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Tempted by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Carolyn Rosewood

  He fucked her slowly, whispering words of encouragement. His own climax came too quickly for Caleigh, and she knew if they made love again she’d be begging him to fuck her in the ass as well as the pussy. She’d never felt anything so intense and decadent at the same time.

  She heard him take off the condom, then he pulled her into his arms and gently stroked her hair until she drifted off to sleep, completely sated.

  Chapter Five

  Hugh stood on the balcony of his suite overlooking the front of the resort and the woods beyond, and took a long drag on his cigarette. It was a disgusting habit, but he only smoked when he was agitated beyond reason, and he only did it outside.

  He’d tried to sleep but once the sun rose, it was impossible. He’d looked for Caleigh high and low last evening, and finally overheard one of the desk clerks talking about Sterling showing her the portrait of Lilith sometime after dinner. The bastard had gone looking for her—he was sure of it. He asked the desk clerk what else she’d seen or heard, but all she could tell him was that Sterling had been asking about Caleigh earlier and was told she was having dinner in the staff dining room.

  Hugh had knocked on Caleigh’s door ten minutes later, but she didn’t answer. He’d lurked in the hallways for almost two hours, but she never returned to her room. He could have gone to Sterling’s suite, but that would have made him appear desperate and pathetic.

  How the hell had Sterling pulled it off? Caleigh didn’t seem like the kind of girl who would go for someone as quiet and down-to-earth as Sterling, Nephilim powers or not. There was fire in her dark eyes and her sultry walk. She craved adventure and raw sex. He knew it as sure as he knew he could give her both like none of the others could.

  The look she’d given him yesterday when he’d suggested they get better acquainted left no doubt she’d known exactly what he meant, and was more than willing to play. Lust had rolled off her in waves. He’d barely had to use his powers on her. She’d wanted him from the moment their eyes had first met.

  So what the hell had gone wrong?

  In the twenty-two years since they’d started this resort, Hugh had never been turned down—not once. In fact, back in the days when they used to keep count of the number of guests they seduced, Hugh out-performed all the others combined. What the hell had Sterling said or done that had convinced Caleigh to fuck him?

  Hugh tossed the cigarette butt over the railing, not giving a shit that Zach or Emmett would find it and ream his ass over it. Fuck them and their unrelenting passion for insisting they all keep this place pristine and classy. And fuck Sterling for bagging Caleigh first. Hugh had claimed her the minute he walked into the nightclub to hear her audition. Sterling should have known that.

  He lit another cigarette then extinguished it on the concrete floor. Smoking wasn’t going to solve this. He’d seduce Caleigh as well. That would show Sterling and the others a thing or two, especially when she didn’t crawl back into Sterling’s bed again. And he wouldn’t listen to bullshit from any of them about staff being off limits. That asswipe Sterling had dared to tell him to knock it off when he’d talked about Caleigh after her audition, and then he’d turned around and fucked her anyway!

  Well, two could play that game.

  * * * *

  Sterling rolled over and propped himself up on one elbow, just to watch Caleigh sleep. It had seemed so normal and right to stand on the roof with her last evening and talk about stars and her family. He hadn’t expected her to be so open and friendly. He’d known she was from a wealthy family, and he’d assumed she would be like so many of their rich guests—cold and aloof. They came here with one thing in mind, and he and the other owners delivered.

  But Caleigh wasn’t a guest, so perhaps that was the reason she hadn’t behaved like all the other rich bitches? No, Sterling didn’t believe that. Just listening to her talk about her place in the pecking order of her family told him all he needed to know about her. She talked a good game and put on a convincing act, but deep inside she didn’t feel worthy in the eyes of her family. It was that vulnerability she’d shown him that melted his earlier resolve not to touch her.

  When she’d displayed so much trust that she admitted she didn’t like sharing the spotlight, he hadn’t been able to resist her charms any longer. He’d known that about her the moment she took the stage for her audition and asked to sing acapella. The look that had settled over her face was confident, knowing. But to hear her voice it aloud had caused something inside to shift. Sterling felt a connection to Caleigh that he hadn’t questioned or wanted to understand. He’d only known he had to have her, right then and there.

