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by Davis, Siobhan

  And that’s also news to me. Not the inexperienced bit, because I know Kent prefers older girls. I’ve heard a few stories about MILFs, but I’d rather not know the details. Kent’s manwhoring ways are legendary around Wellesley, and I’ve never known him to date or have a steady girlfriend.

  “So what? It bothers you she went after your triplet instead?”

  He scrubs a hand over his prickly jaw, and I notice he’s added even more ink to his forearms. Bet Mom’s thrilled about that. “Nah. I just wonder about her motives, sometimes.”

  “They’ve been together almost three years, Kent. I don’t think anyone needs to question her motives at this stage.”

  “Maybe not, but I honestly don’t see what he sees in her. She’s boring as shit.”

  “Keaton isn’t you, and he seems to enjoy her company.”

  “But that’s it. They’re more like friends than boyfriend and girlfriend.”

  “And that’s your business, how?”

  “It’s my business if she’s tricking my brother.”

  “He know she hit on you first?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I told him at the start because I was suspicious of her, but he didn’t care.”

  “Well, then, my point stands. Keaton knows the score, and he’s still with her, so you need to back down and quit giving them shit. You know it’ll just stress Mom out if you’re bickering the whole vacation.”

  “Why is it that it’s always blamed on me? I’m not the only one who causes trouble.”

  “I’m well aware,” I deadpan, because Keanu is vying for pole position on the Kennedy Bad Boys list. Ever since he broke up with Selena, he’s been gradually sinking lower and lower.

  I clamp a hand on my brother’s shoulder. “You’re a good brother, Kent, and I know you care even if you go out of your way to pretend you don’t.”

  His eyes flash darkly, and he shoves my hand away. “Fuck off patronizing me, Kade. Go back to your pregnant wife. We’re done.” He storms out of the bedroom, leaving me scratching my head.

  “Everything okay?” Eva asks as I settle into my seat again just as Dad pops out of the cockpit, telling us to prepare for takeoff.

  Mom is already dozing with her chair reclined, and I watch as Dad smiles lovingly at her, pulling the blanket up higher on her body so she’s not cold. It’s not the first time I’ve noticed subtle little gestures between them, and I can’t help wondering if something is going on with them.

  They still haven’t officially divorced despite being separated for years.

  “Kade?” Eva grabs hold of my arm, glancing at me with a worried look on her face.

  I briefly press my mouth to hers, closing my eyes as I savor the taste of her mouth.

  “No sexing on the plane,” Kent drawls from the seat behind, and I reluctantly break our kiss.

  A minute ago, he was mad at me, and now he’s back to cracking jokes at my expense. Sometimes, hell, most of the time, Kent gives me a severe case of emotional whiplash.

  “We were kissing, Kent. I think you understand the difference.”

  He grins, winking at Eva before turning around and sitting down.

  Eva smiles, and I know she secretly has a soft spot for Kent. She’s one of the few people Kent talks to, and I’ve caught them deep in conversation a couple times, which surprised me. I didn’t ask her what they were discussing, because I’m just glad there is someone he confides in, and if he thinks she’s relaying everything to me, he might stop.

  Out of all my brothers, I worry about Kent the most. There is something going on with him that I’ve never been able to put my finger on, and he dismisses my concern every time I ask so I eventually stopped asking.

  “Is he okay?” Eva whispers, keeping one eye on Milly who is currently fast asleep in the bassinet attached to the side wall.

  I sigh. “Who knows? He admitted some stuff, and then he got mad and stormed out. I’ve no clue what I said to piss him off.”

  “That boy feels things deeply,” she whispers. “And I wish he would open up to one of you.”

  I arch a brow. “You know what’s up with him?”

  She shakes her head, and her hands automatically move to her belly. “I only know he’s troubled, and I’ve encouraged him to talk to you, but I sense he’s harboring a lot of pent-up anger.” I watch as she trails her fingers over her little baby bump, and my heart swells to bursting point. Milly is only five months old, and we weren’t planning on trying for another baby straightaway, but my super sperm had other ideas, and now, we’re expecting another bundle of joy in six months.

