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Dirty Laundry 2

Page 9

by Cherie Briggins

  Bear stood against the wall in Club Touch. His eyes searched all over the crowd. Bear had been hiding out for about a month and a half and he was so tired of looking at the four walls of Motel 6. He bobbed his head to the Jay Z song as he put his phone back into his pocket. Just hearing Choice’s voice had his dick hard and he was ready to fuck.

  It was stupid of him to keep calling Choice, especially after the first time, but he hadn’t heard her voice in so long. He craved to hear her. It brought a smile to his face when she had answered. Bear had tried to call Rosco on numerous occasions to ask about Choice. He wanted to know how she was doing and if she was still pregnant. Bear had never gotten the 411 on the baby after he’d raped her.

  Supreme never said anything to him about the baby. He figured that the baby had made it. Bear cupped his dick in his hand as he surveyed the club for something wet to get into. He set his eyes on a red bone with short hair and a fat ass. He adjusted the sunglasses on his face then sipped on his Hennessey as he approached her.

  “Excuse me, Miss,” Bear said trying to get the girls’ attention. “Excuse me, Miss,” Bear repeated himself when the girl hadn’t acknowledged him the first time.

  He tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention. The girl spun around with a smile on her face.

  “Damn girl, you fine ass fuck,” Bear whispered in her ear so she could hear him over the loud music.

  “What’s your name, shorty?”

  “My name is April,” she whispered back into his ear.

  “That’s a nice name, real pretty like you.”

  April blushed.

  “Yeah, I knew you would like that shit, girl.” He eyed the girl up and down. “Your body is bad,” Bear said into her ear as he invaded her personal space. “How about we go in the bathroom real quick?” he said licking her earlobe.

  Bear took his sunglasses off in winked at her. Without saying anything, April turned around and headed in the direction of the ladies’ restroom. Bear eagerly followed behind her. When she reached the restroom, April turned around and licked her lips at him before entering the restroom. Bear knew she wanted him and he was going to make sure she got it just like she wanted.

  “Y’all know what it is! Get y’all nasty asses up outta here,” Bear roared when he saw a group of girls standing in front of the mirror applying their makeup.

  “If y’all wanna stay in here, y’all can get fucked too. There’s enough dick to go around.”

  Bear pulled his dick out in front of the girls and smacked it against his hand. The girls quickly picked up their belongings and rushed out of the restroom. April smiled at Bear.

  “What’s your name, dark chocolate?”

  “You don’t need to know my name,” he said as he slowly approached her.

  April wiggled her finger in front of her mouth with a crooked smile. “You mean to tell me that I’m about to give you some of this sweet pussy and you can’t even tell me your name?”

  April seductively put her finger in her mouth then bent over the sink and hiked up her skirt while she eyed him. Bear knew niggas was looking for him so he wouldn’t dare give her his name but he would give her a fake one.

  “They call me Supreme,” Bear said with a smile.

  “Well then, Supreme, come on over here and stick that big black dick in this wet pussy.”

  Bear had one person on his mind as he stuck his dick in April’s pussy and that was Choice. He moved in and out real slow before picking up pace. Visions of Choice the night he raped her flashed in his head while he fucked April unmercifully.

  “Aaaarrgghh!” April hollered. “Supreme, you’re hurting me. Take your time.”

  Bear ignored her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and went as deep as he could while he gnawed on her shoulder.

  “Stop! You’re really hurting me. I think I’m bleeding.”

  “Shhh bitch! You know you like this shit! I’m about to bust.”

  “Shit,” Bear yelped out.

  When he was finished, he grabbed some paper towels and wiped off his dick as he tried to catch his breath. Bear put his dick back into his pants then pushed April to the ground and stuffed the paper towels he’d wiped himself off with into her mouth. When he was finished, he walked out of the club.


  Supreme had his back against the wall with Choice’s leaning up against him while they watched the dog fight. He had just finished introducing Choice to his little soldiers and it felt good to do so. They needed to know who she was when they saw her in the streets and she needed to know who they were.

