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Kansas Flame [Kansas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 40

by Jenny Penn

  Cooper only made her cream all the harder when he settled his hand over the curve of her knee. The heavy weight of his palm seared her flesh as the rough scrape of his calluses ignited a tide of tingles that had her shivering and her breath catching. Nothing could dispel the sensual web he began to weave as his fingers dipped down to trace slow, light circles over the sensitive skin of her inner thighs.

  His fingertips danced higher and higher, climbing up her leg and sending thrills racing even higher. The ripples of delight had her pussy spasming as it creamed itself in silent desperation to be petted. The molten want pooling slow and thick in her cunt had her muscles melting, leaving her weak with desire.

  Lindsay’s legs fell further apart, opening her completely to his touch. It was an invitation Cooper didn’t ignore. His fingers danced over the swollen folds of her pussy, teasing her with a light touch that sent excitement sizzling through her veins. The intoxicating rush had her breath catching as she stilled, her whole body tensing in anticipation of what came next. When Cooper finally strummed a finger over her clit, she couldn’t hold back the whimper that fell from her lips.

  “Do you like that, my pet?” With his lashes lowered down over the stormy depths of his gaze, Cooper watched her with a lazy sensuality that matched the dark, forbidden depths of his whisper.

  There was a promise buried in his words, a promise that his fingers teased her with as they slid down to lodge against the tight ring of muscles guarding the entrance of her sheath. They rested there as he waited patiently for her to find the strength to answer him. It took her a moment as she struggled to slow her breathing into a steady pace.

  It was a hard-fought battle as the heat building in the depths of her cunt threatened to break her control. She’d never been so desperate, so wet, so in need before. If Cooper would just shift his fingers ever so slightly—

  “Yes,” she gasped out, biting back a groan as her cunt clenched painfully when he failed to reward her obedience immediately.

  “Yes, what?” Cooper’s tone sharpened with an edge of impatience that had Lindsay giving in to his demand without hesitation.

  “Yes, sir.”

  He rewarded her instantly, fucking his fingers deep into her cunt. The sudden penetration triggered a blinding explosion of pure, raw rapture that streaked through Lindsay, drawing her muscles tight as she broke out in a hot sweat. Exquisite, sharp, ravaging waves of pleasure rippled over the walls of her sheath, making her muscles clench and milk his fingers in a relentless need for more.

  She wanted, needed, something thicker, something harder, something that would fuck her with the same frenzied speed her heart pounded with. Even as her hips flexed, meeting the thrust of Cooper’s fingers, Lindsay bit down on her lip, fighting to hold back the pleas that would demand more.

  All the while Cooper watched, his navy gaze darkening to black with a hunger that warned of the storm to come. It crashed down over Lindsay as Nick reached out to rake his thumbs over the sensitive tips of her breasts. The pleasure from that simple touch had her whimpering.

  The small sound of need blossomed into a full, lusty wail as he repeated the caress. Capturing both of her pebbled peaks between his fingers, he began to tug and roll her nipples, unleashing a band of pressure that grew through her chest. Lindsay could feel the flush racing across her skin as the heat pooled and flooded deep inside her womb.

  “So responsive,” Nick muttered, his head dipping to catch one taut tip with his lips. With greedy hunger, he devoured her tender tit.

  Using both his lips and his tongue, he tormented her with long licks and hard sucks, unleashing a whirlwind of delight spiraling through her. Hot and wild, his kiss matched the need clawing through her. It detonated with soul-shattering force as his hand slid down to curl around her clit, trapping the tender bud beneath the heavy press of his finger.

  She choked on her own gasp as her entire body jerked under the lash of ecstasy that shot through her. No longer able to control herself, Lindsay gave herself over to the wild carnality of the moment and lifted her hands to twine one in Nick’s hair and the other over Cooper’s hand.

  Despite her attempts to press both of them closer, they both pulled away from her, leaving Lindsay one breath short of release.

