Merlot_Boys of Summer, Season I

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Merlot_Boys of Summer, Season I Page 6

by Caia Daniels

  There could be many perks to living with the guys again… though there is still the question of interfering in their relationship. They said I won’t, but who’s to say that’s true? I couldn’t live with myself if I ever came between them.

  That, and after Jamie’s adventures in cheating, I have no interest in playing a supporting role in a relationship.

  I’m leading lady or nothing.

  After soaking another ten minutes, the water has cooled off so I get out, dry off, and dress in my favorite pair of jeans, sweater, and a pair of low heel suede boots. Fuck heels.

  It’s a boots and beer night.

  A quick foraging through my closet produces a faux Fendi purse I’d forgotten I picked up while shopping with Addison. Cool.

  The Fendi accompanies me to the living room where I sit on the couch and commence Operation: Purse Swap.

  Reaching into my bag to find my keys, my fingers slide across the satiny envelope that came in the mail today.

  “Oh yeah.” I’d forgotten about it.

  Curious, I untie the ribbon and unfold the elegant invitation:

  Miss Merlot LaRue:

  Your presence has been formally requested at the Three of Hearts Masquerade Ball at Scandal in the Hamptons at nine p.m. on February 14th. A private room has also been reserved for you and your guests.

  Dress code for the ball requires ladies to wear red or black full-length ball gowns, hand-held masques, and your favorite black or red lingerie—although, undergarments are optional.

  Please RSVP by February 8th.

  Best Regards,

  Madame Summerlan West,

  CEO, Scandal Inc.

  Now I remember the conversation. To get an invite to one of their infamous off-season events was unheard of for nobodies like me.

  Addison, or rather Addie as we call her, happens to know everything about—well, everything, and once mentioned something about Scandal, though I can’t remember what it was now.

  Curious what she knows, which is probably plenty, I dial Addie’s number. Hell, maybe she’s up for going out to dinner? Then perhaps it won’t be so awkward with Luc and Alec. We haven’t hung out since that night at their apartment.

  “Addie. What’s going on?”

  “Oh gods, it’s been crazy at work. Awards season, and my schedule is a mess. We need to get together.”

  Addie currently works as a makeup artist for one of New York’s most prestigious photography studios. They photograph all the stars, which is part of why Addie knows everything. About everyone.

  And she’s one of my best connections to the industry.

  “Speaking of getting together. How about tonight? Luc asked me to dinner, but things are kind of weird between us.”

  “What do you mean, weird?” she asks. “Weird, how?”

  “They asked me to move back in.”

  “Seriously? Wait, aren’t they together? Like dating?”

  “Yeah.” I stick my thumb in my mouth and start chewing on my nail. “I don’t want to get in the middle again, but they’re really pushing hard. I don’t get it.”

  “Maybe they just want another threesome? Boys.” She laughs.

  “You would know.” I laugh with her.

  Addie is bisexual. And poly? Dating this amazing girl named Kearney, and a guy whose name has escaped me at the moment.

  “So, can you come? Be my buffer?” I plead. “Maybe you can read into it all. I miss them, but I don’t know if I can live there. I mean—”

  “I know what you mean, babe. You care about them both, and I know why you left. I get it. Believe me, I get it.”

  I sigh.

  One of the real reasons I left was because yeah, I had feelings for them both. Luc and Alec.

  To be honest, I’m still in love with them. And seeing them together, knowing neither really want me that way, well—it just hurts too much. And if either of them do want me that way, it could only end in disaster for pretty much all of us.

  Yes, moving out was definitely not a mistake. Giving them time and space to grow closer as a couple was the right thing to do.

  Even if it breaks my heart.

  “So?” I asked. “You in?”

  “Babe, I’d love to, but I already have plans. Kearney is singing at a club in Manhattan, and I already told her I’d meet her for dinner. Hey, if it’s not too late, maybe you can bring the guys out? If you’re up for it. I know you’ve had a long day. Speaking of, how’d the auditions go?”

