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Wilder, J. C. - Shadow Dweller 6

Page 14

by Temptation(lit)

  "Then we'll take a trip to your house, St. James," the other man said.

  "I seem to be at a disadvantage here. Ye know who I am and I have no idea who ye are."

  He gave Sinjin an unpleasant smile. "Gerald Lowery, at your service."

  "Cut the crap," Miles snarled. "I have a car out back."

  Sinjin nodded toward Elena and Brent. "Shall I tie up these two before we leave?"

  "You don't think they'd enjoy the chance to get some fresh air?" Miles shot Gerald an amused glance.


  "Too bad, they're going." Miles nodded toward the detective. "And the rest?"

  Brent muttered something uncomplimentary as he reached into his pocket and withdrew a folded knife. He placed it next to the guns.

  "Do ye have enough hardware?" Sinjin asked.

  "Not nearly enough," Brent replied. He looked from Miles to Gerald, then back again, his gaze assessing. "Would someone mind telling me why I'm being held at gunpoint?"

  "All in due time." Gerald yanked Elena from the couch by tightening the rope around her neck. She made a choking noise and staggered to her feet, off balance because her hands were secured to her waist. Gerald laughed as she struggled to remain upright.

  "St. James, you go first." Miles motioned Gerald away from the door.

  Sinjin walked down the steps leaving the others to follow, grateful for the first time that night Vivian wasn't around.

  Vivian stood in front of the Chat, her bag tossed over one shoulder and her stomach crowded with butterflies. Swallowing her nervousness, she walked into the familiar chaos of the restaurant. One glance told her that Sinjin wasn't behind the bar. Avoiding the milling crowd, she made her way to the stairway and jogged up to his office.

  The door was open and she stuck her head in. "Sinjin?"

  The room was cluttered and he was nowhere in sight. She walked into the room, her gaze catching on the unfamiliar sight of two guns and a folding knife on the desk. What the devil was he doing with guns on his desk? She didn't remember ever seeing a gun here or at his home. Why would anyone leave weapons just sitting out in the open? Even a neophyte like her knew that they should be secured with locks or safely stowed away.

  The nervousness in her stomach turned to unease. She needed to find Sinjin and soon. As she neared the door, she saw several spots on the wood floor. She ran her fingers over them and found the spots were still damp. She lifted her fingers and looked at the red streaks. It sure looked like blood to her.

  Alarmed, she fished a tissue from her bag, then she ran downstairs. As she entered the restaurant, she spied Tracey at the bar talking to Julius. "Have you seen Sinjin?"

  "No." Tracey's expression was troubled and she shot an uneasy glance at Julius.

  "Is something going on that I should know about?"

  "No." The waitress turned away from her. "Why would you ask such a thing?"

  Vivian grabbed her by the arm and swung her around, pinning her to the bar. "Because I found blood on the floor upstairs." She held up the tissue, watching the way Tracey's eyes widened when she saw the red stains.

  "He went out back with several other men," Julius said.

  Vivian released the waitress. "Thanks."

  "I don't think you should follow him," Tracey said. "You need to stay out of this. It's too dangerous."

  "You haven't begun to see dangerous yet."

  She slipped through the kitchen and to the back door. In the alley, a dark sedan was idling and a tall brown-haired man was getting into the car. Her blood froze as she recognized him. It was one of her attackers. On the passenger side, she saw her other attacker getting in as well.

  Through the back window she caught a glimpse of Sinjin and another man... Was that Brent beside him? The overhead light reflected off something shiny in the tall man's hand.

  A gun.

  Ohmygod! Were they being kidnapped? Should she call the police? What would she tell them? Hell, Brent was the police.

  Before she could formulate another thought, the brake lights flashed as the car was put into drive. Vivian noted the direction of their departure before she ran back through the Chat and up the office stairs. She glanced at her watch. If her stepbrother was as efficient as usual, her car would be waiting out front.

  She darted into Sinjin's office, heading for his desk where the guns rested. She tossed her bag on the couch as she passed. Luckily, she knew a little bit about handling weapons and she was pretty sure she could avoid shooting her foot off. Without a second thought, she grabbed both guns and the knife before she ran back downstairs. She should be able to get to her car and follow the others.

