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The Nearness of You: A British celebrity, standalone love-at-first-sight romance

Page 13

by K. G. Fletcher

  Lauren blushed and turned to look at David who was beaming. He seemed relaxed and happier since they left the city. He chugged the last of his coffee, set the mug on the granite, and approached his sister, pulling her in for a side hug.

  “Thank you for the lovely breakfast. You’ve outdone yourself, as usual.”

  “Well, you can return the favor tonight for dinner. I’ve got everything you need to make your famous stir-fry.”

  He kissed her on the cheek. “Sounds like a plan.”

  David and Lauren ambled up the stairs to their suite to get dressed for the day, Brian insisting that he clean up the breakfast dishes. Lauren free-fell onto the unmade bed with a contented sigh. “I feel so much better.”

  David sat next to her and rubbed her thigh. “Well, I should hope so. Food and sleep are quite necessary for surviving a long romantic weekend.”

  Leaned back on her elbows, she eyed him. “Long romantic weekend? Is that what you have in mind?”

  “Oh, yes. No phones, no computers, no interruptions whatsoever. I have you all to myself.” He leaned down to kiss her lips softly. “I have an urge to strip you of your clothing and take advantage of you right now before we do anything else.” He bit his lower lip, his steady gaze making her weak in the knees.


  Suddenly, he straddled her and grabbed underneath her thighs, forcefully scooting her entire body to the edge of the bed. She giggled.

  “What a lovely sound,” he whispered, pulling her sweats and panties off in one fell swoop.

  Her breathing turned heavier as her insides throbbed with anticipation, the lower half of her body naked and exposed before him. He knelt in front of her, making a trail of light kisses down her inner thighs to her most sensitive area, spreading her legs wide with his hands. She arched her back, lifting herself up to meet his wet tongue teasing her wet seam.

  “Oh, David…,” she moaned. Gripping the sheets, her hips moved up and down as his hands reached around and clenched her bare buttocks. Like the rolling ocean waves slamming onto the shore, so too did her orgasm, crashing into her with purpose before gently subsiding with the tide.


  The weather remained ugly outside for the rest of the day, a cold rain steadily falling, keeping the two couples inside. Lauren helped Catherine in the kitchen while the guys worked out in the home gym. They made a beautiful English trifle in a see-through dish for dessert they’d have later after dinner. The layers of white cake, pudding and colorful fruit looked delicious, the lingering aroma of warm angel food cake hanging in the air.

  Brian and David eventually returned to the kitchen in sweaty shirts leaving a trail of male muskiness in their wake. They downed large bottles of water while cracking jokes and Lauren couldn’t help but feel happy in the company of her entourage—happy that David was finally relaxed and unhindered by his suffocating schedule. She was also thrilled to get to know his sister and brother-in-law. It was only their first day on Hilton Head Island and she felt as if she’d known them her entire life.

  As the boys dispersed to their suites to shower and change, Lauren and Catherine sat in the large great room overlooking the rectangular pool while sipping hot tea and chatting. Large palms blew in the strong ocean breeze, dripping water from the sharp edges of their vibrant, green leaves. Lauren noticed a large statue of a dolphin next to the pool slick from the rain, its beautiful arched neck and curved features a charming addition to the outdoor space.

  Shifting her focus, she turned and stared contentedly at the orange and blue flames flickering in the gas fireplace, thankful to be in the cozy living room. Her mind wandered to flashbacks of the incredible sex she experienced less than two hours before. A warm flush crossed her features as she thought about her supermodel lover and what he could do with his tongue….

  “David told me what those bitches did to you,” Catherine said, bringing her out of her swoon. “I can’t believe they went that far. Especially knowing they were dealing with David Randle’s girlfriend. That took some shrewdness, for sure. He could have them blackballed if he wanted to, you know. I think he should. Repulsive harlots!”

  Lauren looked at Catherine with wide eyes, surprised by her remarks defending her and David. “Nothing they did to me was permanent, thank God. I suppose it could have been a lot worse,” she reassured.

