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Make Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence Book 5)

Page 10

by Laylah Roberts

  He reached down and held the tip against her clit as he returned to her nipples, sucking and pulling on them in turns until she was whimpering, her head thrashing back and forth.

  “I—I can’t. I can’t stop it.”

  He drew back, pulling the vibrator away from her clit. Sweat coated her body in a fine sheen, and she was breathing fast. Her eyes were glazed as she watched him pick up a nipple clamp. He pushed the vibrator deep inside her then turned it on. She arched up with a groan, and he sucked her nipple into his mouth briefly before pulling away and fastening the nipple clamp around her plump nipple.

  She cried out as he tightened it, but he saw the way she trembled. The slight bite of pain would only add to her pleasure. He moved quickly to the other nipple, leaving the vibrator where it was as he clamped her nipple.

  Tiny gave her a light kiss. “Good?”

  “Yes, Sir. Please, Sir,” she begged.

  “Soon,” he promised. He stood, stripping his clothes off slowly, giving himself a chance to claw back some control. The soft sounds of pleasure she made didn’t help much. Once he was naked, he rolled on a condom. He removed the vibrator. Taking hold of her legs, he placed each leg over his arms. Then he thrust deep inside her before stilling, his jaw clenched. Christ, she felt so good.

  “Oh, God. You feel so good. Please, move. Please.”

  She was so warm and slick and inviting his breath escaped him for a moment. When his head stopped spinning, he realized he still wasn’t moving. He drew back then pushed forward. Back and forth.

  Reagan’s eyes were closed, her teeth biting down on her lip. Soft whimpers filled the room.

  He couldn’t hold on any longer, and he wasn’t coming before she did. Not this first time. The need to come was burning him from the inside out.

  In. Out. In. Out.

  Tiny took her mouth with his, he nipped at her bottom lip before thrusting his tongue between her lips to ravish her. Resting his weight on one hand, he reached between them to flick her clit.

  “Sir! Sir, please?”

  Her pussy clamped around him, massaging him and a sharp burst of need struck him, nearly making him see double.

  “Come, Reagan. Come.” He continued to play with her clit, to thrust himself deep inside her. Finally, he gave thanks as he heard her cry out, felt her pussy ripple around his shaft. Then he let go and exploded.

  Ten minutes after the most explosive orgasm she’d ever experienced, Reagan cuddled into Tiny on the bed. He’d removed the nipple clamps and scarves, then quickly cleaned them both—much to her embarrassment. He hadn’t listened to her protests that she could clean herself up. Then he’d laid down on the bed and tucked her into his side.

  “You never gave me an answer,” she told him as she twirled her finger around a tattoo on his shoulder.


  “About why you don’t want to play with me at the club on Saturday night?” There was still a part of her that thought he didn’t want others knowing.

  “It’s too public. I can’t guard you and play with you. My focus would be torn.”

  “Oh.” That had never occurred to her. “But surely you don’t think someone from the club would be out to hurt me.”

  He shrugged. “Can’t take the risk.”

  “All right. We’ll stay home, then.” It was slightly disappointing, but as long as she got to spend time with Tiny, she didn’t care where they were.

  “Didn’t say that. We’ll go.”

  She leaned up on her elbow so she could look down at him. “You don’t care if I scene with someone else?” Because she cared. She cared a lot.

  He drew her onto his chest and frowned up at her. “You won’t be scening with someone else. You’re mine.”

  She laid her head on his chest. “That’s nice. You’re mine, too.”

  He just snorted.

  “It would be near impossible for someone to hurt me at the club. Roarke has security cameras everywhere. And Alex and Tara will be there. Nothing will happen. You can take your mind off the job for a few hours.”

  “Not happening. But it’s time to look at the other club members.”

  “Why?” She leaned up on one elbow. “You surely don’t think my stalker is one of them?”

  He shrugged. “It could be anyone. Can’t leave anyone out. Been looking into them, nothing pops up. Time to pay a visit.”

  And maybe while they were there they could do a little bit of playing.

