “Oh! Did I interrupt something?” The corner of his mouth lifts as he folds his arms over his chest, stretches out his legs, and crosses his feet.

  Bria looks at me in surprise, maybe in horror, but then relaxes and smiles at Charles. “I don’t know what you mean,” she says as she walks across the room, bends down and grabs one of his arms, tugging on it. “We were just talking and really it’s none of your business. It’s getting late. You know, work comes early in the morning.” I cover my chin, my fingers over my mouth, trying to hide my smile at her nervousness. I’m sure it’s not every day that her brother catches her with a man in her house. At least I hope not.

  He looks up at her and smiles, goading her. “I’m not leaving yet. I just got here.” He pulls away from her and she steps back unsteadily at his suddenness. “Besides,” he replies looking at me. “I want to get to know this Kane fella. So, you’re a construction worker? Please, tell me more.” He’s playing now. I think. But I kinda like him. He loves Bria, gives her what she misses in a family and that makes him okay in my book.

  I sit down on the couch and place my arms on my legs. Time to get to know what’s important in Bria’s life ‘cos I just might stick around.

  Chapter Ten


  I’d be embarrassed of what Charles is insinuating but he’s my life and I really want him and Kane to know each other. I just didn’t expect them to meet like this especially after what Kane and I just did. Or rather, what he did to me. I’ve only imagined what it felt like to have an orgasm at the hand of someone I’d fallen for. Not on this earth did I think it would feel like that. The feelings that soared through me are almost indescribable.


  Heart racing.



  I was embarrassed when he asked if I’m a virgin but he was so caring afterwards, knowing I’m so inexperienced, he melted my heart. The problem is I’m falling way too hard, too fast. So many thoughts and feelings of my heart being shattered by the one person who can do that so easily. He’s a womanizer, Bria. He could walk away at any time. Then the thought of him going out and being with another woman causes jealousy to rear its ugly head. That might kill me. But what if he doesn’t? What if he’s finding that I’m the woman who can give him a happy life? What if I’m enough? What if I’m not? All these thoughts are making my head spin. I leave them to talk and walk into the kitchen, opening the fridge door and getting us all a bottled beer. I set them on the counter and lean back against it as I twist off the tops, listening to them.

  “When she was twelve, instead of going outside and playing with other kids, she’d sit in her room and design buildings. God, I rememb
er her first drawing.” He laughs and I smile. “It was God awful. Everything was out of proportion, the measurements all off. I thought what is she doing?”

  I grab the beers and walk to the family room, handing them each one as I laugh. “Yeah, and then you redid it, making me feel so stupid.” I sit down on the couch next to Kane and take a drink, noticing from the corner of my eye, he’s watching me.

  Charles takes a drink and then laughs. “But you loved what I did and then we did one together, making it even better.” My smile seems to be frozen on my face, thinking about all these memories. “And look what happened later. You became one of the most influential businesswomen. Your clients love you and they should.” He raises his beer at me, gives me a wink, and takes another drink.

  We talked for an hour, Kane and Charles getting along famously. I’m finding the more I get to know Kane, the more I fall, but I’m not sure I want to stop. He’s becoming an addiction. We’re all laughing and talking when the doorbell rings. Not to interrupt them, I rise and walk to the door. When I open it, I’m shocked.

  “Daddy.” My eyes shift to the living room and back quickly. “What a surprise.”

  Please, don’t ask to come in.

  Please, don’t ask to come in.

  He gives me a curt nod. “Brianna.”

  Laughter ensues in the next room and I stiffen.

  “Having a party?” He leans in and turns his head. I step into his line of vision, like a girl whose father caught her doing something bad. Why am I so nervous? He tries to look around me as he steps inside. Looking back at me, inquisitively, he clears his throat. “I’m not surprised that I wasn’t invited.” Anger begins to build inside me. “Just thought I’d stop by on my way home and make sure you have all the reports I need in the morning.”

  I shift my stance, my chin raising. “I don’t know why you don’t get Janine to do those, Daddy. I’m overseeing the building and getting clients ready. I’m not your secretary.” He frowns and then looks out the window next to the door. I turn my head to see Janine sitting in his car then look back at him. “It would be a great favor if you could do that for me.” She’s busy being with Daddy so I get to do her work.


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