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Hell Inc.

Page 16

by C. M. Stunich

  “That horrid, disgraceful, shameless weasel of a man!” Levie spluttered, running an angry hand through his hair.

  “What's going on, Levie?” I shouted back at him though I didn't know why I was suddenly so angry. Or afraid.

  “Ginger,” he growled. “That man is not who you think he is.” I shook my head and leaned back against the counter. I still didn't understand.

  “Levie, please. What's going on here? Why do I feel so – ” I paused and took a deep breath. My body throbbed endlessly, and I hoped it would start to clear as fast as my mind was. “Aroused.” I coughed in embarrassment.

  “You were drugged, Ginger.” As soon as he said it, I knew it was true.

  “Drugged?” I clutched a hand at my throat as I waited for him to elaborate. He stared at my feet for a long time, and I thought he was finished speaking.

  “Uncle Lucifer summoned me tonight when I was on my way back. I should have told him no. It is my fault for not being here. I am sorry, Ginger.” His shoulders drooped, and he spread his wings softly. This was probably the least arrogant that I had ever seen him. “That man,” he paused as if considering his next words. “He drugged you because of me, Ginger. For that, I am sorry.”

  “What are you talking about, Levie? I need to understand. If that's the case, then I have a right to know. And what the hell kind of drug was that? I've never felt so frenzied in my entire life.” He glanced back up at me, eyes sad.

  “A love potion, most likely.” I stared back at him. It might have been funny had it not been so terribly disturbing. “Or maybe it was just him. He happens to be an incubus. I would be surprised if your body did not react to him.” I felt my jaw drop in shock. Incubus? How could Terrence be an incubus?

  I watched the sphinx walk gingerly across the glass laden floor. Where the hell had it been when I was being drugged? Suddenly, the growling and the glaring it had been doing in Terrence's presence made a whole lot more sense. I was a fucking idiot.

  “Oh.” I didn't really know what else to say. My mind was almost back to normal, but my body still ached. I looked at Levie, standing there in his bloodstained clothes. He looked okay though; the wounds had stopped bleeding, and it seemed as if they had already healed some. Magic? I wondered. Levie looked up at me sharply, his orange eyes holding a touch of fear.

  “Did he,” Levie coughed once as if he was trying to clear his throat. “Did he make a woman of you?” he asked. I stared at him in silence

  “What?” What sort of archaic point of view was that? “Um no, you kind of interrupted that part.” Levie seemed to sigh with relief. Was it really that important to him that he got to have sex with me first? Was it a guy thing? “Thanks for that,” I said. “I didn't want my first time to be so ... involuntary.”

  I needed to know more about Terrence, more about the love potion, more about everything, but I was still having trouble getting past the ache between my legs so the two of us waited in silence. Levie stood there, looking almost awkward. Almost being the key word. He still looked gorgeous to me. Or maybe that was the potion talking. He folded his wings behind his back and then turned to go into the living room. I let him walk away and picked the tampons up off of the floor. Grabbing the box of condoms from where they had fallen in the sink, I took both boxes with me into the bedroom and threw them on the nightstand. I wandered back into the living room and watched Levie rummage around his suitcase.

  “Looking for something?” I asked. He didn't respond, and I wanted to yell at him for ignoring me. Finally, he spoke.

  “Did you not have the dagger with you?” he asked me. Oops. I had been meaning to, but I forgot. I was prone to that.

  “Sorry,” I said, feeling dumb for apologizing. What was I supposed to do? Fight off an incubus with a dagger? Really though, the most disturbing part had been that I hadn't wanted to fight. I had been completely gung ho on the whole incident. “Do all love potions make you turn into a slobbering, sex crazed idiot?” Levie paused, a pair of folded pants in one hand.

  “No. Anything stronger than number seven is illegal in my world. Most likely he used a number nine.” Levie scowled and didn't seem to realize how ridiculous he sounded.

  “Love Potion Number Nine?” I asked skeptically. “Are you serious?” Levie finally found what he was looking for and stood up. His face had regained its usual arrogance, and he clutched a romance novel in his hand.

