Book Read Free

Lavender Hill

Page 7

by P. J. Garland

  “Somebody come and re-do my make up,” he shouted across the studio.

  Mary walked quickly across the studio floor. “Who told you about these arrests, and why haven’t you told us?”

  Jeremy looked at Mary with a fierce expression. “They haven’t been arrested. The Pointers are just helping the government with their investigation of the Rapture. And I wanted to be sure of my source before telling anyone... WHERE’S SOMEONE TO DO MY MAKE UP,” he bellowed while wiping sweat from his face.

  “The people are starting to march down to Thames House,” said Katie urgently.

  Jeremy looked up to the screen showing Katie. “Follow them and mingle in the crowd. Find people to interview, and challenge them, Ms Sturridge, to justify why they reject a more rational explanation for the Rapture. We don’t want to give the impression we are encouraging this religion-fuelled civil disobedience.”

  Katie laughed a little at his extreme position and in response Jeremy angrily said,

  “Is that acceptable to you, Ms Sturridge?”

  “Yes, of course – we’ll leave now.” Katie disappeared off screen while angrily removing her earphone.

  “How much time have we got left before we go back on air?” Jeremy asked Mary.

  “Under two minutes.”

  “I’m not ready. Go to the weather and then sport.”

  “Are you OK, Jeremy?” asked Mary suspiciously.

  “Yes,” replied Jeremy through gritted teeth while wiping sweat from his face. “WHERE IS SOMEONE TO DO MY MAKE UP,” he shouted across the studio.


  Katie and two of her camera crew moved through the marching crowd. The protesters walked towards the River Thames along tree lined roads and past grand old buildings. The rally progressed through the streets of London peacefully, but the size and unity of the crowd caused onlookers to become quiet and watchful.

  Katie approached a young woman walking along with her two children.

  “Hi, I’m Katie Sturridge from 24/7 News. Could we talk to you about the rally you’re attending today?”

  “Yeah, sure,” replied the woman, smiling shyly.

  “Why have you come to this rally?”

  “Well, when I felt the Rapture I immediately knew it was something to do with God, but this aspect of the Rapture has been ignored or ridiculed by the media. So I wanted to come here and support what Rebecca Hartley is doing.”

  “So you reject the idea there may be a scientific explanation?”

  “I know what I felt. I can only tell you what I feel inside.” The woman was then dragged by the flow of the crowd away from Katie.

  Katie could hear Jeremy in her earphones harassing her to find some more people and challenge them further to explain the Rapture, so she walked towards an old man nearby.

  “Hi, I’m from 24/7 News. Could we—”

  “Yes, I’ve seen you on the TV and watched your channel. You’re the news channel that forced Ms Hartley off the show, aren’t you?”

  Katie heard Jeremy shouting in her earphone to find someone else, but she ignored him and continued talking to the man.

  “Why are you here today?” she asked to avoid the old man’s question.

  He paused for a few moments as if deciding whether to pursue his previous question, but then said, “I’m here to support Ms Hartley, and I’m here because I know the source of the Rapture is from God.”

  “So you don’t believe there are any other possible reasons for the Rapture?”

  “No, what other explanation could there be?”

  “That it could be due to some natural event?”

  “God is nature, so yes it is a natural event.”

  Katie could hear Jeremy shouting at her to find someone else. She smiled at the man and thanked him for speaking to her. Katie then heard Jeremy saying they were going to a commercial break, so she moved away from the crowd expecting him to speak to her.

  “Can you not hear me, Ms Sturridge?”

  “Not when there’s chanting or shouting,” Katie lied.

  “You need to challenge these people more aggressively.”

  “They are protesting peacefully, and it would be disrespectful.”

  “Either you do your job properly, or you find another one.”

  Katie went quiet. “We’re nearly at Thames House,” she eventually said.

  “We’re going back on air in thirty seconds. Find somewhere on Lambeth Bridge to stand, so we can film the protesters with Thames House in the background,” demanded Jeremy.

  Katie and her TV crew continued walking towards the River Thames. As they approached Thames House, they walked onto the bridge opposite it so Katie could report from the scene with the protesters and building in full view. Katie took up a position on the bridge and prepared herself to go on air. In the background, Rebecca Hartley could be heard using a megaphone to demand information about the Pointers held in the building.

  In the studio, the commercial break finished and Katie reappeared on screen with Jeremy watching her and the rally behind her.

  “Katie, we can see the crowd gathered outside Thames House. Have there been any disturbances yet amongst the crowd?” asked Jeremy.

  Katie pressed her earphone into her ear so she could hear over the noise of the crowd and Rebecca Hartley.

  “No. Jeremy. It’s still peaceful – as before...”

  “Well, I don’t think anyone trying to drive through central London would agree that this rally hasn’t caused any problems.” Jeremy laughed towards a camera.

  “No, probably not. But they have a right to be heard,” insisted Katie.

  “Maybe you should go and join the rally, Katie? You sound like you would fit in with them just fine.” Jeremy laughed mockingly again towards one of the cameras.

