Book Read Free

Uninvited Visitors

Page 6

by Savannah Maris

  “Would you let Ginger do it?”

  “I did, remember? You were at the fucking bar with her when she met Nathan.”

  “Still a stupid idea,” Nathan said from across the room.

  “It was one night, Evan. One stupid night. You’re asking for me to be okay with this for how long? A week? Month? No fucking way.”

  Cat stepped in front of Thomas and laid her hand on his chest. “It’s only in public. I’ll come home to you every night. Please do this so you can stay safe. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you because of me.” Tears rolled down her face.

  “And what about me, Cat? If something happens to you, what about me?” Thomas asked as he cupped her face.

  A throat cleared behind them. “I’ve got enough to start with. You two,” Buck said as he pointed between Thomas and Cat, “have some details to work out.” He gathered the papers and stood. “And dude, I understand where you’re coming from. I swear I’ll keep her safe.”

  “Evan, we can talk tomorrow. Let us know what they decide,” Ben said. “Cat, think this through. Thomas, we’ll keep her safe, but distance from her will keep you safe. Remember, these people play in the same arena as Masterson Investments. Look what they did to your family as well as Mitchell and Evan. Hell, look what they did to your sister.”

  “Exactly. Why would I risk my girl the same way?”

  “Because she’s our best chance of catching these guys and getting them the hell out of here.”

  Thomas watched Ben and Buck leave before he turned on Evan, pointing his finger in his face. “If anything happens to her, I swear to God, Evan, we’ll handle this the way we used to.”

  Evan’s eyes widened. “Are you threatening an officer of the law in front of witnesses?”

  “No, I’m threatening the man I look at as a brother and telling him we’ll handle our differences as brothers. I’m telling that man he’ll put his badge aside and take the ass whipping he’ll deserve if the love of my life gets hurt.”

  Cat’s head jerked around, and Evan’s mouth flew open. “What did you say?” Evan asked.

  “You heard me, and so did she. I’ve already told her how I feel. I don’t want to pretend it’s okay for her to appear to date someone else.” Thomas poked Evan in the chest. “You better end this shit quickly and keep her safe.”

  “Thomas, man, calm down. Remember our talk the other night? That trust we have is through association, and I’m trusting I’m not going to have to slap cuffs on your ass for assaulting a police officer,” Nathan said from behind him.

  Evan shook his head at Nathan but addressed Thomas. “We’ll do everything possible to protect her. She’s become like a sister to me. This decision wasn’t easy, but I don’t see a better way.” Evan rubbed his forehead with his thumb and index finger. When he looked back at Thomas, his eyes pleaded for Thomas’s understanding. “If anything happens to her, I’ll let you kick my ass.”

  Thomas let out a breath he had been holding. “For the record, I don’t like this. However, if this is going to play out, it doesn’t start until Monday. I get this weekend,” Thomas said still full of anger.

  “Cat, who is Buck going to be?” Evan quietly asked.

  Cat closed her eyes and shook her head. “The guy I dated in college.”

  “Perfect,” Evan said.

  Thomas’s jaw was ticking as he watched Cat. Un-fucking-believable. He couldn’t believe he was going along with this shit. He pulled Cat to him and held her tight. I will be her strength.

  Evan looked from Thomas to Nathan back to Thomas. “Is there something else we need to discuss tonight, gentlemen?”

  Thomas tilted Cat’s face toward his. “Honey, would you go chat with Ginger for a few minutes while I finish this discussion with Evan and Nathan?” Cat looked into his eyes. “It’s about another situation.” He gently kissed her lips before Cat walked out of the office and closed the door behind her.

  Evan was the first to speak. “So, this thing with Cat is serious, huh?”

  “Yes. Dammit, Evan, do not fuck this up for me. We’re finally in a good place.”

  Evan nodded. “Buck understands this is just a charade, man.”

  Nathan looked at Thomas. “So what can you tell me about Vanessa Harper?”

  “What the hell, Nathan?” Evan asked.

