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Convicted (Consequences)

Page 14

by Romig, Aleatha

  Claire thought daily about the items she’d left in the safety deposit box. Tony’s plane reportedly went down over two weeks ago. She never considered the possibility that he was truly injured; nevertheless, with each passing day, she felt the need to entertain the possibility. After all, if he were able, wouldn’t he be in Geneva accessing his fortune?

  There were times she worried that he had accessed the box and had chosen not to call. In her mind, she created all different scenarios for his decision. Claire knew, no matter what he decided—whether to call or not to call—his decision wouldn’t be based off his understanding or misunderstanding of her clues. She knew beyond a doubt—Anthony Rawlings was the only man who’d know what she was saying.

  He would know the correct number to call; however, she needed to entertain the possibility that he wasn’t the person who accessed the box. If that were the case, Claire had a back-up plan. She had cell phones associated with each number. The only phone she’d answer was the one identified by the asterisk. During their marriage, when Tony finally allowed her to own a cellular telephone, he programmed her contacts—the only calls she was permitted to answer—were those programmed with an asterisk preceding the name. No one else knew this part of their history; she hadn’t shared it with anyone—not even in her memoirs.

  If someone else discovered the safety deposit box, then they would more than likely call one of the numbers associated with a name. If that happened, if one of the other two phones rang, Claire decided she wouldn’t answer; instead, she’d destroy all three international disposable phones and focus on her future.

  She’d spent the morning in the gardens with Francis. The fertility of the soil, combined with the sun and rain, produced yields Claire could never have imagined in Iowa or Indiana. After a cooling swim in the pool, a shower, and lunch, Claire was spending her afternoon relaxing on her bed and reading a book. The tranquility of the sea breeze and the sound of the surf had her in a near hypnotic state. An afternoon nap was growing nearer as the words of her book lost focus and her eyelids fought to remain open.

  The ring to her untraceable international phone made her jump, evaporating the tropical serenity. It was the correct phone—the one linked to the asterisk. Although she was apprehensive about his initial reaction, she had no option. Claire wanted to answer—it was now or never. Ring...ring...

  Steadying her voice, despite her trembling hands, Claire hit the RECEIVE button and spoke, “Hello, Tony.”

  “My God, it is you!” As his volume increased, she imagined his dark eyes and the vein in his neck pulsating. She recognized the change in his tone as his words came in a low growl from behind gritted teeth, “What have you done?”

  Staying steadfast, Claire spoke with confidence, “If I hang up, then you’ll never be able to contact me again. The choice is yours.”

  Closing her eyes, Claire listened as he struggled for composure. It took a few minutes until he finally sighed and said, “I’m glad you’re alive. Do you have any idea the hell we’ve been going through? What”

  A smile broke through her concerned expression. With relief, she replied, “Our baby is well.”

  Finally, he spoke coherently, “Thank God”—She didn’t know if it was anger or pain; either way, his words were laced with emotion—“How in the hell did you do this? Where are you? And where is my money?”

  “It’s nice to hear from you, too. I’m sure you’re confused, but”—her tone mellowed—“I’ve missed you, and I’m glad the reports of your untimely demise were also exaggerated.”

  “Claire, what the hell is happening?” He repeated, “Where are you? And where is my money?”

  “I’m here, and your money is nicely invested. You’ll be happy to know it’s made some unexpected positive returns—of late. You know, with the recent increase in oil options.”

  “I’m thrilled.” He exhaled. “Where is here?”

  “Of course, I’m considering a heavier investment in logistics. I’ve read that it’s the wave of the future. Manufacturing has so many variables.”

  “Could we forgo the discussion on investment options? I want to know what you’ve done.”

  “And I want my life—the one we just had. Can we both get what we want?”

  His voice reminded her of the business Anthony Rawlings; assessing the climate and gathering the facts. “Were you taken? Or did you leave me?”

  “Tony, do you trust me?”


