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Heat Rising: A KinKaid Wolf Pack Story

Page 17

by Lee, Jessica

  “That’s what I’d like to know as well.” Evin swung his leg over his bike and moved in next to her. “How are you doing—really?” His deep voice rumbled.

  “I’m just fine.” Rosa squared her shoulders. Judging by the stern look in her brother’s gaze, the one asking the question “who do I need to kill?” Evin knew something was up.

  “Oh, my baby girl!” their mother called from the front of the house. Sable KinKaid beckoned Rosa with a wave of her hand. “Come inside, darling.”

  Saved by their mother, Rosa pivoted and headed for her childhood home. Landry and Kaleb turned to follow. She didn’t need to look to confirm, Rosa sensed their presence under her skin.

  “Landry. Kaleb,” Evin snapped.

  Rosa halted and pivoted. Her mates turned on their heels at the alpha’s command.

  “We’re not finished.” Her brother and Mason strolled onto the sidewalk, joining them. “After Rosa is settled in, we need to talk.” The alpha’s gaze flashed.

  “That’s why we came here first,” Rosa said. “And why we didn’t go straight home.”

  “We?” Evin growled, his brow lifting.

  “Yes. We,” Rosa said. “I’m here so we can get everything out in the open. Plus, we’ve been out of contact, and we wanted to find out how things stand between the packs.”

  Her brother grunted, and they proceeded toward the house.

  “She really is okay, alpha,” Kaleb stated. “We did everything in our power to make sure of it.”

  “We’ll see about that,” Evin bit out and marched ahead, his hand threaded inside his mate’s.

  “That went about as well as I expected,” Landry mumbled next to her, placing a warm palm against her lower spine.

  “He’s not alpha by birth right alone,” Rosa said. “My brother isn’t easily swayed. He has strong opinions and convictions and is more like our father than he’d ever admit,” she whispered. “Just never let him hear you say it.” She smiled up at Landry.

  “I’ll try to remember that piece of advice.”

  Inside, Rosa, Kaleb, and Landry joined the others in the large family room. Their father, Barron, greeted them, giving her a firm hug and once over. Like her brother, he stilled for a moment as if sensing something off kilter then assessed the other males in the room before retreating.

  “You look well, daughter,” he announced to the room. “Evin informed us he’d rescued you from the Gregorson enforcer with the help Michaels and Dalton. He also mentioned that by the time you were located, your heat had risen.”

  “Yes, sir.” Rosa found a spot at the end of the floral sofa her mother had always been so fond of and eased onto the cushion. Landry and Kaleb filled the remaining space beside her. “It was a difficult time. But I’d rather discuss first what happened after I was taken to safety.” Rosa looked over at her twin who’d poured himself a drink from the bar. He tossed back a swig, then prepared one for his mate who’d occupied one of the overstuffed chairs. “What’s the latest on the situation with the Gregorsons? Security is definitely tight at the gate, so I’m assuming it can’t be good.”

  “After Landry and Kaleb got you out of there,” Evin began, “Mason and I went after Arick, following his trail as far as possible. But he’d gone into hiding, and we’d lost him. And since we knew you were safe, which was the main goal for invading their territory, I recalled our pack to KinKaid grounds. There wasn’t any need in sustaining any more losses.”

  “Thank God you both got out of there safely.” Rosa brushed her hand over Kaleb’s knee. “I had a feeling when I’d initially left the grounds there was a chance I was walking into a trap.” She glanced over at Landry. “But I couldn’t ignore Arick’s message and possibly put Landry’s life at risk.”

  “Well, Arick achieved exactly what he’d been after by taking you and luring me in. His brother is dead, and he’s tied me to the crime. Arick’s free now to take Stefan’s place as alpha.” Evin eased down on the arm of his mate’s chair. “Yet, the nagging question buzzing around inside my head is…will that be enough to sate his appetite for power?”

  Landry scoffed and leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees. “Valid point,” he muttered, his voice gruff. “The male is whacked in the head—delusional. I’ve seen the proof up close and personal more than once. You’re right to wonder if he’s finished with us.”