  “Evan, you were busy with your reception and honeymoon. I was going to talk to you about it on Monday, but this meeting fell into our laps, and it’s the perfect place for Thomas to talk away from the hospital.” Nathan leveled Evan with his stare.

  “What I can tell you is that, hypothetically speaking, I’d be concerned if a woman repeatedly visited an ER with bruises and broken bones. I’d also be concerned if a twenty-five-year-old woman continued to weigh the same as a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl when her husband claims they’re trying to get pregnant,” Thomas said.

  “Fuck!” Nathan stood and paced the floor.

  “Nathan, I know you, man. What’s going on?” Evan asked.

  Nathan gave Evan a look that seemed to convey something that only the two of them understood. “You have feelings for her?” Evan asked incredulously.

  “Maybe,” Nathan said.

  “Maybe my ass,” Evan replied.

  Nathan shrugged his big shoulders. “Evan, you didn’t see her. When we worked together, I’d see glimpses of the woman I know is buried inside her.” He laced his fingers together behind his head. “God, I sound like a pussy.” He tilted his head toward the ceiling.

  “She’s married,” Evan quietly said.

  “To an abusive, cheating asshole.”

  Thomas stood in front of Nathan. “Tread lightly here. If he remotely thinks you’re interested in his wife, or she in you he will hurt her.” Thomas pointed at Evan. “Just like your boss over there has suggested I distance myself from Cat, you need to do the same with Vanessa for her protection. Let her know you’re there if and when she’s ready to get out, but be very, very careful about being around her. You better have official business if you ever are.”

  “Is there anything you can do?” Nathan asked.

  “If she were a child or a venerable adult, yes. But we both know she doesn’t fall into those categories,” Thomas said.

  Nathan dropped on the sofa and looked at Evan. “She wouldn’t even eat a piece of pizza because she said she’d gain weight. A piece of fucking pizza.”

  “Until she’s ready to do something, man, we can’t. We put her on the witness stand, and she’ll make us look like nosy bastards with one of us having the hots for her. No,” Evan said. “Keep your distance but keep an eye on her. Maybe he’ll screw up and do something in front of you—something we can arrest him for.”

  Nathan nodded.

  “Just remember, he and the mayor are tight, and he’s the school board superintendent. This will be ugly if we don’t play it by the book, got it?”

  “Yeah, man. Thanks,” Nathan said with a grateful sigh.

  “As for you…” Evan faced Thomas. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry it’s got to play out this way, I’m sorry I’ve had to ask you to distance yourself from Cat, and I’m sorry this was laid at Cat’s doorstep.” Evan gave Thomas a brotherly hug. “I’ll keep her as safe as I possibly can.”

  When Thomas pulled from Evan, he saw tears in the man’s eyes. “I think pending fatherhood has softened you up.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. It might make me worse.” Evan chuckled.

  “Well, I’m heading out. I’m taking Cat home and staying buried inside her all weekend. Nobody better fucking call.”


  The weekend felt as if it was gone in the blink of an eye.

  Cat had never loved Monday mornings, but this one she dreaded more than usual. Today was the day she was going to breakup with Thomas, at least in the eyes of the town. Her stomach hurt, and she wanted to vomit.

  Rarely did she ever initiate sex, but this morning she needed to be with him once more before her heart was ripped o
ut of her chest. She prayed when this was all said and done, they’d be able to come back to this point. Please don’t hate me when this is over.

  She rolled to straddle him with tears welling in her eyes. I love you. I’ll always love you. When she was on top of him, Thomas barely cracked an eye.

  “Hey, honey, what’s wrong? It’s not even daylight yet,” Thomas said in his scratchy bed voice.

  “I need you. Please let me make love to you.” Cat’s chin quivered.

  Thomas sat up and cupped her face as he kissed from her lips to her cheek to her jaw down to her neck and back up. “We need to brush our teeth,” he whispered.

  “Not this morning. I don’t care.” Cat was on a mission to brand herself with Thomas. She was tender from their weekend of uninterrupted sex, but she wanted this, wanted to be sore so she could imagine him still with her when she was alone. With tears streaking down her face, she treasured every touch, every kiss.