  * * * *

  It cost Nick more than Lindsay would ever know to release her. Settling back into his seat with a nonchalance he did not feel, he focused on his breakfast and not on the woman still writhing in her seat. Neither he nor Cooper responded to the demands or threats she issued, nor did they attempt to stop her when she tried to masturbate herself into the climax they had denied her.

  There was no point to fighting her on the matter. Lindsay needed to learn that were masters of her desires. Without them there could be no satisfaction. She’d figure that out soon enough. Until then she put on a delightful show in her desperate attempt to get herself off.

  Nick was half-tempted to slide out of the booth and send her over to the recliner across the room. There she could at least spread her legs over the arms of the chair and put on a real production. They’d get to that fantasy eventually. Hell, they’d get to them all, but first they had to get through that stubborn pride of hers.

  Finally she let out a scream and slapped her hands down flat against the table top. Flushed and looking ready to rip into anybody who dared to make the mistake of speaking to her, Lindsay glared out at the world, simmering with the unsatisfied desires she had provoked. Nick and Cooper let her stew, not bothering to break the tense silence emanating from her tense form.

  Nick waited until the heat radiating off Lindsay started to cool. Only then did he scoop up a bite of rubbery egg and offer it to her. She hesitated, shooting him a sullen before finally reaching for his fork. He pulled the utensil back, claiming the bite as his own and ignoring the death glare she shot at him.

  Stubborn and hardheaded to the very end, she intentionally refused to learn her lesson, and instead tried to take Cooper’s fork when he offered her a bite a second later. Again Lindsay lost her chance to eat. That pattern repeated itself a couple more times before Lindsay growled and slunk back in her seat. The next time Nick floated a fork full of egg in front of her lips, she didn’t even try to reach for his hand but opened her mouth and allowed him to feed her.

  “Very good.” Cooper smiled as Lindsay ate from his fork next. Catching Nick’s gaze, he lifted a brow in a silent question that had Nick nodding. It was time to begin with explaining how things worked to their little princess.

  “Not the food, that’s…far from good,” Cooper corrected himself, turning his grin toward Lindsay’s sulking form. “But you have learned the first rule. You receive nothing in here that isn’t given to you, whether that’s food, clothing, or a release. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” It took her a moment to unlock her jaw but after a second’s hesitation Lindsay managed to mumble out the appropriate response. The look in her eyes, though, warned that she’d far from given up the fight, which brought Nick to their next point.

  “The second rule is that the rules only exist here,” Nick stated simply, guessing at the concerns fortifying her resistance. “This is fantasy land. Nothing that happens within this bus affects anything outside of it.”

  “And how does that work?” Far from looking reassured, Lindsay’s scowl only darkened with greater confusion. “How do you just let go of everything that happens in here and not let it affect the rest of our lives?”

  “Think of this place as the pressure release valve,” Cooper drew her attention with that suggestion. He shoved another bite of egg into her mouth, stopping Lindsay from interrupting as he expanded his explanation. “We’ll get our bossy need to dominate out of our system in here, allowing Nick and I to assume the more civilized and considerate demeanor a woman would want in the men helping her to raise their kids with.”

  “Kids? What kids?” Lindsay arched a brow at that as her expression lightened with the first hint of amusement. She banked her smile,
though, to give Cooper a hard look. “I haven’t seen you on your knees, Andrew Cooper, which means I haven’t agreed to marry you.”

  “But you will.”

  “Not while I’m in here.” Any traced of softening disappeared with the lift of Lindsay’s chin. “I’m not going to be forced into agreeing to anything beyond sex.”

  “You’ll agree to anything we demand,” Cooper countered with reckless arrogance.

  “They just won’t be binding outside of this bus,” Nick rushed to qualify before Lindsay could use her safe word to escape.

  “Except for the cooking.” Cooper just couldn’t keep his mouth closed. He seemed bound and determined to aggravate Lindsay. “Because these eggs aren’t going to cut it.”

  “You expect me to learn to cook?” Laugher lurked in every crevice of that question. Cooper didn’t appear to notice, though, as he answered that question with solemn sincerity.