  I couldn’t be happier.

  “Mom has sent him to a bunch of shrinks over the years, but none of them have helped.”

  “I think Kent just needs to be loved,” she murmurs, resting her head on my shoulder.

  “He is loved,” I protest. “And he could get any woman he wants, but he chooses to fuck around instead.”

  “Maybe he just needs to meet the one. Like I did.” Eva runs her hands through my hair, smiling up at me like I hung the moon in the sky.

  “There is nothing like the love of a good woman,” I admit, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. “Have I told you I love you yet today?”

  “You know you have,” she says, laying her palm on my chest. “But even if you didn’t, I’d still know. It’s in every look, every touch, every action and gesture.” She kisses me hard on the lips. “I love you so much, Kade.”

  “Love you too.” I wrap my arms around her, holding her close.

  Across from us, Keven has Cheryl bundled up in his arms in much the same fashion, and we exchange a loaded look. One that conveys what lucky bastards we are to have found two incredible women.

  “I can’t believe I slept the whole plane ride,” Mom says, standing and stretching her arms out as she yawns.

  “You were exhausted, love,” Dad says, coming up behind her.

  “Love?” Kev mouths at me, arching a brow.

  “Haven’t you noticed how much closer they seem lately?” I whisper as I grab the baby bag from the overhead cupboard.

  “Can’t say I have.”

  “You really suck for an FBI agent.”

  “Screw off, Kade. I’ve other priorities now.”

  “Man, I’m only teasing. I’m glad you’ve got something other than work and computers in your life. You were on the verge of becoming boring.” I smirk, and he shoves me in the side.


  “Keven.” Mom chastises him. “You better hold that tongue around Hewson.”

  “He lives with Kal, Mom,” Kev retorts.

  “Your brother is an amazing father,” Mom loyally replies. “And he doesn’t cuss in front of his son.”

  Loud laughter rings out around the plane. Mom’s so fucking delusional.

  “Only ’cause Lana muzzles him,” Kent pipes up.

  “And that goes for you too, Kent. And I expect you and your brother home every night.” She points between him and Keanu.

  “We’re nineteen, Mom,” Keanu says. “You can’t demand that of us.”

  “I can when you’re staying under my roof!” she shrieks, folding her arms across her chest, daring them to retaliate.

  “Boys.” Dad chimes in, placing his hand on Mom’s shoulders. “We want this to be a relaxing family vacation. Just be respectful to your mother, all right?”

  “I always respect, Mom,” Keanu says, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek.

  “I’m glad to hear it.” Dad smiles at all of us. “C’mon. Let’s go meet the others.”

  Kal and Ky are waiting outside for us, leaning against two black SUVs. Of course, Kev instantly gravitates toward the Lincoln Navigator, starting up a conversation with Kal on the pros and cons of the latest model.

  Cheryl grins, shaking her head as she shares a conspiratori
al look with my wife. The girls have grown super close this past year, and I’m delighted they get on so well. I’ve always been closest to Keven, and it’s as if the years we weren’t talking never happened. I’m glad we are back on track and that the women in our lives are good friends.

  When Kev proposed to Cheryl at Christmas, I thought for sure they’d set a date soon, but they’re in no rush.

  Cheryl wants to wait until she has her photography business up and running, and Kev wants to settle into his new field agent job, before they even begin discussing a wedding.

  They are rock solid though, so I get the lack of urgency.

  Nothing could ever come between those two again.

  “Earth to Kade.” Eva clicks her fingers in my face. “You okay?” I glance over her head, noticing Milly has been strapped into the car seat while my mind meandered.

  I tuck her under my arm, kissing the top of her head. “I’m perfect. It’s going to be a great vacation.”