  Katie looked angrily towards the camera. “You should have more respect towards people that have experienced the Rapture.”

  Jeremy turned quickly towards the screen with a look of surprise. His expression then hardened.

  “We are a news channel, Ms Sturridge. If you have any reliable sources that can tell us the Rapture is something to do with God and not a natural event, then please, do tell us.”

  Katie looked flustered and went quiet for a while. “I didn’t say it was something to do with God, but all the people who’ve experienced the Rapture genuinely feel it’s something real and positive – regardless of where they think it originated from.”

  “And how do you know it’s not just all in their minds?”

  Katie paused and looked at the camera awkwardly, while cheering and shouting wafted over from the rally.

  “Well?” insisted Jeremy aggressively.

  Katie thought for a bit more, and then said firmly, “I experienced the Rapture. I don’t know what it was or is, but I experienced it. And like these people here, I believe it was caused by something positive and real.”

  Jeremy sat back in his chair and laughed a little. “Well, maybe you should go and join Ms Hartley and her band of religious zealots, Ms Sturridge.”

  Katie’s expression hardened and she pointed towards the camera. “You are arrogant and cynical. Whatever the Rapt—”

  “We’ve gone to a commercial break, Ms Sturridge. I’m not going to waste my time telling you how unprofessional you’ve been. But to put it simply, you’re fired.”

  Katie was about to speak before one of her crew indicated the link to the studio had been cut. She put her hand to her face and stood quietly for a while. She then turned around to look at the crowd outside Thames House. A few tears rolled down her face as she listened to them cheering and shouting.



  “You can definitely hear it if you put your ear up against the air vent.”

  “Be careful, Jack. You’re going to fall and hurt yourself,” said Amy.

  The room Jack and Amy were in looked basic and tidy, like a hotel room. Jack had placed one chair onto another and was trying to reach an air vent placed high o
n a wall.

  He climbed down. “It sounds like cheering and singing with someone speaking through a megaphone as well. It’s what I heard earlier when we were doing the tests and interviews.”

  Amy sat down on the bed and waited for Jack to take a seat on one of the chairs. “What do you think all those tests were about?” she asked.

  “Well, some of them were personality tests. I’m sure about that because I’ve had to do them before for job interviews.”

  “Why would they want to know what personalities we have?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “What did they ask you in the interview?” said Amy.

  “Just what my experience of the Rapture was like, and what I think it means. I had to make up a story, ‘cos they think I’m still living in London.”

  “Why don’t you want them to know?”

  “I don’t trust them, and I want to find out who this Gabriel Ash is, on my own, when I get back.”

  “You think he’s something to do with the Rapture?”

  “I’m sure of it. I think we experienced what he experienced when the Rapture occurred, or even that it originated fro—”

  The door opened and a smart, serious looking woman entered.

  “Hi, I’ve just come down to give you an update. We would like you both to stay overnight. You can have separate rooms. The one next door is free.”

  “Do we have a choice?” asked Jack.

  “As you were told earlier, we aren’t officially arresting you, but we can request the authority to formally detain you if required.”

  “No, then,” said Amy.

  The woman looked blankly at Amy and then continued with the same friendly but professional demeanour. “Someone will guard the exit to this section of the building, but you are free to move around as you wish. There is a living room and kitchen area at the other end, and some of the other rooms contain people we’ve also been speaking to. We’ll provide you with any food you want.”

  “What do you want with us?” demanded Amy.

  The woman smiled. “Someone will come down tomorrow to give you another update. Have a good evening – just tell us if you need anything.” She left the room.

  “I’m hungry. Let’s see what food’s in the kitchen,” suggested Jack.

  As Jack and Amy walked out of the room, they looked along both sides of the corridor. At one end, a man sat at the exit and he acknowledged them with a measured smile. At the other end, they could see the kitchen. They walked towards it, but as they approached they could hear people talking in the living room. They walked in to find half a dozen people gathered around a television. A young, athletic-looking man glanced towards them as they walked in, which made the others turn around.

  “Hi,” said Amy.

  “Come in. We’re on the TV,” the young guy said.

  Jack and Amy stood behind the group of people and watched the coverage of the rally outside Thames House. A reporter was relating the news that a group of Pointers were being held inside.

  “You all Pointers then?” asked Jack.

  Yep, yeah, yes came back the responses along with some nods and plenty of smiles.

  They watched the news for a few moments before Jack turned to Amy. “Shall we see what food is in the kitchen?”

  “You won’t find much,” said the young man. “But they said we could have what we like, so we’re going to order in pizza.”

  “That sounds great,” replied Amy.

  “One thing they have left is plenty of booze,” said a chubby woman. “So I’m going to have a well deserved glass of wine when the food arrives.”

  Jack and Amy took a seat on the floor near the TV and watched the news with the others. They introduced themselves and the other people reciprocated. They discussed the interviews and tests earlier that day, and shared their experiences of the Rapture. Eventually, the food came and they got some drinks from the kitchen. A few hours after meeting the group of people, and during a brief moment when Jack was alone in the kitchen, he realised there was something unusual about the evening. He realised how lost he had become in the moment, in the discussions and interactions. Almost instantly, he had felt comfortable and relaxed in the company of the other Pointers. There was a lot of diversity and individuality in the group, but at some basic level, emotionally and intellectually, he felt an affinity with them. He thought about this for a few moments, smiled to himself, and then went back into the living room.

