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Immersion (Magnetic Desires)

Page 3

by Unknown

  "It’s Lola."

  "I know it is, gorgeous."

  We stopped at a café to buy drinks before heading back to her cabin.

  Taking one of the bottles, she twisted the lid off and sipped it. "Then why do you insist on calling me cutesy nicknames?"

  "So many reasons." My fingers in front of her face, I counted them off. "One, you’re sexy as hell when you’re annoyed, and two, I don’t think you’d appreciate me calling you wife."

  "Is that all?" She scowled.

  "I wasn’t finished. You’re going to get used to them, and once you are, I’m going to stop. You know what’ll happen then?"

  "I’ll be thankful you’ve stopped using cheesy pet names."

  "You’ll ache for me to call you sweetheart, just once more, because you’ll miss the way it makes you feel like you’re the only woman in the world I want to be with."

  She swallowed and the pulse at her throat sped up. "Are you sure it’s smart to give away your plays like that? I’m the opposing team remember."

  "Keep telling yourself that."

  We stopped at her door and she found the keycard. "When do we meet tomorrow?"

  "Breakfast. I’ll meet you in the dining room."

  "Okay." She held the keycard ready to swipe but hesitated.

  "Aren’t you forgetting something?" I leaned against the wall.


  I had her between me and the wall before she had time to respond. Her tongue darted out over her lips as I leaned into her. "I’ll take that kiss now."

  She lifted her gaze to meet mine, her eyes hooded as her hands clutched at my chest. The heat of her nestled against me seeped through to my skin, the buzz of our connection in my blood. Inch by inch I closed the gap between us, giving her ample time to pull away. If she left me now, I’d be lost in this storm of desire, powerless to find my way out. Her lips crashed on mine as she reached up on tiptoe, and I froze. She’d been the one to close the gap and open to me, channeling the lust that swirled through me and giving it focus in the stroke of her tongue against mine. Would she admit my victory when I let her go? Molding her body to mine, I deepened the connection between us. The flutter of her hands on my biceps made me groan before they wandered over my shoulders to wind around my neck. I pulled back and nibbled on her bottom lip. Shallow gasps escaped her, dragging in and out through her still parted lips, making me want to grin like the damn Cheshire cat.

  "Wasn’t so bad now, was it, sweetheart?" I let her go and gave her a moment to compose herself before I dragged her hands from around my neck to my chest. "This is all yours when you want it. All you have to do is ask."

  I left her leaning against the wall, staring after me as I sauntered back the way we had come. She’d been the one to kiss me, and I couldn’t help the grin spreading across my face. The power of our connection had dragged us together, and though she might pretend she didn’t feel it, neither of us could fight it.


  "Holy god of poles." I let myself into the cabin and staggered over to the bed. My toes still curled from his kiss. Flopping onto my back, I stared at the light fixture. It had been a long time between kisses for me, but I was sure none of the guys I’d kissed or, hell, knew, would be able to kiss the way that man did. I’d wanted to climb his body like it was one of the stage poles at Booty Trap. The pillow flattened under my frustrated assault. "Just because the man has you weak in the knees doesn’t mean you can forget what you’re here to do."

  I rolled onto my belly and reached for the purse I’d dumped on the end of the bed. Pulling out Tempest’s note, I read the bottom line again. Whatever you do, don’t fall in love.

  I folded it up and slid it back into my purse. She'd told me not to fall in love with the man I grifted, but hadn’t said anything about sleeping with him. Pulling the covers over my face, I yelled something noisy and unintelligible except for the expletives. The hot ache of desire he’d created burned through me, and I pressed my thighs together in an effort to ignore it. If he kept kissing me like that, I’d be a hot mess by the end of the trip. A cold shower would help, especially if I took the edge off my pent up frustration. I bounced off the bed and stripped down on my way to the bathroom.

  By the time I stepped out of the shower, I was prickly from the cold water and noticing aches in muscles I thought were in good form. Rock climbing had taken more out of me than I thought. I dropped the towel at the end of the bed and climbed in between the sheets.