  “Babe, here check it out,” Choice said as she handed him her phone so he could look at the private calls she’d received.

  Supreme had his head bent down towards her mouth so he could hear her over the loud howling coming from the dogs and the yelling coming from the rowdy niggas.

  “I think it was Bear.”

  A scowl settled on Supremes face before he spoke. “Ma, chill. It wasn’t that nigga. He wouldn’t do nothin’ that stupid.”

  He knew that it was possible that it was Bear and he wouldn’t put it past him. He wouldn’t tell Choice that. He knew how obsessed Bear was with Choice and that bothered him. Supreme wouldn’t be able to rest comfortably with Bear still alive. He had to take care of him as soon as possible.

  “Don’t answer private calls,” Supreme said as his jaw clenched in anger. He needed to call Rio and Dylan to get an update.

  “You want something to drink?” Supreme asked Choice.

  “Let me get a bottle of water.”

  “Yo, Symphony!” Supreme hollered.

  Symphony rolled her eyes at Supreme and kept walking.

  “Fuck is her problem?” he said. “I’ll be back. Let me go get you that water,” Supreme said as he eyed Symphony from across the room.

  Choice watched as Supreme walked off. She could tell by Symphony’s body language that she wasn’t pleased with whatever Supreme was saying to her. From the way Symphony was acting, she must’ve liked Supreme and that was not cool, especially since she was the bartender at Da Cage.

  “What the fuck is her problem?” Choice asked when Supreme returned.

  “Who are you talkin’ about?” Supreme asked as he looked at her.

  “The bartender,” Choice said and a hushed tone. Supreme looked in Symphony’s direction and shook his head.

  “Man, ain’t nobody trippin’ off that girl.”

  “Yeah, you’re not, but I’m trippin’ off her though. You fucked her or somethin’?’

  “I’m not about to entertain what you’re talkin’ about.”

  “Of course you’re not,” Choice said as she rolled her eyes.

  “Ma, what the fuck is your problem?” Supreme asked but was interrupted by Ashley.

  “Hey boo,” Ashley said as she approached Choice. “What’s the matter? Why are you looking so mad?” Ashley asked.

  “Girl, the birds are flocking,” Choice said as she pointed her finger in Symphony’s direction.

  “Fuck outta here with that bullshit you talkin,” Supreme said looking in the direction Choice was pointing in. “When you get done talking to your girl, come holler at me,” Supreme said as he accepted the blunt that Mark passed to him and walked off.

  “Tell me about the birds,” Ashley said as she stood next to Choice. “They’re on one tonight. Yo, ain’t that one of the girls we fought at the mall?” Ashley said as she looked over at Paris.

  Choice followed Ashley’s eyes until they landed on Paris. Choice giggled. “Yeah, I remember her. She was the scary one out of the two.”

  “Yeah, I thought so too,” Ashley said with a smirk.

  Choice could hear Supreme calling her name but she ignored him as she continued her conversation with Ashley. She noticed Supreme walking towards her.

  “You ain’t hear me calling you?”

  “What? Ain’t nobody tryin’ to entertain what you’re talking about,” Choice said.

still trippin’ off that shit you were talkin’ about? Whatever you’re thinking is not what it is between me and her.”

  “Well, let me be the judge of that,” Choice said angrily. “Go tell your bartender to come in the back so I can holler at her.”

  Supreme stared down at Choice as he took the shot he’d been holding in his hand. “Ma, you need to chill the fuck out. Ain’t nobody fuckin’ that fuckin girl. My word should be good enough for your ass.”

  “I’ll let her know myself that I want to speak with her,” Choice said before walking over to the bar.

  Choice walked back to Supreme’s office and sat on top of his desk while she waited on Symphony. Choice could tell Symphony had an attitude. She had her arms folded under her breasts as she rolled her eyes.

  “What’s up baby girl,” Symphony smirked. “You wanted to talk?”