  “Meh.” I groan. “Well, there is another continental Broadway tour that sounds promising. Envy. I have an audition for that one next week, but other than that, everything today sucked. I think I need a new agent.”

  “Wow. Envy would be amazeballs. Yeah, probably do need a new agent. If I hear of anything else, I’ll let you know.”

  My phone chimes then, a message from Luc saying he’ll be here in ten.


  I grab my keys and wallet, stuffing them into my imposter purse and walk to my living room to get my coat and scarf from the closet.

  “Oh hey, I almost forgot why I called.” This proposal has me so out of my head. “So I got this invite today. From Scandal. Didn’t you tell me about them once?”

  If anybody knows anything about it, it’ll be Addie.

  “An invite for what, to be a member?”

  “No, to their Valentine’s ball.”

  “Oh, wow. Only club members can invite guests, and there’s a limited number of those. Who do you know at Scandal? Man, I’ve been wanting to check that place out since I came to New York. Lucky bitch.”

  “I don’t think I know anybody, but the invite says there’s even a private room reserved.”

  “No fucking way. The masquerade ball is one of Scandal’s most talked about events. And scandalous. Mostly because of what’s rumored to take place in those private rooms.”

  “Like what?” She’s got me extremely curious now.

  “Well, it’s said that Scandal is a front for a sex club for the socialite ladies wanting to play out their erotic fantasies. Not like one of those private BDSM or swinger clubs, but kind of like a brothel, I guess?”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “That’s what I hear. I had a friend who worked there one summer, but I hadn’t moved here yet, so I never got to go.” She pauses for a second, then continues. “Although he was very hush hush about most of it. Probably signed an NDA or something. Anyway, I hear the guys work one summer only, and that’s all. The owner likes to recruit new employees every year to get new clientele and apparently, she only keeps the really awesome one’s that clients request. Oh, and the ones she wants for herself.”

  “Ones as in plural? And what do you mean, for herself?”

  “I hear she has her own group of guys. Like she’s with them all.”

  “So she cheats on them?”

  “It’s not cheating. They share her. Willingly. Like a harem. Only in reverse.”

  “No way.”

  “Swear to the poly gods, girl. True story.”

  “How do you know it’s true?”

  “I do my homework.”

  “How the hell do you even know any of this stuff? Christ.” I shake my head, though smiling.

  “People talk. I listen.”

  “You’ve always been my go-to girl.”

  “I’m still waiting for that. Kearney and I are always up for a guest star.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Maybe someday.”

  It isn’t a lie.

  Sure, I’d played with a couple of girls here and there. You know, the usual sexual experimentation thing in and after college, mostly during my early twenties partying years. Nothing relationship material or anything serious though.

  I consider myself sexually flexible. I’m open to play with whomever for the sake of fun, though I wouldn’t go as far as to call myself technically bisexual, since in the scope of things, women don’t really entice me the way guys do. Like my guys.

sp; Luc. And Alec.

  “You know Kearney and I would take very good care of you.”

  “I’m sure you would, but—”

  “But me and Kearney aren’t the two you’re hoping to guest star with. Yeah, yeah.” She giggles. “I know, babe.”

  “Like I said, maybe someday.” I tease.

  Addie and I made out once after we all went out and got hammered one night. That was fun. Addie’s a great kisser. And she certainly knows her way around girls.

  Ever since, she’s always joking about joining her for a threesome. Or even a foursome with that cute guy she dates on occasion. But she’s right—my true ménage fantasy is with Luc and Alec.

  Loving two unavailable men is highly unsatisfying. Except in my fantasies.

  “You know, it’s all going to be okay,” Addie says. “They love you, just talk to them.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Just be honest. Tell them where you stand and why. I’m sure they’ll both respect you more for your honesty, but make sure you listen, too. Get their side, so you can make an informed decision. These things are complicated, I know. Trust me.”