  She darted out into the street and ran toward where a black Cadillac was idling in park.

  The driver rolled down the window as she approached. "Vivian Carrington?" he asked. His eyes widened when he caught sight of the weapons she held clutched in her hands.

  She nodded and literally dove into the back seat, slamming the door behind her.

  "What's the matter, lady?" he asked. "Is someone chasing you?"

  "A car will be coming down the street, dark sedan with several men in it," she panted. "Follow them."

  "Are you kidding me?"

  Vivian peeked over the car door as the sedan slid by. "No, I'm not." She pointed the gun at him. "Does this look like I'm kidding? Follow them and you'll get a really big tip."

  The driver gave an excited yelp and, with trembling hands, put the Cadillac into drive, pulling out behind the other car. Vivian slouched in the back seat, her gaze glued to the taillights ahead. They followed at a modest distance for several blocks until the sedan slid to a halt in front of Sinjin's home.

  "Pull around and up the street a bit. I don't want them to see me."

  Vivian was glad it was full dark as the occupants wouldn't be able to see her clearly. Her driver pulled to a stop a half block north of Sinjin's house. She peered out the back window as Sinjin and his group exited the car.

  The smallest of the group had a rope around their neck. The shorter of her attackers gave the rope a vicious jerk sending his victim stumbling. Brent reached out and helped pull them upright. Was that leather-chick being led by the leash? From this distance, Vivian couldn't be sure.

  As they entered the house, she reached into her pocket and tossed a handful of twenties at the driver. "Sorry I pointed a gun at you, I guess I got a little excited."

  The driver picked up the crumpled bills. "Jeez, lady, next time just say please."

  Vivian wanted to laugh and cry at the same time as she exited the car. The night was warm, humidity thick in the air. The bigger gun dug into her stomach as she ran through the yards toward Sinjin's property, clutching the smaller gun in one sweaty palm.

  She tiptoed across the veranda, praying the old wood wouldn't squeak and give her away. The front door was closed and she slipped it open, holding her breath as the aged hinges gave a minute squeak. The front hall was empty and she caught sight of the smaller man rounding the corner into the library. She entered, leaving the door open as she didn't want to take a chance on another, louder noise giving her away.

  Now what? She was in the house, she had a gun, but what did she do?

  She jumped when a movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Clutching the gun, she turned to find herself staring into a mirror, the gun aimed at her reflected midsection. With a sigh, she dropped her defensive stance.

  In the mirror was a Vivian Carrington she'd never seen before. Hair was untidy with soft wisps that had come lose from her twist and curled around her face. Her skin was deathly pale and her bruises stood out in stark contrast. Her shadowed eyes were huge with fear.

  This most definitely wasn't the Vivian Carrington who ran one of the largest corporations in America. This wasn't the woman who'd faced down overfed males who'd tried to wrest the company from her grasp when her father had died. This wasn't the young girl who'd loved and lost. This wasn't the woman who'd buried her best friend only a few mont
hs ago. This wasn't the woman who'd lain with her lover only hours before.

  This was the face of a woman who was prepared to fight to the death for the man she loved.

  She straightened and laid her gun on the hallstand. Running a hand over her hair, she removed the clip and the mass of curls tumbled to her shoulders. Tugging the shirt from her jeans, she turned and checked to see that the other gun was concealed in the small of her back before she tucked the smaller one down the front of her pants. She then unbuttoned the top two buttons of her shirt to display her cleavage.

  Hands trembling, she pinched her cheeks and rubbed her lips to give them a touch of color. In her life, she'd faced down lawyers trying to take her money and environmentalists who believed CI was destroying the atmosphere, along with several kidnapping threats.

  Vivian Carrington was a woman who could handle a few bad guys with guns.

  She hoped.

  Sinjin heard the soft tread on the steps just moments before her gingery perfume wrapped itself around his senses. His grip tightened on the diary, which he'd just removed from the safe.

  Not now, not yet...