  “Cat, what’s going on?” Thomas asked as she was pressing herself against him.

  “I need this, please. I don’t know when I’ll have you again. If I’ll have you again.”

  “Oh, honey. You’re going to have me in three days. Some way, somehow, we’ll find a way to be together. Tonight is going to hurt like hell, but Cat, this is what we agreed to.”

  “I know. Promise me you’ll still love me when this is over. Promise me I’m not going to lose you.”

  Thomas rolled them over and firmly planted himself inside her. “I promise you, Cat. You need to promise me you’ll be safe. Don’t take unnecessary risks, do you hear me?”

  She tightened her hold around his neck. The more she tried to hold back the sobs, the more her body shook. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held him tight. At this angle, he’d be as deep as he could go, and she wanted the pain of him hitting her internal wall. She wanted the soreness.

  “I want you to come on me, not in me,” she whispered.

  Thomas cocked his head so he could barely see her. “Why?”

  “I want to wear you.”

  Thomas smiled. “Loosen your grip.” He continued to move inside her slowly, waiting for her to comply. “As much as I’d love for you to walk around smelling like me, you’re going to take a shower before you go to work. Honey, I’ll put my cum wherever you want it, but it’s only temporary.” He pushed her hair out of her eye.

  She nodded, and he started to move faster. He hit her wall, and a twinge of pain ran through her.

  “Yes,” she cried.

  “Come on, Cat. You feel so good. I’m close.”

  Her whole body contracted as her climax ran through her. She released Thomas so he could remove himself in time. As soon as he pulled out, she stroked him to finished. He shot his cum up her abdomen and across her breasts. Even though tears rolled down her face, she smiled when his warm semen fell across her body. Her breathing started to slow as she rubbed his seed into her skin and took deep breaths.

  She focused on Thomas’s smile as he slowly shook his head. “Come on. Let’s take a shower.”

  “Not yet, please.”

  “Cat, you’ve got to get ready for work.”

  He got out of bed, then leaned down to pick her up and carry her into the bathroom. “I love you, honey. I told you I’d support your decision, and I’m trying to, but you’re killing me. As much as I hate this, a few weeks apart won’t kill us. I’ll have blue balls, but I’ll survive,” he said with the sweetest smile she’d ever seen.

  “What if I can’t figure this one out? You promised we’d find a way to see each other. You promised, Thomas, and I don’t want you having blue balls.”

  “You’ve always loved a good mystery. You’ll figure out this one too.” He touched his forehead to hers and held her there as he felt her sync her breathing with his. “We’ll see each other somehow, Cat. I promise.”

  Cat kept checking the time on her computer, hoping it would stand still. She knew what was happening after work, and hated the time continuing to tick by.

  Thomas didn’t go on shift until seven, so she decided to work for a little longer. People waved on their way to the elevator as she stood to close her door. She pulled out her notebook and brought up Redline Trucking. She knew they were laundering the money but proving it would be difficult. That’s not your job. Buck needed to put the pieces together.

  How many people at Redline were involved? The Kormans were on the signature card for the corporate office account, but Ms. Wells was the only person on the signature card for the other accounts. That’s not unusual. She pulled up each sub-account. The one in Georgia was opened about seven years ago, North Carolina five years ago, and Riverton Crossing three, all by Scott Jones. He had worked his way up the corporate ladder taking positions to help his advancement. Within a few months of being in a new location, Redline Trucking would open an account. It would boost his revenue numbers and make the powers that be happy. Shit, he’s the fox watching the hen house. How many other accounts were there?

  Cat startled when the alarm on her phone blared. She silenced it and looked at the time on her computer hoping her alarm was off, but she wasn’t that lucky. It was after seven. She reluctantly gathered her things and turned off her computer. When she turned from locking her office door, Mr. Jones was standing there.

  “Ms. Livingston, you’re here late again tonight. Is there an issue?”

  “No, sir. I just wanted to get my week organized when there’s quiet in the office and I can think.”

