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Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy)

Page 10

by Judy Hagemann

  “You’re with this bitch? Oh honey, you could do so much better. Here’s my number—give me a call when you’re tired of her barking.”

  Holly jumped off her barstool pissed and ready for a fight when Brock caught her arm as she was ready to lay her out. “Jealous much?” He whispered in her ear.

  “I’ll kill her—just let me go.” She said through clenched teeth.

  “Calm down, she was harmless.” Brock soothed.

  “You call that harmless? Is this normal for you?” She asked with a shocked look on her face.

  “It happens. I have learned to ignore it.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? This happens all the time to you?” Then Holly remembered back to O’Donnell’s, vic number ten had written her number on Brock’s hand. “Shit—this really does happen to you a lot.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, it’s you I am here with, and it’s you who I want to go home with.”

  “What happens when you are tired of me? Will you start calling numbers from your little black book?”

  “You’ve seen my little black book? Shit, I thought I lost it.” He said grinning.

  “Is this a game to you?” She asked angrily.

  Brock pulled her out onto the dance floor and held her tight. “If it is, I guess you have won the prize, because I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.” He said as he leaned in and kissed her.

  Holly felt the anger melt right away in Brock’s arms. “So, have you noticed anything or anyone that stands out to you?”

  “I have, and I am dancing with her.” He replied.

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “See the guy over there by the jukebox?” Brock said pointing with his eyes.

  “The one with the ball cap?”

  “That’s the one. He was here when we got here and the only time he has moved away from that spot is when he goes to the can or the bar to get another beer.”

  “How should we approach him?”

  “We shouldn’t—however you should.”

  “Me? How do you want me to play it?”

  “Go up to the jukebox and look through the song list and strike up a conversation with him. See if you can get his name. If you do, we can run it and find out where he lives.”

  “Wish me luck.”

  “Good luck.” Brock said as he gave her another quick peck on the lips.

  Holly headed to the bathroom. When she came out she headed over to the jukebox and started pretending to look through the playlist. After a minute or so, she looked up and smiled at the guy in the ball cap. “There are so many good song choices, do you mind helping me pick something out?”

  He stared at her for the longest time before responding, “Sure. What do you like?”

  “I like a lot of different genres. Anything from 70’s rock to country to hip hop.”

  “That’s quite a variety.” The stranger said.

  “You could say that. Variety is the spice of life after all.”

  Brock watched as the guy in the ball cap leaned in behind Holly as he looked through the list with her. Brock’s blood began to boil at how close he was to Holly and he was getting ready to lay him out.

  “What’s your name?” Holly asked.


  “Have a last name Eric?”

  “Walker. What’s your name?”

  “Heidi.” She lied.

  “Have a last name Heidi?”

  Brock had had enough. How long does it take to get a name anyway? He would just figure out another way to get it. He strode over to the jukebox and tapped ball cap on the shoulder, “I think you can give my girl a little breathing room buddy.”

  Eric backed up and held his hands up in front of him, “I didn’t mean anything by it—sorry.”

  “Thank you Eric, you have been a big help.” Holly said as she glared at Brock.

  Brock led Holly back to the dance floor where she asked, “What the hell, I was just getting to know him.”

  “I told you name only.”

  “You didn’t just get jealous now did you?”


  “Good! Now you know how I felt when the blonde bimbo hit on you!”

  “So that little display was for my benefit?”

  Holly giggled, “Maybe.” Throwing the word right back at him.

  “You will pay for that when I get you home. You know that, right?”

  “I look forward to it.” She said with a grin.


  Getting into the car, Brock dialed the non-emergency number of the precinct. When the dispatch operator answered, he identified himself and asked that they run the name Eric Walker to see if he had a record and if so, what. After a brief pause, the dispatch operator reported that they didn’t have anything in the system at all for an Eric Walker. Brock thanked her and hung up. “Mr. Walker didn’t pan out—he’s not in our system.”

  “It was worth a shot. We’ll have to keep trying.”

  “I still think he was up to no good. Do you think he gave you a fake name?”

  Holly paused before she responded, “I guess he could have, after all that is exactly what I did.”

  “I’m going to keep him in the back of my mind—to me he is still a suspect, and he will be until we have the rapist behind bars.” As Brock pulled into his drive he said, “I’ll just be a minute. I’m going to grab some clothes and other items for tomorrow and check my messages. You can come in if you like.”

  “If that’s all the longer you will be, I can wait here.”

  A short time later, Brock threw a canvas bag in the backseat and they were headed to Holly’s house. Just thinking of spending another night with Holly in his arms made him lose track of his speed—especially with what he had planned for the evening.

  “Are you in a hurry?” Holly asked.

  Looking down at the speedometer, Brock realized that he was going seventy miles per hour in a fifty mile per hour zone. “Shit—no, I guess I didn’t realize I was going so fast. Better slow up or I’ll get pulled over!”

  “Is there something on your mind that you weren’t paying attention?”

  “Honestly, yes—you.”

  “Me? Why are you thinking about me? I’m right here.”

  “And yet, not close enough.”

