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by Davis, Siobhan

  “You guys are going down,” Kal says, fixing us all with a determined stare. “Consider this war.”

  Chapter Six


  “Oh, Lana.” Mom clasps one hand over her mouth, while taking mine in her other hand and squeezing gently. “You look so beautiful.” Tears glisten in both our eyes as we look at my reflection in the mirror.

  “I can’t believe I’m here,” I admit, moving my hips so the wispy chiffon layers of my wedding gown swirl around my lower body. “I can’t believe I’m finally marrying the boy I’ve always loved in a gorgeous dress made for me by a friend.” She squeezes my hand tighter, wiping away tears. “I used to daydream about this when I was a little girl,” I readily admit, “but I never thought it would ever become my reality.”

  Her eyes shine with happy tears. “I’m thrilled for you, Lana, and you deserve all the happiness in the world.” She pulls me into a hug, and I cling to her with an intensity that’s new.

  One chapter of my life closes today, while a new one begins.

  I didn’t expect to feel quite this emotional although Faye did warn me.

  “Mommy!” Hewson screams, racing across the room as Faye rushes through the doorway, attempting to catch up to him.

  My son doesn’t understand the concept of walking, and I’m constantly yelling, “Walk, don’t run!” after his retreating form. Not that he ever listens. He’s a bundle of energy, wrapped up in an exuberant personality, and I don’t ever want to clip his wings. But I do want to ensure he’s safe, and charging around everywhere, with no fear and no limits, doesn’t make it easy.

  Especially when he has a father who likes to live life in the fast lane too.

  I joke that it’s like having two kids, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Kal is an amazing father. Even better than I thought he’d be, and the way he rains love on our son is a beautiful sight to behold. My heart tries to beat a path out of my chest every time I watch them together.

  I bend down, opening my arms, almost losing my balance when he barrels into me.

  “Woah! Careful there, little man,” Faye says, reaching a hand out to steady me. “We don’t want to knock Mommy over in her beautiful dress.”

  “I missed you, Mommy.” Hewson wraps his chubby arms around my neck, and my heart floods with warmth.

  “I missed you, too.” I dot kisses all over his adorable little face because it’s the truth. We are rarely apart from him, and it’s almost like a physical wrench when we’re separated. Hewson slept over in Alex and James’s house last night, and I felt bereft without Kal snuggling beside me in bed and without Hewson jumping all over us at the crack of dawn, as usual. “So, so much.” I tweak his nose, and he chuckles, and Faye and I share an emotional look.

  My best friend is amazing with our son, and she’s going to be such a natural mother. I understand the reasons why they are waiting, but I honestly think they’ll cave and have kids sooner than later.

  I can’t wait for Hewson to have more cousins to play with.

  “I slept with Daddy,” he admits, puffing out his chest proudly.

  “You did?” I’m not altogether surprised, but I wonder how much sleep Kal managed to grab with this little wriggler in his bed. I have never met any child as fidgety as Hewson. Even in sleep, he doesn’t lie still.

  “He was lonely without you, and he needed me to smuggle him,” he says, and I giggle at his cute faux pas, straightening up before my dress wrinkles.

  “Mommy!” He gasps, looking me up and down with his big, blue eyes. “You look like a fairy pwincess.”

  Tears pool in my eyes, and a lump clogs my throat. “Thank you, buddy.” I cup his cheek. “That makes Mommy very happy.”

  Faye nudges Hewson, slipping him a box. He thrusts the box at me with no subtlety or pretense, and Faye and I share another look. “This is from me and Daddy. We love you.”

  I’m fighting to maintain control of my emotions as I take the box, leaning down to kiss Hewson’s forehead. “Thank you, sweet boy.” It’s my turn to gasp as I open it to discover a beautiful heart-shaped emerald necklace with a row of tiny diamonds around the edge. It glistens and sparkles, almost dazzling me. Upon closer inspection, I note it’s a match to the bracelet Kal gave me on my last birthday.

  “Daddy said I was to help you put it on.”

