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Shadow's Surrender: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 14)

Page 22

by Chiah Wilder

  “Did Banger kick your horny ass?” Smokey asked the minute Shadow walked into the main room.

  “Nah, but he’s ready to kick that Mansfield bitch’s ass.” He pulled out a chair and sat down.

  “He seemed pretty pissed at you for fucking the bitch’s daughter,” Smokey said.

  “Yeah, but he’s cool now. I might as well tell you that Scarlett is my woman, so respect that and her.”

  “Sure, dude. You must like complications in your life. Tangling with George Mansfield is demanding trouble.” Smokey shook his head, then picked up his sandwich.

  Once a brother declared a woman as his girlfriend or old lady, the members shifted their focus. They accepted and respected that she was their brother’s woman.

  “I’m glad we finished the project at Mansfield’s house,” Smokey said. “I bet if he’d known what had been going on while we were there, he would’ve pulled the plug.”

  “I would’ve made up the difference,” Shadow replied as he picked up the shot of Jack the prospect gave him.

  “The next six weeks we’re inside with big-ass fans while we work. The heat’s gotta break soon—we’re already in August.”

  “I’m just glad that most of my jobs are inside air conditioned homes,” Animal said as he put the plate down on the table and sat in a chair.

  “You’re not working today?” Smokey asked.

  “I was in the area and thought I’d stop by for lunch. I talked to Chains last night and he said that he and a bunch of other Night Rebels are gonna be at the rally next month.”

  “That’s cool. I haven’t seen Chains in quite a while. How’s he doing?” Shadow asked.

  “Good.” Animal cut into his burrito. “Do you have any faucets at the warehouse?”

  Shadow nodded. “Just standard ones.”

  “I’ll come by later this afternoon to check them out. I’m gonna need four of them. I expect you to give me a good price.” He chuckled.

  “Only the best for my brothers. I’m gonna head out now, but I’ll see you later on.” Shadow rose to his feet and took his keys out of the back pocket of his jeans.

  “You want to join Bones, Helm, Hubcap, and me for a ride? We’re going to Lakeview, grab some barbecue at Fat Daddy’s Smokehouse then ride back,” Smokey said.

  “Sounds tempting, but I have to catch up on some work, then I’ve gotta be somewhere. Let’s plan on a long ride next week. Later.” Shadow turned around and walked out of the club.

  The birds chirping in the trees were soon drowned out by the low rumble of his motorcycle. The bike’s wheels crunched on the gravel as he rode off the lot. The road to town was quiet, and Shadow veered off to the north and took a shortcut to the warehouse. He parked his Harley, then welcomed the cool air inside the building as he headed to his office down the hall.

  An hour into listing items on his online store, several raps on the door broke his concentration, and Shadow glanced over. “Come in.”

  The door swung open and a man, who Scarlett bore a striking resemblance to, loomed in the doorframe. Fine lines creased his face, and his thick blond hair was short and graying at the temples. The man wore an expensive light gray suit, a crisp white shirt, and a purple paisley tie, and the gold watch on his left wrist gleamed under the recessed lighting. For an older man he was quite fit: trim, broad shoulders, and muscular. He was tall and looked like he might have played college football back in the day. Dark green eyes bore into Shadow’s with fierce intensity.

  “So you’re the man who’s been fooling around with my daughter and creating all the ruckus in my household,” George Mansfield said.

  Shadow didn’t say a word or move a muscle, he just sat there stony-faced, watching Scarlett’s father walk over to the desk and settle into the black vinyl chair in front of it.

  “Your name’s Shadow, right?” His voice was gruff and impatient.

  “You know that. Let’s cut through the bullshit.”

  A deep laugh rumbled from his chest. “I like a man who gets down to business.” Mansfield leaned forward. “Stay the fuck away from my daughter. There’s no in-between here. I know your type, and Scarlett’s fool enough to think you’re serious, but I know you’re just having some fun.”

  “You don’t know shit,” Shadow said, his gaze never wavering.

  “I know you belong to that damn outlaw club. You think I want my daughter mixed up with a hoodlum? Don’t fucking underestimate me. This thing with Scarlett stops … Now.” His meaty fist pounded the desk, knocking over a cup of pens.