  Stepping into the dining room, I scanned the crowded tables for Leo. Hopefully he'd left without me. I had no issue with spending the entire trip with him if it got me what I wanted, but I hated that he wanted to drag his friend into it. Was he so wrapped up in the delusion I’d marry him, that he’d willingly want to bring our lives outside the cruise into it?

  "Good morning, gorgeous. Sleep well?" he whispered in my ear as he wound his arm around my waist and hugged me from behind.

  Jumping, I surged forward and spun around. That trademark cocky grin of his needed wiping clean off, only my anger melted under its brightness. "I’m starving." I wondered whether I was talking about food or something with a little less calories.

  The heat in his gaze suggested his mind was hanging out in the gutter with mine. He shook his head and threaded my arm through his. "Come on, let’s get something to eat. We’ll be disembarking soon."

  A server led us to a table. Again, Leo pulled out the chair for me. That was one thing I would miss when I went home. Once I got out from under Brady, I would have to find a town where the men were as genuine as Leo was. I scanned the menu and gave my order before the server could run away, and Leo added his.

  "I like that in a woman." He rested his elbows on the table. "The ability to make decisions. I don’t see that often."

  "Then you know the wrong women." I didn’t mean to snap, but I hadn’t had my coffee yet, and he was already in full flirt mode.

  He shrugged. "It seems that’s been the case, but don’t worry about them. They’re not what I want now."

  "I know, I know." I gestured with my hands in an exaggerated manner. "I’m the only girl for you. Now shut up until I’ve had my coffee."

  He captured my hand in his. "My final words before you kill me sans coffee. When you say yes to marrying me, I promise I will bring you coffee in bed every morning for the rest of our lives."

  Holy shit! If I were any other girl, I’d have flung myself across the table and told him I’d have his babies to get that kind of service. "I’ll tuck that away for consideration," I stuttered, not sure what else to say.

  He stroked the back of my hand, which along with the large bribe he’d offered, had butterflies spinning in my belly. If only we hadn’t met under these particular circumstances, I might have liked the man enough to date him.

  The server came back with the coffee, and I burned my mouth in my haste to drink it, while Leo sat back and enjoyed his at a leisurely pace.

  I scowled and pointed a finger in accusation. "You already had a cup didn’t you?"

  His hands went up in mock surrender. "My day started a fair bit earlier than yours."

  Breakfast arrived, and we were silent while we ate. Pushing away my empty plate, I snagged the banana and put it in my bag for later. Leo stared at me. His brow furrowed as he watched me. "Do you do that often?"


  "Store food in your bag?"

  "I get hungry a lot. It brings out the bitch in me."

  He pushed back from the table. "Are you ready to go?"

  I closed up my bag and slung the strap over my shoulder as I stood up. "What’s in San Juan, besides your friend?"


  Standing on land again felt strange. Not in the way the ground didn’t move, since the rolling of the ocean was barely noticeable on board the ship, but I was no longer safe. I glanced about, looking for any sign of Brady or his men. If he’d found out where I’d gone, then he could be waiting for me. When I stepped off the boat, I'd b
e putting Leo in danger too, and although I could handle taking his money, if he got hurt because of me, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.

  "Are you all right?" His hand squeezed mine.

  "Yes. It’s a little weird being on dry ground."

  He didn’t let go while we walked into Old San Juan, and I was grateful. The strength he exuded and his warmth were a small comfort, and the knots in my gut from thoughts of Brady eased.

  I gaped as we walked up a cobblestone street lined with multistory buildings in a rainbow of colors. Stopping in the middle of the road, I twirled around and took in the beauty of it. He had his camera in his hands and was taking pictures of the buildings.

  "They’re so charming."

  Grinning, he turned the camera on me. "They have nothing on you, gorgeous."

  An egg yolk yellow wall caught my attention, and I turned the corner to stop in front of the building. "I want a house like this one."

  Leo slung his camera over his shoulder and wrapped his arm around my waist. "It suits you."

