Book Read Free

Uninvited Visitors

Page 14

by Savannah Maris

  “And I told you I’d let you, but not here and not now. That’s personal, and we’ll handle it personally.” Evan narrowed his eyes.

  Thomas pushed Evan off him and headed toward the trauma rooms where they just took Cat. As he turned the corner, Jamison came out. “You know, Dr. Gregory, if she’s a loved one you can’t go in that room,” Jamison said in a taunting voice. “Are you back together?”

  “Not now, Jamison.”

  When he turned the corner, Evan and Nathan were waiting where Thomas left them. “What the hell happened to her?”

  “We don’t know everything, but one of my officers is getting the bank’s surveillance tapes as we speak to piece together what she couldn’t tell us,” Evan answered.

  “I just spoke with her on my way here. Dammit, she was packing up to leave work.” Thomas got progressively quieter.

  “The call came in as I was leaving, so about five ‘til seven. The cleaning crew heard something in the break room at the side entrance of the bank, so they banged on the door while punching in the code and heard someone run out. We don’t know how many.” Evan held Thomas’s stare with noticeable sympathy. “I’m sorry, Thomas.”

  “I really don’t want to hear it, Evan. Not tonight. Did she say anything else?”

  “She said she wasn’t raped, and she thinks she got some of her attacker’s DNA. We’ve bagged her keys, and I’m sending someone to Columbia with them tonight. We’ll know in the morning if we have a match on anyone in any database across the country.” Evan ran his hand down his face. “If she knows anything else, we didn’t get it from her. I figured I’d talk with her tomorrow when she feels better.”

  “You know this can’t be random, especially happening at the bank.”

  “I know. If she has anything that’ll link this to her helping Buck, that’ll be more charges for tampering with a federal witness.”

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

  “Not really, but maybe it’ll help her knowing they’ll get punished.”

  Thomas paced up and down the hall as they waited for Dr. Michaels to emerge from the room. After a few minutes, the head nurse on shift approached but stayed a few feet from Thomas.

  “Dr. Gregory, I’ve called in another doctor to relieve you. I don’t think you’re in any condition to help someone right now.” Her smile was sad.

  “You did the right thing, thank you,” Thomas quietly said.

  “Also, one of the nurses came out and said that Ms. Livingston is asking for you, and Dr. Michaels told her to find you.”

  Thomas tilted his head up. “Thank you.” He moved past the lady and took off in a jog to the room. He walked in and washed his hands more to garner the strength he needed to look at Cat than out of habit.

  When he approached the bed, Dr. Michaels said in a sterile tone, “Thomas, her right eye is swollen shut, but she can see out of her left so you may want to come to that side. She has two cracked ribs on her right and several bruised ones on her left. Her right hand has a couple fractured bones, and we’ll be setting those after her MRI. Her knees are scraped from where she was pushed down, but no nerve damage as she has feeling in both feet. She has a good knot on the side of her head, but from all accounts, she never lost consciousness.”

  Thomas nodded, taking in everything Dr. Michaels had said. “Thanks, Steve.”

  “You can stay with her until they come get her for the MRI,” he said before leaving the room.

  Thomas gently ran his hand over her head as he leaned down to place his lips on her forehead. “Oh honey, I should’ve stayed on the phone with you. I’m so sorry.” Tears streaked down his face. “What did I let happen to you?”

  With a cut and swollen lip, Cat struggled to speak. “It’s not your fault.”

  “Shh, try not to speak. I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere. I won’t let you out of my sight. I love you, Cat.” He gently touched her wherever he could. A gasp from behind him caused him to turn from Cat. “What are you doing in here?”

  “She broke up with you. I wanted to see if she was going to interfere with what we had started.”

  “There was never anything started between us, Jamison.” Thomas walked toward the door. “You need to leave this room now.” He opened the door for her to leave, and Jamison slipped out just as the transporters came to get Cat for her MRI.

  Thomas held the door open as they maneuvered a bed beside her. A nurse followed them in to detach Cat from the monitors and oxygen before they moved her. He stood out of the way waiting for them to do what they needed.

