Game of Thrones and Philosophy
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causation and
consciousness, animals, and
magic and
Southron religion
spirit, happiness and
Spiritual Practices of the Ninja, The (Heaven)
Spivak, Gayatri
Stark, Arya
chivalry and
fatalism and
morality and
Ninjutsu and self-discovery
problem of evil and
self-discovery by
self-knowledge and
swordplay and
Taoism and
Water Dance and
Zen seeing and mindfulness
Stark, Benjen
Stark, Bran
biomedical ethics and
chivalry and
consciousness and
happiness and
magic and
physical causation and
virtues and
Stark, Catelyn
chivalry and
cultural relativism and
epistemology and
game theory and
insanity and
just war theory and
lying and
problem of evil and
views on Cersei’s character
Stark, House of. See also individual names of family members
Stark, Lord Eddard (“Ned”)
biomedical ethics and
chivalry and
cultural relativism and
epistemology and
fatalism and
game theory and
happiness and
honor and
idealism and
just war theory and
lying and
moral evil and
morality and
power and
problem of evil and
social contract theory and
virtue ethics and
Stark, Lyanna
Stark, Rickon
epistemology and
magic and
Stark, Robb
fatalism and
game theory and
just war theory and
lying and
power and
social contract theory and
Stark, Sansa
bad faith and
game theory and
just war theory and
problem of evil and
zombies and
Steinem, Gloria
Studies in the Way of Words (Grice)
subjectivity, consciousness and
Summer (direwolf)
consciousness and
magic and
Swinburne, Richard
self-discovery and
training and
Zen and
Tai Chi
Taoism, leading good life and
Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu)
Targaryen, Aerys (Mad King Aerys II)
game theory and
immorality and
insanity and
insanity and power
as Leviathan
power and
Targaryen, Daenerys (“Dany”)
adaptability and
assassination and
biomedical ethics and
cultural relativism and
fate and
idealism and
insanity and
just war theory and
lying and
magic and
power and
problem of evil and
social norms and
subjectivity and
Targaryen, House of, and social contract theory
See also individual names of family members
Targaryen, Maester Aemon
epistemology and
game theory and
Targaryen, Rhaegar
Targaryen, Rhaego
Targaryen, Viserys
cultural relativism and
just war theory and
power and
Targaryens, incest and
Tarly, Samwell
epistemology and
magic and
Thorne, Alliser
thought experiments, social contract theory and
Tooley, Michael
Trant, Ser Meryn
Truth and Truthfulness (Williams)
Tully, House of
just war theory and
war and
See also individual names of family members
Twain, Mark
Two Treatises of Government (Locke)
Tyrell, Ser Loras
chivalry, homosexuality and
insanity and
lying and
social contract theory and
Tyrells, House of, and cultural relativism
upward blocks, in martial arts
valar dohaeris
valar morghulis
Varys, Lord (“the Spider”)
idealism and
lying and
morality and
on power
protection of realm
social contract theory and
virtue ethics and
violence, cultural relativism and
intention and
luck and
virtue vs.
virtue ethics
egoism vs.
good life and
happiness and
honesty and
martial arts and
moral attributions and
narrative mode and interpretation of
virtuous person, defined
vitalism, metaphysics and
vulnerability, chivalry and
Wall, the
epistemology and
lying and
power and
social contract theory and
See also just war theory
warfare cannibalism, cultural relativism and
consciousness and
epistemology and
War of the Five Kings
just war theory and legitimate authority (See also just war theory)
power and
Warren, Mary Anne
Water Dance, Taoism and
Waters, Gendry
What We Owe to Each Other (Scanlon)
Wheel of Time (Jordan)
epistemology and
magic and
metaphysics and
wildlings, epistemology and
Williams, Bernard
Wode, Ser Willis
wu wei
epistemology and
self-discovery and
self-discovery and
Zen seeing and
zombies, materialism and