  I let him hold me, reveling in the magic of the morning. Pretending for one day to be a girl who liked a boy would be okay, wouldn’t it? When I got back on the boat I’d remember why I couldn’t want anything but his money, but I could fantasize this was my life for one day.

  Chapter Five


  San Juan worked its magic on her as we walked the cobblestone streets, and she took in the culture and history of the place with a wistful expression.

  Our hands clasped together, I led her along, although she paused more often than not to admire the architecture. I’d been here several times over the years. First, as a cruise ship photographer, and later to soak up the art and culture. But her joy was contagious. From the moment I’d fallen at her feet, I knew I’d marry her. She’d been a bolt of lightning that had lit up my future in an instant, but in this city, she’d fall in love with me.

  "We’re here." I held open the door of a coral colored building, ushering her in before me. A little brass bell on the inside of the door tinkled. "José is a painter. He works mostly in oils, and I’m hoping, with a little begging, I can get a few of his pieces into my gallery." Twisting her gently by the shoulders, I faced her toward a stunning streetscape.

  "That’s this street?" She stopped to examine the painting. "The colors are amazing. He’s really good. He doesn’t just capture the landscape but the atmosphere too."

  Resting her against my chest, I took the opportunity to run my hands down her arms and tuck my chin into her hair. Together we stared at the painting. "You have a good eye."

  She shook her head. "I have no idea about art, but I like to look at it."

  "You and most of the population, but you see more than most."

  José shuffled in from the back room, wiping his hands on a rag that permeated the air with the smell of turpentine. "Ah, Leo, it’s good to see you again my friend."

  Reluctantly, I pulled away from Lola to greet him. The older man threw his arms around me and slapped my back while we kissed each other on the cheek. A sucker for tradition and a pretty lady, José grabbed Lola and pulled her in for the same greeting. She cringed in his embrace, adding another layer to a puzzle I couldn’t quite work out. Part of me puffed up that she was comfortable with my touches and not anyone else’s, but when he let her go and she stepped behind me, I wondered why a woman with such loud confidence would turn into a quiet mouse with José. I offered her my hand as he strode into his studio, carrying on a conversation with almost no input from either of us.

  She fidgeted with the strap of her bag. "Is it okay if I stay here and check out more of the paintings?"

  "Sure. We won’t be too long."

  Leaving her to wander the shop, I followed José into the studio. "I need you to sell me your street painting."

  He turned around from studying his current piece. "You know that one is not for sale, Leo."

  "Please reconsider, José." I glanced over my shoulder at her.

  His gaze tracked my line of sight and a grin crept over his face. "I see. It is for love, you want my painting?"

  "Well… that one at any rate."

  He clasped my hand. "It is a good look on you my friend. She is a rare beauty."

  "So, sell me the painting?"

  "I will give it to you as a gift." He strode to a table pushed up against the wall and poured gold liquid into small glasses. "I have a series of paintings for your gallery. Let’s have a drink while we talk business."


  My heart dipped as we got back on the boat. After he’d finished his business Leo had taken me to a cute little cafe where we sat in the sun and enjoyed a leisurely lunch before he played tour guide and showed me the sights of the city. His easygoing nature when he wasn’t goading me into snapping at him was growing on me quicker than I wanted to admit. I didn’t know what it was about him that set me at ease. Men in general were grubby, handsy creatures who wanted more than I was willing to offer. Leo wanted that too, but his affect on me wasn’t one of nausea that made my skin crawl. It was a heat that filled my senses and left me edgy, while at the same time, soothed the anxiousness I lived with on a day-to-day basis. I'd wanted to pretend we could have more, but by the time we got back to the boat, I had to remind myself that it couldn't be, even though for those hours it had felt so real.

  "Today has been great." I glanced up at him through my eyelashes. My chest ached at letting go of the day so soon. He’d walked me to my door, and I hesitated in the doorway, wanting even one more minute where the past and future didn’t matter.