  Raw anger shot through Shadow, but he held it in check, the face of his woman playing through his mind. Scarlett wouldn’t like it if I beat the shit outta her old man, but he’s itching for it in the worst way.

  George sat back in the chair, his gaze piercing. Shadow drummed his fingers on the steel desk then pressed his lips together.

  “You had your say, now get the hell out of my office.” Ice dripped from every word.

  Scarlett’s father didn’t respond, instead, he just sat there staring at him. For a nanosecond, Shadow saw something in the old man’s eyes that startled, angered, and confused him all at the same time. He couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but it felt familiar and strangely unfamiliar at once.

  Shadow cleared his throat. “I have work to do and you’ve taken up enough of my time. What Scarlett and I do is our business. I respect that you’re her father, but you don’t call the shots anymore—she’s all grown up and living her life.”

  “This isn’t just about you and her. What you’re doing is affecting a lot of people.”

  “Then they need to get a fuckin’ life and stay out of ours.” Shadow stood up from his chair. “I’m gonna ask you one last time to leave.”

  “Or what? You’re nothing but a goddamn thug. I can imagine what your …” Mansfield’s voice trailed away.

  His blood turned cold. “My what?” Shadow took a few steps toward the older man. His pulse pounded so loudly in his ears that he could barely make out the words spilling from George Mansfield’s mouth.

  “Parents is what I was going to say.” The man’s voice became clearer as Shadow pushed down his emotions.

  “What?” Shadow asked.

  “I can imagine what your parents would think about you being an Insurgent.” George darted his eyes away from Shadow’s.

  “Did you know them … my mother?” Shadow asked, his voice low.

  Mansfield fixed his gaze on him. “No.”

  “But you know my parents are dead. I’ll bet Charlie Bowen told you.” Shadow smirked when Scarlett’s father’s eyes widened slightly. “Yeah—I made him real fast. If you wanted to know about me, you should’ve asked me—not hire some fuckin’ private investigator. You wasted your money.”

  “I figured that out when Bowen made up some BS excuse why he couldn’t finish the job. What did you do—threaten him? That’s something your club does routinely, isn’t it?” He rubbed his hand over his chin. “Charlie told me about your folks, and I remembered it, so that’s why I didn’t finish the sentence. I thought it was in poor taste for me to bring up your deceased parents.” Mansfield pushed up from the chair. “Anyway, this”—he waved a hand between him and Shadow—“isn’t about any of that. I don’t want you seeing my daughter anymore—plain and simple. You got her all mixed up, and she has a very nice young man who wants to marry her.”

  “Warren?” Shadow snorted. “A real good catch.”

  The door opened and Animal popped his head inside. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were busy. I’ll ask Scott to show me those faucets.”

  “No, come on in,” Shadow said, narrowing his eyes at Mansfield. “We’re done.”

  “I don’t plan to let this go,” Scarlett’s dad said as he walked out of the room.

  “Who was that?” Animal asked.

  “Scarlett’s old man. He came by to tell me to stay away from his daughter.”

  “And you’re gonna listen, right?” Animal busted out laughing, and Shadow jo
ined in as he strode over to the window.

  He watched George Mansfield drive off in a black Cadillac. “There was something odd about him.”

  “Whaddaya mean?” Animal went over to the small fridge and took out a can of Coke, then popped the top.

  “I don’t know. He kept staring at me, but not like he was trying to intimidate me or act tough. It was like something was there—then it wasn’t. I can’t explain it. For a split second, I wondered if he was the man my mom was seeing.”

  Animal started coughing and choking. “You think Scarlett’s dad killed your mom? Fuck, dude, that’s just … I don’t know. It’s fuckin’ weird.”

  Shadow scrubbed his face with his fist. “I know. I just got that stab in the gut, but then it passed real quick. I don’t know … It was just the way he kept looking at me.”

  “Maybe he’s bi and wants a piece of your ass.” Animal laughed.

  Shadow punched him in the arm, then shook his head. “Forget I said anything. I’m just pissed as hell that he came over here to tell me to stay away from Scarlett. We’re not in fuckin’ high school.”