  Evin nodded, stood, and meandered over toward the sofa. “I’ve answered your questions and held my tongue long enough about your situation, sister. Now, it’s your turn.”

  Rosa pulse strummed inside her veins. But before she could say a word, Landry and Kaleb launched to their feet.

  “She’s happy,” Landry stated. “Isn’t that enough?” He eased forward, meeting her brother head-on.

  Damn. Rosa jumped to her feet. If he challenged Evin like that, all hell would come raining down on her mates.

  The alpha growled. “I sent her with you two because I trusted in you both to allow who she mated to be her decision. I trusted you wouldn’t jump her like a bunch of animals who couldn’t control their dicks.”

  “I’d like to know myself what you’re suggesting is going on here!” Barron rose from the loveseat where he sat with her mother, his eyes flashing.

  “Wait just one damn minute,” Rosa shouted and shouldered her way in front of Kaleb.

  “I can smell you all over her.” Evin jabbed is finger at both males. “So don’t you dare lie to my face and try to say you didn’t take her.”

  “What have you two done to my daughter?” Barron growled.

  “Evin…Father…stop.” Rosa groaned. This was getting out of hand. “It wasn’t like that. Not how you’re thinking.”

  “She’s my sister,” Evin rumbled. “I expected better from you both.”

  “We would never hurt her,” Kaleb spat, wrapping his arms around her, holding her tight against him. “We love Rosa.”

  “Christ!” Evin shook his head, tossing his hands up as if in surrender. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying she’s my mate,” Kaleb declared, placing a possessive palm on her shoulder.’”

  “She’s mine as well,” Landry added, his voice a deep rumble as he palmed Kaleb’s nape. “And so is Kaleb.” Landry glared at her brother as if daring him to refute their status.

  Evin’s eyes widened, and he took at step back. He glanced over at Mason who appeared just as shocked.

  “Dear, God…” Barron gasped. “Rosa…” He shook his head.

  “Oh, Rosa.” Her mother’s voice cracked. “How could you?”

  Rosa’s chest tightened. Mentally, she knew her mother and father would never understand. She didn’t need their approval, but it still didn’t lessen the ache of their disapproval.

  “Kaleb?” Evin ran a hand through his hair. “This is something you want—to share Rosa—to be with Landry in this way? I’m just confused. I never knew you to date other males.”

  Her mate nodded. “You’re right,” Kaleb said. “I never dated any other males because I never had any desire to. Landry is the only male I’ve ever wanted and will want.”

  “Well, I’m happy for you two—really—but Rosa…” Evin closed in, clasping her face in his hands. “You deserve better than this.” He shook his head. “You deserve one man who can give all of himself to you. Make you the center of his universe. I wanted so much more for you. I wanted you to have the kind of love Mason and I share.”

  “And what makes you think I don’t?” Rosa gripped his fingers.

  “How can you when you have to share?”

  “But that makes what we have so much richer. We do share, and it’s because we love each other completely that we can. It makes us even stronger.”

  Evin released her, lowering his gaze and bracing his hands on his hips.

  “You wanted better for me, Evin, but I already have the best. I have two mates who would die for me. And I would do the same for them. How much better can any relationship get? I am literally the ce
nter of their world.”

  “This is beneath you, Rosa KinKaid,” her father barked, jerking her attention his way.

  “Maybe so,” she said. “In your view. But I’ve never been happier or more satisfied in my entire life.”

  Barron scoffed and rolled his eyes, turning away. God, her father was a male so resistant to change. Winning him over would take a long time, if ever.

  Rosa returned to her twin. “Can you try, Evin…for me? Please be happy for me?”

  Before he could answer, a loud explosion outside rocked the house. Mason and her mother jumped to their feet.

  “Holy shit! What the hell was that?” the blond shifter asked the question rattling the rest of their minds.

  Everyone charged toward the windows as the House security detail flooded the room. Outside, it looked like the Fourth of July. A few yards away a storage facility was engulfed in a raging inferno.

  “Son of a bitch!” Her brother whirled. “The Gregorsons have breeched our defenses.”

  Landry grabbed her shoulders and turned her toward him. “Stay here,” he growled, then kissed her fast and hard. But the power of it stole her breath. Then Kaleb was there, gliding his mouth over hers in a move so tender and sweet, her heart stuttered.

