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Kansas Flame [Kansas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 25

by Jenny Penn

  With a quick flick of his wrist, Cooper ripped the dildo out of her cunt, leaving her feeling painfully empty until the soft slide of his tongue up her spasming walls had the rapture inside her flaring hotter yet again. Lindsay screamed herself hoarse as he continued to devour her molten flesh with savage intent.

  She was weak and weeping, begging both for a moment and for more with the same broken breath, when he finally lifted his head to stare down at her with the gaze of an untamed beast in heat. Lindsay’s heart stilled, her muscles clenching with anticipation as her gaze dropped to the sight of his cock, all flushed and swollen and glistening with the evidence of his own need.

  Rising up on his knees, Cooper gripped Lindsay by the hip and pulled her with him until her ass settled against his thighs and her cunt lay open and vulnerable to the hard dick that came to press against her tight opening. He hesitated there, his gaze lifting to reveal the hunger darkening his eyes.

  “You belong to me,” Cooper ground out, sounding more feral than domesticated. “Say it! You belong to me!”

  “Yes. Yes. I belong to you, Cooper. Please, I need you.”

  Willing to say anything, even the truth, Lindsay gave him everything he asked for and more. She was rewarded instantly for efforts as Cooper rammed his cock into her dripping cunt and started fucking her with hard, pounding thrusts that had her cracking into the door. Lindsay moaned and gasped, bucking upward as she met each violent flex of his hips with her own desperate motions.

  It felt good. So unbelievably good. With each grinding pass of his hard length over the sensitive walls of her cunt another spasm of pure delight ricocheted up her spine, and through her ass. Tightening around the dildo still vibrating merrily away, Lindsay could feel the pressure building through her entire pelvis, threatening to detonate with such force that she didn’t believe she would survive the explosion.

  She didn’t care. This was just how she wanted it, just how she wanted Cooper. He’d lost all control, letting his all-consuming need to dominate take over as he fucked her with a primitive passion that had her coming in seconds. The tense band of pleasure that had built in her pelvis expanded with such a rush it seared the very blood in her veins. Her whole body felt as if it were splintering in million sparkling shards of ecstasy.

  * * * *

  Sweat trickled down Cooper’s spine as the truck swayed and bounced beneath them. He could hear Lindsay’s feet squeaking across a steamed-up window. It pierced the wet, smacking slaps that punctuated each thrust of his hips as his balls slapped into the thick cream covering Lindsay’s ass and thighs. It gushed from her tight cunt with every plunge of his cock. The scent of sex and hot, wet pussy only thickened in the air as he fucked Lindsay like a madman, forcing her to endure one orgasm after another. Despite the broken pleas that fell in a breathless litany from her lips, Cooper could not stop.

  She was so damn hot, so damn tight, he could feel every ripple of her cunt spasming like a gentle pulse streaking down his dick and straight up his spine until he felt high, filled with an addictive exuberance that had him mindlessly chasing after more. More, Lindsay certainly had to give.

  With every pump of his hips her cunt tightened even further around him, desperately trying to milk the release boiling in his balls, but Cooper wouldn’t let go. Instead he fucked his way past the sweet constriction with a fast-paced rhythm that had the walls of her sheath melting around him as another orgasm claimed her.

  Through a hooded gaze, Cooper watched her eyes widen as her lips fell into a look of shocked pleasure. Small wisps of hair stuck to her forehead and her glistening cheeks. A flush spread across her glowing skin and down her neck to disappear into the collar of her shirt. Reaching down to yank the soft cotton out of the way, Cooper watched in fascination as her hard-tipped breasts swayed and bounced, keeping perfect beat with the sway of his hips.

  She was so fucking perfect. So fucking beautiful.

  Leaning down to nip at her tit, he delighted in her squeal and couldn’t resist lingering over his inspection. Every time he sucked on her puckered nipples, every time he scraped his teeth over their tips, the walls of her cunt spasmed with a wave that tried to force his cock out. Cooper had known great pleasures before in his life but nothing compared to this, to Lindsay and the way she made him feel. Buried balls-deep in the tight grip of her pulsing cunt, he gave up the fight and let the fires of his own release consume him.