  “You shoulda kicked him in the ass and sent him packin’.” Animal tossed the empty can in the trash.

  “I would’ve, but I didn’t think Scarlett would appreciate me beating up her dad.” Shadow walked out of the room.

  “Yeah—chicks are funny about that, although I think Olivia would love it if I punched her dad in the face a few times.” Animal chuckled.

  “But she doesn’t get along with her dad. Scarlett’s daddy’s girl—even though she’d never admit to it.” He opened a door and they entered a large room. Rows of shelves with products on them lined the center of the room and the walls. “The faucets are nice, and I can give you a rock bottom price on the four of them.”

  “Sounds like we’ve got a deal,” Animal said as he followed Shadow to the back of the room.

  The rest of the afternoon flew past, and by six o’clock Shadow was ready to pack it in. As he was closing the browser on the computer, the phone rang and a grin spread over his face when he saw Scarlett’s name on the screen.

  “Hey, babe.”

  “Hi. Are you still at work?”

  “Just heading out. Are you at home?”

  “I just got in. I had a great day at work.”

  “So you’re liking your job?”

  “I love it. I’m hoping I can transition to full-time when a spot opens up.”

  “If you want it bad enough, it’ll happen.”

  “I would make a lot more money. How was your day?”

  “Interesting.” Shadow decided he’d tell her about her dad’s visit when they were together. “Are you up for El Tecolote? I got a hankering for their smothered green chile tacos.”

  “That sounds so good. I’m starving.”

  Shadow locked the outside door and strode over to his Harley. “Me too. I’ll be there in fifteen.”

  “Come on up because I want to change out of my work clothes.”

  “See you soon.”

  He slid the phone into the pocket of his cut, then got on his bike and took off toward Scarlett’s place.

  When she opened the door, he swept her up in his arms and kissed her passionately.

  “I missed you, darlin’,” he whispered against her lips, walking her backward into the condo. The fruity scent of her shampoo filled his nostrils, and he inhaled deeply. “You smell good.”

  “Shadow,” she sighed, leaning into him.

  Her nipples were hard against the thin fabric of her top, and he groaned and rubbed against her.

  “Fuck, darlin’.” He gently took her earlobe between his teeth, nipping it.

  Scarlett audibly sucked in a breath. Her hand on his bicep curled into the fabric of his T-shirt, drawing him even closer.

  He trailed kisses down her neck and then over the top of her shoulder and back along the curve toward her ear, and with each of Scarlett’s moans and whimpers, Shadow’s cock ached for release. He buried his hand in her hair and pulled her in so tight that it was like they were fused together. Then he slowly inched his mouth over to hers and kissed her over and over again. Quick kisses. Long, slow kisses. Gentle lip brushes. Tiny nips and passionate caresses.

  Shadow pulled back a bit and ran the back of his fingers over the side of her face. Scarlett’s eyes were heated with desire, yet soft with arousal, and damn, she was beautiful.

  “Scarlett,” he growled, then his mouth came to hers again, hard and demanding.

  She clawed at his back, tongues meshed together, groans bounced off the walls.

  “Shadow,” she moaned.

  “Fuck, baby,” he rasped as he broke away and yanked her shirt over her shoulders. His mouth fused to hers again, then tore down her throat and over her tits as his teeth nipped and his hands squeezed—possessing, bruising as they moved over her body.

  Scarlett grabbed at his T-shirt, and he moved back a bit to let her push it up and run her fingers over his muscles and down to the waistband of his jeans. He pressed his hard cock against her, loving the way she moaned in frustration as she tried to undo the belt buckle.

  Then Shadow slid his hands under her skirt and jerked her panties down, and her head fell back on a sharp cry.

  “I need you,” he said as he whirled her around and slammed her against the wall. He threw her lacy underwear on the ground, pulled down his boxers and jeans, then unclasped the front of her bra and sucked one of her hard nipples in his mouth while he tweaked the other with his fingers.

  “Oh God,” she said, gripping his shoulders.

  Unable to hold out anymore, Shadow lifted her up and her legs curled tightly around him. He grabbed her ass with one hand and shoved into her.

