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Pitching for Amalie

Page 16

by Hayley Faiman

  “Really? What type of ultrasound? For an OB/GYN or for a hospital?” Ashton asks, sounding truly interested.

  “I work for a company and am dispatched where I am needed. I typically spend three days a week in OB/GYN offices and then two days a week with internal specialists,” I explain with a smile.

  I look over at Elisa, and her face is pinched up with what seems to be disgust. She looks exactly like the wives who hated me on sight at Jarrod’s baseball game. I can’t imagine why she wouldn’t like me. I have only known her for a few hours.

  “Amalie, tell us about your family. Where are you from, dear?” Maya changes the subject.

  Jarrod affectionately squeezes my knee under the table. I give him a small smile and decide to tell the truth—well, maybe not the whole ugly truth because no one needs to know all of that crap, but as much of the truth as I can bear to tell this tight-knit nice family.

  “We aren’t very close any longer. We came to the United States when my twin brother and I were small and ended up in Florida. My mother works for NASA, my father is an engineer, and my brother works for Miami Metro as a police officer.”

  Jarrod’s family looks at me like I’m an alien. I know why. Not many people’s mothers work for NASA. It usually causes people’s eyes to glaze over with shock and awe. I find it annoying because my mother is annoying.

  “So what? Your mom is, like, a receptionist at NASA then?” Elisa asks, earning a true gasp from Diana.

  “No, she is a rocket scientist, in layman’s terms,” I explain, earning a hardy chuckle from Ashton Senior, the very quiet man who is Jarrod’s father.

  “Elisa, calm down and stand down. It is obvious that Amalie is a nice girl. You need to behave yourself. Grilling time is over.” Ashton Sr., Jarrod’s father speaks his eyes narrowing on his daughter. He has stayed quiet during the dinner but it is apparent he is not going to allow his daughter’s outburst to go unnoticed and I am grateful.

  I hear a loud exhale from Jarrod, and I realize he has been holding his breath pretty much the whole time.

  “Well, excuse me, if I’m a little worried about the women my brother associates with. I’ve seen him in magazines with obvious money-grubbing whores, and he’s constantly holding Delia at a distance, keeping her at bay for later use. I’m just wondering why he seems so hot to settle down with this one when he can have Delia at his side, somebody who has known him forever and isn’t all starry-eyed over Jarrod’s millions of dollars. Forgive me if I don’t welcome every sleazy fame-whore with open arms,” she huffs.

  All of a sudden, the air around us has turned so thick that I find it hard to breathe, and it isn’t because Ashton Senior or Maya are angry with their daughter. It is because Jarrod has had enough.

  “Elisa, you never speak to a guest that way—ever. Furthermore, you don’t speak to the woman at my side that way. Amalie is not with me for fame or money. She didn’t even know who I was when we started seeing each other, not that I should have to explain any of that shit to you. It is not your responsibility to interview my dates to deem whether their intentions are honorable or not. It is up to me. I will ask that you never speak of this again.

  “As far as Delia is concerned, we never were anything more than occasional—at best. Delia made herself available to me when I was in town. I never promised her more than I was willing to give her, which wasn’t much. If she saw more into that, which by her actions earlier today is obvious that she did, then it is her perception, not mine. I will not speak of Delia any longer either. She was a good friend, and I still consider her as such, but our casual relationship is now over. Amalie is here to stay for as long as she will have me in her life.

  “We will cut this evening short and go to the guesthouse. I hope by tomorrow morning you will be feeling better and have worked up a decent apology for Amalie. Good night, all.”

  With that, Jarrod stands, grabs my hand, and practically drags me to the guesthouse while I teeter on my high heels.

  After Jarrod slams the door and locks it behind me, I watch as he rakes his hands through his beautiful hair in distress. I hate that his sister doesn’t like me, but what I abhor even more is how her dislike for me affected Jarrod and caused him to have to explain to his parents that he and Delia were fuck buddies. I also can’t stand the fact that he so obviously has hurt the poor girl, Delia. I do not wish for anybody to have hurt feelings in life. We should all find our bit of happiness and relish in it.