  She opened her eyes and blinked a few times, frowning, as if she wasn’t quite sure where she was. Then a bright smile graced her beautiful face and she rolled to the side, gazing into his eyes.

  “Well, good morning, Sterling. Is the sun up yet?”


  “Good. Then we don’t have to get out of bed yet.”

  “You don’t have rehearsal today so we don’t have to get out of bed until this evening, when you perform. It’ll be your first gig here. Are you nervous?”

  She leaned over and kissed him. His cock sprang to attention and the desire that spread through his body felt like a thousand fireflies dancing in his veins. Would he ever grow tired of this perfect creature?

  Caleigh crawled on top of him and sat back on her heels, her breasts swaying softly. He reached up and took them in his hands, groaning at their fullness. Her nipples were dusky and taut, the way he liked them. He wasted no time taking one into his mouth and sucking hard, remembering how she’d enjoyed that last night.

  She rubbed her wet pussy against his cock, and it was all Sterling could do not to shove it inside. He didn’t want to hurt her, but damn she was able to take a lot. He’d pounded her pussy and ass more than once last night, and here she was, ready for more this morning.

  To keep up pretenses he knew he needed to grab a condom and fast, before he lost all control. He wasn’t in the mood for explanations or being forced to use his powers to persuade her that she didn’t have to worry about getting knocked up. He reluctantly let go of her tits and reached for the drawer in the nightstand.

  She crawled off him and took the packet out of his hands, ripped it open, then sheathed his throbbing dick with the latex. A sly smile graced her face, and Sterling moaned again. Her confidence in bed both surprised and delighted him. He hadn’t figured her for a frigid woman, but he hadn’t expected such boldness. It was sexy beyond belief.

  Caleigh climbed back on top and lowered her tight, hot pussy over his dick, until he was in to the hilt. He hoped it didn’t hurt, but when she started to moved up and down, the look on her face told him it felt as fantastic for her as it did for him. One hand drifted to her clit, and this time he let her touch herself. Watching her come was like gazing at a beautiful sunset. The colors came alive and sang in notes only he could hear.

  It didn’t take long, which hadn’t yet ceased to amaze him. He prided himself on being able to make women come easily, but this girl barely needed his help. This time, it was completely due to her actions. He just laid back and enjoyed the ride, not using his powers at all.

  She moaned and writhed, her face bunching up in a combination of ecstasy and surprise. He pulled her close and held her, then whispered for her to hold onto him. As soon as she tightened her thighs around his, he wrapped his arms around her and flipped them over in one smooth movement.

  Moving slowly at first, he thrust in and out, forcing himself to stay in control. He wanted to watch her come at least one more time. She tossed her head back and forth, and he nearly lost it. There was something irresistible about that chocolate-colored hair whipping around on the sheets that sent him into a frenzy. He massaged her clit with his thumb while he pumped her with as much force and speed as he could muster.

  Her climax was shattering, intense. She screamed, and he came, nearly losing the condom in the process. Not that it
would matter, but he didn’t want to give her anything to worry about. When her breathing returned to normal he held her in his arms, wishing he didn’t have to work and she didn’t have to sing tonight. He wanted to stay in this room with his songbird for the rest of the week, at the very least.

  * * * *

  Caleigh locked herself in her dressing room. She wasn’t nervous about singing for the first time at this club. She was dreading the look in Hugh’s eyes. She and Sterling had stayed in his suite through lunch, which they shared in bed, until he finally persuaded Caleigh if she didn’t return to her own room and get some sleep she’d fall asleep on stage.

  A note from Hugh had been waiting for her in her room, attached with a ribbon to a single white rose.

  I’ll be at a table in the front to watch your Lilith’s Playground debut tonight. Will you sing for me?