  “Do you trust me?”

  “I want to, but you left me—again. You took my money”—His volume, once again, increased—“How? How did you even know about it?”

  Her resolve was fading. If he hung up, then it was over. She didn’t want that. “Tony, I made a mistake—many mistakes. I believed someone else—instead of trusting you—and living up to our promise. I’ve learned the truth, and I want you to know that I trust you, and I’m so sorry.”

  Tony struggled for words. “Someone else? W—what are you talking about?”

  “We’re both children of children...and so is our child...”

  Initially, he remained silent. Claire wondered if he was truly processing her meaning. Finally, he asked, “How did you pull this off?”

  “Trust me, and we’ll see it through together.”

  “I don’t seem to have any other choice.”

  “Actually, you do,” Claire said as she looked at the large diamond engagement ring hanging from the gold chain around her neck. Although she hadn’t been wearing it on her finger, she never gave it away, sold it, or let it be far from her. She’d followed his rules; nevertheless, she needed to give him an out. If she didn’t then she’d always wonder if he wanted her or the money.

  “Claire, don’t play games. You’re not making any sense.”

  “I can assure you, this isn’t a game. I gave you an out, similar to the one you presented to me years ago. You may leave, with your freedom and a new identity. Being the generous person I am, I left you one million dollars—of your money—which is more than you gave me when you divorced me.” Claire heard an exasperated humph on the other end of the line. She waited, but when Tony didn’t speak, she continued, “That’s enough to support you for the rest of your life. You may need to cut a few coupons, but I believe you’ll eat regularly, otherwise, you may agree to be with me, on my terms, and we’ll work together to right some wrongs. The choice is yours.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Am I serious? Well, I realize you’ve been removed from your life. I realize your reputation has taken a hit. I also realize your company is suffering. I can’t and won’t take responsibility for most of that, but believe me, I know what it’s like to have your entire world turned upside down.” She waited; he didn’t respond. “I also know who’s done this to both of us. I know that disappearing for a while is our best option, and most importantly, I want to spend my disappearance with you. Do you want to spend yours with me?”

  He exhaled. “Claire, I’d give up everything in the world to be with you and our child.”

  “Tony, that’s not enough for me. I want you—I want our baby—and I want our life back. Will you help me?”

  When he didn’t immediately respond, Claire’s heart dropped. Would he take the out? “Tony?”

  “I want it all too. What do you mean, your terms? Who did what to us? And who told you about the money?”

  “Really, Tony? How many people knew about it? How many people would consider us both children of children?”

  Claire waited as tears, once again, coated her cheeks. He was supposed to understand, forgive and trust—that’s the scenario she’d imagined. That was what she planned. Unable to contain the sound of her cries, Claire took a ragged breath and lay back on the bed. While she waited for Tony to respond, she felt their child moving within her.

  When she, once again, heard his voice, she immediately knew it wasn’t the tone she’d hoped for. “Are you and our baby safe?”

managed to say, “Yes.”

  “Claire, if I call this number again, will you answer?”

  Her head nodded, but her lips wouldn’t communicate the same message. Damn him! Didn’t he understand she’d been through hell too? “Are you saying you don’t want to be with us?”

  “No”—he lowered his voice—“You don’t understand what I’ve been through.”

  She clenched the ring on the golden chain. “Tony, it hasn’t been easy for me either. I need you—we need you.” It was more of an admission than she wanted to make, but somehow she wanted to make him understand.

  He repeated, “Will you answer?”

  Claire knew he didn’t like to repeat himself. Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, she said, “All I wanted from you was a simple yes. Was that so difficult?”

  “Will you answer?”

  She couldn’t lie; then again, she couldn’t be truthful. At that moment, Claire wasn’t sure of what she’d do. “I don’t know, Tony. Will you call?”

  “I don’t know.”

  The line went dead...

  For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth.