  I nod as my phone chimes again.

  Luc is downstairs with a cab.

  “So, I can assume this invite isn’t from you and Kearney then, right?”

  “No.” She laughs. “But hey, if you don’t want to go—”

  “No, no. If Scandal is that scandalous, I definitely want to check the place out for myself. Hell, it may even be fun. Guess I’ll just get myself all dolled up and see who invited me. God, I hope it’s not Jamie.”

  “Jamie? Sorry, but I can’t see him being a member of a place like that. I’m not sure the owner even allows men to be members. Besides, it’s far too classy for his trashy reputation.”

  “You’re right. Who could it be, then?”

  “I don’t know but let me know when you find out. Hey, if you want, I can help you get ready. I can sex you up, not that you aren’t already hot as hell. Promise. You have to go. Let me help you get ready.”

  My phone chimes again. Luc must be getting restless.

  “Okay, you talked me into it.” The idea is intriguing.

  “I’ll be your safety call, too.”

  “Oh, good.” I exhale. “That actually makes me feel better. Kay, I gotta go. Luc’s getting twitchy downstairs.”

  “Go have dinner with your boys. Talk to them. And if you feel like coming out to hear Kearney sing later, just shoot me a text.”

  “I will. Later, Addie.”

  I toss on my coat and head down to meet Luc.

  Still, I’m not sure how to approach this conversation with him and maybe tonight isn’t the right night to do it. I’ll just go with it and see how things play out.

  As much as I want to live with Luc and Alec again, being with them after a year, sleeping naked in their arms, in their bed—just validates all my fears.

  Moving back in would hurt too much.

  Unrequited love is a bitch.




  I open the cab door for Merlot, who looks tired. She has dark circles beneath her eyes. They’re puffy, and her color is paler than usual.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah.” She snuggles up against me, probably still shivering from the five-degree wind chill outside.

  “Come here, you.” I wrap my arms around her and kiss her forehead. Her nose is red just from the few minutes she’d been outside getting into the cab. “Man, you cool down fast.”

  “I hate this weather. Why didn’t we pick California again?” She laughs.

  “It’s okay, babe. I’ll keep you warm.”

  I hold her close, inhaling her exotic scent that draws me to her every damn time.

  “So, we’re meeting Alec at Meucci’s. He’s going to cook and then eat with us. We figured he could take off early. You up for coming over for a movie or something afterwards?”

  “We could? Addie also invited us out to hear Kearney sing. I don’t know if I’m up for that tonight, though. Today’s been kind of brutal.”

  “Auditions not going well, eh?”

  “Not so much.” She buries her head into my chest.

  “I’m sorry, babe. Money’s okay, though right?”

  “Meh, so far. I have enough to hold me over. I’m still getting checks from the tour. It’ll hold out another few months, but I really need to get work. Or I’ll have to consider a normal job. And that would suck.”

  “I told you before, you can always come stay with us. We would love to have you. Consider it a standing offer.”

  Merlot squirms in my arms. Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for.

  “What is it, babe? Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. It’s just—”

  “Listen, I know it’s a big decision. And we don’t want to rush you. But if it would help you financially too, then why not give it a try?”

  “I just—I just don’t know if that’s a good idea. I don’t want to get between you two again, and—”

  “Stop. What do you mean? Get between us?”

  “You know. You and Alec.”

  I exhale audibly, the kind that hopefully sends a message. I lift her chin with my fingertips. “Look at me, Merlot.”

  She stares up at me, and her eyes. They’re so sad.

  “Is everything all right? Talk to me. What’s going on?”

  She opens her mouth to speak then presses her lips tightly.

  “Baby. What is it?”

  “Can we not talk about this right now?” she asks. “It’s been a long day. I’m tired and, well. I wasn’t expecting this to be so hard.”

  “I’m sorry. Do you want to skip dinner? Alec will understand.”

  She shifts her head back and forth a couple times. “I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten since… today.”