  Ever since finding the note, she’d mused over which song Hugh would like her to sing just for him. It would have been easier if he’d given her some sort of clue. She wondered why his note said nothing about last night or whether he’d tried to look for her. She had kind of promised him, after all, that she’d spend time with him. Did he even remember asking her? Had he deliberately not said anything to make her think he didn’t care? Was it her fault Sterling had found her first?

  She could have told Sterling that Hugh had asked her to spend time with him, but she’d chosen not to. She couldn’t very well fault Hugh for that.

  Caleigh hugged her elbows as memories of last night and this morning came rushing back. Never in her wildest imagination had she envisioned a man who could make love like Sterling. Nor would she have guessed it from him. He was so quiet and reserved. Her best friend Babs had told her it was the quiet ones you always had to watch out for. Oh boy, had she been right. Caleigh couldn’t wait to write Babs and tell her all about Sterling.

  The thought of letters forced a groan from her. She still had the three marriage proposals to contend with, and she couldn’t just ignore them. She’d have to write all three men back and either let them down gently or string them along for a while longer. It seemed cruel to refuse them during a war or by mail.

  A knock on the door snapped her back to the present. “It’s time, Caleigh,” Niko called through the door. She stood up, grabbed her glass of water and lime slices, then opened the door.

  “You ready?” Niko’s smile was infectious.

  “You bet. Let’s knock ’em dead.”

  As the band went through their final sound checks, Caleigh took a sip of water and peeked around the curtain. Hugh was at a table in the front, along with Leo, Andras, and Blair. Next to their table, Sterling sat with Zach and Emmett. Hanging on Emmett’s arm was a woman Caleigh didn’t recognize.

  On the other side of Hugh’s table were two more owners she’d briefly met, Blade and Cristian. Each one was with a woman. Behind them sat owners Demetrius and Gregory, also with guests. The room was packed. Caleigh didn’t see an empty table, and a few people stood along the back wall. She’d be playing to full house—exactly what she needed tonight. She took a final sip of water and squared her shoulders to wait until the announcer finished her introduction.

  The roar of the crowd and the wolf whistles from the two front tables put her immediately at ease. She’d chosen this dark dress with the sequins on purpose. It showed off her cleavage and clung to her hips like a glove. Caleigh stepped up to the microphone and began a slow version of “As Time Goes By.” Every place she’d sung it before it had brought down the house. Most people were used to hearing a man sing it, not a woman.

  Although Binnie Hale had a successful recording of it in 1931, that version was mostly known in Europe. Caleigh always tried to stay true to Binnie’s unique phrasing when she sang the song, even though her voice was more similar to Billie Holliday’s or Lena Horne’s than Binnie Hale’s.

  Caleigh scanned the crowd as she neared the end of the song. They loved it. She could feel their support in waves. She finally dared to look Hugh in the eyes and almost stumbled on the words. His stormy eyes held her gaze, daring her to look away. Lust rolled off him like thunderheads advancing. She half expected to see lightning start shooting from his hair.

  She drew strength from within and finished the song, bowing before they started clapping because she had to break eye contact with Hugh. When she finally looked at him again, a smile played at the corners of his mouth, almost as if he knew her internal struggle.

  The next song was “Someone To Watch Over Me,” and Caleigh swayed seductively as she sang, giving equal eye contact to both Sterling and Hugh. If either man noticed she was singing to the other, they didn’t show it.

  Hugh continued to watch her with a half smile, his eyes blazing with lust. Sterling smiled at her, his gaze adoring and intense. As Caleigh finished the song and launched into “Stormy Weather,” decadent images flashed through her mind. This time they featured both men, their mouths and cocks all over her body, filling her mouth, her pussy, and her ass.

  Caleigh poured all the emotion she was feeling into the song, trying to channel her overwhelming arousal into the lyrics. It was such a sad song, only Caleigh didn’t feel blue this time as she sang it. She felt alive and charged, as though there was truly a storm brewing. If making love to Sterling had been that incredible, what would it be like having both of them at the same time?