  Over time, the people in the group gradually went to bed. And eventually, Amy turned to Jack and said,

  “I’m off now too. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Jack took a seat on the sofa opposite the TV. The young athletic-looking man walked back into the living room from the kitchen with a beer in his hand and said,

  “Everyone’s gone to bed, eh?”

  “Yep, everyone’s exhausted.”

  The young man sat down on the sofa.

  “It’s Jack, isn’t it? I’m Chris by the way, just in case you don’t remember.” He held out his hand.

  Jack shook his hand. “Yep, Jack.”

  Chris chuckled to himself. “What a crazy day this has been.”

  “Yeah, feels like we’re in a movie.”

  Chris said, “Your description of the Rapture earlier really resonated for me. Although, I haven’t heard anyone mention the sound yet.”

  Jack looked surprised. “You think you know what it is. Why didn’t you say?”

  “I suppose I’m being paranoid. I just want to be sure someone isn’t just agreeing with me for the sake of it. Did you hear a sound then?”

  “Yes, I’m confident I know what it is.”

  Chris laughed. “Well, we’re a bit stuck if neither of us says.”

  Jack thought for a moment. “OK, we’ll give each other clues – me first. Did the noise come from an animal, machine or person?”

  “Animal – definitely.”

  Jack smiled. “OK, I agree. Now your turn.”

  “Is it... a flying or walking animal?”


  Chris smiled. “Interesting...”

  “Is it a wild animal or domesticated?” asked Jack.

  “Domesticated,” replied Chris without any hesitation.

  “Right, we’re getting close,” said Jack. “How about after the count of three we’ll say the first letter of the animal?”


  “One... two... three.”

  “D...” They both laughed.

  “This is getting silly,” said Chris with a smile. “Let’s say the name of the animal after three.”


  “One... two... three.”

  “Dog.” They both laughed again.

  “Jack, that’s amazing. You’re the first person I’ve heard say it was a dog.”

  “I didn’t realise until I heard a dog barking near my home.”

  “Oh, yeah – you’re a local, aren’t you?”

  Jack hesitated briefly. “Well, actually, I recently moved to Devon with my family. That’s where I was when I felt the Rapture.”

  “Oh, right, it’s nice down that way. I’ve got family over in Cornwall.”

  They continued chatting for a while about nothing in particular until Jack realised how tired he felt. He stretched a little before yawning.

  “I think I’m going to go to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Chris raised his beer can to him as he got up. Jack then walked back towards the room he was in earlier with Amy. He opened the door slowly, and thinking Amy was asleep, carefully walked over to one of the chairs to collect his overnight bag. Amy turned around in the bed.

  “Jack, I’m still awake. Come and speak to me for a while.”

  Jack sat on the edge of the bed. “Are you alright? You don’t sound OK?”

  “I can’t stop thinking about everything that’s happened – the Rapture, Gabriel Ash, being here. It’s horrible being on my own too.”

  “Maybe I can drag a mattress
into this room if you want?”

  Amy paused. “There’s room for both of us in here.”

  Jack was a bit flustered. “Uh, OK – I’ll just get changed.”

  Jack put on a t-shirt to wear in bed and then got in next to Amy, who had her back to him. In the dim light of the room he could see the outline of Amy’s body. He felt the warmth coming from it and smelt her perfume. Jack shut his eyes and tried to focus on something else. His mind turned to the conversation with Chris, and he felt annoyed with himself for letting him know he lived in Devon. He had let his guard down after Chris admitted he knew what the sound was from the Rapture, but Chris had been the only person he didn’t feel totally comfortable around.

  Amy turned around, and Jack automatically put his arm around her as she faced him. This seemed to encourage Amy to get closer and she laid her head on his chest. After a while, Amy opened her legs a little so Jack could place a leg between them. They lay still, listening to each other’s breathing and feeling the warmth of each other’s bodies. Amy raised her head a little so that their cheeks brushed, and Jack moved his head around so that their lips were nearly touching. They lay still again until they both turned a little more and began to kiss.


  DAY 7


  Jack’s nose twitched a little and his head naturally moved in the direction of the smell. It pulled his mind out of its deep sleep and made his stomach ache. Jack opened his eyes, and thought: bacon...

  He sat up in bed and sniffed the wonderful smell of fried bacon coming from the kitchen. Amy turned around and placed a hand on him.

  “Morning,” Jack said.

  Amy sniffed the air. “I can smell someone cooking breakfast.”

  “Yep, it smells great. Shall we go and eat?”

  “I’ll meet you in there. I’ll be a few minutes.”

  Jack got dressed and walked down the corridor. Most of the people from the previous evening were in the living room, watching the news and eating their breakfast. They greeted him as he came in, and, while holding her plate up and with her mouth full, the chubby woman said,


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