  “Landry’s right,” Kaleb said, pulling away and yanking the pistol he’d stashed from behind his back. The gun released a loud snap as he chambered a round, and her blood chilled inside her veins. “Stay inside with your mother where we know you’re safe.”

  Rosa grasped for his hand, but Kaleb slipped away.

  Having obtained a weapon from one of the enforcers in the room, Evin headed out the door behind them, leaving a furious looking Mason inside.

  “Shit.” Mason dragged his palms over his face. “He asked me stay with you. I love you guys, but I can’t stand to sit back and let him risk his life alone.”

  “He’s not alone.” Rosa walked over and took his hands inside hers. “Kaleb and Landry would never let anything happen to their alpha.” They would die first. Of that, she had no doubt. Her stomach twisted into a sick knot, but she swallowed back the bile. Problem was, how would her world go on with the loss of even one of them from her life?

  Chapter Eighteen

  Landry and Kaleb raced along with the alpha toward the burning building. Up ahead, several pack members with water hoses aimed at the flames had already beaten them to the scene.

  Evin targeted one of the shifters who appeared to have taken charge and ran up to him. “Was anyone inside?”

  “No, sir,” the male with salt and pepper hair stated, then shouted at one of the younger shifters. “Get some water around back.” He glanced over at the alpha. “Luckily, this building is mainly used for housing supplies, and at this hour, no one was around.”

  “This was just a bruise to grab our attention,” Landry mumbled to Evin.

  The alpha nodded in agreement. “When you arrived on the scene, did you see anything suspicious—someone you haven’t seen around here before?”

  “You mean like one of those Gregorsons?” The older male frowned, deepening the wrinkles around his mouth and eyes.

  “What did you see?” Landry closed in.

  “I didn’t get a good look, but I could have sworn when I arrived, which was seconds after the explosion, I saw a couple of guys hightailing it out of here on foot. I called out for some help, but they kept running. After that, there was so much damn chaos trying to get this blaze under control, I didn’t have time to think about who they were.” The elder shifter hung his head and sighed.

  “You did the right thing.” Evin slapped the other male on his shoulder. “You got a handle on the fire. Finding out who’s responsible is our job.” He turned to Landry and Kaleb. “Do you have your cells on you?”

  “No, sir,” Kaleb answered. “Haven’t been home yet. We came straight to the mansion.”

  “I need you to get back to the main house then, and make sure every enforcer is up and alert for any suspicious activity on the grounds. There’s no telling how much destruction they’ve planned for tonight.”

  “We’re on it,” Landry said and started to leave when Rosa’s voice called out inside his skull.

  “Landry! Kaleb! They’re here.”

  He jerked, spun, his gaze finding Kaleb’s. But his partner beat him to the punch.

  “Did you hear that?” Kaleb’s brow lifted.

  “Yeah.” Landry’s fingers curled into a fist. “I did.” A knot the size of his fist lodged in his throat. He’d heard it was possible for a mated pair to be able to communicate telepathically. Yet, up until tonight, it hadn’t occurred between either of them.

  At that moment, Evin cursed and bolted in the direction of the mansion. “It’s Arick!” he yelled over his shoulder. “He’s in the house.”

  Landry and Kaleb charged after him. Mason must have called for Evin along the pair’s connection as well.

  Within seconds they approached the mansion, but this time instead of going to the front, they followed Evin to one of the side entrances. Evin punched in a code on a keypad, and the door snicked open. With a wave of his hand, the alpha gave the all-clear, and the two enforcers slipped inside behind him.

  Ahead, where the corridor split off to separate wings of the mansion, two enforcers lay unmoving on the floor. They crept up on the bodies, watching, listening for any sign of movement. Evin dropped onto his haunches beside one of the fallen males, and Landry did the same with the other. Both reached over and checked for a pulse along the victims’ necks. The alpha gave a quick shake of his head, indicating his enforcer was dead. A couple of more seconds passed, and still no familiar thump-thump resonated beneath Landry’s fingers. Frowning, he glanced up at Kaleb and Evin.