  “It is all right, Jarrod,” I say soothingly, my accent thicker with emotion. I kick my shoes off at the door.

  “No, it fucking is not. My sister is the queen of all bitches.”

  This statement causes me to giggle, and Jarrod’s cobalt eyes glare at me and narrow.

  “She is protective over you. She loves you. After meeting the women at the game and then seeing the ones waiting for you after the games, I understand where her concern is coming from. It is justified, especially since we have received so much exposure while our relationship is still so new.” I tend to keep my emotions out of situations like this. Having emotionless parents probably helped me achieve this.

  I can see the wheels turning in Jarrod’s head while he mulls over what I have just said to him.

  “It doesn’t excuse her from being so fucking rude though, Amalie. You’ll probably never want to come back here again.”

  I laugh at his ridiculousness while I take his hand and guide him to the bed, pulling him down next to me.

  “Jarrod, nothing could keep me from coming back here—unless you don’t invite me. I love your family. They are so warm and inviting—minus your sister at the moment.” I smile. “After being in a family where no emotions are expressed, unless berating for a perceived wrong decision, it is refreshing to see a family who so obviously genuinely cares for one another. I could practically see the love floating through the air at that dinner table tonight.”

  “Fuck me, if you aren’t perfect, baby,” Jarrod groans, pushing me down on the bed.

  His hands slide up my hips and slowly make their way to the button of my pants. Within seconds, I am bare, stripped from the waist down. Jarrod’s face is in between my thighs, his hands spreading my legs, his tongue slowly licking my core. Jarrod uses his mouth on me, making me scream his name, before he whips the shirt along with my bra from my body. Seconds later, he is naked and filling me with urgency I haven’t felt from him before.

  “Whose sweet pussy is this, Amalie?” Jarrod demands on a grinding thrust.

  “Yours,” I whisper, wrapping myself around his strong body.

  My hands run up and down his back. I love how big and strong he is. The power his body holds amazes me every time. His muscles are flexed and taut and bunch under my hands. It turns me on even more to know his strength and his power are combated by his supreme gentle heart. After everything I’ve been through, he should scare me, and his strength should terrify me, but they don’t.

  “Yeah,” he groans into my neck as he rolls to his back, placing me on top of him. “Ride me, baby. Give me my sweet pussy,” he whispers hoarsely.

  I do just that. I’m really getting into it, grinding down hard, causing moans and groans to escape his throat, when all of a sudden, he snakes his hand in between us and begins to rub my clit. I throw my head back and explode around him. In the middle of my climax, he rises to his knees and begins to attack. My body is completely at his mercy, and I am in a haze. I watch him in fascination as he reaches his climax, and I feel his hard body turn completely to stone. His face twists with pleasure right before his entire body relaxes, and he falls down on top of me.

  “Fuck me, Amalie. Best I ever fucking had,” he whispers against my neck.

  I just hum because he’s the best I’ve ever had, too.

  We completely pass out from the stress and exhaustive sex.

  The next day, Elisa is extremely nice to me, too nice, but I try to push that to the back of my mind. It’s not as if my brother was all that welcoming to Jarrod, a
nd Niklas even talked about my ex in front of him, so I shouldn’t be too upset. Elisa wants Jarrod to be with somebody who cares, truly cares, for him and not his status. I can respect that. It might take time, but she will see that I am not with Jarrod for status or money. I am with him because, dare I say, I’m falling in love with him—Jarrod the person, not Jarrod the baseball star.

  “Oh, Amalie, I love it,” Diana squeals as she picks up the plush gray-and-white chevron plush blanket with white satin trim along the edges that Jarrod and I bought for her in the city.

  We also picked out a soft duck stuffed animal and a NY Yankees onesie with Jarrod’s number embroidered on it with their last name across the back.

  “What if it’s a girl?” Diana asks, holding up the dark blue onesie.

  “Amalie said she would buy a bow and skirt to go with that if it’s a girl.” Jarrod chuckles because we had the exact discussion while I was wrapping it all up.

  “Thanks,” Diana whispers, wiping a few tears from her eyes.