  “Well, I don’t expect you to be as good as Sally, but good enough to refuel us for the hours ahead…yeah. Actually now that I’m thinking about it you might want to take up yoga or Pilates or something that helps make you limber enough to complete the sixty-four positions in the Kama Sutra and then some.”

  Lindsay blinked and then big, rolling peals of laughter erupted from her in a torrent that had her whole body shaking. Nick couldn’t help but eye the way her breast jiggled and wiggled with her mirth. The rosy pink tips had softened, making her nipples look soft and smooth. His mouth all but watered with the hunger to take a bite.

  “Is there anything else I can change for you, master?” Lindsay managed to ask between giggles. “Perhaps you’d like me to have longer hair? Or maybe blonde hair? Or what about bigger boobs?” Lindsay stopped combing her hair with her fingers to shake her breasts at Cooper. “Or maybe you’d rather me get them tattooed?”

  “If you’re going to get inked, we’re going to get you tramp stamped. Don’t worry about changing your hair. That’s what wigs are for. And, baby, your breasts are perfect.” Cooper’s eyes lingered on Lindsay’s chest before rising up to pin her in her seat. “You’re perfect, lil’ bit. Fat or thin, old and wrinkled or young and tanned, flaws and all—perfect.”

  Lindsay’s eyes glinted with a sheen of tears as she glanced up at Cooper with a look of utter adoration. His sweet pledge had clearly won her over but what Nick wanted to know was when his brother had become so smooth. He had Lindsay swallowing hard as she reached out to run her fingertips down Cooper’s chin.

  “I do love you, and I want to please you.”

  “Then trust me.”

  “Trust us,” Nick interjected, jealous in that moment of the tenderness he could feel binding Cooper and Lindsay. Not that he sought to break that bond, but he wanted to become a part of it.

  Nick’s heart ached with that need. It increased a hundredfold as Lindsay turned her big doe eyes on him. With just a look she could make him feel so weak and yet determined to see her cosseted and protected from even the slightest harm. Cupping her chin in his palm, Nick lost himself in her gaze, allowing the truth to flow free from his heart to his lips.

  “Trust us because we love you and would never do anything to either hurt or demean you.” Nick would kill anybody who ever so much as frowned in her direction. He wouldn’t fail, not this time, not this woman, not again.

  “I know.” The corners of Lindsay’s lips quivered as they tipped up slightly. “Sir.”

  Chapter 41

  Lindsay watched the shadows darkening Nick’s expression lighten with that small token of submission. For a moment he’d looked lost, almost afraid, but whatever worries weighed on him, they lightened in the next moment as he released her to settle back in his seat.

  “Good. I’m glad you’re feeling so agreeable because there are more rules,” he informed her, shoveling another forkful of egg into Lindsay’s mouth before she could question him. “Rule number three, you will obey all orders and commands without hesitation or you will be—”

  “Punished,” Cooper stated with such relish Lindsay knew he had every intention of trying to push her toward disobedience. What he didn’t know was that she was more than willing to be disciplined, which probably was what made them perfect for each other.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Lindsay hesitated just long enough to have both Cooper and Nick eyeing her before tacking on a, “Sir,” to the end of that assurance.

  “You do that,” Cooper encouraged her with a snicker that warned her the first test was about to commence. It started with him sliding out of his seat and beckoning her forward. “Come on, lil’ bit, pets don’t sit at the table. They kneel beside their master’s feet and wait to be fed.”

  He didn’t think she’d do it. Lindsay could see the anticipation gleaming in Cooper’s eyes and knew he already plotted with glee what punishment he planned to mete out. While she loved to give him that opportunity, she couldn’t resist antagonizing him by giving him just what he asked for—an obedient pet.

  With her own smile pulling at her lips, Lindsay slid across the bench seat and out to take her assigned position. She had to wait for Cooper to settle back into the dinette, but once he did, she went to her knees and then sweetened the moment by resting her head on his leg. Lifting rounded eyes to glance up through her lashes at him, Lindsay gave him her best pleading look.

  “Is this how you wanted me, master?”