  —Bo Bennett

  Agent Harrison Baldwin settled into his hotel room in Zurich, Switzerland. It had been two weeks since Claire and Phillip Roach left Venice. Baldwin wasn’t making points with the bureau. They definitely weren’t happy with his unnecessary trail of the Italian couple from the Hotel Danieli. Although it thankfully went unnoticed by the Italian embassy, SAC Williams didn’t hesitate to lecture Baldwin—at length—on his failed attempt. Maybe Baldwin had been undercover for too long. Without sounding conceited, Baldwin truly believed his tracking device would lead him to Claire’s next destination. Honestly, he’d underestimated Phillip Roach.

  The bureau had agents throughout Europe looking for Rawlings. Baldwin truly didn’t know where he’d be. Each time Rawlings answered a call from the bureau, he hung up before his location could be confirmed. The only reason Baldwin was sitting in Switzerland was because of rumors. It wasn’t high tech FBI probing. No, it was hours of research, drinking untold amounts of coffee, and reading article after article. The gossip that brought him to Zurich was actually from Claire’s research. There were rumors that Nathaniel Rawls hid money overseas. Although discounted by people who knew him and never confirmed, Harry reasoned that Rawlings wouldn’t have willingly walked away from his life and agreed to exist on the measly compensation from the FBI if he didn’t have more money to access. Common sense told him that Switzerland was where one would hide money. Of course, there were other options. Currently, more Americans probably used the Cayman Islands or Bahamas; however, Baldwin reminded himself that these funds were originally hidden by Rawls in the 1980’s.

  Harry wanted—and needed—to prove to the FBI that Rawlings was ultimately responsible for multiple unsolved crimes. In effect, not only were they concentrating on the murder of an FBI agent, but more than likely a string of murders. Baldwin ran his fingers through his blonde, unruly hair. Why couldn’t Claire understand that Rawlings wasn’t just a monster who abused her, the man was essentially a serial killer? He tried to think about the case and not remember her green eyes. He knew he blew it at their last meeting. Truthfully, he didn’t mean to call her stupid—she was just too willing to trust Rawlings. Baldwin vowed that he’d stop Rawlings—before he could hurt Claire—again.

  Harry decided to start at the beginning. Utilizing the bureau’s databases, he worked to identify a list of individuals who died with the confirmation of actaea pachypoda in their system. Not all of the individuals on the generated list could be connected to Rawlings or Rawls; however, the number that could be connected—even with a possible connection—was too high to allow for coincidence. The first documented case—the cause of this entire investigation—was Agent Sherman Nichols. His cause of death in 1997 was publicly declared as natural causes. Agent Nichols was seventy-three with a history of high blood pressure; nevertheless, as a retired federal agent, a full autopsy was required. The toxicology workups took time. When unidentified markers were found, it took more time. To Agent Nichols’ family and the public, the original cause of death was confirmed. To the bureau, the case remained open.

  Actaea pachypoda was next identified during an autopsy in 1989, by the minimum security federal correctional facility, Camp Gabriels, in upstate New York. The inmate’s name: Nathaniel Rawls; again, blood workups took time. The simple answer was heart failure. That’s what SAC Williams said; actaea pachypoda had a sedative effect on the cardiac muscle tissue causing cardiac arrest. Baldwin wondered why Rawlings would want to kill his own grandfather. Jotting down a note, he wanted to research the record of visitors at Camp Gabriels Correctional Institution. Being a minimum security prison, visitors came and went with regularity.

  The biggest problem with Harry’s search, even with the help of the federal database, was that actaea pachypoda wasn’t commonly sought in toxicology screenings. Truthfully, a search of all cardiac-related deaths should be done; however, that would produce an overwhelming list of possible victims. Even Harry had to admit that Rawlings was probably not responsible for every person who died of cardiac-related problems; nevertheless, if Baldwin included Rawlings’ parents, his grandfather, and Agent Nichols, that was four deaths in a relatively short period of time. From Forensics 101, that fit the definition of a serial killer, and then add Simon Johnson, and the killing spree had not stopped.