  Catherine shook her head with disgust. “Well, I’m so sorry you had to experience such cruelty. I’m sure you were really looking forward to being on David’s arm at the awards ceremony. I know for a fact he was very disappointed. He’s even contemplating severing ties with Sabrina.” She paused taking a sip of tea. “For him to walk away from his insane schedule is uncanny. I believe he’s making a statement, really. You’ve made him realize there’s more to life than working your fingers to the bone. I mean, what good is working so bloody hard if you can never stop and smell the Roses?” she grinned. “Pun intended.”

  Lauren giggled. “Well, I’m glad he has some time to relax. He has a lot coming up with the launch of the new fragrance. I know he’s really excited about it. I am too.”

  “My little brother is a smart man. Even smarter since he met you.” She winked and stood, gathering up her tea cup and saucer. “I have a strong urge to make a surprise visit to Mr. Brady in the shower. We may be awhile.” She arched her perfect eyebrow humorously and took her dishes to the kitchen. As she walked back by the giant columns of the great room on her way to the master suite, she waved her hand under her chin.

  Lauren smiled and waved back before she stretched out on the sofa and turned her attention to the rain falling outside the wall of windows. She didn’t hear David enter the room and was surprised when out of nowhere, he sat at the opposite end of the couch, set a book down, and lifted her socked feet to nestle on his lap. When he started to knead her arches, she moaned.

  “That feels nice.”

  He didn’t reply, only smiled at her, seemingly content to rub her feet. The five o’clock shadow on his face was getting darker, turning into a subtle beard. He looked rugged and handsome wearing lounge pants and a gray flannel shirt, smelling oh-so-delicious in his own fragrance. He reached for the book on the side table and thumbed through the pages.

  “What are you reading?” she asked.

  “F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Tender is the Night. I’m a sap for fiction that is achingly, gloriously sad, especially on a rainy day. This book seems to fit the bill.” Finding his earmarked page in the thin, hardbound book, he started to read, holding the book with one hand while continuing to rub her feet with the other. The sound of the ocean and the rain falling could faintly be heard through the thick storm windows. There was nothing pending—nothing they had to do at the moment except be.

  They were quiet for a long while until Lauren stifled a yawn and stretched lazily like a cat. David glanced at her and offered a lopsided, lazy smile. She stared at him and couldn’t help but smile back, his gorgeous face drawing her in and making her heart flutter. In that moment, the realization hit her—she was falling head over heels for him. His presence in her life was the best thing that had ever happened to her. But she knew they were on borrowed time and he would eventually have to go back to his insane travel and work schedule thousands of miles away from Atlanta. Where would that leave them? Her heart ached at the thought of not being near him whenever she wanted; to not be able to see him and touch him on a daily basis. It surprised her how deep her emotions ran in just one amazing week. Her eyes must have misted slightly as she ran the gamut of feelings in a matter of seconds. Turning away from him, she stared into the fire. He seemed to sense her mood change and put the book down.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked quietly.

  She turned her gaze back to him and offered a melancholy smile. “I’m just really happy in this moment with you and I don’t want it to end.”

  His lips pulled up on one side of his mouth as he nodded. “I know exactly what you mean.” He gently shifted her feet off his l
egs. “Turn around and lay your head in my lap.”

  She repositioned her body and looked up at him, overcome by an unfamiliar tingling that seemed exemplified by his presence. The feelings were overwhelming, and she had to bite her tongue to keep from losing it.

  David gently ran his fingers through her hair and looked down at her, his eyes calm pools of cerulean. “I guarantee whatever you are feeling is exactly what I’m feeling,” he whispered.

  Her eyes widened as she ran her hand up and down his arm. “How do you know what I’m feeling?” she asked.

  His smile melted her core as he responded. “I can see it in your eyes. Your pupils have dilated into cartoon hearts, just as mine have.”

  “Cartoon hearts?” she giggled.

  He sighed as if pleased by the sound. “Yes. Cartoon hearts.”