  “Don’t cry,” Ashton says, wrapping his arm around his wife.

  He is as gentle with her as Jarrod is with me, and it makes me happy to see the endless love flowing through this family.

  “It’s just…this is my first baby gift, and y’all are so sweet. Thank you, Amalie and Jarrod,” Diana says with a bright smile.

  The rest of the evening is calm, and I am becoming extremely comfortable around Jarrod’s welcoming family. They are all fantastic.

  On day three, we are all sitting around the breakfast table, enjoying cheese-filled Danish that I made for everybody, when Jarrod’s phone rings.

  “Harrison,” he clips into the phone. He shoves a bite of food into his mouth, his eyes on me. “No shit? Yeah. No, she’s right here. I’ll tell her. Yeah. Thanks.”

  Now, everybody in the kitchen is staring at him like he’s grown horns, including me.

  What was that all about?

  “People chose our photo to be on the cover of the World’s Hottest Celeb Couples,” Jarrod says so casually.

  I swear, it was just like he told us he was going to go for a jog or something.

  “What?” Maya starts jumping up and down.

  I am in shock. “What picture?” I ask hesitantly. I know which one I thought was the best, but there is no way I want that one on the cover.

  I watch as Jarrod pulls out his phone again, and he begins to tap some buttons before thrusting it at me. It’s the one I thought it was—the one where I’m straddling him, and he’s licking his lips while he’s staring at my boobs. I groan.

  “Let me see that.” Maya snatches the phone from me before I can hide it.

  “Holy Moses,” Maya gasps.

  I know she’s taking in that photo. It’s scorching hot—or shit hot as Paul would say.

  “Fuck,” Cam groans, looking over his mom’s shoulder.

  My face flares with red heat. I can’t believe Jarrod’s mother has seen the photo. I’m not sure how I will be able to handle the entire world seeing it.

  “Hush that mouth. This is amazing. When did you take it?” Maya can’t seem to tear her eyes away from the sensual photo.

  “Amalie had a photo shoot in the city last week, and I tagged along. The photographers recognized me, and after she was finished, they took a few of us. I sent the proofs to my publicist, and she sent them to People because she heard they were doing a magazine on hot celebrity couples. We made the cover with that photo. I guess they are putting a few of the other ones inside and one of us shopping together last week, too.”

  Jarrod is acting like this is normal, and I’m silently freaking out.

  Maya takes my hand, and I see her eyes are wet with unshed tears. My own eyes dart around in confusion, and I look to Jarrod, who is smiling. Maya wraps her arms around me and envelops me in a huge hug—well, as huge as her small frame can deliver. She cups my cheeks with her hands as tears stream down her face.

  “Thank you, beautiful Amalie. Thank you for making my son so deliriously happy. I can see a change in just the few days, and it is all you, girl. That photo just solidifies it for me. You are meant to be. Perfection.”

  I start to cry, too. I have never felt this much happiness in my entire life.

  Jarrod takes my hand and guides me out of the house. He can tell I need a break.

  We spend the rest of the day riding horses, and we even find a spot outside behind a tree to make love. I don’t think I will ever get enough of what Jarrod gives me. I will take whatever he is willing to give, and if this trip to his parents is anything to go by, I think he is willing to give me just about everything.

  The last day of the trip, Maya decides to throw a huge barbeque with all their friends. She says that if I am to be a part of the family, I will have to learn to love all the people who Jarrod grew up with. When Elisa finds out about the event, she just smiles widely at me, and I don’t trust it. Though Elisa has not said anything else cruel or mean toward me, she hasn’t been warm or inviting at all, choosing to just ignore me, which is completely fine.

  The warm sun beats down on us in the middle of the lush green yard. We are surrounded by dozens of Jarrod’s family and friends. I am wearing a simple white pinup dress that hugs my body tightly down to the knees with a slit up the back, a wide red belt, and red high heels. I have a mask of makeup on, full and heavy, with red lipstick. I pinned my hair away from my face and let it fall down my back. I am being introduced to all of Jarrod’s family and friends, feeling very overwhelmed by the amount of people surrounding me. The barbeque is fancy with linen tablecloths covering several tables, which are also completely set with china plates. It is nothing that I expected.

