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Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2

Page 11

by A. M. Hargrove



  “We have an audience.”


  “Hush.” His hand still pats my back. “You good?”

  “Yeah.” I lift my head and ask, “Well?”

  He uses one of the donut napkins to dab under my eyes. We then walk to the same gate and exit.

  Case’s arm is around me as we walk to make it look like he’s supporting me, but he tells me to check out the guy in the dark suit seated on the bench outside the park.

  Once we’re clear, he explains that the man watched us for about ten minutes.

  “How do you think he knew to go there?”

  “He must’ve followed you from the office. I think he was lurking around and decided to have a seat once he figured we would be in there for a while.”

  “Do you think the office is bugged?” I ask.

  “I’m going to do a sweep when we get back to make sure, but I doubt it.”

  “So Langston is following me, then. I need to make Kolson aware.”

  “I’m sure he already is. If I were a betting man, I would guess that Kolson is also following you.”

  When my head jerks around, Case hisses, “Stop it. Do you want them to think you’re on to them?”

  Shit! I’m such an idiot.

  We walk the rest of the way back to the office in silence and Case tells me he’ll be at the penthouse at seven.

  At eleven, I call Sam and have him drive me to HTS where I meet with Jack and let him know of my plans to be more involved with the business. His reaction tells me he’s not happy. I didn’t expect him to be.

  “Jack, let me assure you, you will be running this company. What I’d like to do is spend some time around you to see how things are done. I have no prior experience and therefore, no expectations. Langston Hart called me yesterday—he wants HTS. He intends to do his best to get it. I want to make sure I can prevent that in any way possible. You and I both know that’s the last thing Kolson would’ve wanted. I would like for us to do everything we can to see that doesn’t happen.”

  “Dr. Martinelli, you have my full cooperation.”

  “Excellent. And please, call me Gabby. Since, I hope, we’ll forge a strong working relationship.”

  Jack smiles, his expression softening.

  “Gabby, I know this has been a very difficult month for you. I hope spending time here will perhaps make you feel better about things somehow.”

  “Those are my hopes too, Jack.”

  “Mr. Hart must’ve thought a great deal about you to place his company in your hands.”

  “Uh, yeah. But I’m relying on you to keep it where it is, Jack. I’m wading through mud right now.”

  “I think you’ll do just fine. Why don’t I bring you up to speed on our largest clients and then we can go from there?”

  Jack spends several hours with me. We’re sitting in Kolson’s office (I can’t bring myself to call it mine) when we hear a commotion outside the doors. My secretary has raised her voice and there are other voices shouting as well. Suddenly, the door bursts open and in marches Langston. He doesn’t stop until he reaches the front of the desk. Jack stands, as do I.

  “Where the hell is my son?” His thundering voice reverberates around the large room.

  Jack steps forward, but I stop him with my extended palm.

  “Who the hell do you think you are, barging in here like this?”

  “I want to know where my son is. Where the hell is he hiding?”

  “I’ve told you already. I don’t know. Had you listened to me before, you could’ve saved yourself a trip.”

  Oh, if looks could kill …

  “Listen here, baby girl …”

  “I’m not now, nor have I ever been, your baby girl. I’m going to tell you this one more time. I don’t know where Kolson is. Now get out.”

  “Don’t you dare take that tone with me.”

  “I dare anything I want. You seem to be forgetting something. You are standing in HTS. In my office. Within the walls of my company. You’re threatening me while you’re trespassing. Now get out before I call security and have you escorted out. And if you ever show up here again, I’ll call the police and have you arrested. Am I clear?”

  In all my years, I have never seen anger radiate from someone like I did today. Langston Hart would love nothing better than to see me dead. Kolson is right. I’m dealing with a very dangerous situation here and I have just made a mortal enemy.

  He leans on his hands on my desk. “You have just fucked up, baby girl. And you have no idea how badly.”

  I hold up my phone. “I’m not worried, Langston. I have witnesses here and I have just recorded you threatening me. If anything happens to me, the police will know where to look.”

  He laughs. “Oh, and you think the police will help you? Think again. You just might find yourself in a foreign country, doing things you’d never thought you’d be doing.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Keep testing me and you’ll find out. And by the way, the next time you talk to my son, and don’t think I’m naïve enough to think you aren’t seeing him, why don’t you ask him about his little debt he owes me?”

  He turns and stomps out, a hurricane hell-bent on destroying everything in its path.

  Jack looks at me. “That is one crazy motherfucker.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “Gabby, do you know where Kolson is?”

  My head is going to explode. “No. Langston is delusional. He’s a power-hungry madman.”

  “Yeah, I can tell. I’ve heard the rumors about how he’s had people murdered. Mr. Hart never tried to hide his distaste of him. But Langston has never shown up here before.”

  “He doesn’t like me very much,” I say. A giggle that borders on hysteria slips out. My hand clamps across my mouth.

  “You think?”

  “Yeah,” I say. “And under the circumstances, we should call it a day.”

  “I was going to suggest that. You should go home and try to relax. This is over the top. You’ve certainly been through the ringer and this is the last thing you need. And Gabby. In all seriousness. Be careful.”