  I kneel down, turning around so my back is facing him, grateful I’ve decided to wear my hair up. I was tempted to leave it loose and wavy, but if there’s any kind of breeze on the beach it would’ve just blown hair all over my face during the ceremony, and I want nothing to distract me from the moment I’ve desired almost my entire life.

  Faye helps Hewson with the clasp, and it’s only once the emerald is resting on my chest that I notice the engraving on the back. It has mine and Kal’s first names and today’s date, just like the engraving on the inside of our wedding bands.

  “Daddy said you’re not to cry and ruin your makeup,” Hewson adds, thrusting an envelope at me.

  I move to the chaise longue at the window, patting the space beside me, and Hewson climbs up. I open the envelope and read the note from my soon-to-be husband.

  Today I marry my soulmate. My queen. My lover. My best friend. My honeybun. Thank you for giving me a second chance, Lana. And thank you for gifting me with the best little dude any man could ask for. I can’t wait to start the rest of our lives together. My mission in life is to love you and our children with every ounce of my being, and I intend to worship at your altar every day for as long as I shall live.

  Love you, babe. Now and forever,

  Yours, Stinky.

  P.S. Don’t be late because I may very well die if I’ve to wait another second longer to call you Mrs. Kennedy

  “Why are you sad, Mommy?” Hewson asks in a quiet voice, looking up at me in confusion as tears roll unbidden down my face.

  “These are happy tears, baby,” I sob, overwhelmed with emotion, “because Daddy made Mommy very happy with his note and his necklace.”

  “When I grow up, I’m going to find my own fairy pwincess to marry and I’m gonna give her a sparkly necklace and a sad-happy letter just like my daddy.” He cuddles into me. “I want to be just like my daddy.”

  “You already are, sweetheart,” I say, kissing the top of his head. “And I’m the lucky girl who gets to spend every day with both of you.”

  “Ready, honey?” Dad says, threading his arm in mine.

  “I’m more than ready, Dad.” I smile at him, surprised I’m not feeling more nervous. There’s a smattering of butterflies in my chest, but it’s more from excitement. “I’ve waited a lifetime for this moment, and I’m not waiting a second longer. Let’s do this.”

  Faye brushes tears away, giving me a brief hug. She looks stunning in her bright pink dress, and her face is awash with emotion. “I love you, and you look stunning. Enjoy every single moment.”

  I start walking along the red carpet that extends from the back of the house all the way down to the rectangular decked area that has been erected on the beach for our ceremony.

  I walk carefully down the path, clutching onto Dad’s arm as the beautiful music the harpist is playing reaches my ears. Faye keeps a firm hold on Hewson’s hand as she glances over her shoulder at me, sending me a conspiratorial wink. I grin back at her, excited for our surprise.

  We step out onto the beach on the temporarily constructed walkway, which is also draped in red carpet with tiny white rose petals scattered on top.

  The small congregation rises from their seats, turning to look at me, but my eyes are locked on Kal, and sobs block my throat as a sudden rush of emotion hits me out of nowhere.

  He looks so handsome in his black Prada suit. He’s sporting a thin layer of stubble on his chin and cheeks, and his hair is newly cut and styled artfully off his beautiful face. Even from here, I can see potent emotion radiati
ng from his eyes, and I know he’s feeling this the same way I am.

  “Hit it, Rach!” Faye yells, thrusting her bouquet and the ring cushion Hewson’s carrying at Keaton who is waiting at the end of the aisle.

  The harpist stops playing as Rach presses the button on the sound system set up behind the makeshift altar.

  Dad takes my bouquet and hands it to Keanu on the other side of the aisle. They both grin at me, and Keaton gives me a big thumbs-up, which helps me rein in my heaving emotions.

  They are the only guys we let in on the secret—besides my father—because we wanted it to be a surprise. I told Hewson this morning that we were performing a surprise dance for Daddy, and he was jumping around the room with excitement.

  Kal’s confused frown transforms into a wide smile as Michael Buble’s “I Believe in You” starts playing.

