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The Colony Ship Vanguard: The entire eight book series in one bundle

Page 96

by John Thornton

  Oda laughed heartily. “No. It was not me. We give the Central Planning Office a name for a Constable, and a name for a Governor, but we only have the Artemis as a genuine habitat leader. Diana is our true supreme leader.”

  “Oh yes, I forgot there is some name on some CPO list of a Governor,” the Longinus replied. “About as important as the name for a Constable.”

  There was more laughter.

  “Then who is Diana?” Paul asked.

  “Diana is the Goddess of the Hunt. You came past her statue when you entered our land. There is an oak tree grove with another statue outside of Barnaul and a statue in the oak grove outside of the other town. Oh, and so you do not ask yet another question, that town is named Samara.” The Longinus’ tone was very condescending while answering Paul’s questions. “As a dishonored person, you would do well to learn the locations of statues so as to make proper obeisance.”

  “Obeisance?” Paul asked.

  “You had best take up the matter with the Artemis; I grow tired of teaching children.” The Longinus sped up his pace until he was too far ahead for Paul to easily converse with him.

  “I am just trying to know these people,” Paul said to Gretchen and Brinley.”

  Tiffany activated the communication links and spoke to all three via their ear pieces. “I advise caution and restraint. These people were willing to let you be killed by the wild animals. That is why I have refrained from making any inquiries. I strongly suggest remaining quiet until they take us to their leader.”

  5 something from lake orsk

  Troopers were fanning out to cover every aspect of the shore of Lake Orsk. The fishing boats had been recalled. The Governor’s Office was a whirl of activity.

  “Konstantin, you will make sure I hear of any report of any suspicious activity around the lake. Is that crystal clear?” Larissa asked.

  “Yes, Governor.”

  Larissa sat down at her desk. She took a sip from the steaming mug in front of her. She then activated the multiceiver, “TSI-463, make direct connection to Constable Brock. Ensure it is a secure and unmonitored link.”

  “Affirmative. Connecting….” The artificial intelligence stated.

  Brock’s face appeared on the display. “Yes, Governor. How may I serve you?”

  “Brock, what reports have you had regarding smugglers?” Larissa demanded.

  “There is an uneasy grumbling in the people around Miass. They have heard rumors and conspiracy theories about why the ‘imported’ goods, as some call them, are not available. No credible reports of violations of quarantine.” Brock was a strong and imposing man, often machine like in his demeanor. Below his thick, very short black hair his deep-set brown eyes looked at Larissa. His dark complexion showed no signs of evasion or withholding of information. Larissa was one of the few people who could see past Brock’s outward composure and read his true emotions. She decided to share with him.

  “There has been an incursion here at Orsk,” Larissa stated as she watched his face.

  “I can take a team and be there as soon as possible, if needed,” Constable Brock stated.

  “If I wanted that, you would receive my orders. Rather, I need your advice,” Larissa stated bluntly.

  The shock that rolled across Brock’s face lasted longer than Larissa had expected, but it pleased her internally to see she had so well anticipated his reaction.

  “There has been a death; Rasi the diver has been killed. The smugglers apparently are using a submersible vessel and came in via the water inlets deep in Lake Orsk. Do you think that same thing can happen in the water system in the Canyon?” Larissa asked.

  Brock was again flustered as he had no ready answer. “In Velky Weap waters? I am not…. It would depend on many factors… the size of the vessel and… I suppose it is possible. No vessel could travel over the waterfall, so… Are you thinking they have been traveling from Lake Orsk to Miass in that vessel? Under the water?”

  “It has occurred to me as a possibility,” Larissa replied. “After all, our late Governor was known for some, shall we say, exotic tastes. In your remodeling of the facility there, did you find any indication of smuggler activity in the river?”

  “None at all. Governor, may I ask how Rasi died?”

  “You just did. He was killed by the smugglers using their underwater vehicle. He died as a hero protecting our habitat. The quarantine has been violated, at least under the water.”

  “I can send out some vodnee automacubes to assess the water system down at the end of the canyon. I know there are some assigned duties down there, but I am not sure how many are up on this side of the waterfall.” Again Brock looked puzzled and out of balance. Larissa was pleased to be able to see that, but in this instance she actually needed him to be as efficient as possible.

  “Yes, send out the vodnees and report back to me with your findings. I need not remind you that this is not for the public to know. We will seal this breach quickly and have the quarantine firmly in place again.” Larissa switched off the link before Brock could answer.

  Larissa adjusted the multiceiver. “TSI-463, how quickly can our Reproduction and Fabrication have ten vodnee automacubes delivered to Lake Orsk?”

  “Working on inquiry,” the artificial intelligence system responded. “Linking to TSI-980RF at Reproduction and Fabrication. Answer: Ten vodnee automacubes can be fabricated and conveyed gravity conduit to this facility in three hours. Shall I place that order?”