  “Tell me more about your family.”

  “Wh-what?” She couldn’t pull her scrambled thoughts again.

  “I want to know you better.”

  “Umm, well, I told you that my parents kept themselves isolated from others except for the church. I left two weeks before I turned eighteen. I couldn’t risk sticking around any longer.”

  “How come?”

  “Because they’d chosen a husband for me.”


  “I overheard them talking. I wasn’t supposed to know about it. I didn’t even know who I was supposed to marry, just that they’d arranged for me to marry him the day I turned eighteen. I guess they thought they were doing the right thing. Sort of. I was very sheltered, remember. I’d barely even spoken to boys my own age. I didn’t want a husband. I wanted to see something of the world. To meet other people. To go to college. They wanted me to get married and have babies.”

  “Sounds like some crazy cult.”

  “Guess it does. It was all a bit crazy. I knew I was supposed to be dutiful and obedient. That’s what I was taught. To be subservient to my parents and to my husband. But I didn’t feel very obedient or submissive. Guess it’s strange that once I was free, I discovered BDSM. But then, I’m not overly good at being submissive.”

  Except with him. Because she trusted him. And there were very few people she trusted. Tara. Her aunt. And now Tiny.

  “I snuck out in the middle of the night with some clothes and money I stole from my father. My mother and I were never given any money. I sent the money back when I could.”

  “Where did you go? You were a baby.”

  “I knew very little about the outside world. I had an aunt. I’d overheard my parents talk about her. She was my mother’s sister. She often wrote to my mother. I managed to intercept a letter one day. She was begging to be allowed to visit. There was a return address. I kept the address, bought a bus ticket and surprisingly, managed to make my way there.”

  Tiny tightened his hold on her. Jesus, anything could have happened to her. She could have been assaulted, mugged, she could have gotten completely lost. Even though he wasn’t religious, he sent up a prayer of thanks to the big guy for watching over her.

  “It was a gamble. I mean, I’d never even spoken to her. We didn’t have television, and my parents only let me read things they approved of. I knew I was different because I didn’t go to school, but I didn’t realize how weird my life was. How weird I was.”

  He tipped her face up. “Not weird. Different. Nothing wrong with that.”

  She gave him a small smile. “You’re very non-judgmental. I feel like I can tell you anything, and you will just roll with it. I’ve never told anyone the full truth about me. Luckily, my aunt took me in. She was wonderful. She was so patient. I finished out high school then decided to go to college. I still lived with her while I went to college. Then I moved to Dallas a few years after I graduated when this job opportunity came up.”

  “And your parents?” he asked. They had a lot to answer for as far as he was concerned. What right did they have to keep their child so isolated?

  “They disowned me.” She shrugged, but there was a sad look on her face. “I was angry at first, and I didn’t want to even try to contact them. Then a few months ago… I don’t know, I guess I felt like I should make an effort so I wrote them a letter. They don’t have a computer, and I didn’t feel up to talking to them on the phone. I told them where I was living, about my job. But they never wrote back.”

ran his hand up and down her back, hating how sad she sounded. Reagan was extremely resilient. And strong.

  “I admire you.”

  “What? Me? Why? I haven’t done anything admirable,” she told him, surprised. “You’re the one who fought for our country. Who puts himself at risk to save others. I sit in an office all day. I’m nothing special.”

  He turned her, so she was straddling his hips. “You are special. You’re strong. A fighter.”

  She blushed slightly. “Will you tell me more about your childhood? It doesn’t have to be about your father.”

  She knew from what he’d told her before that he wasn’t a good man.

  “What about your sisters?” she asked.

  “I don’t see them much.”

  “Why not? Don’t you get on?” She scowled, looking fierce. “Did they do something to upset you?”

  “Ease down, warrior,” he teased her. He pushed her blonde hair behind her ear. “They didn’t do anything. I’ve got three sisters. I’m the youngest.”

  “And you don’t like them?”

  “Like ’em just fine. Just don’t talk to them much.” He should talk to them more, though. It wasn’t their fault their father was a fuckwit.

