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Brothers in Blue: Max

Page 17

by St. James,Jeanne

  “I hear a challenge.”

  He laughed quietly. “You betcha. Are you game?”

  She peeled off the pink tank top, over her shoulders, over her head, and then tossed it to the floor.

  Her lips curled into a grin as she brought up her hands to caress her breasts. She held the heavy weight of them and squeezed. She purposely kept her gaze averted from Max as she plucked both of her nipples, then twisted the hard peaks between her fingers. She let one go so her free hand could slide down her belly and dip into her shorts. She flung her head back as she touched her own wetness, her heat.

  Impatient, she wiggled out of her shorts, then leaned back against the bedroom door, spreading herself wide with her fingers so Max could see how ready she was. She slowly rubbed her thumb over her clit, circling it, making it swell.

  She still hadn’t looked at him. She concentrated on herself, driving herself crazy. Because if she did that, she knew full well that it was driving him crazy too. She licked her lips, then peered at him through her thick mane of hair.


  His gaze was glued to her. He was slowly stroking himself over his jeans. His T-shirt was already gone, and his tanned skin wore a slight sheen, detectable even in the low light.

  “I’m so ready for you,” he told her, his voice low and raspy.

  “I see that.”

  “Are you ready for me?”

  She closed the short distance to the bed and climbed up and over him to straddle his waist. “I’m not sure. Do you want to test me to make sure?”

  He slid a finger between her plump pussy lips. The shine on his skin left neither of them without any doubt. She was wet and ready.

  She reached behind herself to unsnap and unzip his jeans. “These need to go.”

  Within seconds, his shoes and socks had been kicked off, and he slithered out of his pants and boxer briefs without unseating Amanda from his waist.

  “I want you on top.” His words were heavy with need.

  “That was the plan.”

  “Oh, it was, was it?”

  She shifted back, the crown of his cock just barely teasing her opening. He twitched his cock against her, and in a quick lift of her hips, she seated him deep inside her.

  Max let out a long, low hiss. He wrapped his fingers around the curves of her hips. Amanda closed her eyes, savoring the sensation of being completely filled. They fit perfectly together.

  The pressure against her G-spot was intense, almost unbearable. He hit her in all the right places.

  His fingers splayed against her ass cheeks, and he thrust even more deeply. She stifled a groan and put one hand against his chest, gently holding him still.

  “Let me take control.” She wasn’t asking.

  A series of emotions crossed his face. She could see the struggle within him to allow someone else control. He blew out a breath and nodded slightly. It was hard for him, but he was hard for her.

  Amanda gripped him between her thighs and rode him hard and fast. She struggled to keep quiet and almost lost it until Max placed a hand over her mouth. Grabbing one of his fingers between her teeth, she fought to not bite down hard. She rose and fell on him, lifting until he was almost out of her, then sitting until he was balls-deep. He had to turn his face and smother himself into a pillow. The muscles in his neck bulged, and a flush ran from his cheeks down to his chest. He was fighting to not cry out as hard as she was.

  She was so wet there was no friction, nothing to slow her down as she rode him, her thighs flexing, her pussy squeezing with every rise and fall. And that spot…she tilted her pelvis just enough so he hit it. Over and over. A gush of warmth ran out of her and over him.

  “Fuck!” was muffled into the pillow.

  She enjoyed the power she had over him. Even if it was just for a short time, she controlled his thoughts and his body. She felt him tense and she stilled immediately.

  No. No. No. She wasn’t ready for him to come.

  She leaned over and bit one of his nipples. His head whipped around to look at her.

  “Not yet,” she warned. She bit the other one hard enough to leave a mark, and he bucked against her.

  But the pain was enough to distract him. To delay his release.

  “You’re not coming before me.”

  His eyes narrowed, his hands tightened on her hips, and with a quick roll she was on her back and he was over her, looking down into her face.

  A little yelp had escaped her from the quick movement and shift of power. But not loud enough to wake Greg.

