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All Mine (Bears In Love Book 2)

Page 5

by Sway Jones

  Once that was done, Hank went to his home and called Jeremy. Of course the wolf shifter didn’t answer.

  “Jeremy, this is Hank Garrison. Call me when you get this message. We need to talk,” he said tersely before hanging up.

  “Damn bastard,” Hank said under his breath, cursing the wolf shifter for “punishing” him for taking a human mate.

  There was a light knock at his front door. He looked at his phone and realized that it was almost seven pm. It was probably Delilah and he hadn’t even showered yet.

  He pulled open the door and smiled at her beautiful self, standing on his porch. She returned the smile.

  “Come on in,” he said quickly, moving out of the way and then closing the door as soon as she was inside. He stayed quite a distance away from her.

  “Is everything ok?” she asked troubled when he didn’t come any closer to her once the door was closed.

  “No, nothing’s wrong,” he commented casually. Still keeping his distance he led the way into the living room.

  “Are you sure nothing is wrong? If you had something else you needed to do tonight I can go visit with Waverly for a bit and then leave,” she suggested not liking that he seemed to be putting a wall between them. Had he changed his mind? Did Jeremy’s words sink in? Or maybe he didn’t find her attractive anymore.

  But his texts had been so explicit.

  “No!” he exclaimed. He grinned embarrassed. “I didn’t kiss you when you first got here because I stink and I didn’t want to get too close and get the smell of cow on you.”

  “Ohhhh,” she sounded, relieved it was that and not her thoughts on the distance he was placing between them.

  “We had to move the herd up a couple of pastures and it took all day. So I only finished up with chores a couple of minutes ago. I haven’t had time to shower yet.”

  “I understand. You would not want to smell me after a long day at the shop. I smell like nasty chemicals that you can’t believe people actually let me put in their hair.”

  “I’m glad you understand. Let me take a shower and get dressed. I already have dinner cooking in the slow cooker. Why don’t you make yourself at home and I’ll be out quickly.”


  As soon as he left, Delilah sat down on his rich leather couch in front of the biggest flat screen TV she had ever seen. She wondered if he wouldn’t mind her taking a nap. She was a little bit tired after a full day at work. While he showered, she could just rest her eyes for a couple of minutes. Leaning her head back against the couch back, she closed her eyes and was soon fast asleep.

  When Hank returned to the living room, he found her still asleep on his couch. He smiled softly at her. She was so beautiful. That long neck that sloped down to some generous tits beckoned to him for a kiss.

  He didn’t. Instead he checked on the pot roast he had in the slow cooker. It was done. He turned the cooker off and went to go wake Delilah.

  When he sat down next to her, his chest expanded with pride when she turned and settled into his side, her head on his shoulder. She felt safe enough to cuddle into him like a child. Her warm lush body against his was doing a number on his libido. Her breasts pushed up against his arm were soft and supple. She was all natural, not one ounce of plastic in her.

  Laying her hand on his chest he grabbed it gently and raised it to his heart. He wondered if she could feel how fast she had his heart going. She snuggled in closer to him, as if searching for more of his warmth.

  Wanting to let her sleep, he was loathed to move her but knew she would be more comfortable in his bed. At that thought, his dick swelled picturing her in his bed, red hair splayed out over his pillows, legs open, that beautiful pussy on display for him. He wondered if she shaved or waxed. He wouldn’t mind some pretty red curls on that soft cunt of hers.

  Slowly, so as not to wake her, he picked her up and took her to the master bedroom on the first floor. He barely engaged any of his strength. She had curves in all the right places and was still a little bitty thing.

  After placing her in his bed, he took off her shoes but didn’t go any further afraid he wake her up with his mouth between her legs. He kissed her on the forehead and walked away from her as much as that hurt physically to do so.

  He checked his phone to see if Jeremy had called. He hadn’t but his brother Ryan had. He dialed Ryan’s number and he picked up on the first ring.

  Ryan told Hank all about what Waverly had just told him about Jeremy’s appearance at the salon that afternoon. They both wondered at what game the wolf shifter was playing. Thanking him for the intel, Hank got off the phone with his brother and called Jeremy again. This time he answered.

  “Well hello Hank. To what do I owe the honor of this phone call?” Jeremy greeted him slyly.

  “You know damn well why I am calling you,” Hank spit back at him. “How dare you approach my mate at her place of business.”

  “Oh please. It’s a public place. I only wanted to speak with her.”

  “Did you two talk about who has been murdering my cows?”

  “You’re cows are being murdered?” Jeremy exclaimed with shallow shock. “What is going on over there at the Garrison farm?”

  “You damn well know what is going on,” Hank shouted into the phone. “Call off your pack. Now. Or my brothers and I are going hunting.”

  “Is this how you talk to your fellow shifters? Accusing them of crimes and then threatening to kill them if you see them? You are as bloodthirsty as your humans you love so much.”

  “Leave her out of this! I don’t want you seeing her again without my being present.”

  “Awfully controlling of you don’t you think Hank?” Jeremy smirked. “I don’t think your beautiful mate will like that very much.”

  “You worry about your lack of a mate and I’ll worry about my mate.”

