Merlot_Boys of Summer, Season I

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Merlot_Boys of Summer, Season I Page 3

by Caia Daniels

  Rising to my feet, I take off to be nosy then stop at the fireplace displaying a row of pictures. Many of the three of us. Some from college, some from after we moved here to Brooklyn. Others just Luc and me in high school, and even earlier.

  Memories are everywhere. Luc, Merlot, and Alec.

  “I can’t believe you still have all these.” I pick up a picture of me and Alec singing Karaoke in a bar in Boston.

  “Fun times.” Alec hands me another drink.

  I take a sip and squeeze my eyes shut, puckering at the bitterness. “What’d you add to this? That’s sour.” I laugh, then start drinking again, my head getting fuzzier with every gulp. Either they’re trying to get me drunk, or I am.

  Being here brings back so many memories. I’ve missed them. And after being apart from Jamie now, I feel kind of lonely.

  It’s good to see Alec and Luc so happy together, though.

  My dream duet.

  I sigh at the thought. Frankly, I can’t help but think of all the fun we’d had as roomies. Getting drunk, playing drinking games. Pool.

  I’m surprisingly good at drinking games. Nimble fingers. The memories playing the guys inspire a giggle.


  That’s what led to that night, a night that for some reason, I can’t seem to push from my mind. Ever. Especially not tonight.

  In all honesty, I don’t just love my boys. I’m in love with them. Both of them, and I probably always will be.

  Hell, I lost my virginity to Luc. He really was my first love.

  As far as I know, I’m the only woman he’s ever slept with. When I found out Luc liked guys, I would have been upset, but the only guy he’d ever expressed an interest in was Alec.

  Ironic how all that happened.

  Alec and I met at a frat party in college my freshman year. I fell in love with Alec then. He was attentive, fun and so adorably sweet to me. A great kisser, and even better at just about everything sexual. I learned a lot from Alec.

  A few weeks of dates and cuddles, and I was finally ready to bring him home to Luc, who insisted he had to give his ‘approval’ of any man I wanted to date seriously. And I did – Alec was amazing.

  Who knew I’d end up losing him…

  Luc’s protectiveness of me was cute, though. I never saw it as invasive or weird before that because I knew Luc loved me.

  Luc and Alec hit it off immediately, so we all started spending more time together, the three of us.

  After a few weeks, Luc and Alec started hanging out without me. Alone. ‘Guy time.’

  I began to get suspicious when they would hug each other goodbye, each hug becoming a little longer. Each smile, a little more intense. Blushing, even. So, I finally decided to ask Luc.

  That’s when everything changed.

  Luc admitted he had a crush on Alec. Then one drunken night, my first ever threesome ensued. Sure, they paid me plenty of attention, but Luc and Alec seemed surprisingly enamored with each other.

  They kissed that night–I later learned it was their first. Witnessing that moment, though? Being a part of it? I just knew.

  And the rest, as they say, is history.

  Luc and Alec are MFEO–made for each other. The hottest duo I’ve ever seen. Hell, I can’t even be mad at them anymore after seeing them together, watching their relationship evolve. Grow.

  Watching them fall in love.

  Oh, how things have changed since then. I kind of miss the attention they used to give me, though. Like I’m the only woman in the world.

  Turns out, to them, I am.

  Maybe that’s what I need. Time with them. Perhaps some cuddles will help, especially after the night I’ve had.

  And given the vibes Alec and Luc have both been giving me tonight, I’m sure they won’t argue. They seem needy, too–though I don’t know why.

  Maybe they need me as much as I need them.

  Alec comes out then wearing a T-shirt and PJ pants, his adorable smile makes my head spin again.

  As I stand, I’m a little wobbly and begin to stumble.

  Alec rescues me by grabbing my arm to steady me.

  “I have an idea.” I hold onto Alec’s arms and am immediately drawn to them. “Wow, dude. You’ve beefed up since last I saw you.” My eyes widen as I run my fingers along the lines in his firm biceps. “Damn.”

  Alec grins as I let go. “You should see the rest of me.” He smiles seductively, his eyes giving me that look again.