  “Oh, God, lil’ bit,” Cooper cried out, feeling the shotgun blast of ecstasy rip through him, tearing through his heart and unleashing flood of emotion that overwhelmed all sense and reason. “I love you so much. So damn much.”

  * * * *

  Caught in the throes of her own release, Lindsay heard Cooper cry out, his words muffled by the roaring rush of her own orgasm. Bliss, pure and brilliant, lifted her up high into the heavens. Everything happening below felt as if happened at a great distance. Cooper roaring, his hips bucking with wild fervor, him collapsing in a sweaty, heavy heap on top of her—all of it was a distant fantasy.

  It grew, though, into reality as she slowly drifted back to Earth. With each passing second the air thickened with something beyond the musky scent of spent sex. Something tense and awkward. Something that came from Cooper.

  Lindsay blinked open her eyes as she felt him shift above her, pulling away from her in more ways than one. He barely paused to look at her before settling back in his seat. With rough motions that spoke of an annoyed impatience, he began to right his clothes.

  With the pleasure from moments before suddenly long forgotten memory, Lindsay retreated to her corner of the cab, feeling more than a little dejected. For the life of her though, she couldn’t explain what had gone wrong.

  That morning sex had appeared to leave him happy, almost playful. Right then he appeared anything but, leaving Lindsay to wonder just what had happened. Had she done something? Said something?

  That thought had her stomach tensing as she considered all the various things that might have fallen out of her mouth while her defenses were disarmed by her orgasm. What was so horrible that it would have Cooper scowling and glaring at the world at large as he jerked the truck back onto the highway?

  There was only one thing that Lindsay could think of. Of all the stupid things she could have done, she’d clearly fucked up and uttered those three little words that sent men like Cooper running. After all, he wasn’t in this for the long run. Lindsay might be a little naive but even she knew that ménage and relationship were two words that didn’t go together. This had only ever been about the short term and now she’d ruined even that.

  Angry at both herself and Cooper for being so damn sensitive, Lindsay reached down and pulled the last remaining vibrator free, glad to be rid of the harness that had caused such devastation. Sometimes too much pleasure was just that—too much. Without a word or a glance as Cooper, Lindsay rolled her window down and tossed the damn thing away.

  She was done being played with, and she wasn’t going to apologize for anything she said. Hell, Lindsay wasn’t even sure she meant it anymore.

  Chapter 27

  Cooper cut a quick glance from the road to where Lindsay sat silently beside him. She’d barely muttered a word since chucking Nick’s harness out the window. Not that she needed to say anything. That act had spoken for itself. Clearly, Lindsay figured she was in charge now, and why shouldn’t she?

  Of all the stupid ass things to tell a woman, “I love you” was at the top of the list. Once they knew they had you wrapped around their little fingers, everything changed. While clearly she now had all the power, the damn woman could have had the decency to say it back. If he was going to end up whipped, Cooper figured he should at least be coddled as well.

  Unless, of course, she didn’t feel it. Cooper blocked that thought along with the pain and rage it evoked. That didn’t stop him from wondering, though. One of Lindsay’s most valuable traits was her tendency to make blunt, honest admissions. Normally he knew exactly where he stood
with Lindsay, even if she didn’t tell him. The woman had the most expressive eyes. Right then she didn’t look anything but irritated, which really shouldn’t surprise him.

  Lindsay tended to see everything in the worst possible light thanks to her suspicious nature and her paranoid mind. Not that Cooper blamed her for being cautious. Given her background, she had every right to be leery of most people but Cooper was neither “most” or “people.” He was her lover, her first lover, and the father of her future children. She should trust him.

  Cooper cut another secretive glance at Lindsay. If she didn’t trust him then he had to figure out a way to gain her trust. Perhaps it was time to show Lindsay that he could be a considerate, civilized man. There was no better way than he could think to accomplish that goal than to give her back her underwear.