  “You want to come? What makes you so sure it’s up to you whether you come? Maybe it’s up to me whether you come or not.”

  Amanda grabbed the back of his head and pulled him down. She ground her lips against his for a second, then pulled away just enough to say, “Make me come.”

  He crushed her against him and thrust hard into her, grunting with each move. It was hard and fast and just what she wanted. She tilted her hips until he found her spot again. Her pussy got wetter with each stroke, wetter and wetter until finally…

  He captured her mouth against his, muffling her loud cry,. And not a second later, she was capturing his release within her. After the throbs subsided, he lowered himself next to her to gather her tightly in his arms. Amanda fell asleep to his slow, steady breathing and the rise and fall of his chest.

  * * * *

  Amanda rolled over with a sigh. She stretched and reached out blindly with one hand to the other side of the bed. It was empty and cold.

  She knew it. She knew he wouldn’t be able to stay the night. It was too much pressure for him. After she had fallen asleep, he had probably felt the walls caving in on him and hightailed it out of there lickety-split.

  Well, so much for their new compromise. He had found a way just to get her into bed once again. Not that she had made it difficult.

  She sat up. Her hair was loose and in tangles. A warm feeling vibrated through her body as she remembered that Max had ripped out the elastic band, releasing her ponytail the night before.

  Her clothes still lay where she’d left them, littered across the floor in a hurry. Her heart began thumping all over again, when she recalled how he had…

  Amanda shook her head. How the big, tough man had gotten his way, then moved on, back to his bachelor ways.

  She pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a nostalgic Ramones tee and headed downstairs to make Greg breakfast. Before she even hit the last step, she heard noises from the living room. Greg was watching cartoons already.

  She went in to turn off the TV and stopped in shock.

  Max and Greg were both sitting on the couch with their legs propped up on the coffee table, each with bowls of cereal in their laps. And they were laughing at the antics of the cartoon mouse that was running in circles on the television.

  At least Greg had a kitchen towel tucked into the neck of his shirt like a bib. It had already diverted milk and cereal from his shirt and lap.

  Max hadn’t left. He actually had stayed the night. And…

  She stepped in front of their view. “You’re letting him eat in front of the TV?”

  Max at least had the decency to look at her sheepishly. “It’s no big deal.”

  “Yeah, ’Manda, no big deal,” Greg mimicked.

  Amanda frowned at her brother. “All right. Just this one time.”

  Max had actually stayed.

  “Why don’t you go grab a bowl and join us?”

  “Uh, okay.” He was still here. And had fed her brother. She walked into the kitchen, not sure if she should be happy or suspicious.

  She looked at the variety of cereal boxes that had been pulled out of the cabinet and were strewn across the counter. The utensil drawer was still wide open. She opened the refrigerator. A gallon jug of milk sat empty in the fridge. Well, maybe there was enough for a swallow. Maybe.

  She pulled out the almost empty jug and stared at it.

  He had stayed. She frowned.


  “Sorry.” Amanda jumped at Max’s voice in her ear.

  “You already apologized for everything in advance yesterday, remember?”

  “I didn’t mean to step on your toes and let Greg eat in front of the TV if you didn’t want him to.”

  “We’ll just consider this a special occasion.”

  Max stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I’d say it was a special occasion.”

  Amanda turned within his arms and tucked a finger into his T-shirt neckline and pulled.

  Just as she thought. He had several sets of teeth marks marring his chest from her attempts to muffle her sounds of ecstasy during the night.

  Love bites, she thought.

  “War wounds,” Max said with a smirk. He released her. “Come on. Greg’s waiting.”

  She grabbed a fresh gallon of milk, then poured herself a bowl of Honey O’s before following Max to the living room.

  When the three of them were settled back on the couch watching Bugs Bunny, Max turned to her.

