Merlot_Boys of Summer, Season I

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Merlot_Boys of Summer, Season I Page 2

by Caia Daniels

  Fuck. I clamp my mouth shut. Her mom’s gonna pull out her rifle and shoot me dead.

  “Mom?” She glares then scoffs. “Goddamn her. Okay. Fine.”

  “She’s worried about you, that’s all.”

  “That’s not why I came. You have been a naughty girlfriend.” Alec teases. “I know Luc’s talked to you a lot, but I haven’t. And we both miss you.”

  “Fine, okay. You can take me home, but I’m exhausted. I just wanna change into some jammies and binge on vampires. I’m an entire season behind.”

  “Oh, babe. You and your Damon obsession.” I shake my head.

  “Have you seen the man?” Alec asks. “He’s the hottest vampire on the planet.”

  “Right?” Merlot bites her lip, a faraway flirty glint in her eye.

  She and Alec have an affinity for two things: Chocolate and a certain TV vampire.

  “Okay. After we get you there, we’ll leave you to your solitude,” Alec says. “But only if you promise to come to dinner soon.”

  “And coffee.” I offer. “It’s nearly my off-season. I want a coffee date.”

  “Deal. And I’ve been dying to taste what you learned in Italy. I’ve also missed you both.”

  “All right, love.” Alec leans in and kisses her forehead. “Let’s get you home.”

  Merlot lets go of me and grabs her things, then we all head out of the club and grab a cab outside.

  The three of us climb into the car. Merlot gives the cab driver her address, then snuggles up to Alec in the back seat. Within a couple of minutes, she’s already fallen asleep in his arms while I hold her hand, drawing invisible hearts on her soft skin.

  About twenty minutes later, we arrive at Merlot’s building in Brooklyn.

  “Wake up, love.” Alec runs his fingers over her hair, stirring her from her nap.

  “Wow. I fell asleep on you. I’m sorry.”

  “No worries, babe. The drool will dry.” I nudge her shoulder. “You’ve had a lot of excitement for one night.”

  We climb out of the cab, and Alec asks the driver to wait.

  “I can make it in myself,” she says. “You don’t have to wait.”

  “Not a chance.” Alec admonishes.

  “You guys are so good to me.” Merlot smiles. Her eyes are dull, and her voice is weak. She’s clearly exhausted, both physically and emotionally.

  “Come on, let’s get you tucked in.” I grab her hand, and we escort her up the two flights of stairs leading to her apartment door.

  “I’ll call you guys tomorrow.” She turns to put the key in the door when something rattles from inside the apartment.

  “Wait.” I move Merlot to Alec’s side. “Did you hear that?”

  That’s when we notice the door. Looks like the lock’s been busted.

  “Did you leave your place like this?” I ask.

  “Uh, no? Movers were here earlier, though. Maybe they...”

  I cut her off and glance over to Alec, nodding for him to take Merlot aside.

  “What the hell’s going on?” she whispers. “Is there somebody in there?” Her voice cracks as the color drains from her face.

  Finger over my lip to silence them, I turn then to the entrance and notice the doorframe, wood splintering. Clearly, her place has been broken in to.

  “Stay here, I’m gonna check out your apartment.”

  Cautiously, I push open the door and forge ahead, moving stealthily down the dark hallway. Feeling along the wall as I search for a light switch, but I don’t find any until near the end of the hallway. Must have missed it.

  It’s quiet, and my spidey senses aren’t tingling, so I’m guessing nobody’s here.

  Finally, I find a switch and flip it on to Merlot’s living room. Boxes are lined up along the walls like nothing’s been unpacked. Peeking into the kitchen which is attached to the living area, I see more unpacked boxes stacked up on a table and an island counter. She really hasn’t done much in the time she’s been back. I’ll have to offer to help her unpack.

  Turning back to tour her living room, seems all the furniture is set up but her clothes, including a bunch of bras and panties are strung out all over a couch like someone was looking for something in her underwear drawer. Yeah, in the living room.

  “What the fuck?”