  “That was cruel Hank.”

  “If that offended you, try and take another one of my cows,” Hank snarled. “You’ll find out what cruel truly can feel like.”

  “Hank I think this discussion is over. Keep your cows safe however you deem fit. But perhaps it is a sign from the Goddess that you need to do some major clean up in your life.”

  “Like getting rid of the humans in it?”

  “That would be where I would start.” He hung up on him.

  Hank wanted to throw the phone at the wall in frustration. But that wouldn’t do anyone any good plus he’d be without a way to contact Delilah when she wasn’t with him. So he slipped it back into his jean pocket and took some deep breaths to try and calm him down.

  “Hank,” a sweet, timid voice said behind him.

  He turned smiling at Delilah who looked like she had just gotten up. Her hair was a little wild and she was rubbing at her eyes to keep them open.

  “Hey sweetheart,” he said, going to her. “Did you have a nice nap? It wasn’t very long.” He pulled her in for a hug.

  “How long was I out?” she mumbled laying her head on his chest. She enjoyed the feel of his warmth and his hand as it glided up and down her back.

  “Just twenty minutes.”

  “Oh. Ok. That’s not too bad. Were you talking to Jeremy?”

  “Yes sweetheart.”

  “He came to the shop today.”

  She frowned because his hand stopped caressing her. She liked his soothing touch.

  “I know,” he said this voice a deep growl. “Ryan told me. Waverly told him. I don’t like you seeing him without me there.”


  “Because he’s shifty and wily. What did he say to you?”

  She recounted their conversation.

  “Let’s have a seat,” he said once she was done. Still holding onto her, he brought her over to the couch and sat her down. He sat down next to her.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked concerned by his sudden seriousness.

  “Yes,” he answered without faltering. “Jeremy’s pack has been killing some of our cows.”

; Delilah gasped. Her “Oh my god!” was muffled behind the hand she had brought up to her mouth.

  “But he was so nice today,” she offered up, after Hank had grabbed her hand and pulled it back down to hold. “Why would he – I mean how could he be so nice and yet so mean? He had to know we would talk and tell each other what he said and did to one another.”

  “He’s trying to keep us off balance.”

  “All because I’m human and you’re a bear shifter.”

  “Yes but again that is his issue not ours.”

  “He’s making it an issue for you by killing your cows,” she exclaimed, afraid of what was happening to her mate.

  Her mate? she thought stunned. What was she thinking? Somehow he had begun to creep into her heart and soul and become her mate. He was always on her mind and she couldn’t wait to get naked with him. She trusted him.

  But she couldn’t let that happen. No, he was losing his livelihood because of her. She needed to end this. It was too much responsibility. Hank and all his brothers depended on the farm for their lives. They still worked hard for their money. Losing cows had to be expensive.

  “I can’t,” she whispered, pulling her hands away from him. “I can’t let this happen. It’s my fault that you are losing cows. I can’t risk you losing your farm because of me.”

  “Hey, hey, Delilah, nobody’s talking about losing the farm. He’s killed three cows. Granted I hate to have lost three cows to senseless slaughter but it won’t make us lose the farm.”

  “It will if he keeps killing more. I can’t have that on my conscience.”

  “It’s not your fault. You are not killing these cows, right?”


  “It’s not your fault. This is Jeremy’s fault and I will deal with him. But until then I don’t want you around him by yourself or even only with you and Waverly. I want you to be with me or one of my brothers. Can you do that for me?”

  “What if he comes back to the shop?”

  “Call me immediately.”

  “But you won’t have time to come to the shop.”

  “Tell him to leave or you’ll call the sheriff. The sheriff knows about the issue with our cows and Jeremy.”

  “Does he know why he’s doing it?”


  “Does everybody know it’s because of me?”

  “They know why Jeremy is doing it. They aren’t blaming you just like I don’t blame you.”

  “But it’s because I’m human that he is threatening you.”

  “No Delilah,” Hank said softly and seriously. “He is threatening me because he lost his wife and child. He’s trying to maintain some type of control over his life and this is one way he has chosen to do so. These are his issues not ours.”

  “But your cows?”

  “I know. I am torn up about them too. But I’m not about to give up on us because of this son of a bitch.”

  “Oh Hank. I’m so sorry about your cows,” she said burying his face in his chest. “I know how you have names for all of them and know each one personally.”

  Hank chuckled sadly wrapping his arms around his mate.

  “I am sad they are dead but they are in a better place now I’m sure and no more are going to die. My brothers and I will make sure of that.”


  “We are letting the dogs out tonight to stand guard and if a predator were to come in, they are trained to alert us. We’ll be taking turns riding through the herd all night long.”

  “Sounds tiring.”

  “It will be but I’m sure once Jeremy sees how serious we are he’ll back down in a day or two.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so.”

  “Would you like to eat some wonderfully tender pot roast with potatoes and carrots?” Hank asked after they sat there for a minute enjoying one another’s presence.

  “I would love some. I didn’t get any lunch so I’m starving.”

  Hank frowned at her announcement. “Do I need to pack you something to eat for lunch?” he wondered standing up. He held out a hand to her to help her up.