  “I don’t think she’s coming back down, doc. We’re taking her to a room upstairs.”

  “I’m coming with her, so no worries.”

  As Thomas walked out, Evan and Nathan were waiting for him. He explained everything and told them they could get her statement the following day before he turned and caught up with the group just as they were entering the elevator.



  “What the hell have you done, Norma?”

  “What do you think I’ve done, Scott? I made sure your nosy employee wasn’t going to talk.”

  “No, what you’ve done is caused the police to swarm my bank. They called me back in because one of my employees was mugged leaving this evening. This has turned into a complete cluster fuck. I told you to let me handle her.”

  “Calm down, Scott. These guys are good. They’ve handled things for me in the past, and I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

  “I seriously doubt that. I’ve got an elevator crew here who saw two men running from the side of the bank to a white pickup truck. I’ve got bank security crawling all over the place, and police taking the security feed from all of the damn cameras. Have you lost your fucking mind?” He finally took a breath.

  “Don’t forget who you’re talking to, Scott. I’ve made you a very rich man. You need to remember that.” There was a pause before Norma Wells spoke in a more controlled voice. “Unless they left a glove or a picture was taken of their faces, I don’t think they’ll ever find out who mugged Ms. Livingston. Go home to your wife and kids. Everything will look brighter in the light of day.”

  “For both our sakes, I hope you’re right.”

  “I think it’s best if we don’t speak for a few days, Mr. Jones.”

  “I think you’re right, Ms. Wells. Good night.”


  Thomas was still in his scrubs when a knock sounded on the door. He walked to the door and quietly opened it so Cat could sleep for the first time all night.

  “I come bearing gifts,” Kayla said as she held out a coffee. “Evan told us what happened, but Mitch wouldn’t let me come out here last night.”

  Thomas’s smile was strained as he slid out the door. “Thanks for coming. She has a slight concussion, so the nurses woke her every hour on the hour, but she’s finally able to get some sleep now.”

  “What about you? You look like shit,” Kayla said.

  “When they walk in, I wake up, so I haven’t had any sleep either.”

  “Are they letting her go today?”

  “I’m going to try. I took my next two rotations off so I can be with her, and I’m calling the bank in a bit to let them know she’ll be out the rest of the week on sick leave.” Thomas took a sip of coffee and closed his eyes to enjoy the burn going down his throat. “Thanks for this.” He tilted his cup toward Kayla.

  “Can I see her?”

  “I’d like her to get some sleep.” Thomas rubbed the back of his neck. “Would you do me a favor?”


  “Would you get us some clothes from my house? Just shorts and a T-shirt for me, but she’ll need something loose to get over the cast on her arm and the binding around her ribs.” He pulled out his keys. “By the time you get back, she should be awake and having breakfast.” He smiled.

  Kayla leaned in and kissed Thomas’s cheek. “Okay. I can live with that. Here, I brought this on
e for her.”

  Thomas took the coffee as Kayla headed toward the elevators. As soon as he closed the door, Cat asked, “Who was that?” Her voice was scratchy.

  “Kayla.” He kissed her forehead. “She brought you this.”

  “Why didn’t you let her in?”

  “You were sleeping. She’s going to get us some clothes, then she’s coming back. I thought that would let you get a little sleep.”

  “Am I going to go home today?”

  “I don’t know. The doctor hasn’t made his rounds yet. I’m taking some vacation time, so maybe they’ll release you under my care.” He smiled and wiggled his brows.

  Cat reached out her uninjured hand for his. When he took it, he brought it to his lips and kissed her palm. “Thomas, this isn’t your fault. Please don’t blame yourself. They said I was warned to stay out of Redline’s accounts.”

  “Make sure you tell Evan when he comes to get your statement.”

  “Um, about Evan…”

  “What about him?”

  “I know what you told him when this all started. Please tell me you’re not following through on it,” she quietly said.