  Continuing my search through the apartment, I reach another room and flip on the light. It’s her bedroom, and the window is wide open, whipping arctic city winds through the room, making a box lid flap.

  That explains the noises coming from the apartment.

  “Why is the window open?” It’s February, for fuck’s sake.

  I walk over to the window and look out, noticing a fire escape out the back.

  “Did someone come in the window or go out?” I say to no one, because I’m known to talk to myself now and again. Either way, Merlot can’t stay here. I pull hard to close the window, then turn and glance around the room.

  Merlot has jewelry strung out all over her dresser. Rings, necklaces—some I recall her having, but mostly new.

  There’s a jar filled with pink sand siting on her dresser, forcing me to grin. Our moms took us to the Bahamas after we finished high school.

  Merlot has a sand collection from every beach she’s ever been to but for some reason, the pink sand is the only jar she has out on her dresser.

  The jar we collected.

  “Luc?” Alec calls from the hallway. “All clear?”

  I pick up the jar of sand for a minute, smiling at the memory of our Bahamas trip, then set it down and head out toward Alec and Merlot.

  “Yeah, sorry. There’s nobody here. But unless you let in the panty raiders, I think somebody was. Check out your living room.”

  Alec holds Merlot’s hand as he drags her down the hall toward me.

  I direct their attention to the sofa like a game show host.

  Merlot’s jaw drops and her piercing blue eyes pop open at the sight of her undergarments strewn all over the room.

  “That’s just weird.”

  “Yeah, you’re not kidding.” I press my lips together. “Check out your bedroom. Better look over your jewelry, looks as if someone went rummaging through that, too.”

  I lead them into the bedroom and point at her dresser.

  “Oh yeah, the fucking window was open.” I wave my hand toward the glass. “And you have a fire escape. We need to make sure there’s some locking mechanism on that thing, especially if someone broke in here.”

  Merlot lets go of Alec’s hand and moves closer. “Son of a bitch.” She grumbles as she glances around the room. “What the…?” She runs her hands through her hair, wrinkles spreading across her forehead.

  “I’m guessing you didn’t leave your room this way?”

  “No.” Merlot scoffs.

  She walks over to her clothes, picking up a few things then tosses them aside and walks to the dresser then picks up a diamond ring that was sitting on a small glass dish. Holding out the ring, she glances to Alec and me. “Jamie. I gave this back to him last month. That stalker broke into my apartment.”

  Merlot is visibly shaking now.

  I reach out and pull her close, wrapping my arms around her shoulders, hoping to calm her nerves.

  “Everything’s okay,” I say. “He’s gone.”

  “I don’t even remember giving him my address. How the hell did he find me? This is getting beyond creepy.” She pulls from my grip and sits on her bed, leaning onto her knees, burying her face into her palms. “I can’t do this.”

  Alec and I look at each other for a minute then sit on either side of Merlot. I reach my arm around her shoulder while Alec sets his hand on her knee.

  “Come back to our place,” Alec offers. “You can’t stay here, not with stalker guy lurking.”

  “I doubt he’ll—”

  “I don’t care. No way.” Alec lays down the law.

  When Alec turns on alpha guy, there’s no way around it. I know. I’ve tried.

ou can’t stay here alone if that fucker is breaking into your place.” I push her hair over her shoulder. “We won’t let you.”

  Merlot leans over, her face is now buried in her palms. A second later, she sits up and stares up both of us.

  The sight of her watery eyes kills me.

  I run the pad of my thumb beneath her eyelids and dry them the best I can, then kiss her forehead. “We’ll get this figured out. For now, just come home with us. You can hang at our place as long as you like.”

  “Okay.” She sighs. “Thanks. Once again, my knights have rescued me.”

  I rise to my feet and bow then pull her hand to my lips and kiss it softly.

  “Anytime, my lady. Now.” I hold out my hands to Merlot, offering to help her to her feet. help “Grab some stuff. It’s time to come home.”



  After gathering some things, we take the cab to Luc and Alec’s apartment. Still in Brooklyn, but much nicer than my part of town.

