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Immortal Embrace (Vampire Magic Book 5)

Page 2

by Sela Croft

  “Who said anything about quitting?” Amalia said. Then bickering broke out, with each trying to be heard over the others.

  Thankfully, Logan interceded. He held up both hands. “Silence!”

  Then he proceeded to lead us in a better direction. “I’d like to point out that Seth is more powerful than any threat the Shadowlands has faced. If we must ally with each other to stop his treachery, then that is exactly what we will do.”

  Logan’s eyes blazed. He wasn’t messing about and no one dared defy him. “Furthermore, if we need to forge new alliances to ensure our success, that will have to be done too. I don’t want any more dissention. We must move ahead, and Natasha’s suggestion is the best plan we’ve heard.”

  Natasha looked at her brother but waited for his permission to speak.

  “What have you and Rosamon discovered, so far?” Logan said.

  With no further encouragement needed, Natasha began to relay the information. Rosamon looked on without interrupting. She appeared relieved not to have to share the details herself. I imagined that it was stressful to face the past and my sister needed to recover some of the energy that she’d expended.

  “I’ve helped Rosamon look at memories of her past, with the idea of catching glimpses of the future and possibly of Seth’s true plans.”

  Raulia sneered. “Like you did before, Natasha?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Foretelling the future…like the visions you had about where and when the Fae would attack?” Raulia rolled her eyes. “Seth used his power to manipulate your visions. Anything you think you’ve learned might only be what he wants you to believe.”

  “I can assure you that Rosamon’s memories do not have Seth’s touch.” Natasha frowned. “I was made a fool of once, but it won’t happen again. I would recognize the trick.”

  Raulia wasn’t about to be placated. She moved closer and growled. Even without shifting to her wolf form, her growl was menacing and her blue eyes gleamed.

  But Natasha stood up to the feral vampire and didn’t flinch at the growl. “You are wrong,” she said.

  Insult or not, Raulia’s stance gave away that she was about to lunge. Tempers were short, and I was intimidated by the show of strength.

  But Logan was not. He took two long strides toward Raulia. “Stand down!”

  She stared at Logan and hesitated.

  “I mean it,” he said.

  When Raulia relaxed her pose, I expelled a breath.

  “Now,” Logan said, “let my sister finish telling us what Rosamon has seen.”

  Natasha recited a few more of the details. Then she paused. “Raulia was right about one thing: we need a more immediate solution.”

  Logan narrowed his eyes. “What do you propose?”

  “If I spent more hours with Rosamon, I could eventually gain more information for us. She is willing and is a good subject.” Natasha took a breath. “But…”

  Logan raised his brows. “Tell us if you have a better idea.”

  “There is one thing that will speed the process,” Natasha said. “In fact, it may do more than just speed it up, it may be the only way that some things can be discovered.”

  “What is it?” Rosamon said. “I’ll do whatever we have to.”

  “No matter how much you remember,” Natasha said, “there is only so much in your memory.”

  Rosamon furrowed her brow. “Meaning what?”

  “The information we need might not be a memory.” Natasha looked at Logan. “We must go to the human realm, back to where Callie and Rosamon lived with their natural parents before the car crash.”

  “What?” I was unable to hide my reaction. “That could be dangerous. What if we’re spotted? And can vampires survive on the outside?”

  “We can do it,” Logan said. “Our race thrives under the night sky and prefers darker environments. But we can be in limited amounts of sunlight, if we wear protective eyewear.”

  Without thinking it through, I blurted out my thought. “Noah didn’t have to.”

  “I realize that, but I don’t know why. He was sent to protect you, so possibly he was taken care of with a temporary spell that protected him from the sun.” Logan shrugged. “Just a guess.”

  “We can return to Oregon then, to Astoria where we’re from?” Rosamon said.

  “It looks like we need to. I trust my sister’s judgment,” Logan said. “And if we’re smart about it, we should be able to get the information we seek and return without harm.”