  “Wait, what? Since when?”

  She shrugs.

  “Merlot LaRue. Don’t start that shit again.”

  She had gone through a period of extreme dieting and exercising when she started out in the entertainment business. Almost to the point of being unhealthy. The last thing we wanted was to see her back there.

  “You have got to take better care of yourself.” I push her hair off her shoulders then rest my hands along her cheeks. “You can’t do this to yourself. You have to be healthy.”

  Merlot nods.

  She wasn’t anorexic or anything, but she definitely wasn’t eating like she should be.

  That was yet another part of the fallout from d-bag, according to Merlot’s mom. He encouraged her to lose more weight, to work out more, and it kept her so thin, she was in extreme exhaustion after every show.

  That won’t be happening again.

  “Alec is going to cook for us, then if you like, we’ll take you home and you can veg out on the couch with your vampires.”

  She nods. “Okay. I’m sorry.”

  I lay her head on my chest and run my fingers through her hair, something that always seems to calm her nerves.

  “No apologies, beautiful. I just want you happy and healthy.”

  Fifteen minutes later, we arrive at the restaurant where Alec works in Manhattan. He’d reserved a quiet table in a back room since Merlot had such a rough day. We didn’t think she’d want a ton of people around, and now with her emotional state and not knowing what is really going on with her, I don’t want to make things any worse.

  I walk her into the restaurant, and the hostess shows us to our table.

  The restaurant is dark and romantic. Just like we need tonight.

  Reaching around her, I pull Merlot’s chair out then move around and sit across from her.

  “I’ll let Alec know you’re here. I think he has one table ahead of you, then he’s done for the evening.” The hostess nods to me.

  “Thanks, Sierra.”

  “Can I get you started with wine or appetizers?” Our waiter arrives, a cute guy I’ve not seen before.
r />   “Sure, can we see a menu?” I glance to Merlot. “What do you think, shall we have several courses?”

  She shrugs and pops her thumb into her mouth, chewing on her nail.

  “Bring us...” I look to Merlot. “Wine or something stronger?”

  “Wine is fine. Moscato?”

  “Moscato, it is. And I’ll have something red. Just ask Alec to choose something.”

  The waiter nods. “Will do.”

  Merlot sits quietly across from me, staring at the linen tablecloth.

  A few minutes later, our waiter brings wine, and Alec is right behind him, dressed in his chef garb.

  He walks up smiling until he sees Merlot sulking in her seat. His smile quickly fades to worry lines crossing his forehead.

  “Hello, gorgeous.” Alec sits beside Merlot. “What’s going on?”

  She exhales slowly, concern splashed across her face, then shakes her head. “Nothing.”

  Merlot gives a fake smile, one both Alec and I immediately see right through.

  “I suppose that means it’s something you don’t want to talk about now. That’s okay, love.” He kisses her forehead. “We can talk when you’re ready. For now, Luc says you’ve not eaten today.

  I texted Alec in the cab, hoping he’d have something for her to munch on while we waited. Guess he didn’t get the hint.

  “What sounds good?”

  She shrugs and lays her head on Alec’s shoulder. “I don’t know, what’s on the menu?”

  “For you?” Alec runs his hands through her hair. “Whatever your precious heart desires. Steak. Chicken. Seafood. Pick your poison.”

  She sighs and sucks in a breath, lifting her head from his shoulder. “Chicken. Something sweet.”

  “Gotcha.” He turns to look at me. “What about you, love?”

  I shrug, my gaze still fixed on Merlot and her melancholy. Dinner isn’t really my concern at the moment. “You decide.”

  Alec nods. “Alright. I’ll get cooking, then go change and be back out here in twenty.” He stands and lifts an eyebrow. “Until then, you, my girl, have a drink. Relax. Everything’s going to be okay.” He leans down and kisses her once more before moving to go back to the kitchen. “Take care of her.”

  Alec nods to me then walks off as I stand and move to sit beside her.


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