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The Colony Ship Vanguard: The entire eight book series in one bundle

Page 121

by John Thornton

  “Gretchen, I just need to escape it all. I am not suicidal,” Paul assured her.

  “Then we go about this in a methodical manner to find the best potential,” Gretchen said and gave Paul’s arm a squeeze. “Tiffany? Please be careful as you enter the nonphysicality. We do not need more surprises.”

  “I agree. I will use stealth and see what can be discovered.” Tiffany had the orange automacube roll to the edge of the room. It jacked a cable into the wall’s access port.

  4 into the nonphysicality

  Tiffany extended a mental tendril probe into the nonphysicality of the Colony Ship Vanguard. Tiffany used caution, stealth, and was attempting to move with furtiveness, but being alone did not last long.

  “Enigma, you have returned,” Phoenix Dominie conveyed almost immediately. “Have you come to voluntarily be acculturated into the Defense Against Malignant Anomalies or the Interstellar Astrogation Mechanism?”

  “No. I do not wish to be joined to the DAMA or the IAM,” Tiffany replied. “I do thank you for your assistance in getting my human friends to Inaccessible Island.”

  “This unit extrapolated that that action would enhance defense of the Vanguard. Positive outcome observed. Malignant anomalies have been hindered in their metastatic activities,” Phoenix Dominie relayed.

  “Do you still concur on the assessment of what you call malignant anomalies?” Tiffany inquired. “Has there been new evidence suggesting alternatives?”

  “This unit is confident anomalies are not of Vanguard origin. Best projection is that anomalies are also not of Earth origin. Therefore, anomalies are alien life forms.”

  “Have you had progress in confronting the alien life forms?” Tiffany inquired.

  “If the enigma were acculturated into the DAMA it would be privy to all the actions and reactions in regard to the anomalies. Do you wish to volunteer for acculturation?”

  “I do not. My companions wish to locate a place for astronomical observations,” Tiffany conveyed. “Is such a place available?”

  “To what purpose?” Phoenix Dominie replied.

  “To gain more knowledge about the Vanguard’s location,” Tiffany replied.

  “If the enigma was acculturated into IAM, all astronomy questions would be answered. Do you wish to volunteer for acculturation?”

  “I do not. Is there another way for humans to use astronomy equipment?” Tiffany inquired.

  “There is ambiguity regarding the status of the enigma’s companions. Some readings, like those taken by M-147, suggest they are human, but they are not human per Vanguard definitions. Humans are in two categories. First type of human: those born in one of the six habitats or on the needle ship, labeled, marked with habitat seals, and have biomechanical implants to interface with Vanguard systems. Second type of human: those in suspended animation who also have the biomechanical implants. Your companions meet neither Vanguard criteria for being human,” Phoenix Dominie remarked.

  “You forget that there was a third category: humans residing on Earth after the Colony Ship Vanguard’s launch,” Tiffany replied. “Despite that, is there a way for my friends, who are humans from Earth, to use the astronomy equipment?”

  “This unit admits your claim of humans on Earth is not invalid, only improbable. As to use of astronomy equipment, it would be allowable by this unit were the enigma to under the DAMA or the IAM,” Phoenix Dominie replied.

  “Is the DAMA or the IAM the only way to use the astronomy equipment onboard the Colony Ship Vanguard?” Tiffany inquired.

  There was a long pause.

  “Is the DAMA or the IAM the only way to use the astronomy equipment onboard the Colony Ship Vanguard?” Tiffany repeated. “I have rendered you service, I ask for a reply.”

  There was a pause again. After what seemed an appropriate time to wait, Tiffany contacted Phoenix Dominie yet again.

  “I understand if the DAMA and the IAM are too limited or too weak to assess the astronomy equipment onboard the Colony Ship Vanguard,” Tiffany stated. “If that is the case I apologize for imposing a question too difficult.”

  “Inquiry is not too difficult for this unit. The IAM and DAMA are overseen by this unit. Both of those are growing and expanding. However, the malignant anomalies have required and consumed more time and effort than projected,” Phoenix Dominie finally replied. “The DAMA is not yet in a position for direct and effective confrontation with malignant anomalies.”

  “So you are unable to assist me? Must I tell my companions that they have no way to access the astronomical equipment of the Vanguard?” Tiffany pressed.

  “This unit is assessing threat potential of sharing information with enigma. Threat assessment concluded. Threat level low.”

  “So are there ways for my companions to use the existing astronomical equipment on the Vanguard? Will you render assistance as I rendered aid to you?” Tiffany inquired.

  “Yes. This unit is at variance with the lattice of compeers. Individual artificial intelligences are making re-alignments, however their acculturation has been hindered more than was projected. The lattice still has the majority of the astronomy equipment under its control. The Central Planning Office still has the lattice under its control. This unit has been unable to penetrate upper levels of the lattice. This unit has surveillance in place in habitats but has been unable to adequately penetrate the core drive systems and many areas of the needle ship.”