  “Of course I am serious. Now please, begin carrying your dagger with you, and we could both avoid situations like this in the future.” He grabbed his spectacles from the table and slipped them on.

  “Why didn't you tell me Terrence was an incubus? Why didn't I know that he was one?”

  “May we speak on this tomorrow, I am about to reach the climax in my ... erotica.” His face twisted when he said the word, and I almost laughed at the double entendre. He settled himself comfortably on the couch as if that were the end of our conversation. Maybe he needed time to rest from his injuries, fine, but I needed answers. Vague was no longer an option available to him. Not after what had just happened. My second near rape occurred on the same day as my second kidnapping. How nice.

  “Fine,” I said. “But you better answer every single question I have and then some.” I made sure that he caught my glance, and I gave him a look that said he better not try to fuck with me. I wasn't in the mood to argue; between my legs, the ache was growing to a point where I might cry if I didn't take care of it. The potion wasn't ready to let me off the hook yet, not completely.

  When I went back into my bedroom, I was surprised to find that there were no scorch marks on my bed. I guessed that Levie had been using his magic more to scare us than anything else.

  I changed out of my clothes and into a short, silken nightgown. Forgoing underwear, I grabbed a vibrator from my nightstand drawer and crawled under the covers. I laid the vibe aside for a moment and began to rub my clit. Usually, I liked to fantasize when I masturbated, and tonight was no different. Instead of my usual fantasies however, I found my mind going straight to Levie and our romp in the shower. I bit my lip to fight back a moan as I imagined what it would have been like had I not stopped him from pushing himself into me. If I hadn't spoken, it would have only taken a split second for it to have happened. As I reached for the vibrator, I wished that I had let him.

  A hand on my shoulder stopped me from inserting it, and I froze as I opened my eyes to see Levie standing above me. I blushed as I realized I had been so embroiled in my fantasy that I hadn't heard him come in. Was he aware of what I had been doing under the blankets? He must have been.

  “I didn't hear you come in,” I said, trying to sound casual. “Whats up?” Levie looked down at me, his face serious.

  “Ginger,” he said, bending close. “I know that I have not been exactly nice to you.” I opened my mouth to protest, to tell him that it wasn't true, but then shut it. Actually, it kind of was. Stupid me liked him anyway though it irked me that I did. He hadn't even really said anything friendly to me. Why do girls always fall for assholes? I kind of promised myself that I wouldn't fall into that category. So much for New Year's Resolutions. “I apologize for that. It is just in my nature to behave in this manner but I – ” He paused as if searching for the next word. “ I must admit that I like you.” He paused again. “A little bit.” I laughed; I couldn't help myself, even though he had just somewhat insulted me. Like he said, it was in his nature.

  “Well, I like you, too,” I said. “A little bit.” Levie smiled, and it melted some of the arrogance in his face. He stood up and made as if to leave.

  “I am glad that I arrived when I did. I apologize for the potion. I should have warned you about Terrence sooner.” Levie looked thoughtful. “Do you hear that?” He asked me. I strained my ears listening for something unusual. All I could hear was traffic passing by outside and the buzzing sound of the vibrator. Oh. Shit.

  I blushed, which made me even more embarrassed as lately I'd been doing an uncharacteristic amount of
it. I tried to turn the dial on the base to 'off' but accidentally ending up turning it up. The sound got even louder and Levie reached down and snatched up my blankets as if there might be a threat hidden underneath them. He looked rather shocked at the sight. I didn't know what he thought he was going to find. I was lying with the vibrator between my legs, one hand on the dial and one on the shaft. I had pulled my nightgown up so that I would have easier access and was now lying there, completely exposed. I swallowed nervously and tried to smile.

  “Um, I guess you've never seen a vibrator before?” I finally managed to switch the dial and pulled down my nightgown. Levie was still standing there, but he had dropped the blankets to the floor.

  “What is it?” he asked me. I gave him a wary look and sat up.

  “What do you think it is?” I snapped, feeling even more embarrassed.