  Lauren pursed her lips and hesitated. Was he implying love when he mentioned hearts? Closing her eyes, she expelled a long sigh. Surely, this was the closest thing to true love she’d ever experienced. “I’ve never felt this way before.” She could feel him trace her lips with his fingertips.

  “Nor have I,” he replied tenderly.

  They let the moment breathe, each of them pondering what the other had said.



  “Catherine said something earlier, about the world going ‘crazy’ when they find out about us. What did she mean?”

  He nodded, looking pensive, as if trying to find the words. “Well, the career I have chosen has made me a public figure. There may be fans who are happy for me. There may also be some fans who aren’t so happy, but that’s their problem, not mine. She was also probably referring to the paparazzi. They will definitely go overboard to try to get shots of us out in public. For some reason, the world is fascinated with celebrity couples.”

  Celebrity couples? She mulled over that thought, unsure if she was prepared for the life change a relationship with supermodel David Randle would undoubtedly bring.

  He remained relaxed as he reassured her. “I have several interviews with various magazines and television shows coming up. I will most definitely be asked if I have someone special in my life. If you would like for me to remain aloof and not admit to our relationship, I would totally understand.”

  “What is our relationship, David? I mean, we just met but I feel like I’ve known you my entire life. What is that?”

  His smile melted her heart. “It’s chemistry. It’s adoration. It’s unexplainable, really. All I know is I want more. I don’t know what that looks like entirely, but if we stick together, I believe the two of us can explore something truly special.”

  Lauren chewed on her bottom lip, considering what he said.

  “There, there… it’s not rocket science. No need to analyze everything up front. Let’s keep doing what we’ve been doing and enjoy each other immensely.” He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. “My beautiful Lauren Rose….”

  Chapter Twenty

  The candles on the formal dining room table flickered among the empty dishes pushed back from each place setting, making room for dessert. Catherine turned her spoon around, licking the pudding off like a lollipop.

  “I swear, I’ve gained an entire stone eating whatever I want this week. The decadent desserts are my favorite!”

  “Mine too,” Lauren added. The English trifle sat in the middle of the table, half of its contents missing, their spoons clinking against individual bowls as they devoured it.

  “I like you with a little more meat on your bones,” Brian teased, pulling his bride closer to his side. He laid his palm on her stomach. “Besides, you may be eating for two sooner than you think….”

  “Eating for two?” David interjected, surprise making him smile.

  “Oh, don’t get all beggared,” Catherine remarked as she stood. She started to stack plates, prompting Lauren to stand and do the same. “Brian and I want to start our family immediately. If I’m already pregnant, I shall be even more content than I already am!” Her face was flushed with excitement.

  Lauren raised her eyebrows and grinned at David before following Catherine into the kitchen with dirty dishes in her hands. He leaned back in his chair and sipped on the remnants of his Cabernet.

  “So, you’ve been busy I take it,” he teased Brian.

  He nodded excitedly. “Yes. We want to start our family as soon as possible. Catherine won’t stay off me.” The two friends laughed. “What about you? Do you ever want kids?”

  David ran his finger around the top of his glass, pondering the question. “Most definitely.”

  Brian leaned forward across the table, quickly looking over his shoulder toward the kitchen. “You and Lauren seem to be getting along. Is it serious?” he whispered.

  A look of adoration crossed his handsome face. “Yes, I believe it is. We are definitely making a go of things.”

  “I’m so happy for you, dude. She’s a lot different from those Amazon girls I’ve seen you with. And Catherine is fond of her because she actually talks and eats!”

  The two friends chuckled. “Those ‘Amazon girls’ you are referring to are nothing more than work colleagues. It’s been a while since I’ve actually been on a real date, let alone developed feelings for anyone.”

  “You deserve as much happiness as your sister Catherine has brought to me. It’s life-changing, for sure. I really hope it works out for you two. Lauren’s quite a catch.” He chugged what was left in his beer bottle and scratched at his own stubble slower to appear. “Who knows, maybe we’ll both be hearing the sound of little feet running across the floor soon.”


