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The Nearness of You: A British celebrity, standalone love-at-first-sight romance

Page 19

by K. G. Fletcher


  Walking through the impressive lobby of the Plaza Hotel, David noticed several patrons stopping and staring at them. The doorman quickly opened the front entrance and a barrage of paparazzi clamored to get a shot of the couple. Keeping his cool, he palmed Lauren’s lower back and felt her tense as a shower of flashbulbs went off.

  “Oh my goodness,” she whispered stopping in her tracks. He knew she wasn’t used to this kind of commotion and quickly wrapped his arm around her waist, protecting her from the mob as his driver swiftly opened the car door. There were several shouts congratulating him on the successful launch of his fragrance, and questions about who the mystery woman was on his arm. He couldn’t help but suppress a grin as he slid into the backseat after Lauren, offering them a polite wave, knowing their questions would be answered in a matter of hours. The car drove away from the curb and he pulled her into his embrace.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  She swallowed, wide eyed before answering. “Yes. I just wasn’t expecting that. I keep forgetting how popular you are.”

  He chuckled. “Well, unfortunately, it comes with the territory. Someone must have tipped them off because they aren’t usually camped out near the Plaza when I’m in town.”

  Nervously gripping the clutch in her lap, she smiled and nodded,.

  “Before we head to the ceremony, there’s something I want to show you.”

  “Oh? What is it?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see, love.”

  David watched her as she looked out the window, the bright lights of the city accentuating her beautiful silhouette. He fingered the Tiffany box in his coat pocket and couldn’t help but feel a swell of nervousness. In a few minutes, he was about to ask her a life-changing question.

  The driver navigated slowly through the Midtown traffic, turning at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue into Times Square. Mobs of tourists walked up and down the sidewalks, ogling the bright lights, Broadway billboards, and advertisements featured on mammoth LED screens. The car stopped near the curb and Lauren looked over at him with anticipation.

  “Look through the back window and tell me what you see,” he requested softly.

  Smiling, she nodded and shifted her body to look out the back, resting her chin on her hands. He watched her wide eyes taking it all in. All of a sudden, she gasped and lifted her head off her hands, pointing with surprise.

  “That’s you! That’s the advertisement for Drive!”

  David couldn’t help but beam with pleasure at her outburst. His image was featured on the most prominent focal point in all of Times Square, directly below the famous New Year’s Eve Ball Drop. The position of his ad commanded the attention of millions of tourists year-round as they set their cameras toward one of the most highly photographed icons in New York.

  “Oh my God! It’s incredible!” she exclaimed, staring out the back window in awe.

  “Do you notice anything unusual about the ad?” he probed.

  She ran her tongue across her top lip as if concentrating before a realization crossed her face. “You’re smiling….” She turned and looked at him with bright eyes. “You’re smiling in that photo. How did you convince the team to change your whole advertising image, David? Your photos have never featured you smiling.”

  He reached for her hands and brought them up to his lips kissing her skin. “That was the exact moment when I saw you at the fashion shoot in Central Park back in February. Do you remember? There’s nothing contrived or fake about the image. That was the day you made me feel grateful to be alive.”

  Her chest heaved as she took in a deep breath. “Wow. What a beautiful thing to say.”

  Running his thumbs across her hands he explained his decision as she watched him. “When I saw the proofs, I knew I wanted to use those shots in the campaign. You’ve changed my life, Lauren. I want the world to see how I’ve changed, too.”

  She turned and looked out the back window again as if taking it all in. “It’s probably the best photo I’ve ever seen you in,” she whispered.

  “You’re a big reason this campaign was so successful.” Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulled out the blue Tiffany box. When she turned back to him, she noticed it right away, her eyes looking at the box and then at him several times.


  “Open it.”

  She gently took the box from his fingertips and pulled on the white bow. Lifting the lid, she pulled out the dark blue ring box and flipped the lid open on its hinges, revealing the gorgeous engagement ring. An audible gasp escaped her dewy lips and her hands began to tremble. Taking the box from her, he lifted the ring out with his index finger and thumb. Very slowly, he slid the pear-shaped diamond onto her slender finger. Her mouth made an O as she watched with wide, sparkling eyes.

  “I love you Lauren Rose. I want to spend the rest of my life with you near me, always. I want to smile all the time and proclaim to the whole world you’re carrying our child.” He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it lightly. “Will you marry me?” he whispered. His heart pounded like a bass drum in his chest as he held his breath waiting for her answer.

  Lauren’s lips quivered, and she nodded before flinging herself into his arms. “Yes. Oh, yes, David. I love you so much.”

  He palmed her cheeks and noticed her eyes glistening with tears. Their lips smashed together in a passionate kiss, and when he pulled back from her, his eyes glistened too. “I adore you.”