  I nod at Jack’s grave tone. Though I try to disguise it, this encounter with Langston has shaken me much more than I care to admit. Alone in Kolson’s office, I can’t help but imagine how far Langston will go to get to Kolson through me. And what about this debt he refers to? I must remember to ask Kolson about this. Damn it! I wish there were some way to contact him. He’s right about being in danger. And I wish I could warn him.

  My hand digs through my bag and I find the cell phone Case gave me. I send him a text about Langston’s visit. He immediately responds and tells me to go to the penthouse to make things look normal. He’ll meet me there tonight. Then he tells me he’s going to call me. And to act like I didn’t know.

  My phone rings a few minutes later.


  “Hey, you up for some company tonight?”

  “I don’t know, Case. I was going to chill.”

  “Since when can you not chill with me?”

  “Will you bring me a pizza from Baldoni’s?

  “Sure. What time?”

  “Seven’s good.”

  “See you then.”


  At seven, Case shows up with his pizza and a note telling me that we’re going to eat and then watch a movie. While the movie is on, he’s going to look for the surveillance devices. He asks me to turn all the lights on. The only thing he finds is a tiny microphone in the foyer, right near the elevator. Instead of destroying it, he leaves it there. Then he writes me another note.

  Kestrel must’ve put it there when he came to visit the other day. Now that we have this place covered, let’s check out your studio.

  Case and I go down and he finds nothing. I’m relieved.

  “Why do you think Langston made those accusations about me knowing where Kolson

  “Because he has a hunch. He knows Kolson is smart as hell. And he knows the first person he’d come to would be you. Deductive reasoning.”

  “So this place is safe, then?”

  “I wouldn’t go that far, but it’s not bugged. I’d feel more comfortable if you had a bodyguard.”

  “Kolson said the same thing.”

  “I can’t justify you not having one.”

  “I’ll get Sam, then.”

  “I want someone better than Sam.”

  “Case, if I get anyone else, they’re going to find out about Kolson. I can’t risk that.”

  He leans forward and drums his fingers on the coffee table. “I know you trust Sam. What about his brother?”



  “I trust him but I don’t know if I trust him enough with this.”

  “Then it looks like it’ll have to be Sam. We don’t have any other choice.”

  “Maybe we can talk to Sam about Ovaltine once Sam is in.”

  “No. That involves one more person. Before I know it, the whole fucking world will know.”

  “Jesus, it was just a question.”

  “Sorry, but you didn’t have a damn mobster in your office today, threatening you.” My thigh bounces up and down until his hand grabs and stops it.

  “I hear you loud and clear.”

  “Jack said that there are rumors about Langston. That he’s had people murdered.”

  Case nods. “Yeah, the FBI is trying to find evidence of that. But I think he pays off someone high up in the local police department.”

  “Here or in Atlantic City?”

  Case says, “Maybe both. I don’t know. But he’s been untouchable and for that to happen, you have to be connected somehow.”

  “Murder. That’s scary.”

  “That’s why you need a bodyguard. He could take you to try and lure Kolson out.”

  A thought pops into my head.

  “I don’t need a bodyguard here in my studio, but I wouldn’t mind one in the penthouse. No one knows about the studio so I feel safe here. They all think I’m living in the penthouse. But if I get a bodyguard up there, how will I be able to sneak back and forth? It will have to be someone I can trust to bring into the fold.”

  “Agreed. And they don’t have a clue about this place because they would’ve tried to plant a bug here. By they way, make sure you change the penthouse codes.”

  “Not until Kolson revisits.”

  Case clamps his mouth shut and I can see that tiny muscle twitch. Then he says, “Are you crazy? Kestrel will come back here at Langston’s orders. Do it now. If Kolson can’t get in, he’ll go to your studio and figure out why.”

  I think about this for a moment and decide Case is right. Now that Kolson knows I sleep here, he won’t even bother with the penthouse, and if he does, keeping him out will keep him safe.

  “Okay. And we keep that bug up there to make Langston believe he’s getting first hand knowledge of what’s going on. How sensitive is that thing?”

  “I’m going to find out. But let’s get back before anyone suspects anything.”

  The movie is still playing when we tiptoe back in. When it’s over, we chat for a minute and then I tell him I’ll see him the next evening at NA. I still show up and help him sometimes at his meetings.

  “You don’t have to, you know,” he says.

  I smile. “I know. I love doing it. Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you. Are you still showing that picture of Kade, Kolson’s brother, around?”

  “Yeah. I have it posted on the bulletin board too.”

  “Thanks. Maybe one day, he’ll show up.”

  Case leaves and I’m alone with my screeching thoughts. Thoughts of Langston, thoughts of Kestrel and of Case. But mostly thoughts of Kolson slipping into my studio last night and how his hands pressed into me, what his mouth felt like on my feverish skin, and the way his body burned against mine. My muscles ached this morning when I woke up and it only made me want to reach over and pull him into me. I need him. I ache for him. And the saddest part of all is I don’t know when I’ll see him again.