  The rough pad of his thumb brushed over my jaw line and up to tuck my hair behind my ear. "I’ll make every day great if you’ll let me."

  A lump caught in my throat. If only I could. "Well… goodnight."

  I reached up on tiptoe to peck his cheek, and he pulled me tight against him. My heart fluttered as he stared into my eyes.

  "You’re a mystery, sweet thing, but I’m going to get to the bottom of your secrets."

  "I don’t have any secrets," I whispered. The way he gazed at me, those sensual lips in a serious line, made me wonder if he knew one of my secrets was how much I wanted him to kiss me right now.

  The flutter in my chest picked up speed when he leaned down to own my mouth. With trembling fingers, I gripped his shoulders as he let his hand wander from my waist to squeeze my ass, leaving me with no doubt of his desire to have me. The rigid bulge in his pants nudged at my belly and I ached to touch it, to run my fingers along its outline, and find out what I was desperate to have. Our joined lips captured my groan before he moved lower to nibble along my throat. I could have him, all of him. My imagination flashed images of us wound in a tangle of sheets. His hands would be on my skin, and instead of his tongue burning erotic images into my imagination, it would be the real thing. We were both a little breathless when we broke apart.

  His gaze was hooded. "I hope you have a good night."

  There was almost no chance of that, considering I was on the edge of spontaneously combusting. "You too."

  I watched him swagger away. It was a distinct possibility my knees might buckle at any moment. God, I wanted to invite him in and have monkey sex all night. "Oh, what are we doing tomorrow?"

  He turned around and the left side of his lip twitched up. "You’ll have to entertain yourself with thoughts of me I’m afraid. I have to work."

  "Oh." My heart dipped, and I frowned. Why did the idea of not seeing him bother me? I should have been happy to have the day to myself. Was he losing interest in me? "Are you giving up already?"

  Light lines around his eyes brought out his serious expression. "Hell no." Six steps and he hauled me up between him and the wall, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, allowing him to dominate my mouth and intensify the desperate need inside me. He pulled back and lifted my chin so I couldn’t escape his gaze. "You’re going to be my wife. I’m not going to back down until you agree."

  The rapid beatin
g of my heart filled my ears as I slid down his body. "Well, you’ll be waiting a long time." I stuck out my tongue and slipped inside the cabin, leaving him alone in the hallway.

  My back against the door, I slid to the floor and hugged my knees. He was becoming more of a temptation each day. Was I going to hurt him when I walked away?

  Chapter Six


  "Good morning, sweetheart." I grinned as she opened the door looking delightfully disheveled. Her hair was an explosion around her shoulders and her mascara smudged a little around the corners of her eyes.

  "Do you realize how early it is, Leo?"

  "Coffee?" I handed her the paper cup.

  She darted glances between the cup and me. A small dimple appeared in her cheek when the corners of her mouth lifted a little. "You’re trying to sweeten the pot."

  It might not have been the greeting I wanted. She’d have to be naked for that, but making her even a little happy filled me with warmth. "I thought we’d go snorkeling since we’re at Half Moon Cay. Ever been?"

  "No." Rifling through the suitcase on the floor at the end of the bed, she pulled out a white bikini and a wisp of white fabric that was supposed to be a cover up.

  Holy hell. That bitty piece of cloth would hide nothing. "Well, as long as you like swimming you’ll love it."

  "I’m sure I will." The bathroom door shut behind her.

  Twenty minutes later, she stepped out of the bathroom and my breath caught in my chest. My mouth watered and I clasped my hands to my knees. Damn, I wanted to forget all about snorkeling and rip that scrap of cloth and bikini from her. I ran a hand through my hair, trying to hold onto my self-control and not let her know how much she was tormenting me. Skirting around her, I opened the door. "Shall we?"

  She went to grab her bag from the floor, putting her perfect ass on display. A growl rumbled through my chest. "Lola."

  "What?" She glanced over her shoulder at me.

  Holy fuck do I want to see her do that while I grasp her hips and sink into her. "If you do not stand up right now, I may make a move I’ll regret."


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