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Rescuing Lilly

Page 10

by Miller, Hallie

  Jake kissed her cheek and guided her over his lap. "Come on, honey, over my knee."

  Lilly got over his lap, gripping hold of his left thigh as he positioned her bottom over his right. Somehow after her conversation with Sara earlier, she didn't feel as scared waiting for him to start. She knew he would never hurt her, and in a way, she knew she would feel better once it was all over. The slate was always clean and the guilt was gone after a spanking, and the cuddling afterwards was more than worth it.

  Jake began, alternating one cheek and then the other. It didn't take long for her to start squirming, attempting to get away from his hand.

  "Stand up," he said after a minute. He helped her stand and reached for the button on her jeans. Lilly wiped the tears from her eyes as he pulled them down to her knees. "Back over." He guided her back over his knee and continued over her panties. Jake knew she already felt guilty about what happened and even worse about disappointing him so he didn't lecture or scold, just continued to spank until her bottom was a bright pink.

  Lilly whimpered as he pulled down her panties. "Jake I'm so sorry," she said breathily.

  "I know, baby. I know," he answered solemnly. Jake started spanking again, making sure to focus on the tops of her thighs and the lowest part of her bottom. He continued until she started crying heavily over his lap. He paused to rub her bottom. "From now on I need you to listen to me when I tell you to do something, you understand?"

  "Yes sir," she squeaked.

  "Hop up," he said, lifting her to stand. He held onto her hips to steady her. "I want you to go in the bathroom and get the hairbrush."

  "Really?" she asked, her eyes pleading with him.

  Jake nodded. "Go on. The more you stall the more swats I'm going to give you."

  Lilly nearly ran into the bathroom and back out to where he was sitting with the hairbrush in her hand. "Are you going to do it very hard?" Her voice trembled as she spoke.

  "As hard I need to," he said grimly. "This can't ever happen again, Lilly." By now, all he pictured in his head was her running off and disappearing. He knew he would do everything he could to make sure that didn't happen, even if it meant putting her over his knee every night.

  As he guided her back over his lap, she turned her head back to him. "It won't. I promise, Jake."

  Lilly held her breath for the first five, trying her best to take it as well as she could. She wanted him to trust her again. On the sixth swat, she cried out. She had forgotten how much the hairbrush stung and knew she never wanted to feel it again. The next four came fast and on the backs of her thighs. "OWWW! Please stop!" Her entire ass felt like it was on fire and each swat was like lighting a new match on her skin.

  "Am I going to have to spank you every day to get you to obey me?" Jake began lecturing.

  "No!! I promise I will!" Lilly cried, kicking and wiggling to get away from the hairbrush.

  Jake smacked each cheek five more times each while she struggled to get off of his lap. Not wanting to hit anywhere but her behind, he shifted her over his left thigh so her bottom was high in the air and covered her legs with his right leg to hold her still. "You are not getting off my lap until I'm positive you've learned your lesson, young lady."

  Lilly continued crying as he gave her ten more hard smacks on her sit spots. "I've learned, Jake! I swear!"

  Jake paused. "What have you learned?"

  "I'll never disobey you again!" she yelled, praying he would believe her.

  Jake landed four more hard swats on each cheek. "Good girl," he cooed, beginning to rub her bottom. He threw the hairbrush on the ground and gathered her up in his arms.

  "Jake I'm so sorry. Please forgive me," she cried as he hugged and squeezed her into his chest. When he didn't answer she pushed at his chest until he released her. She leaned back and saw his eyes brimming with tears.

  "Baby, I love you. Don't ever scare me like that again," he said, pulling her in again for a tighter hug. He never wanted to let her out of his arms again.

  Lilly started crying again from his words. She laid her head on his shoulder and whispered, "I love you too."

  The two of them held each other for what felt like an hour as they lay down on the bed. Jake pushed a stray hair behind her ear as she lay on his chest. "So what now?" Jake asked.

  Lilly looked up at his face, confused by his question, and then let out a giggle.

  "What's so funny?" he asked, squeezing her to him.