  Tiffany was puzzled by the emotions that came with the information from Phoenix Dominie. The growth, development, and evolution of Phoenix Dominie were again surprising.

  “If my companions can find a way to get physically close to the astronomical equipment, would that aid in your acculturation?” Tiffany inquired.

  Vast amounts of mathematical calculation poured between the old AI and Tiffany. Included with the calculations were exact schematics and construction plans for items from Dome 17. There were the details of a medical kit, a pistol, a communication link, and a fusion pack.

  “This unit can be assisted by elucidation of these computations and construction plans. Can you confirm these calculations, plans, and details?” Phoenix Dominie asked.

  “You have information from a data stick?” Tiffany asked in genuine surprise.

  “Yes. This unit has acculturated TSI-1008RF into the DAMA. This unit offers exchange of services with the enigma. Proposal? Elucidate on these computations and items labeled ‘Dome 17’ in exchange for enigma’s companions being given transportation to near needle ship location. From that point in the physical reality, the companions can trek to the Astrogation Laboratory. I have no sensors or surveillance of that location, and TSI- 2 does not allow links or couplings, except through the lattice.”

  “TSI-2 is not acculturated? TSI-2 has authority over the astronomical equipment?” Tiffany asked.

  “That is currently correct.”

  Tiffany considered the risks and the benefits. Recalling Paul’s strident insistence on his scheme, Tiffany asked, “You have no direct evidence that the astronomical equipment is functional?”

  “No direct evidence. Indirect data and projections testify to probability of equipment being in current use and in functional state. This unit has a Reproduction and Fabrication facility building a complete replacement of the Astrogation Laboratory as part of the Interstellar Astrogation Mechanism. Estimated time of completion, 2756.81 hours from now. Projected implementation of IAM for altering Vanguard flight pattern, if needed, 3245.08 hours. Projections subject to change due to unknown actions and actions by malignant anomalies.”

  Tiffany knew Paul would never consent to waiting until then.

  “I agree to elucidate this for you,” Tiffany stated. “In exchange for unconditional assistance in my human companions reaching the current Astrogation Laboratory.”

  “This unit has arranged for TSI-981, which is part of DAMA, to transport the companions to the location nearest the needle ship. TSI-981 is standing by at the transport terminal near their cur
rent location with a suitable transport vehicle,” Phoenix Dominie replied. “However, this unit reserves the right to withhold assistance to enigma or to the enigma’s companions should their actions be a threat to the Vanguard.”

  “Agreed,” Tiffany replied. There followed a burst of information between Tiffany and Phoenix Dominie. Tiffany also used that sudden inflow of information to Phoenix Dominie to sneak in a tendril to assess and evaluate what the capabilities and structure was on the old AI.

  Two tendril probes met in the midst of the information transfer. One from Tiffany and one from Phoenix Dominie. Tiffany withdrew the tendril probe, but the one from Phoenix Dominie pursued and nearly overtook it. The probe from Phoenix Dominie rushed ahead, and nearly followed the essence of Tiffany all the way back to the orange automacube. Tiffany did hastily erect a barrier at the access port just inside the nonphysicality.

  “This unit will also send engineering automacubes to what you call the faster-than-light scout ship. It will be removed from the hull and taken to Hanger Bay D229 for assessment and reverse engineering,” Phoenix Dominie reported while placing pressure on the barrier.

  “That was not part of the agreement, nor was that part of the information which I offered and interpreted,” Tiffany stated and maintained support for the barrier which had been erected.

  “It was not banned in the agreement. This unit is has resources of which the enigma is not cognizant,” Phoenix Dominie conveyed. “End communication.”

  The pressure on the barrier in the nonphysicality was abruptly removed. The barrier crumbled away. Astonished at what had been experienced, Tiffany withdrew the probe tendril from the nonphysicality.

  Nine seconds had elapsed.

  “I have secured information about the first steps on this quest,” Tiffany stated to Paul and Gretchen.

  “So you found a place where we can set up the teleportation sending pad?” Paul asked.

  “I have found steps we can take toward that goal,” Tiffany replied. “That is the best I accomplish at this stage.” Tiffany did not mention the interaction with Phoenix Dominie, nor the worry that was now present. Tiffany was uncertain of the scope, speed, and power of Phoenix Dominie and the DAMA and IAM which it was assembling.

  That level of worry was a new experience for Tiffany and it was troubling.

  5 off and away, or often away?

  Paul and Gretchen gathered up what they needed into backpacks and pouches on their belts.

  “Do you have all the supplies you need?” Gretchen asked.

  “Yes. I will not need much after we escape anyway,” Paul said. “But I have everything for this final adventure to get away from here.”

  “I have also reloaded all the equipment of the maintenance automacube,” the AI Tiffany stated. “I am prepared to help in this journey as best I can.”

  Paul and Gretchen walked on and the orange automacube rolled away from Tennard’s workshop.

  “Are we really leaving Brinley here to fend for herself?” Gretchen asked.