  “Oh yeah?” I raise my eyebrow, jut out my foot and set my hands on my hips. “Show me.”

  “Seriously?” Alec seems excited, his eyes narrow as his tongue runs across his bottom lip.

  “All right then.” I perk up, feeling brave. “Let’s play a game.” Still holding his muscles, I pop up to my tippy-toes. My eyes divert to his mouth momentarily as he runs his tongue over his lips once more. I return my gaze to his and give a grin. “And drink.”

  Luc comes out of their bedroom then also wearing sweats and a T-shirt. Even dressed down, they’re both sexy as fuck. “Did I hear ‘drink’?”

  I flatten out my feet and let go of Alec, stepping back a little.

  “What are you thinking?” Alec asks.

  “I’m feeling pretty good right about now. Why not play a game of pool? Whenever one of us gets a ball in, the others drink.”

  Alec and Luc glance at each other and nod their agreement, sly grins crossing their adorable faces.

  My gaze drinks in their beauty.

  Luc is tall, around six feet, though not quite as tall as Alec. Olive skin, dark hair but with stunning, light blue eyes. And a dimple that sinks into his left cheek when he shows off his crooked smile that makes my panties wet. His body is sculpted well since he works as a physical trainer for the Knicks.

  And Alec. Man, is he built–you’d think he was the physical trainer. Toned, traceable lines I once enjoyed tracing a path down to his... I let out a sigh and smile at the vision in my mind. Alec’s around six-feet three, I think? I mean, I never measured him or anything. Straight nose, strong jaw covered with a sexy, well-groomed beard. Dirty blond hair and mesmerizing caramel eyes.

  I’d forgotten how much I missed them. Even their friendship reminds me what a lucky girl I am, having two amazing men who, though not technically mine, have always been there when I needed them.

  For anything. Everything.

  Good and bad, I could always count on Luc and Alec.

  Alec retreats to the kitchen, I’m assuming to grab more booze, and Luc takes my hand and leads me through a set of polished wooden double doors to an adjoining room.

  A thick Persian rug sits in the middle of the room, large enough that the dark purple felt of the table acts as a centerpiece. It’s a lush purple, like a deep red wine. Speaking of large, the game room is nearly as big as some apartments I've been in. There's air hockey and a Foosball table as well as a rather ornate table and chairs with a gorgeous Chess set ready to play.

  “Jesus, this is a beautiful room. Again…tell me what you guys do to make all this money? This must have cost a mint.”

  “We do okay.” Luc grins. “Wanna play?”

  The double entendre is impossible to miss, especially with the way Luc’s eyes seem to be devouring everything about me, head to toe.

  Handing me a smooth pool cue, he raises an eyebrow asking if I’m up for a game.

  “How are we going to do this with three people?”

  Words barely out of my mouth, I realize I’m playing along. I need to steer the conversation away from sex, or anything that could be taken as innuendo.

  Good fucking luck with that. These two are like horny teenagers.

  “Nine-ball, eight-ball, what do you guys play?” Better. Steer this away from sexy talk.

  “Either works for us, we like it both ways.” That fucking grin is eating up his face.

  Blushing slightly, I realize he’s got me flustered. My mind isn’t working far enough in advance for this. Focus.

  “Should we
just take turns, the loser sits out?” There. Make that dirty. Ha!

  Hands on my waist, Alec startles me by whispering in my ear. “Yeah. One of us can play with you, while the other watches.” I can’t even see his face, but I hear the godsdamned grin in his voice.

  A line from a song runs through my mind. In too deep, lost in time…Why'd you have to go and let it die?

  As if I don’t have enough trouble focusing, now I have to turn off the music in my head. Realizing that my face is redder than ever, I whip around and smack his chest for surprising me.

  “Knock it off, Alec.” Holy fuck, his chest is—No. Stop that.

  In an attempt to recover my wits and regain the upper hand, I snatch the drink he’s holding out to me. He’s still wearing that fucking smirk. That adorable, dimply smirk.

  Fucked. I’m so fucking fucked. The song starts back up again. I feel like I need to vent some frustration. I take a sip of the drink, hiding my face from them both. Wow, that’s strong. Delicious, but potent.