  Stopping by her cabin to let her pick up the rest of her things would prove to Lindsay that he could be thoughtful and that this relationship was more than just about sex. Hell, just because she had her panties with her didn’t mean she’d actually get to wear them.

  After all, if consideration failed, he could always just tie her to the bed and fuck her into loving him. In Cooper’s experience, after enough sex every woman fell for her lover. Normally that phenomenon was the bane of his existence, but for once it might actually work in his favor.

  Of course he’d need time off to give the effort his full attention. Thomas would bitch, but he’d get over it. Cooper hadn’t taken a vacation since…well, since he’d been a kid and his parents had shipped him off to go visit his various aunts and uncles. That had been ages ago.

  Suddenly, Cooper felt old. Old and tired. Worse, he felt boring. He lived the same day over and over again—wake up, work, eat, bathe, sleep, repeat Monday through Thursday. Friday was movie night. Saturday was game night at the bar. Sunday was for church and relaxing, the only day he didn’t actually work.

  When he stopped to consider it, Cooper realized his life wasn’t all the different than Lindsay’s. At least she had the excuse of being trapped in such a depressing cycle by her stepfather. Cooper didn’t have anybody to blame except himself. It was time for a change, for a new routine and somebody to share it with.

  Reaching across the bench seat, Cooper covered Lindsay’s hand with his own, twining his fingers through her smaller ones. Tension held her stiff in her seat and she didn’t even bother to look in his direction as she glared out the window.

  Yep. It was definitely time to get her some underwear.

  * * * *

  Lindsay perked up when Cooper pulled off the main highway and onto the back lane that led to Elton’s cabin. While the road did continue on to Cooper’s ranch, it did so with hard bumps and deep dips along the way. She’d learned that morning that it was easier and quicker simply to use their private, paved drive. That meant Cooper was headed toward the cabin, but that didn’t tell her why.

  Maybe he was planning on dumping her off. That wouldn’t shock Lindsay, but neither did it explain why he was holding her hand. It felt awkward and weird, like he was trying to give her some kind of comfort but she knew it was only because he planned on being such a prick to her later. Or perhaps now.

  “Who’s that?” Lindsay leaned forward to study the vehicles parked in her front yard.

  There was a patrol car to go with the deputy lingering in front of her porch and a black truck to go with the man beside him. They were too far away for Lindsay to read the emblem on the truck, but she didn’t doubt he was some kind of government official.

  “Do you know what that is?” Lindsay repeated her question, turning to glance at Cooper, certain that he probably knew everybody who worked for the city and country.

  “Trouble.” Simple and direct, Cooper’s answer didn’t explain anything or make Lindsay feel the slightest bit better. Neither did his fingers tightening over hers help soothe Lindsay’s rattled nerves.

  “And does trouble have a name?”

  “Henry Claire.” Cooper heaved a deep sigh as he pulled his truck up into the yard. “He’s the county inspector.”

  “And inspector?” Lindsay stilled at that explanation, her mind leaping to all sorts of conclusions. None of them were good. “And just what has he come to inspect, Cooper?”

  “Building…he’s a building inspector.”

  “And why is he here? Did you call him out here?”

  “No, and you shouldn’t even have to ask.” Cooper brought his truck to a stop alongside Mr. Claire’s before turning to pin her with a look that spoke of a temper flaring hotter than hers.

  “Yeah.” Lindsay snorted, remaining unconvinced. “Right.”

  With the quickness of a snake striking Cooper wrapped a hand around her head and jerked her forward into his kiss. Crushing her lips against his own, he forced her mouth to open with the mere press of his and took immediate advantage.

  Other than uttering an immediate, halfhearted groan, Lindsay didn’t fight him off. She couldn’t even bring herself to try. It was always like this with them. Anger, lust, and uncontrollable passion entwined in a volatile mix that assured their relationship would never be boring.

  Going all soft in his arms, Lindsay melted into Cooper’s embrace with a natural submissiveness that had his grip tightening. Delving deep into the sweet, moist recesses of her mouth, his tongue stroked over hers in a display of dominance that flared into an all-out raging need when his teeth clamped down on her lip and nipped her.