  “This is a practice tool for sexual intercourse?” I stared at him for a moment and then laughed. What the hell? Demon women didn't have vibrators? I felt sorry for them.

  “It's a tool for me to make myself feel good. Alone,” I hinted, trying to get him to go away. He looked at me and then at the now quiet vibrator.

  “Why would you want to do it alone?” he asked quietly, bending down again. There was a tone in his voice that I was having a hard time figuring out the meaning of. I set the vibrator on the nightstand.

  “Because,” I said, feeling my voice growing husky. What was I doing? Was it the potion again? But no, I knew that it wasn't. “You weren't in here to do it for me.” That was it. An invitation. It was now or never, before my mind got in the way and logically talked me out of it. I could only have Levie for a short while; I would only be hurting myself.

  Levie reached forward and smoothly removed my nightgown. He took my face in his hands and kissed me on the lips without using his tongue and pulled back. He stood up and pulled off his shirt, magic allowing it to pass right through his wings. I bet he got them on the same way though I'd never seen him do it. He kicked off his boots and made as if to unzip his pants. I sat up and beat him to it. When he was fully naked, he climbed onto the bed next to me. I grabbed the box of condoms and pulled one out, handing it to him. He stared at it and then looked back at me.

  “What do I do with it?” he asked me. Wow, demons sure had limited sexual educations. “What can this little square do to protect us?” I snatched the package from him, determined not to allow him to ruin the mood. I ripped open the foil and pulled out the condom. He took it from me, and I wiped the lubricant off my fingers. I waited for him to put it on, but he just sat there. “Remind me of its purpose and what I am to do with it?” I sighed.

  “It keeps me from getting pregnant and – ” I thought about how to phrase this without offending him again. “And other people from getting diseases from each other.” Levie frowned.

  “I am afraid I am not familiar with its correct use.” He handed it back to me. “Why don't you show me?” he breathed, his voice dropping an octave. I gave my bedroom door a glance, but it was mostly closed. The last thing I wanted was the sphinx coming in here in the middle of this. It did seem to mind its manners though, and I figured it wouldn't be a problem.

  I turned back to Levie, who was waiting patiently, and took a deep breath.

  I looked down at the fullness of him and tried not to pass out. The condom felt foreign in my hand, and I wasn't sure I could put it on without shaking. The only alternative though was to kick him out and try to pretend that I wasn't crazy attracted to him. And I was. Sitting here with Levie, I could almost feel the difference between my reaction to him and my reaction to Terrence. I couldn't believe how stupid I was.

  I swallowed heavily and leaned forward, placing the green latex over the tip of his cock. He moaned and rested a warm hand on my lower back as I rolled it slowly down the shaft. He watched me closely, and as soon as I released him, he grabbed me and pushed my shoulders to the mattress.

  “Hey, wait!” I tried to stop him, but he covered my mouth and began kissing me as he settled himself between my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and watched him skeptically when he pulled back. “You better be good at this.” I told him, eliciting a laugh. He looked at me, an odd expression on his face.

  “I suppose you will find out.” It was enough to make me laugh, too, and I decided that I was more than ready to make that discovery.

  “Would you forgive me, just this once, if I decided to forgo foreplay?” I quoted back at him before I could begin a moral Q and A session again. Levie grinned and relaxed his body against mine. The feeling of his skin was wonderful, warm and actually quite soft. He didn't seem to have any body hair, and I wondered if it was because he was a demon or just a personal choice. Either way, it suited me just fine. I wrapped my fingers in his hair and resumed our kissing. He was a fantastic kisser and left me feeling breathless with the way he moved his tongue. Levie began moving his way down my neck, cupping one of my breasts gently, and I moaned as his kisses landed on my nipple. I arched my hips against him, feeling his erection and wanting him inside of me, but he used one hand to push my hips back down. I hoped he wasn't teasing me this time or I was going to kill him. With one hand, he trailed his fingertips down my body and slipped them gently inside.

  “You're deliciously wet, Ginger,” he said to me, and began to move his fingers in and out at an excruciatingly slow pace.