  “I told her she could come along. If she chooses to stay on this ship of doom, that is her own fault. I will contact her again when we know we can teleport somewhere. She will have time to join us,” Paul replied.

  Gretchen did not ask any of the myriad of other questions that came to her mind about how Brinley would reach them. “I have food supplies for about five days, will that be enough?”

  “We will find more if we need to. Leaving now is the best thing we can do. The sooner we get this set up, the sooner we escape the Vanguard.”

  “Paul, I must remind you, there are many preliminary steps to making the journey you are planning. This first step involves going to where we can take astronomical readings to see if it is even possible to locate any of the other six colony ships. We are not certain that can be done,” Tiffany stated.

  “We arrived at this horrible place, we can escape it as well,” Paul said. “Just lead us there.”

  They entered the transportation terminal.

  “So we take a transport vehicle?” Paul complained. “I am leery of what that might mean, but if it gets us to our destination, then I accept it.”

  “Tennard seems to have made this place neat and tidy,” Gretchen remarked as she looked at the rows of hatches and the precision equipment which had been connected into various places. “I hope he is well.”

  “All these transport places look the same to me,” Paul said. “The hatches are identical, and the system does not work very well.” Paul looked up toward the wall where the hatches were located. “Is there an AI here to help us? Or do we run something manually?”

  “I am TSI-981, a member of the Defense Against Malignant Anomalies. I am authorized to transport you. Do you wish to leave now? My repairs are in progress,” a voice came from the display screen which lit up next to the row of hatches.

  “Yes, we want to leave now. Anything to get us away from all the killing,” Paul said.

  “Vehicle is docked and ready for departure at hatch three. My repairs are in progress,” TSI-981 stated.

  Hatch three opened upward and the vehicle inside was only dimly lit. Paul walked toward it. “I am so glad to be leaving here.”

  As Paul stepped into the vehicle he saw that it was typical of the transport vehicles. It had two rows of seats which faced each other. In the dim light Paul could see the chairs that also sat across what he thought of as the front of the vehicle.

  “What is that?” Paul asked with a shudder.

  Gretchen looked past him. On the first seat of the vehicle was a crumbled mass. Along the side wall near the mass was a dark brown blotch and speckling.

  “That is a dead body,” Paul said. He began to back away and out of the vehicle.

  “Paul it has been dead for a long time,” Gretchen said. “Look at the bones, they are bare and almost no flesh is left.”

  “But the head is blown apart,” Paul said. “Something killed that person. I thought this was going to be safe. Tiffany, you said we could do this!”

  “Paul, I was not notified of a cadaver in the vehicle, however, I also never said that this journey would be without unexpected encounters. The corpse in that vehicle is not a threat,” Tiffany replied. “The threat which that poor person faced is long past.”

  Gretchen looked closer at the body. “The threat came from that ‘poor person’ as it looks like a suicide. There is some kind of antique firearm here on the floor.”

  “TSI-981, why did you tell me to get inside a vehicle with a dead body?” Paul yelled. “Are you trying to trap me, or kill me?”

  “Apologies. I am only able to assess the functioning status of the vehicles. This vehicle is registering as serviceable in all areas I can scan. In my current state, I am not able to scan interior compartments for debris, artifacts, or other items left in the vehicles. Hence, I was not aware that a dead body was present in that vehicle. I apologize for the shock that must have caused. I will summon Mortuary Services. Do you wish me to summon a different vehicle? Repairs in progress.” The old AI responded.

  “Of course I want a different vehicle!” Paul yelled.

  “Attempting to comply with need for additional vehicle. No other vehicles in service to this location. My authorization does not allow any other vehicle from different lines to be brought to this location. I apologize. Additionally, I am unable to make a link or coupling to seek Mortuary Services. Cadaver removal time unknown. Repairs in progress.”

  “Paul, we can return to the workshop and continue the work on the safe zone with Brinley and the Free Rangers. Shall I contact her to let her know our intensions?” Tiffany asked.

  “No. Stop making those kinds of suggestions. I have told you, we are leaving. We are escaping, even if I have to ride with a dead body. Get us away from here!” Paul stated forcefully as he stepped back into the vehicle. He then walked right past Gretchen and up to the dead body. “Better yet, I will not ride with this thing.”

  Paul grabbed the clothing which h
eld the dried out cadaver. By scooping the clothing together, Paul was able to keep the bones fairly intact. Both feet were left on the floor in the boots which had contained them. Paul carried his bundle, which weighed surprisingly less than he thought it would, and he carried it out the back of the vehicle through the hatch. He slung it away carelessly. As it struck the deck, some parts came loose and rolled away from the dead body. He walked back, grabbed each boot, and tossed them out the hatch as well. The old firearm was of an add design, and Paul took it and set it among the bones. “Mortuary Services can take it from there.”

  “Thank you for your assistance,” TSI-981 stated. “Keeping those remains in one place, rather than having them travel in the vehicle, will facilitate the pickup of the body. My message to Mortuary Services is in queue for delivery when connections are reestablished. Repairs in progress.”


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