  Choice matched Symphony’s stance. “Yeah. What’s the deal with you and Supreme? Don’t get it twisted; I’m very secure in my position-”

  Symphony burst out laughing. “Really? Secure? Don’t get it twisted baby girl, if you were secure, you wouldn’t have pulled me away from my job. I know Supreme told you ain’t shit up with us. Miss me with that bullshit.”

  Choice couldn’t believe that this bitch had the nerve to talk to her like that! Forgetting she was pregnant, she stepped into Symphony’s face.

  “Don’t try to act like you don’t want my man,” Choice spat. “I saw how you were actin’. Bitches don’t act like that unless they want a piece of the dick.”

  Symphony waved her hand nonchalantly and glanced at the doorway where Supreme was standing.

  “Can I get back to work, boss?” She asked. “I ain’t got time to be arguing with teenagers who think they’re grown. Look, Choice,” she said, “I don’t have a problem with you. We ain’t got beef. I ain’t fuckin’ your man nor do I want to fuck your man. I hope that’s clear enough for you ‘cause you don’t want to have this conversation again.”

  Symphony walked away before Choice could respond. She clenched her hands into fists angrily.

  “I don’t like that bitch!” Choice said to Supreme. “If I wasn’t pregnant, I would have slapped the shit out of her.”

  Supreme walked over to her and put his hands on her waist. “I told you wasn’t nothing up with her. Symph is cool, Choice. You good now? You ain’t got an attitude anymore?” Supreme asked as he walked up on Choice to stand between her legs.

  “Yeah I’m good now,” Choice said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.”

  “Good because seeing you all mad and jealous or what not then turned me on and I want to fuck you right now.”

  Choice smiled at Supreme then looked around his office.

  “You want to fuck in here?”

  “Yep, right in here,” Supreme said as he pulled away and walked to the door to lock it.


  “What the fuck are you starin’ at, bitch?”

  “Don’t get it twisted,” Ashley said to Paris with a mug on her face. “I’ll chew your ass up and spit you out. Fuck with me if you want to.”

  Petey knew the look on Ashley’s face too well. He saw the anger dancing behind her eyes. He wrapped his arm around Ashley’s waist as he pulled her away from the crowd.

  “I ain’t the one! You better ask these muthafuckas around this bitch about me!” Ashley hollered.

  “Why in the fuck is she starin’ all up in your face?” Ashley yelled at Petey.

  “Ain’t nobody thinkin’ about that bitch. She asked me a question and I answered her. You need to stop talking so fuckin’ loud with all that damn bass in your voice!”

  He grabbed on to Ashley’s arm and pulled her to a corner. Petey leaned in close to Ashley’s face. “I wouldn’t disrespect you in here so stop it!”

  Ashley squinted her eyes and pointed her finger in his face. “Yeah, but you would disrespect me when I’m not in here.”

  “Get your fuckin’ finger out of my face. I’m not gon’ tell you again,” Petey hissed with a serious expression on his face.

  Ashley shook her head. “Nigga this is not a game. I’m tired of you thinkin’ you can disrespect me. I ain’t that bitch. You wanna continue to mess with these dirty ass hoes, huh?”

  “Ash, ain’t nobody studdin’ none of these bitches out here.” He tightened his grip on her arm. “You know I ain’t no bitch ass nigga so you need to watch who you talking too. I told you once, everybody in these streets know who wifey is. I’m not tellin’ your ass again.”

  Ashley could see the seriousness in his eyes but she didn’t care as she snatched her arm away and rested her hands on her hips. “Is that supposed to make it better because they know who I am? If anything, it’s fuckin’ embarrassing. You know it ain’t shit for me to get another nigga, right?” Ashley said with watery eyes.

  Petey smirked. “I know it’s not hard for you to get a nigga. I never said it would be. It’s gon’ be hard for you to keep one though.”

  Ashley stared at Pete as tears fell from her eyes. He was saying that it was going to be hard to keep one because he was going to kill him and Ashley believed him. The one thing about Petey was that he never fabricated anything. He was always straightforward even if it hurt.