  I can’t believe Jamie broke into my place. He’s becoming more of a liability every day. For tonight, I try to put it out of my mind and enjoy this unexpected reunion with my best friends.

  We make it upstairs to their apartment, and I’m immediately breathless.

  “You live here?” Letting go of Luc’s hand, I wander the beautifully decorated space.

  Glistening floors reflect the filtered light from the honeycomb blinds. Vaulted ceilings drift far above the furnishings scattered perfectly about the vast, airy room.

  Artwork graces the pale grey walls amid cases filled with sculptures and other lovely creations. Lighting casts soft glows down upon things of beauty and grace, leaving spaces darkened by shadows, but still hinting of cozy places. The entire place seems like a cross between a high-end loft and an art gallery.


  “How do you two afford all this?”

  Luc and Alec grin at each other like they’re hiding some dirty secret.

  “Summer work,” Alec says smugly. “It pays off nicely.”

  “I guess. Shit. Hook me up, would ya? This apartment is beyond stunning. I’m jealous.”

  I walk to the windows and peer out at the lively city. I’ve always been amazed at how alive New York City is, at any given hour. I’ve missed it, and I’m extremely happy to be home.

  After admiring the view of the city, I turn around to inspect their new place. The entire apartment is a large, open floor plan. A room off the living room has a pool table, a game station, and even a mini theater.

  The kitchen is shiny. A huge island stands in the middle with every cooking apparatus imaginable.

  “Let me guess.” I poke around in the kitchen and point at Alec as he opens up a bottle of wine. “This is your happy place?”

  Luc comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist as he presses his nose into my neck.

  Caught off guard, I noticeably twitch from his touch. The good kind of twitch, the kind with a direct line to my heart.

  Luc giggles adorably. “There’s my girl,” he whispers into my ear.

  Not surprisingly, his touch still gives me shivers, even after all this time.

  “Well, yes. But believe it or not, in this house…” Luc breaths out, blowing against my sensitive skin. “I do most of the cooking.”

  I twist my neck and glance at him, narrowing my eyes. “No. Way.”

  “I cook at work.” Alec shrugs. “At home, not so much.” He points to Luc. “My man’s in charge of most things in this kitchen. You’d be impressed how good of a cook Luc is now.”

  “Uh, no. I remember my scrawny best friend burning mac and cheese. In the microwave.”

  “Well.” Alec hands me a glass of my favorite wine—not one I’m named after. “I’m a good teacher. And he’s a very good student.” Alec winks at Luc. So cute. “Aren’t you, lover?”

  Turning an adorable shade of pink, Luc nods and tugs me back against his chest once more, returning his arms around my waist and setting his chin in the nook between my neck and my shoulder.

  Closing my eyes, I settle back against him, inhaling the musky scent of my sexy best friend.

  “Gods, it’s good to be here.” I release an audible breath and relax onto Luc’s chest, feeling his muscles twitch against my nearly bare back.

  I’ve missed them both terribly over the past year while I’ve toured with the troupe. Something about being here with Luc and Alec in their place just feels... Familiar.

  “Drink.” Luc gently nudges me forward.

  Clenching the glass between my fingers, I raise it to my lips and take a sip. The pale-yellow liquid hits my tongue and bursts into fruity, sweet paradise. “Mmm, this is amazing. What is it?”

  “It’s one of the wines I brought back from Tuscany, a Moscadello di Montalcino. I learned a lot there. Maybe someday we’ll all three take a trip to the Mediterranean, eh baby?” Alec teases Luc.

  Luc looks Mediterranean. Tall and tan. Hot as hell with dark hair contrasted by the lightest blue eyes.

  I quickly chug down the sweet wine, then set down the glass on the dark granite island counter and push it back toward Alec.

  “That’s delicious, but do you have anything—stronger?”

  After everything that’s happened tonight, some retro college fun shots seem more appropriate than grown-up wine.

  “I have just the thing.” Alec turns and digs into a cabinet, pulling out bottles of Tequila, Vodka, and some mixers. “What’s your poison?”