  The small spark of pain only fueled the hunger beginning to rage in her veins. Sliding closer, she crawled right into his lap, straddling the big boner growing like a tent post beneath his jeans. She couldn’t help but grind against him, delighting as the rough cut of his denim scraped over the ultrasensitive folds of her pussy.

  Her clit caught against one of his jeans buttons, swelling and throbbing with a sudden rush of ecstasy that had her breaking off the kiss so she could arch into the delicious sensation and grind herself even tighter against him. Cooper caught her by the sides, toppling Lindsay over and reversing their position and causing he skirt to flip up nearly to her waist.

  With nothing protecting her molten folds, he flexed his hips and dragged the long ridge of his erection through her slit in a teasing imitation of what could be. What would be as soon as she got his pants undone. Lindsay ripped at his buttons, growling over the difficulty they gave her. Big, rough, callus-tipped fingers brushed hers aside as Cooper lent his less nimble aid.


  A baton rapped against his window, breaking the spell if not the glass. With a shriek, Lindsay dragged herself backward, quickly trying to shove her skirt down while Cooper scowled. Looking far from embarrassed or even concerned, he tossed a dark look over his shoulder to the deputy waiting by the driver’s door.

  “Travis Green.” Cooper shook his head and cast an apologetic look down at Lindsay. “I’d call him a son of a bitch but that would just be insulting his mother.”

  “I could say the same about you,” Lindsay snapped, irritated anew at how easily he managed to distract her.

  It was no wonder he thought he could treat her like some sex toy. All she ever did around the man was fall down and spread her legs. It was about damn time she took a stand for herself.

  “You know I can hear the two of you,” the deputy pointed out as he wrenched open Cooper’s door. “And it’s not that I mind the insults or even a good show but I got other things to do today. So if you don’t mind, we need a moment of your time.”

  “We’ll finished this later,” Cooper assured her, his tone taking on a harshness that Lindsay suspected had more to do with the deputy than her. That didn’t stop her from bristling over it.

  “Oh, I think we’re already finished,” Lindsay shot back before jumping out of the truck and slamming the door on whatever retort he would have made.

  Keeping her chin held high and refusing to dignify the deputy’s smirk with so much as a look, she strutted past him without bothering to spare Travis so much as a
glance. That didn’t mean she couldn’t hear him advise Cooper that a leash and gag would solve all his problems. Cooper echoed her silent sentiments when he told the man to fuck off, which was one of the reasons she loved him. The man didn’t fear speaking his mind.

  Neither did he hesitate to take over control of a situation. Catching up with Lindsay just as Henry finished introducing himself, Cooper didn’t waste any time with his own greeting before starting to demand answers, as if he had any right to them.

  “What the hell you doing here, Henry?”

  “It’s nice to see you, too, boss man.” The inspector smile tightened as he held out his hand. “Been a while.”

  “Not long enough,” Cooper retorted without hesitation even as he shook Henry’s hand. “Not considering the circumstances. So you want to tell me what you’re doing out here? And just who the hell called you?”

  “My job,” the inspector answered succinctly. “And Chet called me, something I figure you know given he said it was your idea.”

  “What was his idea?” As if Lindsay didn’t already know. “Or do I even need to ask?”

  “No. You don’t,” Cooper assured her before the inspector could respond. “After all, everybody knows I am the king of everything. I rule the world!”

  Splaying his arms wide, he bellowed that pronouncement with glorious obnoxiousness, tempting Lindsay to lash out and kick him. Before she could give in to that urge, Henry interceded with a less than appreciative grunt.

  “I don’t know about all that, boss, but Chet made mention that you thought this place should be condemned.”

  “Condemned?” Lindsay gaped at that pronouncement.

  She hadn’t actually thought things were that bad. That didn’t mean she wasn’t that hated. Even if Cooper had made his comment innocently enough, if he had done it before they’d become intimate, it didn’t stop the truth from hurting. It didn’t help that he didn’t back down from Henry’s revelation, but defended it.


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