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Heavy Turbulence

Page 21

by Kimberly Fox

  He fills me completely, burying his huge dick down my tunnel as he drives in deep. I’m not going to last long. I can already feel it.

  The thrill of fucking in a cockpit with the added thrill of being in a hangar that anyone can walk into at any time is making the pressure build in my body quicker than usual.

  Dex grabs my knees and separates them, staring down at his cock sliding in and out of my pussy. He reaches down and presses his thumb onto my aching clit, rubbing it in quick circles.

  Don’t come. Don’t come.

  I’m trying to last but the feeling is just too fucking amazing.

  “No fair,” I say, grabbing his wrist. I try to pull his hand away but it doesn’t move. “Please assist yourself before assisting the people around you.”

  Dex grins, but he doesn’t listen. He rubs my clit harder and it’s enough to send me flying through the clouds. Who needs a pilot’s license when Dex can bring me to these insane heights?

  My muscles clench around him as the orgasm hits me. I’m crying out, cursing his name as the delicious waves of heat wash over me.

  He grunts soon after, thrusting hard as he empties himself fully inside me. I open my arms and then wrap them around him as he falls into me, breathing hard and fast.

  His cheek is pressed against my breast as he slips out of me. “You’re in my seat.”

  “Are you sure you want it?” I ask, scratching his back. He loves it when I scratch his back after sex. “It’s full of juices and cum. Maybe you should sit in the back with Marv.”

  He laughs. “And miss the spectacular view? No thanks.”

  “You can see the spectacular clouds from the passenger windows.”

  “That’s not the spectacular view that I’m talking about.”

  The door of the hangar opens, and we explode out of each other’s arms, getting dressed in record time. “What’s going on in here?” Marv asks when he walks in the plane two minutes later.

  “We just had sex,” Dex says.

  I slap his arm so hard, but I think I hurt my hand more than I hurt him.

  “That’s not true,” I say, my voice racing. “I was doing the necessary checks.”

  “That’s right,” Dex says with a smirk on his frustratingly handsome face. “She was checking out my cock.”

  Marv just rolls his eyes. “Save it for Fiji,” he says. “You have two weeks on the beach with your own private villa.”

  “Really?” Dex asks, perking up. “No Motel Seven this time?”

  Marv shakes his head as he heads into the fuselage. “Not this time. Only the best for my honeymoon.”

  Dex and I turn our heads slowly, smiling wide as we make eye contact.

  “Beachfront,” I whisper.

  “Private villa,” he whispers back.

  We’re about to high-five when the new bride walks into the plane. “Hi, guys,” she says cheerily.

  “Hi, Sandra,” we both say back.

  Thankfully, Kara is no longer in the picture. A month after we returned from Prince Kalib’s private island, she got fired from Hidden Pleasures after she went on an angry rant on Twitter. She managed to insult overweight people and four different races in only a hundred and forty characters. There was a huge public backlash, and she hasn’t been able to get a modeling job since. She and Marv divorced shortly after.

  His new wife Sandra is awesome. I actually enjoy spending time with her, and she makes these trips even better.

  “You two keep your eyes on the road and not on each other, okay?” she says, smiling wide. “I don’t want to crash on the way to my honeymoon.”

  “Don’t worry,” Dex says, smiling back at her. “I have big plans for this trip.”

  My cheeks heat up and I swallow hard as I think back to last week. I was searching for one of Dex’s old t-shirts in his drawers when I found a purple box.

  An engagement ring box.

  I gasped, holding my breath and staring at it for a full five minutes. When I finally caught myself, I quickly closed the drawer and walked away. I didn’t look inside, but I know what was in there. I guess I’ll find out for sure this week!

  I would love to marry Dex. He’d be an amazing husband and an excellent father. He’s so excited to have kids, and although I’ve never really thought about it before we met, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it lately. I really want to have his children.

  “Just get us there safely,” Sandra says before walking back to join her new husband. “So we can have some fun on the beach!”

  “All right,” I say, reluctantly stepping out of the pilot’s seat when we’re alone again. “You have more control even if you did come only ten seconds after me. You can be the pilot.”

  “Sit that fine ass down,” he says, grabbing the co-pilot’s headset. “Do you really think I’m going to let you be the co-pilot on your first official flight? You’re flying. You earned it!”

  “Really?” I ask, feeling a dump of adrenaline rocket through me. “Are you sure?”

  He grins as he puts his headset on and looks ahead. “Awaiting your instructions, Captain.”

  I take a deep breath trying to calm my excited nerves. So, this is what it’s like to have all of your dreams come true.

  It’s pretty fucking awesome.

  I put my headset on, smiling wide as I turn the plane on. The engines rumble under my feet, and I have to bite my tongue to keep from squealing in joy.

  The headsets click on, and I hear Dex’s gravelly voice in my ear. “What can I do for you, Captain?”

  I grin as I turn to him with raised eyebrows. “A coffee. Two milks.”

  His face drops. “Are you serious?”