  “You don’t need to worry about that. Your job is to get better.” Thomas ran a finger down the cheek that wasn’t bruised and swollen. Do you want me to call the bank for you? I’ll tell them you’re out sick the rest of the week.” His heart hurt when he looked at Cat. The pain she must have endured made his stomach turn.

  She closed her eye and took a deep breath. “Please, the number is programmed in my phone.” She took a sip of coffee. “Do you have my stuff?” He nodded as he rummaged through a plastic bag the nurses had given him last night.

  “Thomas, we need to talk about E—”

  Another knock sounded on the door. Thomas turned to make sure Cat was covered. “Come in.” He frowned when Evan pushed the door opened.

  “I’ve come bearing gifts.” He chuckled when Thomas held up the same cups from the takeout coffee shop. “I have food, too, if y’all haven’t eaten.”

  Thomas motioned for the bag. “Cat’s jaw may not feel like chewing, but I’m game.”

  “When will they bring me breakfast?”

  “How about now?” the nurse asked as she brought in a tray of soft foods for Cat. “I need to take your vitals then you’re free to eat.”

  When the nurse left, Thomas stood to help Cat with her food. “Thank God, you’re left-handed.”

  “But I can’t get the food open with one hand.”

  “That’s why I’m doing it. Give me a second, Miss Impatient.” He smiled.

  Once he sat back down, the tension in the room grew. Cat turned her head to look at each of them with the one eye she could see out of. “Is someone going to address the elephant in the room, or are we going to act like toddlers?” Cat asked.

  “Cat…” Thomas said.

  “Don’t Thomas. You two are grown ass men. Act like it.” Cat pointed her casted hand at them.

  “Cat, I understand where Thomas is coming from. I’d be pissed too. Hell, I’d have gone after someone last night. He’s a better man than I am,” Evan said.

  “Don’t think I’m not still pissed,” Thomas said in a voice full of venom. “And I wanted to go after someone last night—you.” He pointed at Evan.

  “I know. Thomas, I thought it was all behind her just like y’all did. What the hell happened?”

  “Redline Trucking called yesterday morning,” Cat quietly said.

  “Excuse me?” Thomas said.

  “You’re going to have to elaborate, Cat,” Evan replied.

  Cat put down her spoon and played with her napkin. She looked at Thomas. “The reason I didn’t call you when I got in my office yesterday was that Redline was on the phone. They had a deposit that hadn’t cleared, and they said it was holding up a wire that needed to go out. I took the call.”

  Thomas nodded as he knew that a customer calling would take precedence over her texting him, just like a patient would be his first concern when he walked into the ER.

  “I told them that Mr. Jones handled their account, but he wasn’t in yet. That I would have him call as soon as he got in, but she wouldn’t hear of it. She threatened to call Mr. Jones’s boss if I didn’t release the deposit.”

  “Who did you speak with?” Evan asked.

  “Ms. Norma Wells,” Cat said.

  Evan wrote notes as Cat spoke. “What happened next?”

  “I told her why the deposit was held and that it would take two people to release it, and I’d get Mr. Jones as soon as he walked in the door. We handled it, and I thought everything was resolved.” Cat looked at both men and lowered her head. “When Mr. Jones stopped by my office on his way out, he warned me about Redline again. He said he has final say on that account. Then I called Buck before I left to let him know about the wire.”

  “You did what?” Thomas’s voice was louder than he intended.

  “I thought it would be the final nail, so I made sure he had the information.”

  “No more, Cat. You are done, do you hear me?” Evan said.

  “I know. I don’t want to do this anymore.” She looked at Thomas with tears streaking down her face. “I’m sorry, Thomas. I’m so sorry,” she sobbed.

  Thomas closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and bowed his head. He wasn’t giving Cat what she needed, and he felt terrible. He moved her food tray and sat on the edge of her bed. “No, Cat, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled.” He kissed the top of her head. “Please forgive me.”

  Cat nodded but wouldn’t look at him.

  “Can you remember anything else, Cat?”

  She gently patted her face and nodded. “He told me I was warned to stay out of Redline’s accounts.”