  "Sinjin, I know you're up here and I'm coming to get you..."

  Vivian breezed through the doorway, her eyes widening as she took in the people in the library. "Heavens, a party and I wasn't invited?"

  "Vivian-" Sinjin started.

  "Brent!" A huge smile graced her mouth as she crossed the room and flung her arms around the detective, pressing her body against his. "I haven't seen you in ages. How are you, my friend?"

  Sinjin caught the look of surprise on the detective's face as he hugged her, his arms wrapping around her waist. "It's mighty good to see you, too, Vivian." He gave her a secretive smile, then swung her behind him, effectively shielding her from any threat that might come from their captors. The momentum of his move propelled Vivian toward the window. As she neared it, all hell broke loose.

  The window exploded inward with a shower of glass and bullets as Vivian and Brent fell. Bullets sprayed the wall near Sinjin and he dove to the floor as rounds of ammunition pinged off the safe door to ricochet around the room. He looked up in time to see Miles dive for Vivian as Gerald dropped to the ground pulling Elena in front of him to act as a shield.

  Across the room, Brent was trying to cover Vivian with his body, but Miles had grabbed her arm and was tugging her toward him. The rain of bullets from outside stopped.

  "What the hell was that?" Gerald raged.

  "I'll fucking kill her if you don't turn over the diary." Miles pointed the gun at Vivian's head.

  Sinjin inched across the floor toward Vivian. "Wait, ye can have-"

  "Go ahead and kill her," another voice spoke from the doorway. "You'll save me ammunition if you do." A slim man dressed in black stood in the entrance, a handgun in each hand. A strap over his shoulder supported the MP5 assault rifle at his hip-what he'd used to spray the room no doubt. One handgun was trained on Vivian, the other on Miles.

  "Who the hell are you?" Miles snarled.

  "The man sent to deal with her." He waggled the gun that pointed toward Vivian.

  "Someone is trying to kill me?" she squeaked.

  The man gave her an unpleasant smile. "I don't just try, darlin', I succeed."

  One problem at a time...

  Sinjin sat up and held the diary so that everyone in the room could see it. "I have the book right here, Miles. If ye want it, ye have to let them go."

  "Hand me the book first," Miles ordered.

  "Not on yer life." He nodded toward Vivian. "Release her and I'll hand it to Gerald."

  "Yeah, Miles," the newcomer taunted, "release her so I can finish my job and collect my pay." He chuckled.

  Miles ignored his words and released his grip on Vivian's arm. Brent immediately pulled her away, tucking her behind the dubious shelter of a chair and his fragile mortal body.

  "Now, hand over the book, St. James," Miles said.

  "Let her go as well." He nodded toward Gerald where Elena was still being used as a shield.

  "You've received all the concessions you'll get from me," Miles said. "Give up the diary or pay the consequences."

  Out of the corner of his eye, Sinjin saw Brent rise from his position behind the chair while Vivian remained crouched on the floor. The detective gave Sinjin a subtle nod, encouraging him to release the diary. What did Brent have up his sleeve?

  There was only one way to find out.

  Sinjin tossed the diary to Gerald, forcing him to release Elena in order to catch it. He knew he'd just thrown away his only bargaining chip, but they were at a stalemate. What other choices did he have?

  "Is it authentic?" Miles asked.

  Gerald flipped through a few pages. "Sure looks like it." Excitement made his voice sharp, squeaky.

  "Our work is done here. We'll take her with us." He pointed to Elena who was trying to inch away from them toward Sinjin's desk.

  "Leave her," Brent protested. "You have what you want. Leave her behind."

  "What do you care about the life of a she-wolf, mortal? She'd kill you for fresh meat and never bat an eye." Miles pulled Gerald to his feet, while the man never stopped flipping through the diary as he scanned the pages. Sinjin felt sick about the thought of that book ending up in Mikhail's hands again.

  "She's an insurance policy that you won't try to follow us. If you do, she dies," Miles said.

  Sinjin stifled a protest as Gerald tucked the book into his jacket before he hauled Elena to her feet, using the barbaric rope. Her eyes were heated, her teeth bared as she was pulled toward the door. Heaven help the little pipsqueak if she ever got her hands on him.