  “Now, baby, don’t be upset, but Delia will probably be here. Her parents are good friends of mine,” Jarrod whispers in my ear as he slips a cool glass of champagne in my hand.

  “It’s all right, sweet. I understand.” I do. If I were to go to an event at my family’s home, Eric would surely be there.

  “Tell me, dear boy, how on earth did you catch a girl this beautiful?” an older man asks as he approaches us.

  Jarrod slips his arm around my waist before he jokes with the man about how he had to work hard to convince me to date him. I am smiling at the older man when something catches the corner of my eye. It is Delia and Elisa huddled together, glaring at me. I should feel angry or sad or even mad, but I can’t. Standing next to Jarrod, zombies could invade, and I would still be blissfully happy.

  I watch as a woman approaches the two and talks to them. She turns to look at us and doesn’t smile or even show an emotion. Before I know it, her hand is wrapped around Delia’s arm, and she is practically dragging Delia toward us.

  “Mrs. Cooper, Delia,” Jarrod says with a tight smile.

  Delia just stares at him, unable to move. I know the feeling. The man is beautiful.

  “Well, I just had to meet this beautiful girl that Maya has become infatuated with. Sweet heavens, you are just a tall one, aren’t you?”

  Mrs. Cooper, Delia’s mother, is short like Delia, and I tower over the both of them. She doesn’t seem angry or pissed off. She’s just in awe. I smile softly and nod at her, letting her know that I heard her, but I don’t want to talk about the fact that I am, as what Elisa called me, an Amazon woman.

  “Such a beautiful couple. I was just telling Delia the other day that it was time for her to settle down. All the kids are getting married and having families of their own. It’s time.”

  Delia alternated between glaring at me and her mother.

  “I don’t want to settle down,” she huffs.

  Although I know that isn’t true, I just ignore it. The girl is going through a rejection and a loss that I understand.

  “You should go grab Cameron. He’s the only unattached decent man in this town,” she quips. She smiles, telling us good-bye, and she walks off toward another group of people, leaving Jarrod and me alone with Delia.

  “She is unbearable,” Delia mutters.
  I laugh softly.

  “Your mother is probably perfect, sweet, and wonderful, just like you,” Delia says, her eyes narrowed on me.

  I outright laugh as Jarrod grunts. Delia’s eyes go wide, and she just looks at me.

  “My mother is a horrible person. I would have loved to have a mother who cared even a little.”

  Delia sadly looks at me before she clears her throat. “Congratulations on finding each other. You truly do make a beautiful couple, and I can see how happy Amalie makes you, Jarrod. That’s all I have ever wanted for you.”

  She turns and leaves, but I don’t miss the soft look Jarrod gives her. I wrap my arms around his middle a little tighter.

  “I feel shitty for using her the way I did,” he admits freely.

  I know he does. He admitted that he didn’t think she cared for him, not deeply anyway.

  “I think she feels shitty for allowing it. It takes two people, Jarrod, and she didn’t give herself enough worth to stop it from happening and wishing on wishes that were never meant to be. She will eventually find the man for her.”

  “My baby, so fuckin’ smart,” Jarrod whispers before placing a gentle kiss on the side of my head.

  The rest of the party is quiet, and although I feel badly for Delia, I don’t imagine I will ever be friends with her or Elisa. They are obviously good friends, and I have ruined their plans on becoming sisters or something to that effect. I feel badly but not too badly because I wouldn’t give up Jarrod for any of them.

  Jarrod and I arrive back in his apartment in the city, and we promptly pass out on his luxuriously huge bed. I have never had so much fun or felt so incredibly loved in my entire life. Jarrod and his family are everything I have ever dreamed of. They are loud and loving. Even Elisa calmed down, and we shared a few laughs by the end of the week—after the glaring during the party, of course.

  I am dreading going back to my apartment, but I know Jarrod has a game in California coming up, and I can’t stay in this dreamland forever.


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