  Last night’s visit to Gabriella has only whet my appetite for her. I thought it might soothe my jagged nerves, but no. She’s in my blood so much I can’t think of anything else. Now I’m edgier than ever. My fear is I will become reckless in my urge to see her.

  The bartender asks me if I want another drink and I nod. The numbing effect of Jameson is the only thing that will put her out of my mind. God, the way she sounded when she came, not once, not twice, but three times. Without her, my life is a colossal train wreck. The nightmares have increased. Sleep is a joke. If one can even call it that. Fitful at best, I grab an hour or two when I can, before I wake up in a tangle of sweat and sheets.

  The bartender slides me my drink. “Last call, man.”

  I signal that I want one more as I toss the contents back. He brings me my final drink of the night, along with my tab. I lay out enough cash and then some to cover the expense, toss back my last drink, and stumble out the door. I’m pretty trashed. Not enough to keep my thoughts of Gabriella at bay, though.

  When I make it home, I flop down in my usual chair in front of the sliding glass door that overlooks the bridge. I watch the sun rise before sleep claims me for a few hours.

  “What is your name?” The mean man always yells at me.


  “No! Your name is Kolson! If you don’t say your correct name, I’m not going to feed you today! Understand?”

  “Mommy will get mad if I say my name isn’t Jason.” I keep telling the mean man but he thinks my name is Kolson.

  “Your mommy doesn’t care about you anymore.”

  “No, no, no.” Why does he say that? Mommy cares. I know she cares. I yell at him. “My name is Jason!”

  He slams the door and doesn’t come back. I’m so hungry. My stomach hurts.

  The nightmare awakens me and I’m instantly on my feet, my heart pummeling in my neck, my stomach roiling. My legs give out and I crash to the floor, the carpet scraping my cheek. My gut lurches and I heave, puking all over the floor. It’s no use denying that I drank entirely too much last night, but the fucking nightmare didn’t help. Always hungry those first weeks. He goddamn starved me, that monster. My body shivers furiously.

  It takes me a few minutes to get to my feet, but I finally do and then make it to the kitchen to get some water. I clean up the mess on the carpet and then force myself to eat something. I can’t recall the last time I ate a full meal. Days ago, probably. After I eat some eggs, I shower and collapse on the bed and sleep some more.

  Late morning, someone knocks on my door. No one knows I live here so I’m wary. I look out the peephole and see it’s a courier. He hands me a small envelope.

  Inside is a note from Sam.

  Need to talk.

  That’s it. No signature. But that’s how we arranged it.

  The only safe place I can think of that won’t trigger doubt is the apartment building. The dragon and his men will only think Sam is there to watch over Gabriella.

  I write a brief note, naming the building and time. This way if anyone does intercept, it won’t look out of the ordinary. I hire a courier and instruct him to deliver it to Sam in the lobby of HTS. Sam usually drives Gabby to work. If he doesn’t, the receptionist will hold it there for him.

  It takes three days before I get a response. Sam and I arrange to meet at Gabby’s studio the next night when he drops her off. This way it’ll look like he’s going in as he usually does. And if anyone does get suspicious, he can just say he was checking out the building, as per usual. Now I’ll have to figure out a way in. I still have all the security codes and I could use the garage entry. My appearance is so different that I decide to take a chance.

  Nervous energy is hard to contain when you know something is wrong. I pace the studio floor w
aiting for Sam to arrive. When he finally knocks, I check to make sure it’s him.

  He enters the room and shakes his head. “I would never have recognized you, Mr. H.”

  “Good. That’s my plan.”

  “Big Mr. H. went to HTS a few days ago and threatened Dr. M. She told me your brother stopped by too.”


  “She’s taken a leave of absence from her practice.”

  I nod. This is actually a good thing for her. Less distracting.

  “Does she know you’re here?” Sam asks.



  “Sam, do you think she’s in danger?”

  “Can’t say for sure. They’re watching her every move. I think your father thinks she knows where to find you. And she pissed him off like crazy the other day. He might use her to try to get you to show yourself.”


  “Exactly. Mr. H., you trust that Case dude?”

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “I think he knows. About you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “That you’re here. Around.”

  “You think Gabriella told him?”

  “I … yeah.”

  Why does this information not surprise me? Of course she would tell Case. He’s the first person she would tell. She knows I’m in danger and she trusts him. She knows he’ll help and he’ll keep her secret too. He’s smart and will know how Langston is connected to the Mob so he’ll want to help me.

  “Okay, he may be the one we can use to connect with each other instead of taking a chance of meeting.”

  “How?” Sam asks.

  “Go to Case tomorrow and tell him what’s going on. Ask him not to involve anyone else. Ask him if we can send messages through him. He’ll know a way.”

  “Okay. I’ll send you another message using a courier after I speak with Case. I’d best be on my way.”

  “Thanks, Sam, and always watch your back. Oh, and can you get me an HTS uniform? That will make it easier for me to come and go in this building without raising questions.”

  Sam nods. “I’ll give it to Dr. M. If she asks, I’ll just tell her to leave it in her apartment as a spare for me.”


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