  Fuck. How many more shifters were going to lose their lives to this insane bastard?

  He and the alpha stood, stepped over their deceased comrades, and headed toward the last known location of their mates.

  A few feet deeper into the dwelling, additional members of the alpha family’s security team lay executed. Evin’s blue eyes flashed red with rage. Pulsing veins stood in sharp relief along the male’s neck, and every adrenalin-fueled beat of his heart punched the flesh in rapid succession.

  Closing in on the front of the house, Rosa’s presence buzzed under Landry’s skin. Her anxiety was an electric spark inside his brain, driving his thirst for blood higher. His fingers curled, claws extending. Sweat beaded on his forehead and rolled down his temples, stinging his eyes. He hungered for his piece of Arick. And not in the way the other male wanted. Landry didn’t want his dick. He wanted the shifter’s head for what he’d done to his mate and his pack.

  “I know you’re there, Landry.”

  Landry froze in his tracks along with the others. It was Arick.

  “Why do you think the three of you have made it this far? I want us all to have another meet and greet. Come on in and join our little party.”

  Evin turned, facing them. “What choice do we fucking have,” he bit out. “He has my family. Everything I live for.”

  “You don’t think we feel the same about Rosa?” Kaleb snarled.

  “Toss your weapons down the hall,” Arick demanded. “You’ve got five seconds to comply, or my enforcers will pull the triggers on the guns aimed at this lovely collection of shifters you’ve left behind for me.”

  “Fucking hell,” Landry mumbled under his breath, frustration eating away at his gut like toxic waste. The damn shit had been growing, multiplying, ever since he’d first laid eyes on the sick male. It was as if Arick was a cancerous lesion Landry couldn’t seem to excise from his life.

  Landry sent his weapon skating over the wood down the hall. Kaleb and Evin followed suit, the metal landing with a thud against the baseboard. Seconds later, two Gregorson enforcers appeared in the doorway. Laser sights beamed off the muzzles of the male’s pistols and down the corridor, landing on their chests.

  “We’re not armed,” Evin growled, holding his emp
ty palms up.

  “Forgive us if we don’t take your word for it,” one of the males snapped, sneering their way. Landry had seen the shifter before—his name was Carl. He’d been one of the male’s who’d broken into Evin and Mason’s home.

  The guy’s brother, Walter, kicked the guns over to his brother. Carl lowered and gathered them into the wide pockets of his black cargo pants. “Now move!” He waved the weapon at the door.

  Together, they strode into the room, and the sight greeting him there boiled Landry’s blood. Rosa sat with the muzzle of a gun flush against her temple. She looked their way, and while an edge of fear resided in her gaze, what amazed him was the dominant amount of fierce determination staring back at him. Damn, their mate was astounding. Any other female would be crumbling under the threat of imminent death. But not theirs. Her expression said she wanted to kick the reaper’s ass for annoying her.

  “Let them go, Gregorson,” Kaleb growled at the blond male standing between Rosa and the loveseat containing the elder KinKaids. “This is between us. You want someone to hurt.” He marched a couple steps in front, and the sound of more bullets chambering sang out in the room. “Hurt me,” he spat.

  Landry snagged Kaleb’s biceps. What the fuck was he doing? Landry yanked hard on the other male, but he wouldn’t budge.

  “Hmm?” Arick tapped his chin. “Such an inviting offer.” He sighed. “But the thing is you see…” Arick strode closer. “This isn’t between you and me—not really—it’s between me and him.” Arick’s hard glare fell on Landry. “The fact I’m going to gain the KinKaid pack along with its lead will just make it all the more sweeter.”

  “You’re mad,” Landry snarled. “I’ll never be yours, Arick. What we had was over before it ever began. It was a mistake,” he shouted. “Get that through your head. It should have never happened.”

  “Shut up!” Arick bellowed, spittle flying. “Get those two over here and on their knees.” The crazed shifter waved his firearm at Kaleb and Evin. The Gregorson team shoved Evin toward his father and mother. Sitting in a chair opposite of Rosa, Mason looked as if he was about to spit bits of enamel. Like Rosa, the blond shifter was forced to sit helpless and watch with a weapon trained on his head.


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