  “Fuck,” he grunted.

  “Feels so good,” she panted. “I want it hard and fast.”

  “You got it, baby.” Shadow’s hands squeezed her ass cheeks.

  He pulled out then thrust into her, her back against the wall, their mouths connected, and her heels digging into his back as he banged her exactly how she wanted it.

  “So fuckin’ good,” he rasped as he pushed hard and deeper.

  “I’m close, Shadow.”

  Their voices filled the foyer, and Scarlett screamed out his name. And then all the tension in his balls released into a quick burst of intense pleasure shooting through his dick.

  “Scarlett … fuck!”

  They clung to each other like a vise, their orgasms washing over them. Then they slid to the floor, panting in each other’s ears, their bodies sated.

  After the wave of rapture faded, he smothered her face with kisses and then helped her up before pulling up his jeans and buckling his belt.

  “Let me go freshen up before we go.” Scarlett brushed her lips across his, and he lightly swatted her behind as she bent down to retrieve her panties.

  “Love your ass, babe.” He winked at her and watched her rounded cheeks jiggle as she walked toward the bedroom.

  Shadow strode into the living room and over to the wall of windows. Warmth spread through him as he gazed at the purple-edged clouds stretched across a glowing, burnished copper sky that highlighted the mountain tops.

  My woman’s in my heart. Scarlett had come into his life, burning brighter than the evening sky, catching his soul on fire. He chuckled. And I never saw it coming.

  “Ready?” Scarlett’s body pressed against his back, the scent of her wafting around him. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed the back of his neck tenderly. “I’m starving.”

  Shadow turned around and brushed his lips against hers. “Let’s go.”

  “Okay, but I wanted to give this to you.” She pressed a key into the palm of his hand. “It’s to the condo.”

  For a long pause, he stared at the shiny gold-toned key as a mixture of emotions coursed through him: love, pride, surprise, and happiness. She trusts me completely, and there’s no fuckin’ way I’ll ever let her down.

  “Are you okay with having it?�
�� Trepidation crept into her voice.

  He hugged Scarlett and kissed the side of her head, pressing his face in her hair.

  “I’m more than okay with it,” he murmured.

  After a few seconds, Shadow broke away and tucked her hand into his.

  “I love you,” she said, leaning against him.

  “Me too, woman.”

  Scarlett closed the door behind them, and they walked hand-in-hand to the elevator.

  Chapter Twenty

  Cursing under her breath, Scarlett zigzagged her vehicle through traffic with one foot on the accelerator and one hand on the horn. Tour buses packed with people hanging out the windows and taking pictures crawled through the streets.

  “Take a picture of a tree because you don’t have any where you’re from. So fucking ridiculous!” she griped out loud as she blared the horn at a group of pedestrians ready to cross against the light.

  The tires of the Mercedes squealed as she rounded the corner too fast. Deep breaths and a death grip on the steering wheel didn’t do much to extinguish the burning anger with her dad. That morning, before Shadow had left for work, he’d told her about her dad coming by the warehouse the day before. At first she couldn’t believe it, and then the anger began to build until it bubbled over well after Shadow had left. What her dad did was out of control. I’m a grown woman. I’m so damn sick of being told what to do. It’s my life. She slammed the heel of her hand against the steering wheel and winced as pain shot up her forearm.

  It wasn’t that Scarlett thought her parents would accept Shadow, it was just that she’d hoped they’d at least respect her decision. Dad is such a bully. A smile tugged at her lips when she pictured Shadow telling her father to leave. I guess you’ve met your match, Dad.

  When the Mercedes slowed down, Scarlett pressed the remote and the tall iron gates swung open; she drove through and headed up the driveway toward the five-car garage. She knew her mom was at a charity event with several of her friends, thus the reason Scarlett picked this moment to confront her dad. He refused to go to the majority of the charity fundraisers to which her mother was invited, opting to only attend the black tie events on Saturday nights. He blamed his busy work schedule as the reason he begged off most of the time, but Scarlett suspected that her dad preferred the company of other women to that of her mother. From what she had witnessed over the years, her parents’ marriage seemed to be one of convenience more than of love and companionship.


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