  “I’ll stay behind,” Raulia said. “I don’t fair as well on the outside. And your brother Valter might need me in your absence.”

  Thus, it was settled. We were to travel to the human world. It would be the first time I’d been back, since I’d turned into a vampire.

  Chapter 4


  Rosamon was supposed to meet me on the terrace facing the mountains, so I leaned against the railing to wait for her. She had been with Natasha, using some recall techniques. I was anxious to hear the outcome.

  The atmosphere in Shadowland was deceptively quiet. The populace thought that peace had descended and seemed glad that the Fae could not intrude. Yet their safety was temporary, at best.

  The truth about Seth was appalling. No one had suspected. He’d been very convincing in prison, and even I had accepted his assistance. The dangers lurking had been unforeseen.

  But now the impending doom could not be ignored. While the vampire kingdom languished, engaged in their normal routine, the powerful sorcerer had risen to dictatorship over the Fae ream. Now, he had plenty of time to plan his strategy for overtaking our land.

  A defense had to be prepared, and quickly. It was unclear whether Rosamon’s memories would be useful in the planning. Natasha had seemed hopeful and Logan had supported the effort.

  When Rosamon stepped onto the terrace my heart rate increased. She was so lovely. Her long blond hair flowed to her shoulders and her sky blue-eyes sparkled. She could steal a man’s heart, as she’d certainly stolen mine. I’d confessed how I felt about her and was joyful when she’d shared that she had loving feelings toward me.

  She stepped close then I bent to kiss her tenderly. “I’m so glad you’re here,” I whispered.

  “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” Rosamon said then touched my cheek. She looked toward the dark night sky, gazing up at the stars. “It’s so beautiful here. I don’t want anything to happen to it.”

  “Were you able to learn anything of your past that’s helpful?”

  Rosamon fingered her necklace and the pendant gleamed in the low light. It had been a gift from Callie. The inscription Heart To Heart symbolized their connection. As sisters they were bound in a way that could not be broken. Her sister’s determination in rescuing her was an attestation to that.

  “We must return to Astoria,” Rosamon said.

  “To Oregon?” My stomach twisted into a knot. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m very serious. Natasha suggested it and we all agreed. There are a few clues that I’ve gotten in reverie. But it’s not the same as going there…back home, I mean.”

  “I’m confused,” I said. “I don’t see how that will be an advantage.”

  “Some things are in my memory,” Rosamon said. “But there is other information we may be able to get, if we go to our childhood home. We might be able to find out more about our biological mother, Sadie.”

  I stared at her, trying to process what was about to happen.

  “You have to admit, there is still much mystery surrounding Seth. How did he manage to impregnate our mother, so we inherited his sorcerer blood…while he was trapped in his prison in the Fae realm?”

  “That is nearly inconceivable,” I said. “But he is a powerful sorcerer, which explains a lot.”

  “Yes, and I might settle for that if the circumstances weren’t so gloomy.” Rosamon sighed. “It’s our only hope. If Callie and I can learn more, it could lead to unc
overing what Seth is planning.”

  “That is what we need, for sure.” A fist gripped my heart. I didn’t want Rosamon in danger. She’d gone through enough. But it wasn’t my choice. Destiny was guiding her, and I could see the need for digging into her childhood for information.

  “You’ll go with us?”

  “I wouldn’t dream of letting you go without me. But it’s going to be very dangerous,” I said. “The police must be looking for you, so any appearance you make in your hometown could cause problems. If you were taken into custody, you’d have to explain where you’ve been.”

  “I’m willing to take the risk.” Rosamon dragged her fingers through her hair. “It would be next to impossible to explain what’s happened since we disappeared from home.”

  “Eventually, you’ll have to face your adoptive parents, if only to tell them that you are all right.”

  That seemed to stop Rosamon cold then she nodded mutely. “I realize that, and I want to do that. But until the threat is dealt with, it makes no sense to drag Ian and Emma into this.”

  “You are putting yourself in a precarious position by going home. There are many dangers.”