  “Yes, highest priority. Also have five security automacubes repositioned to patrol around Lake Orsk, use the ones on town standby,” Larissa commanded. “Full armaments on the patrol units, they are to engage with smugglers as needed. Now connect me to the lattice, limited interaction, avoid direct contact with the Central Planning Office as much as possible.”

  “Affirmative,” TSI-463 replied. “Coupling to lattice established.”

  Larissa’s tone changed considerably as addressed the lattice of compeers. “This is Governor Larissa of E Habitat. May I please speak to a Reproduction and Fabrication specialist?”

  The display screen shifted to a series of symbols.

  “This is TSI-8. State your need,” a high level artificial intelligence system responded.

  “May the Reproduction and Fabrication Zone in this habitat be increased in its production capabilities?” Larissa asked.

  “To what purpose?” TSI-8 responded.

  Larissa was uncertain how to respond. She was uncomfortable with the lattice of compeers, as she had no leverage over them. “The facility built the macroactinid capacitor enhancers which the CPO order and were then taking into various parts outside of the habitat. I was hoping to have the routine duties accelerated so as to make up for that disruption, if we may?”

  “Consulting compeers,” TSI-8 responded. “Your request is approved. The current predicament will require added resources from all habitats. You have eighty hours of increased production. Thirty percent increase available beginning now.”

  “Thank you,” Larissa said.

  “Link terminated,” TSI-8 stated. The display went dark.

  “TSI-463, expedite production of five additional vodnee automacubes, and have them delivered to wherever Constable Brock needs them. Then rush into production as many security automacubes as can be made during the next eighty hours,” Larissa commanded.

  “Affirmative,” TSI-463 responded. “Command to TSI-980RF given and acknowledged. I have a communication from Constable Brock. Shall I put him through?”

  “I expected this. Yes, put Brock on,” Larissa answered.

  “Governor, I have…” Brock began.

  “All of your vodnee automacubes have failed, correct?”

  “Yes, Governor. None of them are responding. How did you know?” Brock again was surprised.

  “It is in my nature to know. Five replacement vodnees have been ordered. You may direct them to locations through TSI-980RF. There will also be additional security automacubes coming. Until you
receive the additional resources, do your best to assess the situation and report back to me any findings. I repeat, let me know about all you uncover. Do not only watch the water system, but also ensure the known egress points remain secure.”

  “Yes, Governor.”

  Larissa shut down the link and took a long sip from the steaming mug.

  Konstantin rushed into the room without knocking. “Governor! A fisherman, Mindy, on one of the last fishing boats to dock reported losing a large net and all his catch to something moving under the water toward the river. It is where the water leaves Lake Orsk!”

  “Excellent!” Larissa said and stood quickly. “Gather what troopers you can and have them meet me at the bridge.”

  “Yes, Governor!” Konstantin rushed from the room yelling commands.

  Larissa again activated the multiceiver, “TSI-463, have any security automacube that can reach the bridge in the next five minutes be there.”


  Larissa stood and walked from the Governor’s Office and out to the road. She was joined by Konstantin and three other troopers, all holding carbines.

  “I brought an additional carbine for you, Governor,” Konstantin said and held out the weapon.

  Larissa placed her hand on the holster which held the pistol she had gotten from the strangers who claimed to be from Earth. She had used it to covertly kill the former Governor and knew of its destructive power. Nonetheless she took the carbine from Konstantin.

  “Now we hustle to the bridge. Are any troopers on that site?” Larissa asked as she led the group in a quick run down the street.

  “Two troopers, Weldon and Chasidy, should be there by now. They were the ones the fisherman told about what she had seen,” Konstantin stated. “They ran to check it out and sent Mindy the fisherman to inform me. I have also brought these.”

  Larissa saw that Konstantin had three explosives in his pocket.

  “Perhaps Weldon and Chasidy shall have this business finished when we arrive, and those explosive will not be needed,” Larissa said as they jogged along. “But better to have them and not need them, than to need them and not have them.”

  Konstantin smiled under the unexpected praise from Larissa.

  As Larissa and the four troopers trotted around the final corner they passed the old man Stanislov. He was standing there and pointing at the bridge. “It is a Rusalka! It is a Rusalka! We are all doomed.”

  Larissa just rolled her eyes and ignored the old man’s ranting. Konstantin followed her lead, although he was deeply angered by Stanislov. The troopers following behind made no response to the taunts.

  The bridge over the river was wide enough for a team of poitevin donkeys each pulling a wagon to pass by. It was a gentle arch. It went up high enough to allow the fishing boats to pass under it, and then stretched the thirty meters across the river and sloped down onto the far side. The guard rails on each side of the bridge were from permalloy and consisted of rods about wrist thick and waist high. More than strong enough to prevent the poitevin or other animals from tumbling off the bridge. At the crest of the bridge stood two troopers in the typical black and gray uniforms. Both had sidearms drawn.