  He proposed to me with it as a backdrop, and it’s our first dance song for later during the reception, but I wanted to dance down the aisle to it, because it’s come to mean so much to us. The words resonate deeply, and when I was editing The Story of Us, my first published book, which tells the story of our love, I listened to this song on repeat. So, it’s only fitting that it’s a big part of our special day.

  Dad, Faye, and Hewson join me in a choreographed dance down the aisle as I sing the lyrics to my love while shimmying my hips and waving my arms around. Our family and friends smile, laugh, clap, and dance along with us as we pass by.

  Liv reaches out, grasping my elbow briefly, and I grin at my college friend and her boyfriend Riley who have traveled all the way from Florida for the occasion. Kal’s best friend, Brett, is seated beside them with his girlfriend, Tessa.

  I can scarcely get the lyrics out, the closer we get to the altar, because my heart is so full it feels like it might implode.

  “I believe in you,” I sing when I step up onto the altar. Ky grins at me, accepting the ring cushion from Keaton as Faye passes Hewson into his arms.

  Kal reels me into his embrace, forgoing tradition as he grips me tight at the waist before dipping me down low and kissing the hell out of me. I grab onto his shoulders, kissing him back with the same enthusiasm as our guests whoop and holler while the song continues playing in the background.

  “I love you,” Kal says, when he finally breaks our kiss, pulling us both upright.

  I keep my arms locked around his neck. “I love you, too,” I rasp, struggling to catch my breath.

  “I thought you’re supposed to kiss the bride after you’ve said your vows, but I’m only the minister. What do I know?” The man we hired to conduct the ceremony jokes with the crowd, shrugging his shoulders as he chuckles.

  “We’ve always marched to our own beat,” Kal cheekily replies, grinning, as he slings his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in close to his side.

  “Daddy,” Hewson shrieks, and we glance over our shoulders to where Kyler is struggling to hold our wriggling son in his arms. “Me want up!” He holds out his arms, and neither of us can deny his adorable little face.

  “C’mere, buddy.” Kal takes him from Kyler, holding him on one side while he places his other arm around my shoulder, keeping me close. I lean in and kiss him softly, loving how well he knows me and how much he loves and adores our son.

  The minister beams at us, not in the least bit upset that we’re rewriting the rules. “Are we ready to get this show on the road?” he asks.

  “I’ve been ready my entire life to marry this woman,” Kal says, earning a chorus of oohs and aahs from our female guests. “Let’s do this, honeybun.”

  “After you, Stinky.”

  Chapter Seven


  The day has been magical. Made all the more special because our son has been such an active part of it. It’s after ten, and he’s still up. Still rocking it out on the dance floor, reveling in the attention.

  The little charmer.

  We hired an official photographer for the day, because we didn’t want to ask Cheryl and have her miss the occasion, but she’s been snap-happy the last couple of hours, and I swear she must have hundreds of photos of Hewson by now.

  “Hey, husband.” Lana slides her arms around my waist from behind, resting her head on my shoulder.

  “Hey, wifey.” I haul her around to my front, holding her tight. “Saying that will never get old.”

  “Today has been amazing. You make me so happy, Kal.” She palms my face, leaning in for a kiss.

  “You make me happy too, babe.” I wind my fingers through her hair, and I can hardly believe this exquisite beauty is my wife. I’m sure I’m mooning at her like a pussy, as I weave my fingers in and out of her hair, but I’ve zero fucks to give. She wore her hair up for the ceremony and the meal, but she removed all the clips after dinner, and now it’s flowing down her back, just the way I like it.

  Lana is effortlessly beautiful, and I love that she’s not obsessed with her appearance. That’s she confident in the gorgeous woman she is. “You look so incredibly beautiful. I can’t believe I got this lucky.”

  “You haven’t gotten lucky yet,” she teases, copping a cheeky feel of my ass.

  “You’re a sure thing.” I waggle my brows, blatantly slapping her ass, uncaring who sees.

  She’s my wife now.