  Rosamon smiled. “You’ll be with me, and I have confidence that you’ll do everything you can to keep me from harm. And your fellow vampires will be there for protection also.”

  She looked thoughtful. “Plus, Amalia is coming along, so she can use her Fae magic. It’s probably best for her to leave Shadowland for a while, anyway. Seth is vindictive, so when he discovers she’s betrayed him, there’s no telling what he might do to her—if she ends up back in Fae territory.”

  Although I could see her point about having a lot of protection, it was difficult to let go of my reservations. Her safety was important to me, but it looked like I had no choice in this matter. There was no way to sway her decision.

  “Besides,” Rosamon said with a grin, “Callie and I are sorceresses. You can’t forget that we have powers of our own.”

  As if on cue, Callie appeared on the terrace. “Has Rosamon told you the plan?”

  “Yes, and I understand that Logan approves of the trip?”

  Callie’s violet eyes glowed in the low light, reminding me of her immortal nature. She was in much better shape to defend herself on the outside than Rosamon was. “We all agreed, so it’s settled,” she said.

  It seemed that I was the only one with reservations about going to Oregon. “We are more vulnerable out there,” I said then proceeded to warn Callie of the dangers, just as I’d cautioned Rosamon.

  “We need to find out things about our past,” Callie said. “Our memories only go back so far. I struggle to recall much before I was the age of five. But that early period was when Sadie and Bram were alive. And most important, when Seth was involved.”

  Callie was right. Even I was curious about what Seth had been up to, back then.

  “We spent our whole lives in Oregon, before arriving in Shadowland,” Callie said. “That’s where we must go to learn more about our past.”

  I put my arm around Rosamon and looked at Callie. “You might not like what you find.”

  “I’m willing to face that,” Callie said then glanced at her sister.

  “I am too,” Rosamon said. “We’ve faced some pretty horrible things, of late. But we’ve come through.” She looked up at me. “We’re tougher than you think.”

  “We’ve been given this opportunity to help each other,” Callie said. “And if we can help Shadowland also, then that’s all the better.”

  The sisters were united in the purpose to save the realm and protect all those they loved. I could not argue with that. What I could do was go with them to ensure that they returned safely.

  Chapter 5


  Preparations for departure had begun. Since I wasn’t certain how long I’d be away, I needed to make sure the kingdom would be in good hands during my absence. I entered the central office then flew up to the dome room to meet with Valter.

  A dark cloud of mystery and gloom had been cast over Shadowland. The future remained uncertain, and I was apprehensive about leaving my realm. On the positive side, there hadn’t been an incident of aggression in some time.

  The wall that Seth had created was as solid as ever. The border was secure, and the structure appeared flawless, since no weak point had been located. The boundary between realms could not be crossed.

  I feared for my brother Florian, who was still trapped in the other realm. His fate was unknown, which concerned me. But I had faith that he was alive. As brothers, we were connected in a personal if not magical way. If he was dead, I would know.

  Yet that didn’t answer for how he fared. I dared not consider the conditions he endured. Reuniting with Florian was strong motivation for thwarting Seth’s nefarious plan and taking down his oppressive wall—as if I needed any more reasons.

  While I paced, waiting for my brother to arrive, I thought of Callie. She was a vampire like me. But even immortals could be killed under the right circumstances. Plus, Rosamon would be with her. If anything happened to her sister, Callie would be devastated.

  The trip to Oregon was the key to possible success in unraveling the inner workings of Seth. He’d outmaneuvered me to achieve the upper hand. It was time to take back control. Yet to do so, I had to understand how he operated, and what fiendish plot he’d hatched.

  Valter strode in looking every bit the warmonger that he was, at heart. He donned a charcoal suit with a white shirt underneath. Handling fire the way he did, it seemed counterintuitive to wear white. Yet I hadn’t seen a smudge of ash on the stark white attire that I could recall. It seemed his color selection was a way of flaunting his pyrokinetic talent—as if he dared the fire to touch him.