  After the kitchen was cleaned and the leftovers put away, the two couples retreated to Brian’s billiard room to play a few rounds of pool. Catherine took it upon herself to crank up the stereo. The sounds of famous crooners from days gone by filled the cozy space. The girls decided to watch their men rather than play, Lauren ogling David’s backside as he leaned over the green felt table to make his first stroke with the resin cue ball. His dark hair was thoroughly tussled, and his vivid blue eyes narrowed as he concentrated on his shot. The colorful balls exploded across the surface with a loud thwack and the guys bantered back and forth, talking about the latest NASCAR news.

  “What do you think, duchess? Aren’t they a lovely sight for sore eyes?” Catherine sipped a pink Cosmopolitan in a slender martini glass, demurely leaning her voluptuous body against Lauren. “Although, I’m not sure I’m a huge fan of the facial hair. You?”

  Lauren looked over at David with the sudden urge to rub both hands up and down his hairy face. “It doesn’t bother me in the least. It makes him look rugged… and relaxed. It must be very freeing for him.”

  “Hmmm,” Catherine murmured, watching the guys.

  Lauren sipped her own Cosmo. “I lucked out meeting your brother. If you would have told me a week ago that someone like him would have pursued me, I would’ve thought you were crazy.”

  Catherine tilted her head and looked at her as if puzzled by her sudden lack of self-esteem. “Lauren, love. There is no such thing as ‘luck.’ Our father used to tell us that luck was just a very well prepared person—”

  “Waiting for an opportunity!” Lauren interjected.

  Catherine nearly choked on her cocktail, laughing out loud. “David must have quoted the same thing to you! How hysterical!”

  After a few rounds, Brian called out his final pocket, hitting the cue ball against the rails and striking the game ball with perfection. “That’s the game brother!” He raised both fists in the air as he trotted around the table to his new bride and nuzzled her neck.

  David lay his pool stick on the table and conceded. “Well done, Mr. Brady. This is cause for a celebratory drink!” He put his arm across Lauren’s shoulder and led her to the fully stocked bar in the corner where he refreshed everyone’s beverage. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him while listening intently as he and Brian continued to talk about racing
, his accent growing thicker with each cocktail he consumed. A short time later, a curved bottle of Agave Tequila appeared and the English brother and sister proceeded to try to outdo each other in silly barroom toasts as they threw back shots.

  “Here’s to nipples. Without them tits would be pointless!” Catherine raised her glass with girlish fervor, everyone tipping back and downing the clear alcohol among titters and giggles.

  David chimed in. “Here’s to the nights we’ll never remember with the friends we’ll never forget!”

  “Such a proper toast from my English brother-in-law,” Brian joked, wiping his mouth after tipping back the shot glass.

  “Oh, here’s a good one,” David said, pouring another round for everyone. “Here’s to hurricanes and ex-wives. At first, there’s a lot of blowing… then your house is gone!”

  Lauren couldn’t help but laugh, the alcohol buzzing through her body, releasing her inhibitions. She watched Catherine elbow her brother in the side.

  “Ouch!” he yelped stepping back from her. “Of course, that’s not true in your case, darling.”

  “Absolutely not!” she cajoled. “Brian, my love. What have you got?”

  He thought for a moment before standing upright, clearing his throat. “Here’s to those who’ve seen us at our best and seen us at our worst… and can’t tell the difference.”

  More high-pitched giggles kept coming from Lauren’s mouth as she teetered on the edge of drunkenness. When David held the bottle of tequila over her empty glass again, she waved him off, feeling way too warm and numb.

  “Just one more,” he murmured into her ear, his hot breath releasing a surge of want in her lower region. She relented, taking her hand away from the glass and letting him pour her one last shot.

  “What about you, Lauren? You know any toasts?” Catherine slurred. Her cheeks had become stained with a deep rosey hue.

  “Yes, one more toast from Lauren!” Brian added shoving his glass into the air, his Southern accent more pronounced.


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