  So many thoughts swirl around in my head. Thoughts of the boys, thoughts of my potential role coming up, thoughts of my fucking crazy ex.

  Dirty thoughts, too. Thoughts of these two snuggling up against me, one on each side, nuzzling my neck. The fruity liquid slides down my throat as I pound the cocktail. Heat blooms in my belly, bringing a light fuzz with it.

  Fuck it. I need some fun.

  “Alright buttheads, that’s enough. I’m here to play pool. Who’s ready to get his ass kicked?”

  The boys just grin back at me. Incorrigible fucks.

  “You.” I point at Luc. “Get your ass up here and rack ‘em.”

  Luc jumps up and grabs the triangle, setting up the balls. Long fingers envelop the colorful orbs, gracefully slipping them into place. He’s done this a lot, it seems. I may be in trouble here.

  Not exactly uncharted waters tonight.

  “Ladies first,” Luc offers, stowing the triangle back in its compartment in the table.

  Grinning as I lean over the bumper, I line up the break. I am good at pool. I can hold my own with these two.

  Giving Alec a quick wink and eyeing it once more, I give the cue ball a forceful push. Clacking balls scatter across the felt, and the two-ball drops in a side pocket. I glance around the table and see a few good shots I can make.

  “Solids. I can handle that.”

  Three more fall before I miss the six in a corner. That leaves Luc at a distinct disadvantage.

  He moves over to the opposite rail and deftly puts two stripes in with one well-placed bank shot.


  Four more stripes go down in quick succession as I finish my margarita. He’s really good.

  Finally, he scratches, just missing putting in stripe number seven. Lucky break for me. Now, I just need to drop all of my balls before I mess up again. I think I see the perfect combination of shots.

  While placing the cue ball down to the left, I lean down and size up an angle. I think I can just—

  Looking up, I notice both of them practically drooling as they stare at my chest. I glance down and realize the V-neck T-shirt is showing off my excessive amount of cleavage. Well, they can probably see my nipples the way this baggy shirt is drooping.

  They both jump as I smack the side of the table, their eyes guiltily darting up to meet my glare. Both of them don a sheepish grin, dimples all around.

  Jerks. I stifle a grin, not wanting them to know I’m flattered. Flattered and confused. And just a little buzzed.

  Fuck it. The cue ball streaks towards the six, and I’m rewarded with two clunks as the nine ball joins it in the back corner.

  I keep it together and run the table, finally dropping the eight-ball just as I call it. A nice bank shot very satisfyingly puts it in a side pocket.

  One hand on my hip, the other holding onto the pool cue like a subway pole, I smirk at Luc.

  “Alec, rack ‘em. Time for me to knock your dick in the dirt.”

  The boys laugh as they switch up.

  This is fun. I needed a break.

  We laugh, relax, and drink some more as we play. I flub the break, and Alec jumps in, sinking three in a row. I snap back with a six-ball streak, and by the time I barely miss number seven, their eyebrows are trying to climb up their foreheads.

  Alec rallies, putting in three balls. He’s matching me well, until he scratches.

  I smile as I line up the shot, just feeling how it’s going to fall. It does. As I see the thirteen-ball tip over the lip of the pocket, I look up triumphantly, and see both boys’ eyes riveted to my chest once more.

  The raw hunger in Alec’s gaze takes me a little by surprise.

  Straightening up slowly, I’m feeling a little extra attractive as I smile to myself. Fine. They can watch me while I sink this fucking eight-ball, too.

  As the black ball drops into the pocket I just called, I look back up at them, grinning. “That’s two. You owe me another drink, I think.”

  “You’re pretty good at this. I’ll be right back.” Alec hands off his cue stick and hugs me on the way out of the room to get more drinks. I notice as he’s slipping out the door, he winks at Luc. They’re so cute…I’m glad they have each other.

  Confusion swirls through my head as I try to process my feelings. There’s sooo much to process. I’m feeling good, having fun tonight, but I’m also nervous about the callback and about fuckboi Jamie. I’m feeling a bit buzzed, but also a bit tingly.