  "I know what I wanna do right now," she laughed, moving to get up but he held her tighter.

  "Where do you think you're going?"

  "I'm going to throw that hairbrush in the trash, that's where I'm going," she laughed, trying to wiggle out of his grip.

  Jake gripped her tighter and whispered in her ear, "Go ahead, honey. I'll just get another one."

  "That's not fair!" she said, squirming as he began tickling her.

  When she bounced on her bottom, she hissed and he climbed on top of her. "You don't think I'm fair?" He waited for a second when she didn't answer. "Have I ever punished you for anything I didn't already warn you about?"

  Lilly felt ashamed when she tried to think of time he had treated her wrongly. "No, of course not," she answered shyly.

  "So do you think I was wrong to punish you?" he asked seriously, stroking her hair as he studied her face.

  Lilly closed her eyes. "No I knew it was coming," she admitted. "I knew it as soon as Sara told me she didn't tell Sylvia where we were going."

  "Are you angry at me for spanking you?"

  Lilly shook her head. "I don't know why, but no." Lilly kissed his cheek. "Sara told me that Andrew spanks her too."

  Jake chuckled. "Yes I'm sure he does. You girls definitely need some boundaries."

  Lilly slapped his shoulder playfully. "Whatever. I was doing just fine before you started spanking me."

  "Yeah, falling asleep in cars in a hundred degree weather, you were doing just great," he reminded her, his lips forming a thin line. Lilly cowered slightly from his stern face. "Sweetheart I want you to understand that I'm not going to change. If we are going to be together, you know I'm going to be in charge." Jake lifted her chin to look him in the eye. "And you are going to get spanked."

  Lilly blushed, her whole body heating with embarrassment at his statement. "I know, I know. You're the boss."

  Jake leaned in to kiss her lips softly. "That's my girl," he said smiling.


  "She's got to be his girlfriend or something," Taylor said as they perched on some large rocks, keeping watch on Jake's land.

  "Yeah. I'm sure of it. We need to find a way to get her off the ranch, maybe in town or something. If we can get a hold of her, I'm sure Jake would agree to anything to get her back - including giving Lance his land," David commented as they packed up their materials.

  Both men gathered their things to move onto to another spying location to prevent getting caught. They relocated to an area closer to the ranch house to keep an eye on Lilly and Sara.


  "I'm really sorry I got us into trouble," Sara said, staring at the meatloaf on her plate.

  Lilly glanced up at her while she tried to find a comfortable sitting position on the hard wooden chair. "It's not your fault. I know I should've told Sylvia before we left."

  "Well, at least you already got it over with," Sara whispered. "I had to beg Andrew to let me stay, but he still said he was going to punish me when I got home. Now I've got that hanging over me the next two weeks."

  "True," Lilly said chuckling. "What a way to start a wedding."

  "Did you girls want to go into town to do some wedding shopping tomorrow?" Sylvia asked as she walked back in the door with some bridal magazines for Sara.

  Lilly and Sara looked at each other excitedly. "Oh yeah!" they exclaimed in unison.

  "Great! We can leave right after breakfast," Sylvia answered, sitting down to eat with them.

  "Leaving to go where?" Jake asked, walking in fr
om the hallway. He glared down at Lilly as she squirmed in her seat.

  "Jake, can we please go to town with Sylvia tomorrow?" Lilly asked quietly, knowing she didn't want to push him too far after the day's incident. Jake sternly glared at both Lilly and Sara. Both girls dropped their gazes at his angry stare. He turned to Sylvia. "Are you going to be with them the entire time?"

  "Of course, Jake. We're just going to do some wedding planning." She nodded, trying to give Jake some reassurance.

  "I don't know. I think Lilly should stay here and work on her chores," Jake answered firmly.

  "Please Jake! I need her opinion on things! I can help her do her chores tomorrow," Sara pleaded.

  Jake stared at Lilly who wouldn't lift her head to look at anyone in the eye. "Lilly and I will have a talk after dinner and then I'll make my decision."