  Harry had compiled health history workups on his entire list of potential victims. Not all fit the possible profile for heart disease as well as Agent Nichols and Nathaniel Rawls. Simon, for example, was very healthy. The only indications found in health records were allergies: sulfa drugs and penicillin as well as sensitivity to H1 antihistamines. If his death had been ruled to have been due to natural causes, then red flags would have finally flown. Luckily for Rawlings, Simon’s body was too badly burnt in the crash. Harry had requested a new toxicology screening from tissue samples recovered at the time of Simon’s accident—but that would take time.

  Harry was about to start a state-by-state search of medical examiners’ records—searching specifically for actaea pachypoda—when his phone rang.

  He answered, “Hello?”

  The voice on the other end expected action. “Agent Baldwin, Rawlings has been spotted leaving a well-known bank in Geneva. According to the agent, he’s not trying to disguise himself.”

  Baldwin wanted to say, “What an arrogant son-of-a-bitch”—instead, he said—“I can be there in less than an hour, sir.”

  “The bureau has a plane ready. Be on it, ten minutes ago.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Agent, while you’re flying to Geneva, you can review your assignment. I’d like to assume you won’t fail again; however, we both know what happens when we assume.”

  “Yes, sir. I won’t fail.”

  His research needed to wait.

  Settling into a suite at the Grand Hotel Kempinski, Tony sucked back the best two fingers of Glen Garioch Bourbon he’d ever tasted. There were too many thoughts swirling through his mind to think about one in particular. One thing he knew for sure, he’d had enough of the common life. One million dollars wasn’t much, but it would sustain him until the FBI came for him. He didn’t care anymore—what the hell? Agent Jackson’s cryptic threats needed to be supported. The way Tony saw it, the fuck’n bureau needed to ante up or get out of the damn game!

  Tony had stayed at the Kempinski before, and decided that due to its size and reputation for excellence, he’d stay there again. He reasoned that a businessman spending money—enjoying what life could offer—would get lost in the crowd. Anonymity, plus the modern, clean line decor and opulence were exactly what Tony wanted and needed at the moment. He could spend a few days in his suite, soaking the stench of hostels and common living from his skin, while he drank the thoughts of Claire leaving him and stealing his money from his head. It seemed like the perfect co

  Another two fingers of bourbon and he might just go down to one of the clubs—hell, he hadn’t been with another woman since before he and Claire married—not even when she was in prison. He went out on dates and made appearances; that’s who Anthony Rawlings was; nevertheless, his heart wasn’t in it. He was always polite and gentlemanly, even when advances were made on him. It wasn’t that he didn’t have needs. It was that during the instances when his lips touched another woman’s and he closed his eyes, all he saw was the sparkling emerald he wanted to have in his arms. When he opened his eyes and the sight before him wasn’t what he truly desired—the rest of his body wasn’t interested in proceeding. Although there were many women willing to help the situation, Tony wasn’t interested.

  Of course, that didn’t mean Claire had afforded him the same exclusivity. In Tony’s current condition, that was somewhere he shouldn’t go. One thought opened the floodgate to many more—had she left him to be with someone else? Was she with someone now? There was always that thought that periodically infiltrated his thoughts: what if the baby wasn’t his? Refocusing on their conversation—where the hell was here? What kind of an answer was that?

  Tony snickered as he poured his third glass. Damn, if he weren’t so refined, then he’d drink the shit from the bottle. He may still be using the same name as the man at the hostels, but he wasn’t that man. He’d drink like culturally duped men do—out of a glass.

  He definitely had more questions swirling through his head than answers. Tony thought back to the research he tried to do. There were too many pieces of this puzzle still missing.

  Slumping back into a plush chair and gazing out to the twilight sky above Lake Geneva, Tony acknowledged the FBI was right. Claire left him—of—her—own—free—will!


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