  “I know.” Eva snuggles into my side. “I’ve been thinking maybe we should buy a place out here ourselves. There’s no way your parents’ house will be big enough for everyone in years to come, and we’re already expanding our family. As much as I adore your family, it’d be nice to have our own space too.”

  “I’ve already set up an appointment with the realtor in the morning.” Her eyes pop wide. “I was going to surprise you.”

  She stretches up on tiptoes to kiss me. “You never fail to surprise me. And I love how we’re always on the same wavelength.”

  “That’s because we were always meant to be together.” I help her up into the car before climbing in beside her.

  Kent makes a gagging sound, but I ignore his immature ass, holding my wife close and staring at my beautiful daughter sleeping soundly, and think I must have done something right to have ended up with the perfect life.

  Chapter Four


  “I’m delighted for you both,” Alex says, enveloping Lana and Kal in a mammoth hug in the middle of their living room. They’ve just broken the news, and I think everyone’s breathing a little easier now she knows, because she isn’t in the slightest bit upset. “I already consider you my daughter-in-law,” she tells Lana, holding her hands. “But it’ll be nice to make it official.”

  Alex spins around, facing the rest of us.

  It’s just as well Kal and Lana have a decent-sized house, with a well-proportioned living room, because the family is growing considerably, and it’s like moving a small mountain every time we plan a get-together.

  “I’m so blessed to have such amazing children, such beautiful daughters-in-law, and the most incredible grandchildren.” She beams at Eva cradling a sleeping baby Milly in her arms before glancing down at her grandson. Hewson is currently clinging to her leg, while singing a nursery rhyme to himself, and he’s the definition of adorable.

  I swear, my heart is fit to explode whenever I’m in his presence. From the instant I met him, he’s enchanted me. Maybe it’s because he looks so much like Kal, and I see Ky in him too. Or it’s because he’s so full of personality and it’s a joy to watch him grow up. Or it’s the way his chubby little fingers clutch onto mine and how he beams up at me, with his cute, goofy smile, when I’m least expecting it, melting my heart into a puddle of goo. Or the way he snuggles into my side, with his soft hand on my stomach, listening attentively, when I’m reading him a bedside story. I could go on and on, because every interaction with him is life-altering, but whatever it is, the little dude has captivated me like no other little person ever has before.

  “Are you okay, Mom?” Keaton asks, smiling at the tears pooling in Alex’s eyes.

  “I’m peachy, Keats. Just peachy. I’m surrounded by everyone I love, and we’re in my favorite place watching two of my favorite people get married. Life doesn’t get much better than this.”

  Ky snorts softly beside me, pressing his mouth to my ear. “If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Mom is high right now.”

  “High on life,” I whisper. “And at least she wasn’t upset that we planned it without her.”

  “To say I’m surprised is a massive understatement,” he quietly admits.

  “She’s happy for them, and that’s all that matters,” I surmise.

  “Weddings always bring out strong emotions,” James is saying as we rejoin the conversation. “And you should be glad your mother is so demonstrative.”

  “There’s demonstrative, and there’s oversharing,” Kent says.

  “Or just plain embarrassing,” Keanu agrees.

  “I love that Mom cares so much. Don’t ever change,” Keaton says, crossing the room to hug Alex.

  “You are such a fucking suck-up,” Kent says, scoffing.

  “Kent!” Alex shrieks. “There are little ears in the vicinity.”

  “It’s okay. He’s in his own little world.” Kent showers his nephew with a genuine smile, but he’s oblivious to the conversation surrounding him, still singing away to himself.

  You know Hewson is a magical little dude when he’s even managed to hook Kent in.

  All his uncles adore him, and they’re enamored with Milly too. There is something incredibly hot about guys swooning over babies and kids. Every interaction Ky has with his niece and nephew gets me right in the ovaries.

  “That’s not an excuse or a free pass to cuss whenever you feel like it,” Kal says, pressing a kiss to Lana’s temple. “If I can curb the urge, then so can you.”

  Kent mumbles something under his breath, deliberately low, so we can’t hear him.