  Chapter Thirty

  The red carpet was teeming with paparazzi and news crews anticipating the celebrities showing up for the fashion awards ceremony. Upon exiting the car, David and Lauren were swarmed with questions and flashbulbs going off as they were escorted, flanked by event coordinators, to the area where they actually posed in front of the backdrop advertising the event. Lauren gripped David’s hand, aware of her nerves. She was exhilarated and overwhelmed by the circus of people who were way too interested in finding out who she was. David told her on the ride over that he was going to announce their engagement on the red carpet in front of the throngs of people. In the back of her mind, she was aware his public relations team was totally clueless as to what was about to happen. But that wasn’t going to stop him. He seemed confident and ready to take over his own career and personal life, insisting she be by his side.

  It was odd having complete strangers point and gawk, making her feel self-conscious for the first time in years. As a singer and performer, she would occasionally get a bit of stage fright. This was a hundred times worse. She was desperate for the public to accept her. She wanted David’s career to continue to thrive even though he was officially off the market and about to start a family. She wanted to be near him, always.

  Her hormones surged, and she did her best to keep her emotions in check. David seemed to sense her unease and continued to protect her with his arm around her waist keeping her close. They waited on the side lines and were greeted by Sabrina.

  “Well, don’t you both look handsome this evening,” she said with an arched eyebrow raised. Lauren couldn’t help but lean into David just a little more.

  “Thank you, Sabrina,” David replied. His voice was clipped and to the point. “Where will we be sitting this evening and who is my contact to make my way backstage to announce the designer?”

  Sabrina opened a notebook and professionally explained to David the timeline of the evening and who his contacts were. He nodded with pursed lips while taking in the information. Lauren sensed the strain in their relationship, but didn’t feel any remorse toward his assistant. The woman sabotaged her own career butting heads with him. David told her earlier he wasn’t sure if Sabrina would be able to handle the engagement news he was about to reveal and that her ride on his gravy train might be coming to an end. Sabrina didn’t say a word to her, the iciness of her demeanor a sure sign she was none too pleased to see her again.

  A female crew member wearing a headset ushered the two of them t
o the edge of the photography corral. “Mr. Randle, you’re up next.”

  Sabrina quickly closed her notebook. “Well then, I’ll see you afterward for a debrief before the parties.”

  David linked his arm with Lauren. “We’ll see how we feel.” He turned in an obvious attempt to dismiss his assistant for the night. The crew member quickly ushered the couple into the lighted center of the red carpet area where flashbulbs and questions exploded in the sea of photographers, news crews and paparazzi. Lauren couldn’t help but blink several times, not used to the bright, blinking lights.

  David held up his hand in an effort to calm the storm. “Ladies and gentleman, I would like to be the first one to bring you this special announcement.” A hush fell across the crowd and Lauren noticed Sabrina looking on with an intense expression on her face.

  “This beautiful woman on my arm is Lauren Rose.” A steady stream of flashes exploded again as he turned and looked at her, a large smile emulating from his handsome face. “Lauren is my fiancé.”

  A roar erupted through the crowd of people shouting questions as another explosion of lights filled the night sky. Lauren turned her head away, shielding her eyes close to David’s shoulder. “Darling, you’re doing great,” he encouraged.

  Several people shouted to see the engagement ring. Lauren turned and nervously splayed her trembling hand out in front of her as audible gasps and congratulations were heard.

  “Thank you everyone for allowing us the privilege of announcing our engagement to the masses this evening. We wanted you to be the first to know. Enjoy your evening.” They posed for a few seconds more before being quickly escorted into the building, which was not accessible to the media. In the shadowed, empty hallway David stopped and pulled her into an embrace. “I’m so proud of you. It can get a little crazy, but it never lasts for very long.” She nodded into his chest, grateful for his warm strength enveloping her.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Sabrina’s irritated voice cut through the air.

  David pulled back from Lauren and stood his ground. “I’m taking back my personal life and career.”

  She eyed Lauren menacingly with her hands crossed in front of her chest. “I cannot believe you did that without informing the PR team. Have you gone mad? Your career is at an all-time high and you jeopardized it by making this huge announcement on the red carpet. There’s protocol with these situations, David. You know that!”

  David laughed. “This is not a ‘situation.’ In fact, this is none of your bloody business anymore. What I do with my private life is just that—private. You and I will deal strictly with business matters and nothing more.” He turned to Lauren and grasped her hand. “Come on, darling. I have an award to announce.” They walked away from a shocked Sabrina whose mouth was on the floor.

  Approaching their seats in the large auditorium, Lauren was aware of all eyes watching them. David offered a few cordial greetings to some colleagues and accepted several hearty congratulations. News traveled fast on the red carpet. When they were finally seated, she whispered in his ear. “Are you and Sabrina going to be okay?”

  He lifted his arm and put it around her shoulders. “There’s nothing to worry about. This has been a long-time coming, and she needs to be brought down a notch. I don’t want you to worry about a thing.” He kissed her cheek as the lights started to dim.

  Worry crossed her mind, the news of her pregnancy inevitably the next big announcement. This news would surely send Sabrina Watson over the edge. Lauren twisted her engagement ring on her finger back and forth, trying to turn her negative thoughts positive. She was head-over-heels in love with David Randle and they were engaged. Her life was definitely on a fast track trajectory to world-wide fame.