  “Who said that?” Evan asked.

  “My attacker.”

  Evan’s smile stretched from ear to ear. “That’s tampering with a federal witness.”

  She looked at Thomas. “He knew you were lying and told me so. He asked if I was with a cop in the bar, so he had to have been in the bar Friday night.”

  “Dammit,” Thomas said.

  “When he leaned down is when I scratched him with my keys.” She turned her head toward Evan.

  “That was brilliant, Cat. They’ve been sent to the lab in Columbia to check for DNA,” Evan said. “Anything else?”

  “I think that’s when someone started banging on the door, and they ran out.”

  “You did good, Cat.” Evan’s voice was reassuring.

  “Thank you for everything,” she said.

  Evan closed his book and stood. “I’ll walk you out,” Thomas said as he followed Evan out the door. When the door closed, Thomas turned on Evan. “I’m still fucking pissed.”

  “I know.” Evan nodded. “Listen, you need to ask yourself if you’re pissed at me, or more grateful she’s alive. Hurt the person who hurt her, man.”

  “I want to mutilate them, but I gave you my word, and I’m a man of my word.”

  “You are, and you’re also a man of reason, so you want to meet me at the ranch for lunch?” Evan chuckled.

  “Hey. What are y’all doing out here?” Kayla asked.

  Before she was close enough to hear, Thomas turned to Evan. “Yeah, I think I do.”

  “See you shortly then,” Evan said. “Hey, Kayla.” He kissed her cheek and raise an eyebrow as he passed by her.

  What the hell was that about?

  “What’s he doing here?” Kayla asked.

  “Getting Cat’s statement. Why don’t we go inside? She’s awake now.”


  The concern in Kayla’s eyes as she stepped through Cat’s door felt like a knife opening up a wound. The last time Kayla had looked at her that way was the day of her parents’ funeral.

  “Oh, Cat.” Kayla’s hand covered her mouth. “Are you in any pain?” Kayla took the seat Evan had vacated.

  “Not so much. They’ve given me something to take the edge off.” She smiled. “You’re
out early.”

  “I know. I wanted to come last night, but Mitchell insisted I wait until today.” Kayla’s smile was sad. “Thomas sent me for some clothes. I think he thinks you’re going home today.”

  “One of the nurses said twenty-four hours, so they may make me wait until in the morning. She said something about my eye going down some so the doctor can check it.” Cat shrugged.

  “Don’t they realize you’re going home with an ER doctor? Don’t they know he’ll take good care of you?”

  “Hospital policy, sis, but thanks for the vote of confidence.” Thomas kissed the top of her head. “Why don’t I give y’all some time? I need to run a couple of errands, anyway. Is that okay, Cat?”

  She smiled as best as she could. “That’d be nice.”

  Thomas took the bag of clothes with him to the bathroom. When Cat heard the water running, she looked at Kayla. “You suck at keeping secrets. You’re about to burst,” she whispered.

  Kayla looked at the bathroom door. “I’ll tell you when he leaves.” Her eyes danced but sobered when Thomas walked out of the bathroom.

  “Kayla, make sure she eats even though she’ll complain about it the whole time.” He walked toward Cat’s bed. “I’ll check before I come back. If you’ve been a good patient, I’ll bring you a milkshake.”

  “Are you bribing me, Dr. Gregory?”

  “You can bet your sweet ass I am.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “I want you home as soon as possible.” He kissed the top of her head before he walked out of the room.

  The click of the door had barely sounded before Cat turned toward Kayla. “Spill it, girlfriend.”

  Kayla’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “We found out yesterday that I’m pregnant,” she squealed. “Can you believe it?”

  “Oh, Kayla.” Tears slipped out of Cat’s eyes. “That’s fantastic.” The smile on her face started to fade. “And Mitchell let you out? Alone?”

  “Um, well…”

  “He doesn’t know, does he? You snuck out before he woke up. That’s why you’re here so early.” Cat tried to giggle, but the pain caused it to be short-lived.


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