Everything Is Figureoutable
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“I Have a Dream” (King), 40
imposter syndrome, 243–46
indecision, 120–22
internet, time spent on, 68, 165
and automatic writing exercise, 252
fear vs., 107–9
Island of Misfit Toys, 157
Jobs, Steve, 70
Jong, Erica, 63, 216, 225
benefits of, 14
increased odds of success with, 130–32
letter from your future self (writing exercise), 251–52
on limiting beliefs, 46–47
judgment, dealing with, 223–30
Katie, Byron, 226
Keller, Helen, 233, 253
King, Jamie, 186
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 40, 148
King, Stephen, 100
assumptions about, 10
lack of, as excuse, 82–83
Kotler, Steven, 83
Krieger, Ali, 141
Landon, Michael, 247
language, assigning meaning to, 104–7
language of author, 13
laws of nature, 11–12
adopting a spirit of, 10, 13
and fixed vs. growth mindsets, 191–93
valuing, 167–69
viewing setbacks as opportunities for, 192
The Legend of Bagger Vance (Pressfield), 199
letter from your future self (writing exercise), 251–52
Levitin, Daniel J., 129
Liberian civil war, 213–16
Liberian Mass Action for Peace, 214–16
limiting beliefs, 32–34, 42, 43, 46–47
Liu, David Shiyang, 190
loneliness, 256
Lopez, Jennifer, 243
loss aversion, 166
lost, feeling, 123
Loughnan, Stephen, 31
Mann, Thomas, 128
Marie Forleo Podcast, 259
on Dr. Trent’s story, 88
early years of, 191
Elizabeth Gilbert on, 199
on fear, 113
on gifts you bring to the world, 241
impacts on viewers, 204–6
on imposter syndrome, 246
on living excuse-free life, 88
and MF Insider program, 259
and starting before you’re ready, 162
on stress logs, 216
studio space for, 216–20, 231
market saturation, 242–43
Matthews, Gail, 131
McCarthy, Mary, 265
McCormick, Gabrielle, 81–82
Mead, Margaret, 261
meal planning/prep, time spent on, 68, 77
meaning, assigning, 104–7
media consumption, 75
meetings, time spent in, 69
mental health issues, 177
MF Insider program, 259
Mighty Be Our Powers (Gbowee), 214
Mindset (Dweck), 191–92
Minnelli, Liza, 213
mistakes, recovering from, 91–92
mobile devices, time spent on, 69–71, 73, 76
Moment app, 71
momentum, 162–63
money and finances
beliefs about, 35–37
and dream of financial freedom, 144–45
lack of, as excuse, 79–82
spending less, 80–81
Moseley, Bruce, 29–30
motivation, 162
multipassionate entrepreneurs, 158–59
Murakami, Haruki, 51
Murray, William Hutchison, 124
dealing with nay-sayers and nonbelievers, 221–23, 231
internal voices of, 5, 163–64, 176
neurochemistry, impact of beliefs on, 29
neuroplasticity, 43, 44
New York Stock Exchange career of author, 19–21
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 107
Nike Elite Dance Athletes, 4, 186, 189
Nin, Anaïs, 40
Orange Is the New Black (series), 127
The Organized Mind (Levitin), 129
Palahniuk, Chuck, 228
patience, cultivating, 182–83, 198–200
peace protests in Liberia, 214–16
Pepe Rosso restaurant, 242–43
about, 176–77
and comparison, 179–80
dangers of, 176–77
dismantling, 177
fear as root of, 175–76
and fear of not being good enough, 176
high standards compared to, 175
and ignoring big drama, 193–94
paralyzing power of, 176, 201
progress vs., 180, 187–88, 191, 201
and suicides, 177
phones, time spent on, 69–71, 73, 76
placebo effect, power of, 29–31
planning, 141, 164–65
plasticity of the brain, 43, 44
power, personal, 60
Pratt, Victoria, 111
Pressfield, Steven, 84, 98, 199
problems, planning ahead for, 194, 201
procrastination, disguised as research and planning, 141, 164–65
brave decision-making preceding, 162
and creative gap, 189–91
and expecting/embracing self-doubt, 195, 202
and fixed vs. growth mindsets, 191–93
Glass on, 189–90
invisible, 194
making daily, 193–94, 203
myth of linear, 181, 181–83
perfectionism vs., 180, 187–88, 191, 201
and perspective on supposed failures, 184–86
and planning ahead for problems, 194, 201
and power of positive quitting, 196–98
and pushing through setbacks, 195–96
role of patience in, 182–83, 198–200
and Ten-Year Test, 198
purpose beyond personal gain, 231–32, 234
questions that counter destructive thoughts, 10–11
quitting, positive, 196–98
refusing to be refused, 207–34
and author’s pursuit of studio space, 216–20, 231
and author’s trip to Barcelona, 207–12, 231
and challenging the status quo, 220–21, 233
and dealing with nay-sayers, 221–23, 231
and Leymah’s protest against Liberian civil war, 213–16, 231
and purpose beyond personal gain, 231–32, 234
and responding to criticism, 223–30, 233–34
ultimate secret behind, 231–32
regrets, 247–48, 247n, 251
relabeling emotions, 104–7
relationships, investing in, 255–56, 257, 259–60
repetition, benefits of, 15, 44, 47
research, 141, 164–65
responsibility, taking, 54–58, 65–67
reticular activating system (RAS), 128–30
roadmap to everything is figureoutable results, 9–16
Robbins, Tony, 79
Rogers, Fred, 243
Rohn, Jim, 155
role models, 39
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 112, 226, 251
Rowling, J. K., 225–26
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, 157
rules, questioning, 212, 220–21, 233