  “My cockpit. My rules.”

  He huffs out a frustrated breath as he gets up from his chair and heads into the galley. I slap his ass as he passes me. “The parachute’s over there if you don’t like it, sweetheart.”

  The look he gives me tells me I’m going to pay for that later.

  I bit my lip and grin. I’m already looking forward to it.


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  If you liked Riley and Dex, you’ll probably love Ethan and Tanya!

  So, keep scrolling, grab your sunblock, your bathing suit, and a spare set of panties because we’re headed to



  Bonus Book


  Bad Boys on the Beach

  Book One



  “You need a rebound. They call me Mr. Trampoline.”

  What happens in Cancun, unfortunately for my cheating boyfriend, doesn’t stay in Cancun.

  I caught him on the first night of our vacation balls deep in my worst enemy: the bitchy obnoxious girl who my best friend chose to be her maid of honor instead of me.

  Now I’m stuck on this resort, in the same small room as my ex, until my friend gets married at the end of the week.

  This place is a paradise but it feels like hell.

  It’s all going so wrong until I meet Ethan, the dirty talking bad boy with the body carved out of granite.

  He’s going to teach me what paradise is really about.

  And it isn’t sand and palm trees…

  Chapter One

; Tanya

  Day One

  “The aircraft was boarding fifteen minutes ago,” the pissed off looking stewardess snaps as we rush into the plane.

  “Sorry,” I say, moving past her. I’m clutching my carry-on bag to my chest and I accidentally hit someone in the head with my elbow. “Sorry,” I say, not looking back.

  I lower my eyes to the tacky carpet to avoid the rows of annoyed and irritated eyes staring at me as we head to our seats.

  “I told you we were going to be late,” Aaron whispers behind me. Of course, it’s my fault even though he’s the one who slept in until nine and only decided to pack this morning.

  I swallow the angry words that are rushing to my lips and find our seats instead of starting a fight in the middle of a packed airplane with two hundred people watching.

  “We’re missing time on the beach because of this,” I hear a lady mutter somewhere among the sea of irritated faces.

  Aaron slips into the pair of seats, grabbing the window seat without asking, as I open the overhead compartment to put in our bags.

  Of course, it’s fucking filled. I hate people that won’t check their luggage and then take everyone else’s room for their bags.

  “Let me get that for you,” another, not as pissed off but still pretty pissed off looking stewardess says, grabbing it from me. “Sit down please. The plane is ready to depart.”

  “Sorry,” I say, finally getting into my seat. My chest is heaving and I can finally catch my breath. Running down fourteen gates at full sprint will knock the wind out of you.

  The stewardess slams the overhead compartment closed above me and walks off with my bag, putting it away in a compartment that is way out of my reach. My book and iPod are in there but it’s not the time to complain.

  I buckle my seatbelt extra tight and shake my head. What a disastrous morning. And this was supposed to be so fun.

  Aaron was the one who insisted on leaving only two hours before the flight and somehow it was my fault that there was traffic and we were late. Normally I would have defended myself and fought back, but I really don’t want to start the trip off with a fight. I want to reconnect with him this week in Cancun and starting to argue before the plane even takes off the runway is not the way to do it.

  “At least we made it,” I say, turning to him with a forced smile.

  The earphones are already in his ears and he’s watching some movie on his iPhone. So far the reconnecting is going great.

  The plane jerks backward as it starts rolling away from the gate. My chest tightens and I grab the armrests so hard that my knuckles burn a hot white. I’ve never been the best flyer and all of the running around through the airport made me forget what the end goal was: sitting in a metal tube and hurtling through the sky at a terrifying speed.

  Now that it’s sinking back in I don’t feel so well. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, trying to focus on anything but the plane rolling over bumps and the way the wings are bouncing up and down, looking way too flexible for my tastes.

  I tap Aaron’s leg beside me. I need some support, a hand to hold, anything to help me get through this.

  He just ignores me. As usual.

  “Aaron,” I whisper taking his hand in mine.

  He rolls his eyes as he takes the buds out of his ears. “What? I’m watching a show.”

  Why can’t he just comfort me? He knows I’m afraid of flying.

  “I just…never mind.”

  He rolls his eyes and puts the buds back in his ears.

  The plane turns left and then starts to pick up speed as it rolls down the runway. My knuckles are burning and I feel like I’m going to rip the armrest off the seat. Something tells me that I’ll be leaving the plane with a bill for a broken chair.

  The plane takes off, and after a few minutes, a near panic attack, and a lot of prayers later, we level off in the sky. I pry my eyes open when the seatbelt sign dings off and we’re not dying in a hellish ball of flames.

  “I didn’t think you were going to make it,” Megan says, popping out of nowhere behind me. She sits on my armrest and starts playing with my hair, curling the auburn strands through her fingers. “I thought I might have to hire a Mexican for my missing bridesmaid.”

  “Well you have Stephanie,” I say, looking back to make sure she isn’t behind her. “She takes up enough room for the both of us.”