  The crowd hooted and clapped for long moments. Finally, Caleigh took one last bow and went backstage. She drained her water glass and went in search of more. She had at least thirty minutes before she needed to be on stage again, but she felt too restless to simply sit in her dressing room.

  As the band played swing music and couples danced on the parquet floor, Caleigh scanned the crowd again. Most of the guests were female, and the ones without dancing partners stood along the stage. They eyed the owners as they danced with other women, as if they were each waiting their turn. As Caleigh wondered why there weren’t more men in the audience, she noticed Sterling dancing with Molly, one of the front desk clerks.

  Molly was almost fifty years old, and she moved like a teenager, twirling and kicking her legs up. Caleigh smiled as she watched her give Sterling a run for his money on the dance floor. Sterling looked as though he was having a good time, and Caleigh was happy he was dancing.

  When the band struck up another number, most of the owners changed partners. The only person Caleigh didn’t see dancing was Hugh. She was scanning the room for him again when the scent of lavender drifted past her nose. She didn’t have to turn around to know Hugh was directly behind her. She felt him, the same way she’d know if a freight train were bearing down on her, even without the steam whistle. She swore the floor shifted. The air became charged again just before she heard his soft sexy voice.

  “Why aren’t you dancing, Caleigh?”

  “I never dance in between sets. Takes too much energy away from my singing.” Hugh’s presence was taking energy away, but she suddenly didn’t care. She wanted him near her.

  “I missed you last night.”

  Caleigh turned to face him. “I’m sorry, Hugh. I wasn’t sure how to find you.”

  A shadow crossed his face, and Caleigh wasn’t sure how to interpret it. “Of course. I should have realized that.”

  She looked into his gray eyes, so full of intensity, and wondered if he made love as well as Sterling. “What are you doing after the show?”

  A slow wicked smile spread over his face. Caleigh shivered, resisting the urge to hug her elbows. She didn’t want him to see how much he affected her.

  “After the show? I’m going to open a bottle of very expensive wine in my suite. You’ll be joining me, of course.”

  The band was wrapping up their last song. Caleigh took a deep breath, letting his scent fill her senses. “Getting drunk in your suite? Sounds like fun.”

  He stepped closer until they were only inches apart. The smile faded, replaced by a look of pure, raw lust. He took her hand and licked the back of it, his t
ongue like fire on her skin. “We won’t be drunk on wine,” he said softly. “But I promise you will have fun, Caleigh.”

  Hugh moved closer and whispered in her ear. “Don’t make me come looking for you this time, or I’ll put you over my knee and paddle your beautiful ass until you beg me to stop.”

  Chapter Six

  Sterling rose from his table and headed backstage after Caleigh’s second set, but was stopped by Hugh, looking dark and dangerous. “She’s with me tonight.”

  “Is that so?”

  “It’s already been decided, while you were hamming it up on the dance floor.”

  Sterling had never come as close to punching any of his fellow Nephilim as he came to decking Hugh at that moment. He forced himself to calm down so he wouldn’t give Hugh the satisfaction of seeing his anger and jealousy.

  “And by the way, she had already agreed to spend time with me last night. You simply found her first.”

  “You lying bastard.”

  Hugh’s grin didn’t reach his eyes. “Ask her yourself.”

  “You don’t care about her. All you want to do is bag her.”

  Hugh chuckled. “Oh, really? One night with her and you’re in love? Is that it, Sterling?”

  Sterling watched Hugh’s retreating form as he headed for the dressing rooms. He should say something. Somewhere in the universe was a perfect retort to Hugh’s smug comments, but Sterling’s mind had gone blank. Was he in love? No, of course not. He’d never let himself go that far. It was madness. Caleigh was simply beautiful, and kind, and vulnerable, that’s all. He wasn’t in love with her. No one fell in love overnight. It simply wasn’t possible.

  So why then was he standing here alone in a dark, dingy hallway, seething with jealousy at the thought she might wind up in bed with Hugh tonight?


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