  Holly smiled and reached over for his hand and squeezed it. “We just drove fifteen miles in like ten minutes—I think if you keep that up we will be at my place in no time!”

  “I can get there quicker if I throw the switch and turn my lights on!”

  “I don’t think that you are supposed to use them for personal use.”

  “You’re no fun.”

  “Really? I guess if that is how you feel, you can just drop me off then.”

  “Not a chance!” He said as he was pulling into her drive. “I have a surprise planned for you.”

  “I’m not sure I like surprises.” She said warily.

  “I am pretty sure that you will like this one.” He said with a grin.

  While Holly was in the shower, Brock prepared the bedroom by pulling everything off the bed except for the bottom sheet and the pillows. He was sitting in a chair with nothing on but a tie when she walked into the bedroom wrapped in a towel. Holly froze in the doorway looking at Brock and then to the bed. “What’s going on Brock?”

  “It’s that surprise that I told you about.” He said as he stood and walked over to where she was standing.

  “I thought surprises came wrapped in bow—not a tie.” She said reaching for the tie and smiling up at him.

  “Now you know different.” He said as he leaned in and softly kissed her eyelids as he unwrapped the towel and let it fall to the floor. “You look amazing.”

  He picked her up and carried her to the bed setting her down in the middle. “You do know I can walk right?” Holly asked.

  Brock smiled as he took off the tie he was wearing and used it as a blindfold. “What are you doing Brock?”

  “Do you trust me?” He asked.

  “Yes, of course I do.”

  “Then no talking—I just want you to feel.”

  The next thing Holly knew he had handcuffed her to the headboard. “Brock?”

  “Shhh—trust me Holly. If I do something that hurts you or you don’t like, I want you to say blue.”

  “Blue? As in the color blue?”

  Laughing, “Yes, blue as in the color.”

  He pulled a couple more ties out of his bag and proceeded to tie her ankles to the posts at the foot of the bed. “I’ll be right back.”

  “You’re leaving me like this?” She said with worry in her voice.

  “I won’t be gone long—I promise.”

  Holly noticed that taking away her sight only enhanced her other senses and her body tingled with anticipation. She felt like she was in a time warp as Brock was only gone for a few minutes and to her it seem like an hour had passed since he told her he would be right back. Suddenly she heard footsteps in the hallway. She could sense that he was beside the bed—she could hear him breathing. In an instant she felt something cold drip onto one of her nipples and her body tensed and she sucked in her breath and held it. “What the hell!”

  “No talking unless I ask you to, or you want me to stop and you say the word blue. Do you want me to stop Holly?”

  “No.” She replied quickly.


  Holly felt another cold drip on her other nipple, but as soon as it hit her body, this time Brock’s mouth covered it and took away the cold. He proceeded to do this all the way down to her belly button. Holly had never felt anything like this and she had never been as aroused as she was at that very moment.

  Next, Brock sucked on what was left of the ice cube and while his mouth was still cold he ran his tongue over her clit. He was certain that if she wasn’t tied down, she would have jumped ten feet off of the bed as she sucked as much air into her lungs as it would hold.

  Holly started to pant trying to catch her breath and not knowing where all the air in the room had gone to as she squirmed and moaned while Brock brought her to an earth shattering orgasm. She felt him get off the bed and walk towards the dresser.

  Brock picked up the warm bottle to be sure it wasn’t too hot before he poured honey over her breasts in a tiny stream leading a trail down to her belly button. Holly let out a loud moan and pulled on the handcuffs restraining her. Brock proceeded to lick the honey off of her body taking his time on each breast before following the path he had laid out down to her flat stomach. He loved hearing Holly’s moans as he took his time with her, making sure that he had slurped up every sticky drop.

  Finally he untied her ankles and unlocked her handcuffs before removing her blindfold. As soon as she was free, Brock didn’t know what hit him. Holly grabbed him by the arm and flipped him onto the bed straddling his body and pinning his wrists to the mattress. He stared up into her eyes and saw raw passion as she leaned down and devoured his lips in a kiss. She continued to rain kisses across his chin to his earlobe and his neck and moving down his shoulder to his chest. She could feel his erection springing to action and smiled down at him. “I’m getting there—you need to be patient. Maybe I should handcuff you!”

  Knowing it was driving him crazy, Holly took her time kissing and running her tongue over his abs before moving down and taking him into her mouth. This time it was Brock sucking the air from the room into his lungs as she pretended he was an ice cream cone, running her tongue up and down the shaft before taking him fully into her mouth again and again. When she heard his labored breathing, Holly moved back over him and slowly lowered herself onto him.

  Brock’s hands gripped her hips as he moved her up and down and back and forth over him. ‘Yes! Just like that. Faster—oh oh oooohhh, YES! Holly screamed as she collapsed over him.

  Brock rolled her onto her back and continued to thrust in and out in quick short bursts before his own climax shook him to his very soul. Once they both caught their breath, Brock stood up and extended his hand to Holly, “I think we need to shower.”

  “Mmmhmm, I would if I had any strength left.”