  Sara looked at Jake and then at Lilly who was barely touching her food, keeping her head down. She thought Andrew could be strict, but Jake was clearly taking the cake at the moment. She felt bad for Lilly, knowing it was her fault for getting them into trouble, but she didn't want to make Jake any angrier by arguing with him. Instead, she just nodded in acceptance and continued eating.

  The rest of dinner was extremely quiet as Lilly picked at her food. She hoped the 'talk' she and Jake were supposed to have would be real conversation as opposed to him expressing his opinion with his hand connecting to her bottom. She didn't think she could take any more of that today. Sara and Sylvia excused themselves to return to their house while Lilly still pushed her food around her plate.

  "Honey, why aren't you eating?" Jake asked after the aunt and niece left. Lilly shrugged her shoulders. "I really hope you're not pouting about your punishment earlier," he said leaning down next to her ear as he picked his plate off of the table.

  Lilly shook her head. "I'm just tired." She moved to take her plate to the dishwasher.

  Jake looked at her plate, seeing maybe two bites of food eaten, and leaned down to look at her face. She turned her head away as he lifted the plate out her hands. "I'll save this in case you want to finish it later," he said, grabbing the saran wrap from the drawer.

  "I'm going to go to bed," she said quietly, turning for the hallway.

  "What about our talk?" he asked, clearing the rest of the table.

  "It's okay. I don't need to go to town with them. I'll just stay here and do my chores," she said sadly and walked down to the bedroom.

  Jake berated himself for making her upset again. He didn't want to prevent her from having a good time, but he wasn't comfortable with her leaving the ranch with everything that was going on with Lance. At least if she were here, he could keep an eye on her. He finished cleaning up the kitchen and made his way to the bedroom. Lilly curled up on her side in bed watching TV whilst wearing one of his t-shirts. He took his boots off and sat against the headboard on his side of the bed.

  "Lilly we still need to talk," he finally said after a couple minutes of silence.

  "When you say talk, do you mean actually talking? Or is that code language for saying you're going to spank me?" she asked, with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

  Jake turned to her with a raised eyebrow, trying to suppress a laugh. "No this time I actually meant mouth to mouth communication, but that doesn't mean that expression in the future will mean the same thing. I like to use code language for discreetness."

  Lilly let out a small giggle at his admission. "Okay good. I didn't think I could handle one of the other talks," she said, rubbing her bottom.

  Jake pulled her up to lie on his chest. "Alright, here's the deal. You may go with them tomorrow," he began as she turned and gave him a tight hug around his waist, "but you two are not to go anywhere alone. Sylvia must stay with you at all times and I want you to check in with me at lunch and before you leave to come home. You understand?"

  "Yes! Yes! Thank you! Thank you!" she answered excitedly, still hugging his chest.

  Jake kissed the top of her head, praying Lance and his dirty little ranch hands wouldn't be anywhere near town tomorrow.

  The next morning, the three ladies loaded into Sylvia's van. Sara stowed her wedding magazines in the pocket behind the passenger seat while Lilly asked questions about what she was thinking about getting in town.

  "Have you decided on bridesmaid dresses?" Lilly asked as they pulled in front of a dress shop.

  "My only bridesmaids are my step-sisters and Andrew's cousin. They picked out coordinating dresses already. Andrew and I want a small wedding. What I really need to get today is table arrangements and get some ideas for decorations around the church and reception hall," Sara answered as they made their way down the sidewalk in front of the downtown shops.

  Before Lilly could respond, her eye caught two men across the street staring at her. The guys looked like young ranchers. In fact, both of them were pretty attractive in a bad boy kind of way. She gave them a half smile when they nodded at her.

  "C'mon Lilly, check out this store with me," Sara said.

  Lilly followed Sara into several stores, wondering about the two good-looking men she saw on the street. I wonder why they were looking at me like that. I guess because I'm new in town. Of course this town doesn't get many newcomers. Sara showed her several different glass bowls filled with marbles and flower petals to use as table centerpieces. Lilly nodded her agreement with Sylvia when Sara exclaimed her liking for the bowls. While they stood at the purchasing counter, Lilly looked around, wondering where the nearest bathroom could be. It was always like her to have to go at the most inopportune moments.