  The newcomer stepped to the side as Gerald and Elena passed. His expression was curious, but he didn't say a word. He didn't seem inclined to stop them from leaving either.

  Miles paused beside him near the doorway. "You might want to know something about the detective over there." He nodded toward Brent. "He has a gun."

  The gunman's expression turned to one of surprise as Brent pulled out the gun and fired at his chest. Miles darted out of sight and down the steps as Sinjin dove toward Vivian, using his body as a shield as a volley of bullets tore into the walls overhead. A bullet whistled past his ear and he huddled tighter to his woman, silently praying that she survive the melee.

  A few seconds and quite a few shots later, he heard a low moan and a solid thud. Sinjin raised his head to see the gunman lying across the doorway.

  "Are you okay?" he asked Vivian.

  Vivan gave a shaky nod and Sinjin leapt to his feet. Brent had approached the gunman and he was moving the man's armaments to a safe distance. One glance at the two gruesome headshots and Sinjin knew this killer wasn't going to rise again. Sinjin grabbed the MP5. It wasn't as if the dead guy would need it anymore.

  As he ran down the steps, he heard the wail of police sirens. Brent had fished a cell phone out of his pocket and was shouting information into it as they ran for the street.

  Sinjin skidded to a halt as the taillights sped down the street only to fade into the darkness many blocks away. His head dropped, his breath raged through his lungs. Miles and Gerald had gotten away again with the diary and Elena was their hostage. He ran his hand through his hair.

  "Do you want to tell me what the hell is going on?"

  Sinjin slid the strap of the MP5 over his shoulder before he turned and looked at Brent. Curling his hand into a fist, he let if fly toward the detective's face, clipping him neatly on the jaw. Brent fell, landing in the middle of the street with a surprised look on his face.

  "That was for trying to arrest me, ye asshole," Sinjin snarled. He opened his mouth to continue when a movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Vivian stood in the doorway, backlit by the hall chandelier. Arms wrapped around her waist, she was searching the darkness for him, her expression anxious.

  When she caught sight of him, the worry faded and a relieved smile took its place. She leaned against t
he doorway and he shuddered at the thought of how close he'd come to losing her tonight. If it weren't for the quick action of Brent, she might be dead right now and he'd never know the feeling of a full heart.

  He looked down at the stunned detective. "Thank ye for saving her life. I owe ye a debt that I can ne'er pay." Sinjin held out his hand to Brent and helped him to his feet.

  "I'll get you for that." Brent rubbed his jaw.

  "I relish the challenge." He grinned at the disgruntled officer and slapped him on the back. "And, no, I dinna want to tell ye what is going on." Sinjin looked at Vivian waiting for him in the doorway. "Right now I have something else I need to do and that's all ye need to know."

  * * *

  Chapter 14

  "How long will this take?"

  Sinjin watched as Elena paced the room like a woman possessed. Her movements were frenetic, anxious. Even though only twenty-four hours had passed since the destruction of his home, her bruises had already faded quite a bit. The mark on her lip was still visible and her eye still blackened, but in another day or so, her injuries would be gone and none would be the wiser.

  The same couldn't be said for Gerald. Elena told him that she'd almost ripped his head off the moment he made the mistake of loosening her bonds. One bad revenant dead leaving hundreds more to hunt down. But he sincerely hoped it never came down to all out war. No one would win that battle.

  "I canna answer ye, Elena." He returned his attention to scrubbing the bloodstains from the doorway of his shattered library. "The diary isn't like reading a regular book. The events aren't in order and there are multiple languages involved." He dipped his bloodied sponge into a bucket containing a mixture of disinfectant and water.

  "Time is against us," she said.

  He rolled his eyes. "Against us or not, I need time." He scrubbed at the doorframe. Inwardly, he shuddered at the thought of how close he'd come to losing Vivian last night. One glance at the multitude of bullet holes attested to Anthony's determination to destroy her. Even the cops seemed to be shocked at the sheer fury that had taken place in this room.


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