  “Just because your father is an asshole is no reason not to see your sisters. You’re lucky to have siblings. I’d love a brother or sister. Other than my aunt, I have no family, and you have all these sisters, you’re lucky.”

  He was. He’d never thought of himself as lucky when it came to family, but she was right.

  “I’ll call them,” he promised.

  “Soon?” she said suspiciously.

  “Soon, little boss. I do send their kids birthday cards,” he defended.

  “They have kids, and you don’t see them?” She glared at him. “I’d love a niece or nephew.”

  “You can have mine. I’ve got eight.”

  “Eight? Wow.” She ran her fingers up his shirt, not meeting his eyes. “Do you want kids?”

  “Never thought I did.”

  Her face fell slightly, and he tipped her face up, kissing her lightly. “But I could see myself with kids. In a year or two.”

  “A year or two. Yes.”

  Chapter Ten

  Tiny waited patiently for Reagan outside the women’s changing rooms at Club Decadence. He’d wanted her to get ready at her apartment, but she’d told him it put her in a submissive mindset to get dressed here. She’d promised she wouldn’t be alone, and she’d been right. Three women had been waiting for them and had swept her away, Tara among them.

  His reasons for coming here tonight hadn’t just been about getting a feel for the place and its members. He’d also wanted to distract Reagan. She seemed almost brittle, and it worried him. They were both tense. Especially since he was at the end of his holiday leave. He’d had to ask Gray for some more time off. He needed to find this bastard. Now.

  He hoped her intruder decided to take the opportunity to break in again. The locks had been changed so they probably wouldn’t get inside, but there were cameras in the corridor outside Reagan’s apartment. Tiny thought they were probably using a jammer to interfere with the signal between the control panel and the sensors. When the frequency was jammed, he’d receive an alert on his watch.

  He’d debated whether to have someone watch the apartment, but he’d decided it was a waste of resources if nothing happened. He didn’t know when this asshole would strike. Could be tonight, could be three weeks from now. Reagan lived about ten minutes from the club, so he was hoping that if the alarm went off that he’d have enough time to get back.

  Where was she? If she wasn’t out in the next two minutes, then he was going to… His thoughts scattered as the door to the women’s changing rooms opened, and out she stepped.

  Heaven help him.

  How was he supposed to keep his hands off her? She was obviously determined to drive him insane.

  The skirt she wore was black, pleated, and loose. It ended just below her butt cheeks. She’d paired it with a black corset that barely covered her breasts. He was pretty certain he could see a hint of nipple at the top of the corset.

  She wore bright red lipstick, and her hair glistened under the lights. She was a walking, talking dream, and he was speechless.

  She moved toward him. She didn’t walk. She glided. A few feet away she stopped and ran her gaze over him.

  “You’re gorgeous,” she told him.

  Gorgeous? Him? Was she insane? He looked like he hurt people for a living. He wore plain black jeans and a white T-shirt. He wasn’t into fetish gear—on him. She was the gorgeous one. Smart, beautiful, successful.

  Out of his league.

  Stupid fucking idiot.

  He pushed the voice out of his head. Fuck off, old man.

  He cleared his throat. “That’s my line.”

  “It is? Thank you, Sir.”

  Okay, he needed to bring things back under his control. Give her an inch, and she’d have him wrapped around her little finger.

  “Is that the way you greet me?”

  “I thought we weren’t playing?”

  “Wouldn’t take much to plug your butt,” he warned. He’d taken her to a sex store to grab some supplies since he didn’t have his gear with him. She’d been like a kid in a candy store. Until they’d reached the butt plugs. She’d wanted to stick to that tiny thing she kept in her bedside drawer. He’d wanted to buy something ten times that size. They’d compromised with something in the middle.

  He knew she still wasn’t keen, which is why it made such a good threat.

  She quickly dropped to her knees. Spreading her legs, she bowed her head, placing her hands palm-up on her legs.