  Ashley blocked everyone out as she stared in Petey’s eyes. She gave her heart to him freely. She loved him without a doubt. Any other nigga was non-existent to her. She only wanted him. This was the man she couldn’t see her future without. She wanted to have kids with this man, but she was not going to tolerate disrespect from him. Above all else, she was a woman with pride and self-respect.

  “You know what, Pete?” Ashley said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “You know I love you unconditionally but I can’t do this anymore with you. You can fuck with this bitch if you want to openly now because you and me are over. I deserve better. I’m done. I want out.”

  Ashley looked over at Paris and hollered, “Bitch you can have this nigga.”

  “Petey, you better get wifey ‘cause I ain’t gon’ be too many more bitches,” Paris yelled.

  Ashley picked up a shot glass off of the table and threw it at Paris’s head which hit her in the eye.

  “Bitch, you talkin’ shit… do you know how angry I am right now? You should be happy I ain’t lay hands on you. I told myself over and over that if I ever came in contact with one of his birds that I would beat their ass with my nine.”

  When Ashley went for her gun, Choice came running out of the office and rushed over to stop her.

  “Put that shit away. She ain’t even worth it.” Choice was careful as she took the gun out of Ashley’s hand. “Ash, you’re trippin’. I want you to go home and relax.”

  “So you gon’ leave me?” Petey asked as realization settled in on what was about to happen.

  Choice looked over at Petey and shook her head. “Not right now,” she told him.

  Pete nodded his head then walked back over to the dogfight. Petey stopped walking then turned around to look at Ashley until she was gone.


  Ashley had a lot on her mind as she picked up an outfit off of the clothing rack at a boutique called Peace, Love, and World. The house was so quiet and lonely without Petey being there last night but she was thankful for the time she had by herself. It gave her time to think about their relationship and the baby.

  Ashley smiled when she thought about the baby because she couldn’t fathom the thought of getting rid of her child. Her baby was made out of so much love and she couldn’t wait to meet her bundle of joy. Ashley thoughts went to Pete. She missed him but her time alone did her some good. She’d gone to get a Dominican blowout and she had also treated herself to a facial. To top it all off, she’d finally got the call she’d been waiting for.

  The cosmetology school had given her a call and she would be starting her classes next week. She couldn’t be happier about it. Ashley had dreams of opening her own makeup studio. She had the name picked out and everything. S
he would call it Face of Dreams. Ashley took a deep sigh as she took her ringing cell phone out of her purse. It was Choice.

  “Hey girl.”

  “Hey you. How are you holding up?” Choice asked.

  “I’m doing better than I was last night. I was a total wreck. On one hand, I wish I would’ve never gone to the fight but on the other hand I’m glad that I did.”

  Choice sighed. “Ash, you know how Petey is. You know he would’ve told you if he was messing with that girl like that.”

  “If he didn’t fuck the bitch, he did something with her. I don’t think I should have to play the guessing game for him to tell me. He should be man enough to do so without me having to go through all of that.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. He should be straightforward with you, no questions asked. You know he stayed the night here last night. Pete said he didn’t want to bother you and that he wanted to give you your space. He literally talked us to death about you last night and this morning. You were trippin’ last night, Ash. You need to talk to him. Just think about calling him back. Maybe y’all can do lunch, dinner, or a movie, or something.”

  “Ugh, I can’t stand you,” Ashley said with a smile.”You’re always trying to play matchmaker. I’m about to call him now. Before I do, I got some news I’m sure you would love. I’m keeping the baby. I thought about it hard last night and I can’t kill my baby.”

  “Yayyy!” Choice screamed with joy.

  Ashley laughed at her silly friend. “I knew that would make you happy. Oh yeah, I got a call from the Beauty Schools of America this morning too. I’ll be starting next week.”

  “I can’t wait to see all your dreams fall into place.”

  Ashley knew Choice was genuinely happy for her and that made her smile. “Okay boo, I’ll call you later to let you know what’s going on.”

  “Make sure you do that. I wanna hear details and all.”

  Ashley sat the clothes she was going to purchase on top of the counter. “I bet you do. You’re such a sucker for love, but I love you. I’ll call you back.”

  “Okay. Love you too.”


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