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Kingdom of Magicians

Page 29

by Timothy L. Cerepaka

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Upon teleporting out of the city, Keo blinked and looked around at their environment to see just where Jola had teleported them. They were once again in the countryside outside of Capitika, with the city itself a good distance away from where they stood. Trees and hills rose around them, which kept them hidden from a nearby road. The sun, as always, was out, its hot summer rays beating down on them mercilessly, in sharp contrast to the coldness of the Citadel's interior.

  But Keo did not focus on that, because he soon heard Jola's voice in his head say, I'm going out … and then heard a tiny body hit the ground nearby.

  Maryal must have heard Jola's last words as well, because she said, “Jola? What happened to Jola? Is she okay?”

  “I think she lost consciousness,” said Keo, looking around for her, although Jola's invisibility made it impossible to see her. “Remember, teleportation is extremely difficult to do even for powerful Magicians. That she managed to teleport us out of Capitika at all was amazing, if you ask me. She deserves the rest.”

  “Oh, right,” said Maryal. She looked down at Dlaine, who was still lying unconscious himself on the ground nearby. “What happened to you guys in there? Why were Dlaine and Jola in the Citadel at all? And what's up with Nesma?”

  As briefly as he could, Keo recounted the events of the last half hour to Maryal. When he finished, he said, “And now Nesma thinks that I murdered an angel, which means that there is no way that she will listen to me or let me speak with the rest of the Magical Council ever again.”

  “That's awful,” said Maryal, shaking her head. “And here I always admired Nesma for her hard work and success at such a young age. It never occurred to me to think that she would be willing to kill her best friend at the order of a demon. Do you think she'll get better now that the demon manipulating her is gone?”

  “I don't know,” said Keo. “I doubt it, however. Plague had her deeply convinced of his lies. I don't think there is anything I can do now, except leave and look for help elsewhere.”

  Maryal crouched down next to Dlaine, looked him over once for any major injuries, and then looked up at Keo, a frown on her face. “But where will you go? The Magical Council is the highest authority in all of South Lamaira. Who else could have the power to do something about the demons?”

  Keo stroked his chin in thought. “Something Plague said bothered me. He said that the reason the seal that the Good King placed on the demons is weakening is because King Riuno, who was a descendent of the Good King, died and there has been no one else in the line of the Good King to strengthen the seal.” He looked at Maryal. “Do you know if King Riuno had any children who might still be alive?”

  Maryal shook her head. “From what I heard, King Riuno's only child—an infant boy—died during the chaos that engulfed the Kingdom after Riuno's death.”

  “Where did you hear that from?” said Keo.

  “The Magical Council's history books,” said Maryal. “They say that there are no living descendents of the Good King anymore, that the line died with King Riuno.”

  “How do we know that's true, though?” said Keo. “What if King Riuno's son actually survived? Or maybe Riuno had other children who he kept a secret? I mean, the Magical Council is hugely corrupt even without the demons' influence. I can't imagine they'd want anyone to know that King Riuno has a living child, otherwise people might rally behind that kid and attempt to overthrow them.”

  “What are you getting at?” said Maryal. “Are you saying we should look for Riuno's son?”

  “Exactly,” said Keo, nodding. “Think about it. If the demons' seal is weakening because there is no King of Lamaira, then maybe, by finding Riuno's son and placing him back on the Throne, we can strengthen it again and prevent the demons' rise.”

  “Even if Riuno's son is somehow still alive—and I am not sure that he is—where would this child of King Riuno's even be?” said Maryal. She spread her hands. “And how can we possibly hope to find him before the demons rise again?”

  Keo considered that question. He looked to the west, where the sun was heading, and then to the east. He was thinking also about the mysterious golden flames that had engulfed Gildshine, as well as that strange fire he had felt in his soul. Master Tiram had never told him about that particular ability of Gildshine, but then, Keo strongly suspected that the gold flames and the fire in his body—which he could no longer feel—were connected, though how and why, he did not know.

  Then an idea occurred to Keo and he looked at Maryal. “I think I know where we can find Riuno's son. Or at least a place to start.”

  “Where?” said Maryal. “The Magical Council's Archives?”

  Keo shook his head. “No.” He pointed west. “Western Lamaira, the Old Kingdom, where the Restorationists rule. They believe in recreating the old Kingdom of Lamaira, so they might be able to help us locate Riuno's son or any other children he may have had.”

  Maryal made a face. “The Restorationists? Those old, backwards fools? You aren't joking, are you?”

  “Of course I'm not,” said Keo. “I know how you feel about them, but if finding the Restorationists will help us save South Lamaira, then don't you think we should give it a shot? What if it's our destiny to head out west?”

  Maryal sighed in frustration, but nodded anyway and said, “All right. I guess you would not have suggested we head that way if destiny had not put that idea in your head.”

  “Then it's settled,” said Keo. He looked at Dlaine, who was still unconscious on the ground. “Once Dlaine and Jola awake, we'll tell them where we're going, and then we'll head out for West Lamaira as soon as possible. We still have nearly six months left before the demons rise again, which is plenty of time to get to West Lamaira and find the answers we seek.”

  And the answers I seek as well, Keo thought, with a glance at Gildshine.


  Continued in: Kingdom of Heirs

  With his homeland falling to the demons, Keo, along with his friends, heads northwest to the Old Kingdom in search of their one possible hope for defeating the demons: The long-lost son of the last king of Lamaira, who is prophesied to return and reunite the Kingdom and save it from the demons.

  Keo's journey seems to be a success when, upon arriving in the Old Kingdom, he discovers that the long-lost Rightful Heir has already returned and is about to be crowned the new King of Lamaira. But things become more complicated when Keo is revealed to also be the Rightful Heir.

  To determine who the true heir to the Throne, Keo must duel his counterpart in accordance with tradition. If Keo fails, not only will he lose his right to succeed his father, but the entire Kingdom of Lamaira will fall to the demons.

  Buy Kingdom of Heirs here (!


  About the Author

  Timothy L. Cerepaka writes fantasy as an indie author. He is the author of the Mages of Martir fantasy novels, the Two Worlds science-fantasy series, and the Tournament of the Gods fantasy novels. He lives in Texas.

  Find out more at his website ( You can also Like his Facebook page here ( or follow him on Twitter at @TimothyCerepaka ( for news about his new releases and more.



  I would like to thank my uncle, James Wilhite, for helping me get this manuscript into publishable shape. I'd also like to thank the rest of my family for supporting me while I wrote this novel. You guys rock.



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