  “Surprise me, bartender.”

  Alec makes quick work of his barista skills, mixing us all some very strong margaritas and even a few tequila shots.

  “This is going to be fun.” Luc releases my hips and disappears. A minute later, music starts streaming throughout the apartment.

  My gaze circles the room, searching for the source of the sounds echoing through their acoustic space.

  “Hey, do you have, um—” I stare at Alec, who’s standing across from me, gazing hungrily in my direction. I remember that look. “I, um—need to change. And pee. Show me to a bathroom?”

  Something about the need in Alec’s eyes throws me off my game. His gaze is feasting on me, a nostalgic expression I’ve not seen in years.


  “Seriously, I need to get out of these clothes. They’re stifling.”

  Escaping Alec’s hypnotic gaze turns out to be a difficult task as I clear my throat then take a sip of my margarita, barely managing to disengage from his stare.

  “Of course.” He takes my hand and leads me through the living room to their bathroom. “One second.” He runs out then comes back with my bag. “Sorry. Here, get comfy.” He smiles and blows me a kiss as he closes the door behind him.

  I turn and glance around at the bathroom. It’s bigger than my bedroom in my new apartment. Double showers, a separate ginormous bathtub. Clean and kept like nobody lives here. Not how I expected their bathroom to look and certainly nothing like ours was back in college.

  As I’m used to quick costume changes, I expeditiously take off my public persona garb and pull on my comfy leggings and long sleeve T-shirt, even ditching the double D bra. Sure, it’s been a while since I’ve seen the guys, but if I can be myself around anyone, it’s my two gay best friends.

  After brushing my teeth and straightening out my hair and makeup, I leave my bag in a corner and walk back out into their living room.

  Neither Alec nor Luc are anywhere to be found, so I take the opportunity to be nosy and check out their new digs.

  My feet are killing me though, and the couch is calling to me, so I accept its invitation and pace myself over. Their couch is visibly fluffy. The tan leather feels as smooth as it looks as I run my hand over the fabric, appreciating the quality.

  The guys have an obsession for beautiful things, and this apartment is no exception. Definitely nothing like our college place.

  As my ass hits the couch, I immediately sink in like it’s made of quick sand. An audible sig
h escapes me, it’s so damned comfortable. I let out a breath as I stretch out my legs and set back my head, my eyes closing, relaxing for the first time all night.

  It’d been months since I wore anything other than costumes from the play, and those damn heels were seriously killing my feet.

  Alec appears then and hands me a different beverage, a frozen red concoction.

  I suck down the drink quickly, the heat of the alcohol already fuzzing my senses.

  Alec’s gaze is once again, burning through me. A feeling I can sense without even glancing up.

  Is he flirting?

  “Oh my goddess, this is the best strawberry margarita I’ve ever had.” I peer up at Alec, his adorable crooked smile sends my heart racing.

  What is wrong with me?

  Is my imagination running wild? Is the alcohol clouding my judgment already? Or maybe Alec really is giving me that look. The one I haven’t seen since we dated. Yeah, that look. The one that says he wants more than just my company.

  I’m way out of my realm here.

  Luc and Alec are my best friends. Luc and Alec love each other. Sure, they love me, but not in that way. How could they? Alec can’t possibly want to go back there after everything he and Luc went through to be together, could he?

  We all did hook up before, though. Once. One drunken night before I started seeing Jamie. Well, I wasn’t that drunk. None of us were, really, it’s just the excuse I use to justify my mistake.

  The most amazing sex of my life.

  Spoiled and sexually satisfied by the loves of my life.

  I always felt a connection to Luc and Alec. Both of them. But they clearly chose each other, and I decided a long time ago not to interfere in that any longer.

  Everything worked out for the best. I got offered the lead role in the musical, and I left. It was only fair anyway, to move on and give my friends a chance to build a relationship without me as a distraction.

  I suck down my liquid courage, then hand Alec the glass. “Daiquiri?”

  Alec bows. “Of course, darling. Anything for our goddess.” He winks then moves off to the kitchen.


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