  Lindsay started counting the seconds as Cooper growled, figuring that in less than a minute he’d have her riding the big, thick boner she could see tenting his jeans. The only question left would be what position. She was kind of rooting for on all fours, maybe with Nick tucked under her. She sure had liked having him fuck her pussy while Cooper kept her ass packed full. It would be interesting to try it the other way, with Cooper riding her ass hard and fast while Nick kept her stretched warm and tight over his thick dick.

  “Your lust is showing, pet.” Cooper smiled with smug satisfaction. “But not enough. Why don’t you go on and have a seat in the chair over there and put your legs over the arms, then you can show us how you really feel?”

  Couched as a question, Lindsay knew that challenge was nothing short of a direct order. This time, though, she could see his uncertainty as he waited to see if he had pushed her too far. In truth he had. Every muscle in her body tensed with an apprehension that left her feeling light-headed and ready to flee. That’s just what she would have done if Nick hadn’t caught and held her gaze.

  Nick watched her like she was the sexiest woman he’d ever laid eyes on, as if she were some kind of cheerleader and he the geeky boy who never stood a chance. The eager hopefulness glinting in Nick’s eyes gave her the courage to stand up and cross the room, but it was Cooper’s hot stare that gave her the strength to settle into the recliner and lift her legs over the chair’s arms.

  As the cool air caressed the hot folds of her exposed pussy, Lindsay looked across the room and found herself filled with a power she’d never known before, never even thought she could possess. They wanted her. Her. Not just her body.

  Lindsay had never dreamed she could be wanted like that, but there was no denying the feral hunger gripping her men. It was etched into every tense line, every taught muscle, in the very shallowness of their breath. God only knew she’d never be able to control them but she couldn’t resist taunting them.

  Letting her hand fall to her knee, Lindsay thrilled at the way both Nick and Cooper’s gaze narrowed in on the motion. Both brothers appeared to thicken with a dangerous aura as she slid her fingers up her thigh to shove her skirt all the way up to her waist, revealing every plump, creamy inch of her pussy to them.

  “You know, I find clothes so very confining.” Lindsay imagined that’s just what a star in a porn movie would say.

  Just like those vixens of the small screen, she twirled the wispy ties of her corset around her finger in a kittenish gesture that ended with her tugging free the knot holding the two halves of the lacy bit of lingerie together. Lindsay bit her
lip, feigning a shocked look of surprise before breaking into a naughty smile as she trailed a finger along the top of the corset.

  She teased the swollen flesh of her breast with the gentle brush of her finger, sending joyful shivers racing down her spine. The giggles that bubbled up quickly turned to soft moans as the tips of her fingers danced over the sensitive flesh of her puckered nipple. It felt so good she paused, deliberating rolling the tender tip and sending another wave of delicious delight through her system. Once. Twice. Three times and she just had to pinch, to pull, to add a little sharpness to the flutters making her heart race.

  Each beat sent another flood of molten need coursing through her veins until Lindsay could begin to feel the sweat gather along with the tension that started to pull her muscles tight. She could feel the heat welling in her cunt, feel her lips swell as the proof of her arousal coated her intimate flesh. She was so excited, so in need that the thick cream slickened her thighs and pooled on the seat beneath her. It was a siren’s call that Lindsay was helpless to resist.

  Her eyes drifted shut as she lost herself in the moment, completely forgetting in those seconds about Cooper and Nick. All that mattered was the pleasure and gaining more of it. With one hand on her breast, she slid the other up toward her aching pussy.

  Dipping her fingertip in the juice flowing out of her cunt, she outlined her folds in a slow, gentle exploration that only heightened the demand winding through her sheath. It ached to be penetrated, to be ridden hard and fast by something a good deal thicker than her fingers. If only she had a dildo, but Lindsay didn’t.

  All she had was her hand and a desire to draw out the moment, to tease her clit with quick, glancing passes that built over minutes to deeper, longer, massaging rolls that had her whole body arching upward with a craving that soon grew desperate. Quickly her motions became frantic as she abandoned her breast to fuck her cunt as full as she could while she continued to torment her clit.


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