Ruth, Babe, 207
Rutte, Martin, 255
Sabin, Florence, 46
Schaef, Anne Wilson, 176
scholarships and grants, 81–82
The Scottish Himalayan Expedition (Murray), 124
self-doubt, 99, 195, 202
self talk, 45, 202
selling personal property, 81
setbacks, pushing through, 195–96
Shakespeare, William, 104
shame attacks, 245
side jobs, 80
Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson, 216
smartphones, time spent on, 69–71, 73, 76
social accountability, 166, 170
social connections, strengthening, 255–56
social intelligence, cultivating, 143
social media
curbing/eliminating, 75
opportunity costs of time on, 73
tracking time spent on, 68
Sotomayor, Sonia, 159, 221
Springsteen, Bruce, 105–6
starting before you’re ready, 153–71
and courage spawned by action, 162
getting skin in the game, 165–66, 170
and hip-hop instructor gig of author, 154–56
momentum generated by, 162–63
and MTV gig of author, 159–61
as necessary for progress, 162
and procrastination disguised as research/planning, 164–65
and strategic future tripping, 155–56
the Ten-Year Test, 155–56, 171
and valuing growth/learning, 167–69, 168, 169
and voice of negativity, 163–64
status quo, challenging, 220–21, 233
stress logs, 216–17
struggles, ubiquity of, 144–45
studio space for MarieTV, 216–20, 231
success, increasing the odds of, 130–32
suicides and perfectionism, 177
Taylor, Charles, 215–16
television, time spent on, 69, 71, 73, 75
tenacity. See refusing to be refused
Ten-Year Test, 155–56, 171, 198
Tererai Trent International, 59–60
Thatcher, Margaret, 213
and beliefs, 26–29
countering thought viruses, 10–11
time, 65–79
activities that suck down, 68–69
and addiction to devices, 69–71
and documenting your routine, 67–69
freeing up two hours of, 68–69, 72, 87
and having/making time, 67
opportunity costs of wasting, 73, 74
and owning your choices, 65–67
strategies for saving more, 75–78
time management struggles, 123
tracking exercise, 67–68, 71–72, 85–86
Toastmasters, 166
The Top Five Regrets of the Dying (Ware), 247
traffic, time spent in, 69
Trent, Tererai, 58–60, 63, 88
trolls on the internet, 229–30
Tropicana orange radio, 1–3
Twain, Mark, 139
uncertainty, 167–69, 188
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Wollstonecraft), 147–48
Virgin Unite, 130–31
Voltaire, 64
vulnerability, 145, 167–69
Walters, Barbara, 39
Ware, Bronnie, 247
The War of Art (Pressfield), 98
Washington, Booker T., 256
Weger, Ulrich, 31
West, Mae, 117
Westside Preparatory School in Chicago, 33–34
Wilde, Stuart, 122
Williamson, Marianne, 258
willpower, 257
Winfrey, Oprah, 39, 243
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 147–48
and challenging the status quo, 220–21
and equal rights, 147–48
and imposter syndrome, 244
workplace, being a force for good in, 258
worst-case scenarios
articulating, 100–104, 112
planning ahead for, 194
writing by hand
advantages of, 14
increased odds of success with, 130–32
See also journaling
Yousafzai, Malala, 56–57
Remember that gal that gave up?
Neither does anyone else.
A born-and-raised Jersey girl with nothing more than passion, a laptop and a dream, Marie Forleo has created a socially conscious digital empire that inspires millions across the globe. Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation, she's the star of the award-winning show MarieTV, with over 47 million views, and host of The Marie Forleo Podcast, with more than eight million downloads. Marie has taught entrepreneurs, artists, and multipassionate go-getters from all walks of life how to dream big and back it up with daily action to create results. She runs the acclaimed business training program, B-School. Learn more at www.MarieForleo.com
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*Comparschläger: noun; a self-inflicted poison. Activates when you compare yourself to others and end up feeling worthless. Analogous to Goldschläger, the disgusting cinnamon-flavored schnapps with gold flakes that, when ingested in large quantities, makes you puke.
*Apple now has a native feature called Screen Time that functions much the same way.
*365/24 hours = 15.20 full 24-hour days. If we make this waking focused time, you’d have an extra 45 8-hour workdays per year.
*The two most common are (1) the fear of not being good enough and (2) the fear you won’t be loved. Got either? Welcome to the club.
*Fuck-it moments: noun; when you stop trying to look good, stop trying to fit in, and finally follow your heart. Usually huge, positive turning points.
*Pronounced cah-PEESH. For my non-Jersey people: an Italian word mostly used by Americans to say “Got it?” or “Understand?”
*Obviously, online nastiness is distinct from serious threats of harm, violence, or death. If anyone ever threatens you, call law enforcement immediately.
*The other regrets, in order, are: “I wish I hadn’t worked so hard”; “I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings”; “I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends”; and “I wish I had let myself be happier.”