  My brother’s amber eyes shined like hot embers of the very fire he’d mastered. “I trust you need no assurance that I can manage this realm in your absence.”

  “If anyone can, it’s you.”

  “The update I have for you is that the rebuilding is going well,” Valter said.

  “Much damage was done to our city, as well as the surrounding areas. War ravaged all that was in its path,” I said. “It will take time to restore the structures and heal those injured in its wake.”

  “My only solace is that the Fae suffered much greater damage. It will be a while before their mushroom forests grow back,” Valter said. “It’s too bad I wasn’t able to wipe all of them out.”

  “We are at peace, brother. At least for now. We need to put aside our animosity toward our enemy,” I said. “Amalia is on our side. She is aiding our cause.”

  “For now, she is. It’s more likely that she is aiding her own.” Valter brushed his hands over his suit jacket, to straighten the already perfectly-pressed material. “I don’t trust her. She is still Fae, no matter her momentary allegiances. If she’d been able to take care of Seth on her own, she wouldn’t be feeling so kindly towards the vampire race.”

  “That may very well be true,” I said. “But she is an ally, as it stands. And aggression toward the Fae doesn’t benefit us. We are united against a greater enemy.”

  “If you say so.” Valter held up his hand. “I must be off. I have dragons to train and armies to drill. Peace does not endure. We must be prepared for what comes.”

  Since I had a meeting scheduled with Raulia, I followed my brother out. She was at the docks, overseeing the crew handling shipments. When I approached, she disengaged so we could talk.

  “Are the humans making any show of resistance?”

  Raulia’s blue eyes pierced into me. Her intensity was her trademark, no matter her mood. “The humans are under control. It appears that they are as relieved as we are. It was traumatic having the Fae incursion unchecked. Many of their kind lost lives or property in the skirmishes, and more in that final battle.”

  “I hope they know that I’m looking out for their best interests.”

  Raulia widened her eyes. “Spoken as a true bloodsucker.�

  “Guilty as charged,” I said. “But don’t forget that I have some manners and decency, even in feeding.”

  “Tell them not me.” Raulia glanced over at the crew she’d been observing. “For now, the humans are under control. The only trouble I run into is with the Fae creatures who were caught on the wrong side of the wall. I can’t say we have their allegiance. But I have no way to send them back.”

  “Just see that they don’t cause trouble.”

  “I will, so you can do what you have to. We must learn what Seth intends and how he’s mobilizing the Fae.” Raulia’s hair gleamed under the dock lights, reminding me of a riot of red flames. “Keeping the humans docile won’t mean anything, if that sorcerer is unleashed upon us.”

  With that in mind, I returned to my penthouse. Callie was in the kitchen, chatting with Bernadette. The cook enjoyed creating dishes for her, even knowing that she was a vampire now. And Callie smelled the aromas and savored tastes, despite having no real need for food.

  I marveled at her love and kindness, doubting I had any such qualities—at least not any that equaled hers. “Hello, my vampire girl,” I said, sneaking up behind Callie and putting my arms around her. “What have we today?”

  Callie turned in my arms and leaned up to kiss me. “One of my favorites.”

  “Chicken and dumplings,” Bernadette said then beamed.

  “Sounds revolting.” I grinned at the cook.

  “And how would you know?” Bernadette said. “You refuse to sample, unlike Callie who supports me in my labor to create fine cuisine.”

  “I have to talk to Logan. I really enjoyed the tastes,” Callie said then took my hand. “Let’s go outside. I need some air.”

  She guided me out to the pool to sit by the water. The glassy surface gleamed in the moonlight, creating a romantic mood. I surprised myself by realizing that. Callie brought out emotions in me that I hadn’t been in touch with for…centuries. More than that, she stirred feelings and emotions that I hadn’t previously felt. The sensations were unique, and special.

  It was astounding that I still possessed some of my former human qualities, too. Callie elicited the good in me, what there was of it. She held my hand and gazed up at the sky. “It’s infinite. Don’t you think so?”


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