  “Oh, by the way, I used your toothbrush.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Max couldn’t wait to park the cruiser, get out of his cumbersome duty belt, and strip off his uniform. He needed to slide into a comfortable pair of jeans, an old T-shirt, and have himself a beer. His shift had seemed to be never ending. Manning Grove had been quiet. Dead, really. He only had one incident regarding a lost cat and had given a warning to a teenager for rolling through a stop sign. But the long boring day was finally coming to a close.

  As he turned the corner onto Main Street, heading back to the station, he heard a high-pitched, “Yoooo-hoooo!”

  Max turned his head and groaned. The owner of Manes on Main was waving him down. Max pulled over to the curb, and Teddy ran up to the black-and-white, a little breathless.

  Max decided to get out and stretch his legs after being cramped in the car for most of the last eight hours.

  “What’s up, Teddy? Is there a problem?” He moved around the rear of the cruiser and then, once on the sidewalk, leaned against the rear fender. He rested a forearm on the butt of his holstered gun.

  “Nope, Officer. How ’bout a haircut? On the house.”

  One brow rose as he looked at Teddy suspiciously. “Does it look like I need a barber?” He brushed a hand over his tightly trimmed head.

  Teddy’s knowing smile said it all. Max frowned.

  Does it look like I need a barber?

  Barber. Amanda.


  “Actually it does. You’re looking a bit shaggy. And I know why.”

  “I bet. You’ve been Amanda’s best gir—” He stopped himself abruptly.

  Teddy laughed. “Go on. You can say it. I’ve been her best girlfriend.” Teddy leaned close to tap his index finger against Max’s gold badge before murmuring, “See, you know she’s safe with me. Otherwise, you would have been over here pounding on my door like a jealous gorilla.” Teddy gave him a sly smile as he straightened and stepped back, plucking a pack of cigarettes out of the front pocket of his shirt. He pulled one out and lit it, taking a long drag before he continued. “You know, she’s been the best thing that’s happened to me since I’ve come back to town.”

  For me too, Max wanted to answer. Me too. “Why do you stay, Teddy?”

  “Why do you stay?”

  “Family.” Max shrugged. “I love it here. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

  “It’s the same with me.”

  “But you left.”

  His high-school classmate had gone off to New York City immediately after graduation. Teddy had left an eighteen-year-old shy boy and returned an unashamed gay man. If that hadn’t set the very conservative town on its ass.

  “So did you,” Teddy countered.

  “Only long enough for my stint in the Marines and then the police academy.”

  “Well, I did it to find myself and experience new things, if you know what I mean. Then I came back for my family.”

  Max shot the hairdresser a look of surprise. “But your parents won’t even talk to you.”

  After “coming out,” Teddy’s parents had shunned him publicly, cutting him totally out of their lives.

  Max didn’t think he could live a life like that, one without the strong love and support of his parents. Even the loyalty of his siblings. And he didn’t think it was fair that Teddy’s parents were being so cruel to their only son.

  Teddy’s eyes shadowed. “But they will…someday. And when they do, they will know exactly where to find me.”

  Max put a hand on Teddy’s shoulder, knowing it could never be enough consolation. Teddy laid a hand on top, giving it a slight squeeze. Max slipped his hand away without being too obvious.

  Teddy gave him a sudden bright smile, back to his normal energetic self.

  “I know you’re taken, but what about your brothers? You know, I love a man in uniform. And out of one too.”

  Max chuckled but refused to fall into Teddy’s trap.

  “If any of you Bryson boys are ever curious…”

  Max flushed and cleared his throat. He glanced around to make sure they were the only ones in the immediate area. “Uh, if we’re curious, we’ll rent a movie.” He grabbed his duty belt and adjusted it roughly, just to remind himself that he was all man.

  “You can always borrow one of mine. Gay porn is a little hard to find locally. Or I can recommend a Web site.”

  Max wasn’t sure if he was serious but decided it was safer to take it as such. “Maybe it’s better that way; otherwise I think this town would go in a tailspin. You know what an uproar you created when you first opened your shop. Not to mention, right on Main Street.”