  “Your breasts are bigger,” David surmised as he straddled her naked body in the bed. He was cupping her breasts, staring at her chest. It was close to midnight and they were both wide awake.

  She giggled and rolled her eyes. “Well, what do you expect from a pregnant woman? There’s a lot more of me that’s going to get bigger in the next few months. I could get really fat. Are you ready for that?”

  He grinned. “I can’t wait. You’re going to be the most beautiful pregnant woman on the planet.” Leaning down, he suckled her nipple gently.

  She drew in a sharp breath, the sensation of his tongue and teeth almost painful. All of her emotions and senses since becoming pregnant were magnified. Sex was better than ever, her orgasms coming quickly and intensely, much to David’s delight. He made a trail of kisses in a circle on her tummy as she ran her hands through his thick, dark hair.

  “Hello, baby,” he whispered into her belly button.

  A surge of emotion blossomed in her chest at the same time her lower region began to throb. Loving David was the best experience of her life. He doted on her and made her feel beautiful. They talked about anything and everything for hours at a time. Their love for classic styles and vintage clothing was a bonus. He was always beyond generous, making sure she had everything she needed, and the way he looked at her, even a glance, sent her swooning. The sex was the cherry on top. It was the best she ever had and ever wanted. He was tender and gentle and yet other times, domineering and aggressive. It was an amazing experience every single time. Lauren was committed to him and their growing family. They were the most important part of her life now.

  His trail of kisses continued a downward descent, and she arched her back as the tip of his tongue traced her soaked seam. Writhing with desire, she gasped when he suddenly thrust his hardness into her, and covered her mouth with his own. The warm muskiness of her sex lingered on his lips and tongue. The wet kiss was sensual and passionate as she raked her nails down his bare back, pulling him in deeper. His hard cock touched her sweet spot and she had a hard time catching her breath. Shouting her name into the air with his sexy, British cadence, David spilled into her. When she finally let go, she convulsed, shattering into a million, dazzling pieces.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  “We need to compare calendars and figure out our schedules today,” David said as he buttoned up his shirt. “Being together is my top priority. We’ve got to make it work.”

  Lauren’s heart surged with love as she nodded, holding the bed sheet up to cover her naked body while watching him get ready. It was already mid-morning and he was summoned to an emergency meeting with his public relations team, who’d been inundated with all kinds of messages from the press wanting inclusive interviews regarding the engagement announcement.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?”

  He shook his head. “You don’t need to be a part of this. Sabrina will be there and I don’t want her upsetting you in your condition.” Crossing the bedroom, he sat on the bed next to her. His clean scent was intoxicating as he tenderly brushed her hair out of her face. “Go back to sleep if you want to and take your time getting ready. I have another surprise for you later.” His blue eyes lit up like the sun bouncing off the surface of the ocean.

  She leaned up on her elbows, intrigued. “You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”

  One side of his mouth pulled up into a smirk. “You, my love, were the best surprise of all.” He kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll be back soon.”

  When the door clicked shut, she reached for her cellphone on the bedside table and called her dad, hoping he might answer if he was in-between classes. To her disappointment, it went straight to voicemail.

  “Daddy, it’s me, Lauren. I wanted to let you and Mom know…,” she stifled a giggle. “I’m engaged!”


  David called Lauren around noon to apologize, saying he was tied up in meetings and was running late. He insisted she keep their 1:00 p.m. reservation at the Palm Court in the hotel that featured a beautiful afternoon tea. She took her time getting ready and slipped on her Valentino boots before leaving the suite.

  The hostess at the Palm Court was expecting her and escorted her to an op
en table. The beautiful space was full of potted plants and ceiling-high palm trees, and her lovely table for two held cane accents, positioned next to a wall with trellis detailing. She couldn’t help but stare up at the soaring stained glass dome that looked to be a part of the original structure. The area was timelessly elegant and breathtaking.

  With her appetite back in full swing, she took the liberty of ordering a lemon curd scone and fruit tart. Sipping on her chamomile tea, she looked at the time on her cellphone and sighed. She’d been sitting at the table by herself for almost a half an hour with no sign of David. Contemplating ordering and eating an entire chocolate éclair by herself, she was startled by a familiar voice.

  “Hello, duchess.”

  She turned and looked up to see David’s sister, Catherine grinning at her.

  “Oh, my god!” She quickly got up and the two embraced. “Are you the surprise David hinted at this morning?”

  Catherine giggled. “The one and only.”

  The two women sat down and more tea and refreshments were ordered.

  “You look incredible, Catherine. David told me the news about your pregnancy. Congratulations.”

  Catherine blushed and nodded, patting her tummy. “Yes. It didn’t take us very long. All that shagging in Hilton Head really paid off.” They laughed. “Now, show me the gorgeous engagement diamond I’ve heard so much about.”

  Lauren offered her left hand across the table and Catherine gently held her fingertips, eyeing the impressive stone. “My little brother has certainly outdone himself. Congratulations dear Lauren. I’m so happy for you both.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled warmly, taking a beat. “Did he, uh, tell you our other news?”


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