  “I’m heading out. Why don’t I walk you to your car?” Mr. Jones asked.

  “That’s okay. You don’t need to do that.”

  “Let’s take the elevator.”

  Cat thought she’d vomit. “Yes, sir.”

  As they rode down to the ground floor, Mr. Jones said, “Catherine, it’s not safe for you to leave work so late by yourself. You need to be careful. You never know what can happen, and I’d hate something to happen to one of our rising stars.”

  Cat looked at Mr. Jones. His smile looked sincere, but it didn’t quite meet his eyes. Was this another warning or genuine concern? “Yes, sir.”

  As soon as they got to the parking lot, Mr. Jones waited for Cat to get into her car and pull out. She watched him in her rearview mirror until she could pull into traffic. He went to his car, not back into the bank.

  She stopped by a local deli to pick up a sandwich with The Riverton Crossing Hospital as her next stop. Fifteen minutes later she sat in her car and stared at the emergency room doors as she sent a quick text.

  “I’m here. Are you ready?”

  She grabbed the bag of food and walked toward the sliding doors. As soon as she approached the nurses’ station, she saw him around the corner of a wall. She’d know that man from any direction because he was just as sexy in profile as from the front or back.

  There he stood with an arm casually leaned up on the wall. His other hand was in the pocket of his white jacket with his focus on Nurse Jamison Moore. Her back was against the wall with one hand wrapped around several folders and the other touching his arm closest to her. The dreamy look in her eyes and the smile across her face made Cat’s stomach roll as she gasped and threw her hand over her mouth to keep the vomit down and the sobs at bay.

  When Thomas’s head snapped in her direction, she dropped the food and turned toward the doors. With each step she reminded herself, this isn’t real. He’s just doing what I’ve asked him to do. Oh God, I didn’t think it would hurt this much. The tears were flowing hard and fast. By the time a hand caught her arm, her shoulders were violently shaking.

  “Cat,” Thomas said with a remorseful tone.

  She turned on Thomas. “I know. I know!”

  “This is killing me because all I want to do is wrap you in my arms and tell you everything is going to be all right.” Thomas spread his arms then stuck his hands in his pockets.

  “I don’t know if I could go through with this if you did.” She wiped the tears from her face. />
  “I’m just doing what was asked of me, Cat. I don’t want to be with her. Truth is, I have a hard time being around her. She’s made it obvious that she doesn’t care that I’m in a relationship, and she’d be willing to have an affair. That’s why I picked her. She’d be believable, but the whole time I’m kicking myself because I don’t want to lead her on.” Thomas shook his head. “I do not want her. I want you.”

  “What do you want me to do? I need to see this through. I just didn’t realize seeing you like that would hurt so damn much.” Cat brought her hands over her chest. “God, I hope this is a big enough show because I can’t do this again, Thomas. I can’t.” Her sobs wracked her body.

  “Fuck! My hands are itching to touch you right now.” He pulled his hands out of his pockets and raked his nails over the palms of his hands. “Thursday night, honey. I’ll be with you Thursday night. We’re on a three-day rotation, that’s all.”

  Cat nodded. “I think this has gone on long enough. I better make this believable. You ready?”

  “No, but I know it’s coming. Go ahead.” Thomas tensed.

  Whack! Cat slapped him across the face. Tears immediately fell. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she cried.

  “I know you didn’t mean it. I’m okay, Cat. Turn and walk away now before I change my mind about this whole stupid situation. Go now.” Thomas rubbed his jaw.

  Cat turned and ran to her car. What have I done?


  Son of a bitch.

  Thomas couldn’t believe he’d been talked into this asinine charade. Not touching Cat when she was crying was the hardest thing he’d ever done. Every fiber in his body wanted to hold her, still did, but she was driving home, and he was going back to work.


  The rest of the night, people gave him a wide berth as he walked through the ER, and several people asked if he was all right because he didn’t have his same bedside manner. What the fuck? He’d agreed to let people think he and his girl had broken up. Of course, he didn’t have his same bedside manner.


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