  Delilah giggled. “Like a mom?” she said.

  “Yes. Or a daddy.”

  “No you don’t have to do that. I usually get lunch most days. Today was extra busy so I didn’t have the time to go out with Waverly and have a nice long lunch, which is what we regularly do. Except she had to get back to Ryan as quick as possible and like I said I was busy.”

  “Well then let’s get you fed.”

  Chapter 9

  “Thanks for being so understanding,” Hank said before heading out to the barn.

  “Thanks for letting me sleep in that oh so comfortable bed you have,” Delilah returned with a smile. “I’ll get some sleep so that when you come in if you have any energy left …”

  Hank chuckled at her unspoken desire.

  “Oh baby, you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into,” he drawled, pulling her in tight to him. Even though his coat kept him warm it also kept him from feeling her lush body against his. But he could still kiss her, which he did.

  “Wow,” she said when he pulled away. “If you can do that with your tongue I’m not sure I want you to take the first shift.”

  “Anticipation will make it all the more sweet babe,” he rumbled.

  She nodded her head unable to talk when he sounded like that. Even through his coat she could feel his voice coming from deep inside his chest, like his bear was talking to her. His eyes also lit up golden when his bear was close to the surface. It was a spectacular effect she had never seen before and was mesmerized by it.

  “I’ll see you in four hours,” he continued pulling away from her grudgingly. “Keep that bed warm for me.”

  “I will!”

  He took one last look at her before turning and walking into the darkness.

  As he walked to the barn he let his anger for Jeremy come out. He had been hiding it in order to keep Delilah from worrying. But he had doubts as to what the wolf shifter was planning to do. His brothers and he couldn’t stand watch over their herd everyday all winter long. Either Jeremy would call off his pack or they would have to start shooting wolves and start a possible clan war.

  All because Jeremy couldn’t tolerate another shifter being happy with a human that could survive the birth of their cubs. Hank knew Waverly and Delilah would be able to give birth to their infants. They were healthy. Jeremy’s wife had not been healthy.

  “Hey what are you doing here?” Hank asked when he saw Ryan out in the barn.

  “I told Waverly to rest while I fed the calves this time,” Ryan answered. “You want me to go with you?”

  “No you got your turn in the morning. I’ll be fine. I’m actually hoping the bastards stay away but if not I’m killing someone tonight.”

  “I didn’t know you were so bloodthirsty brother.”

  “When you mess with my family I don’t take too kindly to such behavior.”

  “Especially if it involves our women,” Ryan backed him up.

  “Exactly, not to mention our livelihood.”

  “Well the dogs are already out patrolling.”

  “Good. I’ll get Betsy ready to go out. Hopefully the weather will hold out. Although if it snowed the wolves might think twice about coming out in the cold.”

  “Well let me get to these calves,” Ryan said, hearing the loud mooing from the back pen. “Before they start stampeding.”

  “Thanks brother for checking on me,” Hank said letting Ryan know that he knew the real reason his little brother was outside.

  “Well someone has too.”

  “Waverly put you up to it didn’t she?”

  “Yeah,” Ryan answered sheepishly. “She’s concerned about you. Doesn’t want you to do anything rash.”

  “I won’t but I won’t let them take another one of our herd.”

  “Well maybe scaring them off will work before you have to kill one.”

  “I’ll try
but if it doesn’t I’m protecting my own.”

  “Call me on the radio if you need anything. We all are taking them home with us.”

  “Will do. Now get back to those little ones so you can get back to your wife. Don’t keep her waiting.”

  “You got that right!”

  Chapter 10

  Baby, their Pyrenees, was the first to alert to a predator. Snow hadn’t fallen but the temperatures sure had. Luckily their dogs were all part some breed of snow dog as well as herding breed. They could handle the cold and probably preferred it to the summer heat. Baby would be the first to alert. She had a best nose out of all their dogs. She probably smelled the shifters before she even saw them.

  Hank rode over to where the dog was barking. When he came upon Baby, there were no shifters that he could see even with his better than human vision. He smelled for them and caught the faintest whiff of something in the air.

  As the smell grew stronger, Hank cocked his shotgun into the woods and pulled the trigger. He hoped the warning shot would deter whatever was coming for his cows. Before long, he heard howling in the distance. One, two, three, then four wolves all howling. When they stopped, after a second or two of silence, an answering howl could be heard even further in the distance.

  Hank assumed this was Jeremy giving his troops directions on what to do next now that they knew he was armed. As he sniffed the air with Baby, he realized the smell he had picked up on was growing fainter instead of stronger. They were leaving.

  He gave a grim smile. Perhaps they were done for the night. Surely they knew all of them would be armed tonight. Hank wanted so badly to go home for the night. Fantasying about curling up next to Delilah in bed and make love to her was what was getting him through the cold hours. He could imagine what it would feel like to have the true warmth of her beneath him or hell on top of him. He didn’t care what position just so that he was buried balls deep inside her, safely ensconced in her softness, her tightness.

  He wondered if she was a virgin. Surely to the Goddess some man had been able to see her beauty and taught her how to fuck. But from her reactions to him he had a sneaking suspicion that he would be her first.


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