  “Yeah, I’ll never forget those town meetings.” Teddy sighed as if he was enjoying those memories.

  Max knew better. He knew how hard Teddy had fought to be accepted back in town. “Isn’t it amazing how people adapt once they open their minds?”

  “Yeah, it took a while, but I’m doing okay. And now with Amanda here, I have a good friend to hang out with and gossip with and… Max, I don’t want her to leave.”

  Max could hear the desperation in Teddy’s voice. He knew where it was coming from. The man standing across from him needed that woman as much as Max did. Maybe not in the exact same way, but still…

  Teddy dropped the cigarette butt on the sidewalk and ground it out with his shoe. “Would you follow her if she left?”

  Max couldn’t—wouldn’t—answer that one, so instead he said, “There’s nothing for her in Miami.”

  “Ah, but she doesn’t realize that yet. Has she told you all about her mother?”

  The question caught him off guard. It was a subject that hadn’t come up with Amanda. And there had to be a reason Teddy was bringing it up. “Not really.”

  “We have some pretty interesting conversations—”

  Max cut him off impatiently. “So what about her mother?” If there was something he needed to know… If there was something that she was holding back from him, he wanted to know what it was. There was something she was sharing with her best friend that she wasn’t telling him.

  “I’ll leave those stories for her to tell. It’s not my place.”

  Max snorted. “Since when have you worried about that?”

  Teddy shrugged and smiled. “Let’s just say that Amanda and I understand each other very well. We each have our own difficulty with family. We both have our battles to fight. Speaking of family, I know her relationship with your mother threw you for a loop.”

  Max let out a searing curse. “What doesn’t she tell you?”

  “One day you’ll realize how important that bond she has with your mother is to Amanda.”

  “Well, my mother is certainly in pig heaven right now.” Max glanced at his watch and straightened up. “I have to go. My shift is over soon; they’ll need the car.”


  He paused a moment before sliding into the driver’s seat. �
�Yeah?” Max settled into the vinyl seat as the other man leaned in through the open passenger window.

  “It’s up to you, you know…to convince her to stay. To give her the reason.”

  Max’s gripped the steering wheel tightly. “Right.” Teddy wasn’t asking too much of him.

  “I’m counting on it.” Teddy tapped the roof of the car as Max drove away.

  * * * *

  Greg was wound up. His eyes were rolling, his voice booming. His arms flailed wildly. He’d had a good day. Amanda had decided to surprise him by picking him up after day care instead of letting the bus drop him off.

  Admittedly, Amanda was bored and just wanted an excuse to get out of the house. But she was pleased with Greg’s reaction. Not only was the excitement stemming from his sister picking him up, which made him feel special, but also Donna said that Greg actually had learned to write three alphabet letters today.

  Three. O, C, and Z.

  And that was the biggest deal of all.

  Donna was extremely happy with his progress.

  Greg was excited.

  Amanda was very pleased.

  If Greg even had a slight possibility of being able to read and write, she wanted to make sure he learned. It was apparent that he would never be able to live on his own; she recognized that now. However, she still wanted him to be as independent as possible. It was something Dolores had wanted too.

  So she tolerated Greg’s wild animation while she attempted to drive, occasionally dodging an uncontrollable swing with his left fist.

  Two houses from home, she noticed a silver Mercedes coupe in the driveway. Her heart thumped. Though the car wasn’t familiar, a feeling of dread engulfed her.

  She decided to park along the curb instead of pulling in the driveway behind the unfamiliar car. The two people sitting in the car might just be at the wrong house.

  If she was lucky.

  She sat in the driver’s seat and locked a hand over Greg’s belt buckle, keeping him from springing out of the car.

  “C’mon, ’Manda!” Greg complained. “We’s got visitors.”

  “I see,” Amanda murmured, staring harder at the two occupants of the mystery vehicle. Her eyes narrowed. “Shit.”


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