  That’s unexpected. And unfortunate. I can’t get myself tangled up with these two tonight, regardless of how they’re looking at me. I just don’t have the strength to deal with that. Gods, what a fucking mess that would be. Besides, they’re gay. Flirty, maybe a little flexible.

  Sexually flexible, like me? So not gay? Gods, I’m so fucking confused. I just need to stop thinking and play.

  “Got the next round ready to go.” Alec hands me a drink, something different this time. I take a sip and sigh as the flavor tangoes with my taste buds.

  “That’s amazing.” I take another long sip, savoring the flavor. “What is it?”

  “Sunset Beach. It’s pretty popular. Glad you like it,” he purrs.

  “This is my new favorite, sir. Please keep these coming. Mmm.” I swallow a little more and put the drink down. “Alright, who’s my next victim?”

  Glancing at each other, I notice an unspoken conversation between the two men. Their eyebrows wiggle a little, and I think Alec nods.

  Turning back to face me as one, they give matching smiles.

  “What do you say we make this interesting?”

  I meet Luc’s gaze. “What do you have in mind?”

  His breathing intensifies a moment before answering. “Sometimes Alec and I like to play Strip Pool. Miss a shot, lose an article of clothing.”

  “Huh.” Pausing, trying to think of what to say or do, I notice my tingles are warring with the buzz in my belly that’s fuzzing my thoughts. “Huh.”

  Mistaking my hesitation for reluctance, Alec chimes in. “It’s okay, it was just a silly idea. We can do whatever you want, Merlot.”

  There in his eyes lies disappointment. With Alec and Luc, I’m a pushover so I throw caution to the wind.

  “What the fuck. What’s the point of having a pair of GBFFs if I can’t hang out in my undies with them, right? Besides, the way you two are playing, I don’t think I have much to worry about.” My snarky grin is met by two in return.

  “You sure?” Luc sounds concerned, but hopeful.

  “You’re up.” My wink brings a smile back to Luc’s face.

  Standing in just my bra and panties a short time later, I glare at the two fully-dressed boys.

  I just got fucking hustled.

  “You two are on my shit list. Both of you run the tables on me? What kind of shit is that?”

  Alec’s chuckle is making it hard not to grin at the cocky asshole. “Hey, you missed those shots. We even let you break both rounds.”

  My traito
r subconscious brings up that fucking meme. I even hear it in Morgan Freeman’s voice: He’s right, you know.

  “Shut the fuck up, Morgan.”

  Looking at me with twin stares of befuddlement, they grin.

  I shrug. “Never mind. I think I’ve played enough pool. What else can we do, I’m not tired just yet.”

  Even I’m surprised by that. I have no clue what time it is, but it has to be late.

  “How ‘bout two truths and a lie or never have I ever? Dealer’s choice.” Luc wiggles his eyebrows.

  “That’s not really fair. We grew up together. You pretty much know everything about me.”

  “Okay, then.” Luc bites his lip like he’d not seen a woman half naked in, well, ever. Which to be honest, who knows. Maybe they hadn’t seen any since mine.

  Maybe mine are the only one’s they’ve ever seen?

  Though I doubt that’s the case for Alec. I couldn’t have been the first and only girl he’d ever dated. Luc however… as far as I knew, I am. First and only.

  As Luc and Alec stare, undressing me with their eyes, I frankly don’t care.

  I’m enjoying their attention. Missed it desperately.

  Hell, what woman wouldn’t want two hot as hell men staring like she’s the most breathtaking woman they’d ever seen? I’m still confused about what they want from me, but it’s not strictly platonic, I don’t think.

  Time to roll the dice.

  “Well boys, now that you’ve gotten me nearly naked, what are you going to do with me?”



  “How about a swim?”

  Luc’s suggestion surprises me.

  “Uh. I don’t have a swimsuit with me, and I didn’t know it was a pool-party sleepover, dude. Besides, where the hell are you going to find a pool open at…” I look at an imaginary watch. “The middle of the night?”

  The boys glance at each other and smirk.

  “We don’t usually see anyone down there this time of night. Besides, when there is someone in there at night, the shades on all the glass are dropped, so it’s kind of a signal to stay the hell out.”

  “Down where?”

  “Our building. Indoor pool,” Alec says.


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