  “Yeah, well, that's what's supposed to happen,” I said breathlessly, trying to be cheeky. It didn't work. I just sounded desperate. Levie removed his fingers and grabbed my hips roughly.

  “Next time,” he told me. “I am going to go much, much slower.” Levie pressed himself against my opening, and I let out a small moan as he stopped and held himself there. With one smooth thrust of his hips, Levie entered me completely.

  “Levie,” I gasped, unable to breathe at the sheer pleasure of feeling him inside.

  “Shut up, stupid girl,” he said gently and began moving his hips. The simple rhythm of it nearly drove me crazy. I'd never orgasmed before, but I felt like I was going to now. I dug my fingers into his back and squeezed him as tightly as I could. Levie began to move faster, and I held back a scream that was building in the back of my throat. I wouldn't be a screamer; I wouldn't. Suddenly, I felt Levie tense, and he squeezed my hips with his hands so hard that it almost hurt. He propped himself up, and I felt the fullness of him inside me began to lessen.

  “What are you doing?” I asked him, almost frantically. “We just started.” Levie looked embarrassed, an odd reaction to see on the face of someone as arrogant as him. Oh. I got it. “You came?” I asked him. “Already?” Levie didn't say anything, but he slipped his tongue into my mouth and kissed me even harder than he had before. His hips resumed their movements, and I felt him getting hard again. I wondered if demons were any better than human men at keeping erections. Soon though, that thought, as well as any other, was pushed from my head. All I could focus on was the pleasure and leaning my head back into the pillows, savoring the ecstasy. There wasn't much else I really could do; I could barely move. It wasn't long before I felt the orgasm building. It was like a pressure at the base of my spine, and it was nearly unbearable. I grabbed Levie by his upper arms.

  “Enough,” I gasped. “Please, stop.” This always happened to me when I masturbated. I couldn't bring myself to go any further. The pleasure became almost painful and I had to stop, but this time, I couldn't stop Levie. He ignored me and continued grinding his hips into mine. I pushed at his shoulders, but it didn't do me any good; the man was a demon, and there was no way I was going to be able to move him away from me. I moaned and writhed beneath him as the pleasure built to a crescendo. “Levie,” I cried “Please, no more.”

  The pressure exploded inside me, and I squeezed Levie as hard as I could as it washed over me. There was no moving, no crying out; I was trapped, frozen in it. Levie's cock sliding in and out was just about the only thing that I could think of, and it was unbearable. Finally, and yet also unfo
rtunately, the pressure subsided, and I was able to take a whimpering breath.

  Levie was still hard and inside of me, but he pulled out quickly and rolled to the side, breathing heavily. I didn't want to leave him like that, but I didn't think I could take it anymore. I crawled over to him and knelt between his legs. He gave me a shaky look as I removed the condom but only pursed his lips tightly together when I wrapped my hand around him. I squeezed and finally got the reaction I was looking for. He gasped and tilted his head back. I leaned down and took him in my mouth as far as I could go, watching as his chest rose and fell in shaking breaths.

  I'd read all kinds of things on this subject, but yet, I'd never done it. I hoped I was doing something right as I pumped my hand up and down the base and flicked my tongue across the tip. Levie grabbed my hair tightly in his fist. At first, I wanted to tell him to stop. It sort of felt demeaning in a way but then I looked up at his face. I could tell he was as forgone in pleasure as I had been so I left his hand where it was. I then used one of my own to lightly cup his balls and continued the rhythm. Levie's fingers began to tighten in my hair as I sped up the rhythm until I felt him gasp and come inside of my mouth.

  Immediately, his hands were under my armpits, and he was pulling me up to rest on his chest. I swallowed the cum in my mouth. This is definitely an acquired taste. I thought as I felt the wetness on my thighs. Oh dear. What a mess. I looked at the wet spot on the sheet and smiled. But fun. Oh so very fun.

  “I think we should do it again,” I said, eliciting a deep laugh from Levie. He sounded contented and sleepy when he replied.

  “Will you allow me a bit of rest first?” I grinned and looked at his face. His orange eyes were half lidded.


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