  “I’ll turn on the water and come back to get you.”

  “Okay.” Holly whispered as she lay on the bed with her eyes closed.

  After they showered, Holly grabbed a clean set of sheets and Brock helped her make the bed. “Is there anything domestic that you don’t do?” She asked.


  “Yes? Are you going to let me know what that is?”

  “I don’t do windows.” He said as he laughed.

  They crawled into bed and as he lay on his back, Holly traced an imaginary line down his chest and stomach moving back up to his side and over his tattoo. It was a police shield with the words ‘To Protect and Serve’ across it. “This badge number isn’t yours. Who does it belong to?”

  Brock took a deep breath and closed his eyes before responding, “It belonged to my first partner when I got hired on at the precinct. We took a call one day that should have been a routine traffic stop. A concerned citizen had called in an erratic driver on the freeway and we were the closest cruiser. We chased him for quite a while, lights—sirens, but he didn’t pull over. He ended up taking an exit ramp that would take him directly into the heart of the city. Jason was driving and he decided that the only way to get him to stop and not hurt any innocent bystanders was to perform a PIT maneuver.”

  When he paused, Holly reached up and touched his cheek, “Take your time.”

  Brock nodded, “It took a couple of tries, but he got him stopped. When Jason got out of the car he seemed to forget protocol and approached the car before making sure the suspect had his hands clear. He never saw it coming. The suspect opened fire—shot him six times. It happened so damn quick, that by the time I got out of the car and shot at the suspect, Jason lie dead on the ground. It’s his badge number—I got it as a reminder that life is too precious not to take every precaution in every situation. You literally have to Protect and Serve.”

  Holly lay across Brock’s body as she just held him and whispered, “I’m so sorry. How long ago did that happen?”

  “It seems like yesterday, talking about it and all, but it was nine years ago. He left a wife and two little kids behind.”

  “You must have been devastated. I can’t even begin to imagine what hell you went through.”

  “Yeah…‌it was rough. I blamed myself even though deep down I knew there wasn’t anything I could have done to prevent what went down. I made life hell for everyone around me too. Luke and Sam finally got tired of it after six months and beat the crap out of me. They told me that if I wanted to feel pain they would make me feel pain.”

  “Oh my God—they didn’t…”

  “Oh, yes they did. I looked a hell of a lot worse than I felt when they were through with me, but they made me realize that the pain his family felt was nothing like the pain that I felt blaming myself when there wasn’t any good reason to. You can say they ‘saved’ me from myself. It was a really dark time for me and they made me see the light.”

  “I am so glad that your brothers were there for you.” Holly said as she kissed his neck.

  “Wow, aren’t you glad you asked?”

  “Actually, I am. I want to get to know everything about you. I am sure this is just the tip of the iceberg to unraveling the true Brock McClellan.”

  Brock laughed, “I’m an open book. If there is ever anything you want to know, all you have to do is ask. Let’s get some sleep.” He said as he kissed her on the forehead.


  Brock and Holly had barely been gotten any sleep when his phone started to ring. He reached across Holly’s body and grabbed it off the night stand. “Hello.”

  “Detective McClellan this is Mary from dispatch, there has been another rape.”

  Brock sat up, “Let me get something to write with.”

  Holly pulled out a pad of paper and a pen from the n
ightstand drawer and handed them to Brock. “Okay, I am ready—What is the address?”

  “It’s at 1822 Whitelawn Rd, Unit #403.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  “Would you like me to call Detective Cavanaugh?”

  “No, I will let her know.” He said as he hung up.

  “Another rape?” Holly asked.

  “Yeah—we better get dressed and get over there.

  “Should we drive separately?” She asked.

  “That would probably be best.”

  Brock and Holly arrived on the scene to find that the ambulance was just leaving. Walking into the apartment they were met by Officer O’Malley. “The roommate came home and found the vic unconscious on the floor. She was beaten pretty badly—still unconscious when she left in the wagon.”

  “Our perp has never gotten this violent before, I wonder what was different with this vic than the others.”

  “The roommate is pretty shook up. I don’t know if you will get much out of her.”

  “Thanks O’Malley.”

  “Cavanaugh, I think that you should interview the roommate, and I will take a look around. It appears as though there was a pretty good struggle over there.” He said pointing in the direction of the living room.

  Holly approached the roommate who was sitting at the kitchen table. “Jackie? Hello, I am Detective Cavanaugh and if you don’t mind, I need to ask you some questions.”

  Jackie nodded her head. “What time did you arrive home?”

  “It was just after midnight…‌I remember because the alarm on my watch goes off on the hour and I was about a block away at that point.”

  “Great detail. May I ask where you were tonight?”

  “Sure, I went to the Doo Dive with a bunch of my friends.”

  “The Doo Dive?”


  “Why didn’t your roommate go?”

  “She doesn’t do the ‘bar scene’—she never has. We are like night and day.”

  “Do you and your friends go to the Doo Dive a lot? In other words, would you be considered a regular there?”

  “I would say my friends and I go there once every other week or so. I don’t know if that makes us regulars though.”


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