  They can deal with it.

  “Oh, really. Hmm.” Her eyes flash with mirth as she looks up at me. “I might have to do something about your arrogance.”

  “You wouldn’t deny me on our wedding night.” I subtly grind my hips into her pelvis. “Especially after we were apart last night.”

  “You’re right, I wouldn’t, but it’s for me, not you. I’m horny as shit.”

  I arch a brow. Lana’s a little minx in the bedroom, but I know her inside out, and she’s hinting at something. “Is there something you’re not telling me, baby?”

  Her smile widens, and I swear her entire face glows. “I haven’t given you your wedding present yet, dear husband.”

  I press my mouth to her ear. “You got something kinky, didn’t you?” I pull her in tight, pressing my growing erection into her side. “Just the thought of it has me hard.”

  She giggles. “You have a one-track mind.”

  “You’re only realizing that now?” I peck her lips. “I do, but only when it comes to you. Always you.”

  Her eyes fill up. “Fuck, Kal. You get me every time.”

  “I should hope so,” I say, swaying us both to the music.

  “And your note was perfect. You sure you don’t want to write a romance book?!” she teases.

  “I’ll leave the book writing to the expert.” I rub my nose against hers. “So, when do I get my present?” I ask, winking suggestively as impatience gets the better of me.

  She rolls her eyes. “It’s not what you’re thinking.”

  “It’s not?” I drill her with a knowing look.

  “Well, it might turn into that,” she agrees, grinning as she starts towing me out of the room. “If we can sneak away for more than five minutes.”

  “Give me a sec.” I reluctantly release her hand, sprinting to where Ky and Brad are standing talking at the edge of the dance floor, watching their women.

  The girls are in a circle, and Hewson is in the middle, impressing them with his rad dance moves.

  Damn, my son’s got game.

  He’s a total babe magnet.

  And he’s only three.

  “Can you mind him for a few?” I ask Ky.

  “What’s in it for me?” Ky jokes, bringing his beer to his lips.

  “Maybe I won’t beat your ass for tying me to a fucking pole in my boxers.”

  “You fucking loved it. And all the girls passing by loved it,” Brad says, smirking.

  “My wife will not love it if she finds out, and I’d rather consummate my marriage than spend it on t
he couch.”

  “It’s awesome, isn’t it,” Ky says, throwing me off guard.


  “Saying ‘my wife.’ I availed of every opportunity after we got married to say that. I swear I didn’t call Faye Faye for at least a month after the wedding.”

  “That’s cause you’re a fucking pussy,” I retort.

  “Mock me now, ass face, but you’ll be the same.”

  “Worse,” Brad adds, nodding his head. “He’ll be ten million times worse, and I hate to break it to you, buddy, but Lana already knows.”

  I arch a brow. “Who do I have to thank for that?” I’m already mentally elevating their name to the top of my shit list.

  “We sent photos to the girls. Faye showed her, and she cracked up laughing, apparently,” Ky admits.

  I frown. Lana was terrified they were going to do something like this to me because she was afraid the pics would end up on the internet or something. I guess I should be grateful the guys let me keep my boxers on, and they set me free after a half hour, to avoid that happening.

  It’s the only reason I’m not planning my revenge.

  “You’re lucky she reacted well,” I fake glare at them. “Fuckers.” They laugh, and I jab my finger at them. “Just keep an eye on little Casanova.”

  “It’s fine. We’ll mind your kid while you’re off banging your wife, but you owe me,” Ky says.

  I flip him the bird, as I walk away. “After last night, you owed me! Consider our debt cleared.”

  The instant we’re inside our bedroom, I lock the door and slam Lana up against it, lifting the hem of her dress and sliding my hand up her bare leg. I nibble on her neck, moaning as my hand glides higher. “I missed you last night,” I murmur, running my nose along the column of her neck.

  “Kal,” she pants, already squirming. “Wait a sec. I want to give you your present first.”

  “This is my present,” I say, crouching down and shoving my head up underneath her dress.


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