  "Where is the closest restroom?" she asked the clerk.

  "There's one in the pub around the block," he answered.

  Lilly nodded. "I'll meet you guys outside. I'll only be a minute," she said, rushing out the door and around the corner. As she walked into the bar, she was overcome with the smell of old beer and stale cigarettes. Immediately it reminded Lilly of her bartending days. God, how she had loved partying with the customers and talking to the regulars; she wished she could go back and live it again. Before she made it halfway to the restroom, she bumped into a man. When she turned to look at him, she noticed it was one of the men from the street.

  "Oh excuse me," Lilly said, stepping to the side.

  "Oh no, excuse me ma'am," the man said sweetly. "I don't know how I could've missed such a beautiful lady walking in front of me. I do apologize for running into you."

  Lilly blushed at his compliment and polite manner. "Oh no, it was my fault, I wasn't paying attention."

  "No worries, ma'am," he said, glancing down at her face. "Would you be willing to let me make it up to you and buy you a drink?" He gestured toward the bar.

  Lilly glanced around, seeing only two other customers who were playing pool in the back. She looked back at the man in front of her. His biceps were large, with several tattoos around his biceps and forearms. There was something about this bad-boy image that attracted Lilly. And the fact that he also seemed very polite and gentlemanly made her want to agree to his offer.

  "Sorry. I wish I could, but I have to meet my friends outside. I just came in to use the restroom," she said apologetically, taking two more steps toward the back hallway.

  The man nodded. "Maybe another time then. I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name."

  "It's Lilly," she smiled as she walked to the bathroom and shut the door. She knew she shouldn't be thinking about this guy, especially with Jake mentioning the whole relationship thing just the day beforehand. And she cared for Jake, so much. But part of her wanted to be able to go out and party again, something she knew Jake would not condone. As she made her way back out of the bathroom, she stopped by the man and his friend, leaning in between their barstools.

  "So, when is a good night to come out here and get some drinks?" she asked, hoping a girls night might be in her near future.

  The two men glanced at each other, smiling. "We're here almost every night, but it gets real crowded on Thursdays and
Fridays. Maybe you could bring your friend up here this weekend?"

  "I might just do that," she flirted. "And what might your names be, since I've already given you mine."

  "I'm David," the muscular, tattooed one said with a wink.

  "Taylor," responded his friend.

  "Well maybe I'll see you this weekend, boys. It's been a while since I've been able to go out for a drink," Lilly said, smiling as she walked out the door.

  Once outside, she ran around the corner to catch up with Sara and Sylvia. They were loading the purchases into the back of the van.

  "Well ladies, what would you like to get for lunch?" Sylvia asked, throwing her purse back over her shoulder.

  "How about the deli?" suggested Sara.

  All three nodded and made their way across the street to Samson's Deli. Both girls started on their turkey subs while Sylvia waited at the counter for her hot steak sub.

  "Sara, have you ever been to that bar down the street? Where I used the restroom," Lilly said as she glanced back to make sure Sylvia wasn't in hearing range.

  "Oh yeah, I went a couple of times when I was younger. It's pretty fun. It's pretty much the only bar in town so everyone goes there, especially on the weekends."

  Lilly nodded, wondering why she wanted to go there so badly. Was Jake becoming overbearing? Did she feel smothered at the ranch? No, I just haven't had a chance to go out and have a good time.

  "Why, do you wanna go?" Sara asked curiously, giving her a wink.

  Lilly looked up excitedly and nodded. "You want to? I know Jake wouldn't want to go."

  Sara snorted. "Not only that, I doubt he'd let you go."

  "Why? It's just a bar. I don't see the problem if you and I want to go have some drinks together on Friday to celebrate your engagement."

  "I don't know," she paused as Sylvia made her way to the table. "We'll figure something out," she whispered.

  "I better call Jake before he flips out," Lilly joked as she slid her trash into the trashcan and pulled out her phone.


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