  “Good girl. You may stand.” Satisfaction filled him at her submission. To reward her, he cupped his hand around her neck and pulled her in for a long, hot kiss.

  “You do know this is a thoroughfare, right?” a sarcastic voice asked from behind him.

  Tiny turned to stare over his shoulder at the man walking towards him.

  Reagan cleared her throat. “Sir, can I introduce Master Sloan. Master Sloan, this is Master Tiny.”

  The other Dom looked him up and down, a hint of amusement in his face.

  “Reagan, maybe you should show your master to the play room before you become a fire hazard. First, there’s a holdup at the desk because Maddy had to leave. Some sort of emergency. And the sub replacing her is completely flustered, and now you two are blocking the corridor.” He raised one eyebrow. “About time Roarke found a Dom who could handle you.”

  Tiny didn’t like the way Reagan bit her lip, looking unsure.

  “Obviously, he needed to outsource,” he said easily. “The Doms here couldn’t do the job.”

  Instead, of taking offense, the big Dom just threw back his head and laughed. “I like you. Couldn’t do the job, ain’t that the truth.” He moved past them, shaking his head.

  “The job? I’m just a job?” Reagan glared up at him.

  Hmm, probably not the best choice of words.

  “Not what I meant,” he told her easily. He reached out and ran a finger over the creamy skin of her breasts above the corset. “This you can wear at home.”

  “You like it?”

  “Fuck, yeah, I like it.” He grimaced. “It’s gonna be a long night.”

  She grinned, all trace of hurt gone.

  He placed his hand on the small of her back. “Show me the playroom.”

  It was a well-equipped club; he was impressed. There were plenty of safety monitors, he was pleased to see. Everyone greeted them pleasantly, although a few of the Doms gave him sympathetic looks. He frowned back. Slowly, they moved around the room, studying each scene. A young male was tied to a St. Andrews cross. A short, muscular Dom whipped him steadily, stopping briefly to check in with his sub.

  They walked over to where a plump, pretty brunette lay naked and bound to a padded table. An older Dom, his salt and pepper hair slicked back, was dripping hot w
ax onto her body. She twisted, moaning with each application of the wax.

  Tiny watched Reagan, taking note of which things interested her and what didn’t. She hadn’t reacted to the whipping, but the hot wax scene practically made her squirm.

  A dark-haired Dom pulled his curvy sub over to a chair. He sat and dragged her over his lap and started smacking her ass. When he was finished, he hugged her tight as she wept against him. Tiny guided Reagan on, even though her gaze lingered on the punished sub and her Dom.

  They reached the medical corner where a curvy blonde was strapped down to a table, her legs in stirrups. Sloan, the master he’d met earlier, was pushing a speculum into her pussy. Reagan gasped. Liked that, did she? That kind of surprised him.

  “Oh, no, Sir. Please, Sir.”

  “A bit more,” Sloan said almost tenderly.

  When the speculum was fully inside, he opened it, locking it into place. Everyone watched on, completely enthralled as Sloan took a swab. Then he picked up a small light, peering deep into the sub’s pussy. Finally, he took pity on the whimpering sub and withdrew the speculum.

  “Good girl,” he told her, resting his hand on her pussy.

  Tiny looked down at Reagan as she trembled against him. She didn’t look up, her attention on the scene in front of them. She bit her lip as Sloan squirted some lube onto his index finger. He parted the sub’s ass cheeks and slowly pushed his finger deep inside.

  “You’re very tight. I think someone needs a good plugging.”

  Reagan gasped slightly, while the sub on the table shook her head.

  “No. No, Sir.”

  “Quiet,” Sloan said sternly. “Or I’ll have to gag you.”

  The sub wisely shut up.

  “First, I need to take your temperature. Make sure my girl is well.”

  He picked up a large, glass thermometer. He held it up so everyone could get a good look. Master Sloan certainly knew how to hold the attention of an audience. Then he pushed the thermometer deep inside her.

  “Hold it in there,” he warned. “If it comes out, you’re getting an enema.”

  “Sir, please.” She let out a soft moan.


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