  Larissa and her followers stopped running as they reached the bridge. On the opposite side of the river could be seen two red automacubes as they were rolling into position.

  “Weldon? Chasidy? What have you found?” Larissa asked. She was not out of breath, even after the run from the office.

  “The water is murky, and that is unusual,” Chasidy responded. She was stout and solid of build. Her black hair was shoulder length and feathered back from her face. “Usually we can see to the bottom of the river here.”

  “That fisherman may have just seen a large fish, or some debris in the water,” Weldon added. He was a tall and thin man, who moved in a gangly manner. His auburn colored hair shone in the light from the sky tube. “But Mindy did seem convinced she saw something strange, and she is not one to embellish stories.”

  “So you have not seen the vessel?” Larissa asked.

  “It is difficult to see much in this water,” Weldon called back. “Perhaps it was just a vodnee doing maintenance?”

  “It is not a vodnee,” Larissa abruptly corrected.

  Larissa motioned for the troopers to spread out and several took up positions down the bank of the river. She then lifted the multiceiver and identified the security automacubes which had arrived: S213 and S505.

  “S213, scan the water for any unusual metallic substances, what do you see?” Larissa ordered as she and Konstantin reached the center of the bridge and joined Weldon and Chasidy.

  One of the red automacubes rolled right next to the bank of the river. Its manipulation arm spun about and then locked into position. “Negative detection.” The very mechanical voice responded through the multiceiver.

  “Governor, something is disturbing the waters,” Konstantin observed.

  “Obviously,” Larissa replied. She then raised her voice and called out, “Troopers! Be especially alert now. If this is just a large fish, we will know it soon enough.”

  All the troopers had weapons drawn and were watching the water.

  “S213, fire a ten rounds into the river, stagger the target to cover the area under the bridge. S505 provide covering fire if anything emerges,” Larissa ordered.

  Blam! Blam! Blam!

  The water was pocked by the impact of each large caliber bullet as it struck.

  Blam! Blam!

  There was an eruption from the water. A fountain of spray came up and with that spray was a flash of purplish-blue color. Then a white globe was hurled into the red automacube. S213 was knocked backward by the impact. The permalloy was actually dented and the weapon muzzles were clogged by the white globe’s material as it smashed into the front of the machine.

  S505 opened fire with a staccato blast from its main weapons.

  “Open fire!” Larissa commanded.

  Bullets zinged into the water from the troopers on the bridge as well as those along the bank. The larger and heavier machine gun fire from S505 ripped into the water.

  There was another fountain of water from a different location, further away from where the automacubes were. There was another blur of purplish-blue and two white globes were expelled from something under the surface. They flew out and smashed into Weldon and Chasidy. The globes were each about the size of a human head. They struck with immense force and both troopers were hurled off their feet and into the air a few meters. Weldon’s shattered body fell into the river beyond the bridge, while Chasidy’s limp form tumbled along after landing.

  “Two targets! Engage with all weapons!’ Larissa ordered.

  The troopers were already firing at the new area of the water which was rolling and churning, but whatever was under the water was still obscured.

  Blam! Blam! The noise from handguns was very loud.

  Another white globe came flying up out of the water near where the first target had been seen. It smashed into S505 and knocked it onto its side. The red automacube used its arm to try to reposition itself.

  S213 sprayed an incendiary gel onto the water and ignited it. Flames spread across the top of the water. S213 then resumed firing its main heavy caliber gun. The gel had cleared the muffle ports of the obstructing white material.

  The water rose and the spilled off something which was spherical in shape and glowing in a fuzzy manner. The fire on the water spread, but did not seem to effect what was emerging. A series of white globes came bursting forth from it and smashed into S213 in rapid secession. The red automacube was hit hard, and again its muzzles were clogged.

  S505 turned its full attention and weapons fire on the purplish sphere. Strange plopping sounds were heard as the bullets struck, but they had no effect.

  Piff, piff, piff. Larissa fired the pistol which she had taken from the strangers. It made a much softer sound, than the handguns or the heavy weapons from the automacubes, but it did far g
reater damage to the purplish sphere.

  A section of goo was thrown from on edge of the sphere as Larissa’s aim was true. The sphere spun about and headed back into the water. The second area of water revealed another sphere and several white globes came blasting upward and shattered on the permalloy guardrail right near Larissa. The guardrail nearly buckled, and the globe of white was splattered all over.

  “Ice?” Larissa said as the fragments of the white globe bit into her face. Blood flowed down from the splinters and shards which struck her.

  Konstantin threw one of the explosives down into the water where the first sphere was retreating. The huge explosion rocked everyone as the concussion took place. The purplish sphere was thrown off a bit and raised from the water.


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