  “This calls for a celebration,” James pipes up. “I’m taking everyone out to dinner. Let’s go.”

  “Are you sure everyone is okay with the plans?” Lana asks for the umpteenth time as we get ready in her room.

  “Everyone loves the plans for tonight,” I reassure her again. “And I know I speak for all the girls when I say no one wants to be hungover at the wedding tomorrow.”

  The last few days have flown by, and it’s finally time for the hen and stag parties. Lana’s parents arrived the day after Alex, James, and the rest of the Kennedys arrived, and they are babysitting Hewson together while we head out.

  The guys are all sleeping at Chez Kennedy tonight while the girls are all staying here at Kal and Lana’s place. It’s one tradition Lana didn’t oppose.

  “Do I look okay?” Lana asks, turning to face me.

  “You look beautiful.” She’s wearing a jade-green lace skater-style dress with black wedge heels and a pretty diamond necklace with matching bracelet. It’s simple but elegant, and that sums Lana up perfectly. “And radiant, as every bride should be. Are you nervous?” I inquire, looping my arm through hers as we grab our purses and exit the bedroom.

  “Not really although I’m sure I’ll have butterflies in the morning.”

  “I kind of fell apart the morning of my wedding,” I admit, remembering how my emotions were veering all over the place. “It really hit me that my parents weren’t there to see me walk down the aisle, and the tears came out of nowhere.”

  She pats my arm in sympathy. “That’s completely understandable, and a natural reaction.”

  “Ky was amazing.” I smile through glassy eyes. “Not that I’m surprised. He always knows the perfect thing to say or do at the right time.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever met two people more in tune with one another as you two.” She squeezes my arm. “Don’t get me wrong, I love Alex and James to the ends of the Earth, but they weren’t always the greatest parents. Sometimes, I wonder how they managed to raise such amazing guys.”

  “Well, however it happened, I’m glad for it, because I couldn’t imagine my life without Ky in it.”

  “To the beautiful bride!” Rachel says, leaning across the table in the restaurant with a full glass of champagne. We all raise our glasses, toa
sting Lana.

  I’m not sure how the guys managed it, but we’ve had a limitless supply of alcohol all night with no questions asked. Even Melissa is indulging in a few glasses, and I’m hoping to get an opportunity to know her better.

  Out of all the Kennedy women, she’s the only one I’m not on close terms with. She’s always very polite whenever we meet, but she’s shy, and I think she feels like a bit of an outsider. She’s a year younger than Keaton, which means she’s a good few years younger than most of us, and until recently, she was still very much a kid. But she’s starting Harvard soon, and she’s all grown up now.

  When Eva and Cheryl go to the bathroom, I seize the opportunity to sit beside Keaton’s girlfriend. “Are you having a good time?”

  “Yes. It’s been great. Cheryl and Eva are really nice.”

  The girls insisted on putting Melissa in between them. No doubt because they knew me, Rach, and Lana would want to sit together.

  Lana’s bestie from college, Liv, and Kal’s friend Brett’s girlfriend, Tessa, are supposed to be joining us after dinner for a few drinks. They only arrived on the island earlier, and they’re getting settled into their hotel before joining the party.

  “They are two of the sweetest women,” I agree.

  An awkward silence descends for a few beats, and I clear my throat, grappling for something to say. I’ve never been great at small talk, and I don’t know her well enough to naturally keep the conversation flowing. “So, are you looking forward to starting at Harvard?”

  She smiles but it doesn’t quite meet her eyes. “I am, but I always thought Keaton would be there too.”

  I shoot her a sympathetic look. “He took us all by surprise when he announced he was attending Berkeley. None of us had a clue.” Keaton pulled a Kal—only admitting it at the last minute. Alex was inconsolable because California is so far away, and she’s especially attached to Keaton, but he’s made a big effort to come home once a month, and no one could ask for more than that.

  “Neither did I. That’s why we broke up for a while. I was so mad at him.”


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