  “I know,” Megan says with a huge smile. “Isn’t she great?” She turns back and waves to the hot blonde sitting a few rows back.

  My stomach hardens with nausea and for the first time today it’s not from the plane.

  “Look,” Megan says, holding up her arm. A shiny silver bracelet is dangling from her wrist. “She bought us matching bracelets for a maid of honor gift. Isn’t that nice?”

  “Wow,” I say, feeling a bit jealous, but not of the tacky present. “Are those real diamonds?”

  “Yup,” Megan says, admiring the piece of jewelry.

  “That’s a nice gift considering you’ve only known each other for a few months.”

  “Hi bestie!” a high-pitched voice cries out behind me giving me nauseating chills. Stephanie usually has that effect on me. This girl can’t even let me talk to my best friend without barging over. And yes, she’s my best friend even if the feeling isn’t mutual.

  “Oh hi, Tanya,” Stephanie says, looking annoyed when she sees me. “We thought you weren’t going to make it. I got excited there for a minute.”

  “That’s incredibly rude,” I say, staring into her green eyes.

  She waves her hand at me and rolls her eyes. “I’m only kidding…oh, relax.” She turns to Megan. “Is she always like this?”

  Megan continues to stroke my hair. “Tanya is afraid of flying. She’s just a bit on edge.”

  “Come,” Stephanie says, grabbing Megan’s arm and pulling her away from me. “I want to show you what I’m thinking for the new In or Out section of the magazine.”

  “I gotta go,” Megan says, letting my hair slide through her fingers as she stands up. “I’ll see you on the beach!”

  “Okay,” I say as the two of them head back to Stephanie’s seat. She opens up her laptop and Megan watches the screen over her shoulder.

  It hurts to see them together. Megan and I have been best friends since we were little kids and Stephanie came out of nowhere a few months ago and began prying us apart. They work together at a fashion magazine. It was bad when Stephanie took Megan under her wing and started mentoring her but when Megan fell for Stephanie’s brother, Lucas, forget it. It was over. The two of them have been inseparable and I’ve been cast aside like an old stuffed bear that she’s outgrown.

  I turn back around and continue clutching the seats with an iron grip. Aaron laughs beside me at the movie on his phone. I nudge him with my elbow and he jerks his head back. He breathes out in annoyance as he pauses it. “What now?”

  “I thought maybe we could watch a movie together,” I say.

  He grimaces. “I hate listening to it with only one ear bud. It echoes in my head. You understand right?” he asks, before pressing play again.

  No, I don’t. But whatever.

  I glance up the aisle at the closed overhead compartment with my bag in it. I really wish I had grabbed my book but I’m too shy to get up and go get it now. The airplane already hates me because I was late. I can’t add leaning on someone to reach my bag onto my rap sheet.

  Megan’s parents, Frank and Maude, are sitting a few rows ahead of me to the right. Her dad is filling out a crossword puzzle and her mom is knitting. They’re so cute.

  The redheaded stewardess who greeted me with a polite bitchiness at the door of the plane opens the compartment above their heads and struggles to take a bag of blankets down.

  I hope it falls on your head.

  I gasp as a man with the looks of a celebrity and the body of a superhero stands up from the seat in front of Megan’s parents. The stewardess takes a step back and smiles shyly at him, her gorgeous
face turning a bright shade of red as he reaches into the compartment to help her out. His tight black t-shirt looks spray painted onto his huge back muscles. He looks like a real man. A really hot, real man.

  “Wow,” I whisper to myself as he reaches up. His arms are jacked with sexy tattoos that sprawl down his biceps to his thick forearms. His jeans are loose enough to look good but tight enough to hug his nice ass. For the first time, I’m glad that Aaron is glued to his iPhone and oblivious to the world going on around him. He’s missing the fact that I’m drooling pretty hard over here.

  Megan’s mom stops knitting and stares up at the guy with an open mouth. I’m jealous of her view of the hot as hell man. He’s enough to make even the most menopausal of women feel like a horny teenager again.

  He grabs the bag of blankets and smiles as he hands it to the stewardess who has stopped breathing for much longer than a human is supposed to hold their breath. She smiles back and swallows hard as she stares at him. “Thank you,” she says in a voice barely above a whisper.

  “You’re welcome,” he says, turning back to his seat. He nods to Megan’s mother before sitting down. Even she turns a bright red and can’t hide the smile on her face, even when her husband, Mr. Carson, flashes her a dirty look.

  The plane hits a small bump of turbulence and everyone else just goes on like business as usual but I’m back to gripping the seat with an army of crazed butterflies in my stomach. Even a guy as hot as him can’t distract me for long from this flying death machine.

  The water trickles out of the sink in the airplane bathroom and I just manage to get a smidgen of water onto my sweaty face before it flows through the cracks in my fingers.

  I take long, deep breaths as I stare at the nervous, pale reflection looking back at me in the mirror. I look horrible, but it’s fitting since I feel like I’m about to die.


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